cregit-Linux how code gets into the kernel

Release 4.10 tools/arch/s390/include/uapi/asm/sie.h

#ifndef _UAPI_ASM_S390_SIE_H

#define _UAPI_ASM_S390_SIE_H

#define diagnose_codes						\
	{ 0x10, "DIAG (0x10) release pages" },                  \
        { 0x44, "DIAG (0x44) time slice end" },                 \
        { 0x9c, "DIAG (0x9c) time slice end directed" },        \
        { 0x204, "DIAG (0x204) logical-cpu utilization" },      \
        { 0x258, "DIAG (0x258) page-reference services" },      \
        { 0x288, "DIAG (0x288) watchdog functions" },           \
        { 0x308, "DIAG (0x308) ipl functions" },                \
        { 0x500, "DIAG (0x500) KVM virtio functions" },         \
        { 0x501, "DIAG (0x501) KVM breakpoint" }

#define sigp_order_codes					\
	{ 0x01, "SIGP sense" },                                 \
        { 0x02, "SIGP external call" },                         \
        { 0x03, "SIGP emergency signal" },                      \
        { 0x04, "SIGP start" },                                 \
        { 0x05, "SIGP stop" },                                  \
        { 0x06, "SIGP restart" },                               \
        { 0x09, "SIGP stop and store status" },                 \
        { 0x0b, "SIGP initial cpu reset" },                     \
        { 0x0c, "SIGP cpu reset" },                             \
        { 0x0d, "SIGP set prefix" },                            \
        { 0x0e, "SIGP store status at address" },               \
        { 0x12, "SIGP set architecture" },                      \
        { 0x13, "SIGP conditional emergency signal" },          \
        { 0x15, "SIGP sense running" },                         \
        { 0x16, "SIGP set multithreading"},                     \
        { 0x17, "SIGP store additional status ait address"}

#define icpt_prog_codes						\
	{ 0x0001, "Prog Operation" },                           \
        { 0x0002, "Prog Privileged Operation" },                \
        { 0x0003, "Prog Execute" },                             \
        { 0x0004, "Prog Protection" },                          \
        { 0x0005, "Prog Addressing" },                          \
        { 0x0006, "Prog Specification" },                       \
        { 0x0007, "Prog Data" },                                \
        { 0x0008, "Prog Fixedpoint overflow" },                 \
        { 0x0009, "Prog Fixedpoint divide" },                   \
        { 0x000A, "Prog Decimal overflow" },                    \
        { 0x000B, "Prog Decimal divide" },                      \
        { 0x000C, "Prog HFP exponent overflow" },               \
        { 0x000D, "Prog HFP exponent underflow" },              \
        { 0x000E, "Prog HFP significance" },                    \
        { 0x000F, "Prog HFP divide" },                          \
        { 0x0010, "Prog Segment translation" },                 \
        { 0x0011, "Prog Page translation" },                    \
        { 0x0012, "Prog Translation specification" },           \
        { 0x0013, "Prog Special operation" },                   \
        { 0x0015, "Prog Operand" },                             \
        { 0x0016, "Prog Trace table" },                         \
        { 0x0017, "Prog ASNtranslation specification" },        \
        { 0x001C, "Prog Spaceswitch event" },                   \
        { 0x001D, "Prog HFP square root" },                     \
        { 0x001F, "Prog PCtranslation specification" },         \
        { 0x0020, "Prog AFX translation" },                     \
        { 0x0021, "Prog ASX translation" },                     \
        { 0x0022, "Prog LX translation" },                      \
        { 0x0023, "Prog EX translation" },                      \
        { 0x0024, "Prog Primary authority" },                   \
        { 0x0025, "Prog Secondary authority" },                 \
        { 0x0026, "Prog LFXtranslation exception" },            \
        { 0x0027, "Prog LSXtranslation exception" },            \
        { 0x0028, "Prog ALET specification" },                  \
        { 0x0029, "Prog ALEN translation" },                    \
        { 0x002A, "Prog ALE sequence" },                        \
        { 0x002B, "Prog ASTE validity" },                       \
        { 0x002C, "Prog ASTE sequence" },                       \
        { 0x002D, "Prog Extended authority" },                  \
        { 0x002E, "Prog LSTE sequence" },                       \
        { 0x002F, "Prog ASTE instance" },                       \
        { 0x0030, "Prog Stack full" },                          \
        { 0x0031, "Prog Stack empty" },                         \
        { 0x0032, "Prog Stack specification" },                 \
        { 0x0033, "Prog Stack type" },                          \
        { 0x0034, "Prog Stack operation" },                     \
        { 0x0039, "Prog Region first translation" },            \
        { 0x003A, "Prog Region second translation" },           \
        { 0x003B, "Prog Region third translation" },            \
        { 0x0040, "Prog Monitor event" },                       \
        { 0x0080, "Prog PER event" },                           \
        { 0x0119, "Prog Crypto operation" }

#define exit_code_ipa0(ipa0, opcode, mnemonic)		\
	{ (ipa0 << 8 | opcode), #ipa0 " " mnemonic }

#define exit_code(opcode, mnemonic)			\
	{ opcode, mnemonic }

#define icpt_insn_codes				\
	exit_code_ipa0(0x01, 0x01, "PR"),       \
        exit_code_ipa0(0x01, 0x04, "PTFF"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0x01, 0x07, "SCKPF"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xAA, 0x00, "RINEXT"),   \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xAA, 0x01, "RION"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xAA, 0x02, "TRIC"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xAA, 0x03, "RIOFF"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xAA, 0x04, "RIEMIT"),   \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x02, "STIDP"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x04, "SCK"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x05, "STCK"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x06, "SCKC"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x07, "STCKC"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x08, "SPT"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x09, "STPT"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x0d, "PTLB"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x10, "SPX"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x11, "STPX"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x12, "STAP"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x14, "SIE"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x16, "SETR"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x17, "STETR"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x18, "PC"),       \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x20, "SERVC"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x21, "IPTE"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x28, "PT"),       \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x29, "ISKE"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x2a, "RRBE"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x2b, "SSKE"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x2c, "TB"),       \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x2e, "PGIN"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x2f, "PGOUT"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x30, "CSCH"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x31, "HSCH"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x32, "MSCH"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x33, "SSCH"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x34, "STSCH"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x35, "TSCH"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x36, "TPI"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x37, "SAL"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x38, "RSCH"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x39, "STCRW"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x3a, "STCPS"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x3b, "RCHP"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x3c, "SCHM"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x40, "BAKR"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x48, "PALB"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x4c, "TAR"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x50, "CSP"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x54, "MVPG"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x56, "STHYI"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x58, "BSG"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x5a, "BSA"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x5f, "CHSC"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x74, "SIGA"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x76, "XSCH"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x78, "STCKE"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x7c, "STCKF"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0x7d, "STSI"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0xb0, "STFLE"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0xb1, "STFL"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0xb2, "LPSWE"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0xf8, "TEND"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB2, 0xfc, "TABORT"),   \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x1e, "KMAC"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x28, "PCKMO"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x2a, "KMF"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x2b, "KMO"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x2d, "KMCTR"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x2e, "KM"),       \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x2f, "KMC"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x3e, "KIMD"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x3f, "KLMD"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x8a, "CSPG"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x8d, "EPSW"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x8e, "IDTE"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x8f, "CRDTE"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0x9c, "EQBS"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0xa2, "PTF"),      \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0xab, "ESSA"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0xae, "RRBM"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xB9, 0xaf, "PFMF"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xE3, 0x03, "LRAG"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xE3, 0x13, "LRAY"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xE3, 0x25, "NTSTG"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xE5, 0x00, "LASP"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xE5, 0x01, "TPROT"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xE5, 0x60, "TBEGIN"),   \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xE5, 0x61, "TBEGINC"),  \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xEB, 0x25, "STCTG"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xEB, 0x2f, "LCTLG"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xEB, 0x60, "LRIC"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xEB, 0x61, "STRIC"),    \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xEB, 0x62, "MRIC"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xEB, 0x8a, "SQBS"),     \
        exit_code_ipa0(0xC8, 0x01, "ECTG"),     \
        exit_code(0x0a, "SVC"),                 \
        exit_code(0x80, "SSM"),                 \
        exit_code(0x82, "LPSW"),                \
        exit_code(0x83, "DIAG"),                \
        exit_code(0xae, "SIGP"),                \
        exit_code(0xac, "STNSM"),               \
        exit_code(0xad, "STOSM"),               \
        exit_code(0xb1, "LRA"),                 \
        exit_code(0xb6, "STCTL"),               \
        exit_code(0xb7, "LCTL"),                \
        exit_code(0xee, "PLO")

#define sie_intercept_code					\
	{ 0x00, "Host interruption" },                          \
        { 0x04, "Instruction" },                                \
        { 0x08, "Program interruption" },                       \
        { 0x0c, "Instruction and program interruption" },       \
        { 0x10, "External request" },                           \
        { 0x14, "External interruption" },                      \
        { 0x18, "I/O request" },                                \
        { 0x1c, "Wait state" },                                 \
        { 0x20, "Validity" },                                   \
        { 0x28, "Stop request" },                               \
        { 0x2c, "Operation exception" },                        \
        { 0x38, "Partial-execution" },                          \
        { 0x3c, "I/O interruption" },                           \
        { 0x40, "I/O instruction" },                            \
        { 0x48, "Timing subset" }

 * This is the simple interceptable instructions decoder.
 * It will be used as userspace interface and it can be used in places
 * that does not allow to use general decoder functions,
 * such as trace events declarations.
 * Some userspace tools may want to parse this code
 * and would be confused by switch(), if() and other statements,
 * but they can understand conditional operator.

#define INSN_DECODE_IPA0(ipa0, insn, rshift, mask)		\
	(insn >> 56) == (ipa0) ?                                \
                ((ipa0 << 8) | ((insn >> rshift) & mask)) :

#define INSN_DECODE(insn) (insn >> 56)

 * The macro icpt_insn_decoder() takes an intercepted instruction
 * and returns a key, which can be used to find a mnemonic name
 * of the instruction in the icpt_insn_codes table.

#define icpt_insn_decoder(insn) (               \
        INSN_DECODE_IPA0(0x01, insn, 48, 0xff)  \
        INSN_DECODE_IPA0(0xaa, insn, 48, 0x0f)  \
        INSN_DECODE_IPA0(0xb2, insn, 48, 0xff)  \
        INSN_DECODE_IPA0(0xb9, insn, 48, 0xff)  \
        INSN_DECODE_IPA0(0xe3, insn, 48, 0xff)  \
        INSN_DECODE_IPA0(0xe5, insn, 48, 0xff)  \
        INSN_DECODE_IPA0(0xeb, insn, 16, 0xff)  \
        INSN_DECODE_IPA0(0xc8, insn, 48, 0x0f)  \

#endif /* _UAPI_ASM_S390_SIE_H */

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arnaldo carvalho de meloarnaldo carvalho de melo86100.00%2100.00%
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