cregit-Linux how code gets into the kernel

Release 4.11 drivers/md/bcache/util.h

#ifndef _BCACHE_UTIL_H

#define _BCACHE_UTIL_H

#include <linux/blkdev.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/sched/clock.h>
#include <linux/llist.h>
#include <linux/ratelimit.h>
#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
#include <linux/workqueue.h>

#include "closure.h"

#define PAGE_SECTORS		(PAGE_SIZE / 512)

struct closure;


#define EBUG_ON(cond)			BUG_ON(cond)

#define atomic_dec_bug(v)	BUG_ON(atomic_dec_return(v) < 0)

#define atomic_inc_bug(v, i)	BUG_ON(atomic_inc_return(v) <= i)

#else /* DEBUG */

#define EBUG_ON(cond)			do { if (cond); } while (0)

#define atomic_dec_bug(v)	atomic_dec(v)

#define atomic_inc_bug(v, i)	atomic_inc(v)


#define DECLARE_HEAP(type, name)					\
	struct {                                                        \
                size_t size, used;                                      \
                type *data;                                             \
        } name

#define init_heap(heap, _size, gfp)					\
({                                                                      \
        size_t _bytes;                                                  \
        (heap)->used = 0;                                               \
        (heap)->size = (_size);                                         \
        _bytes = (heap)->size * sizeof(*(heap)->data);                  \
        (heap)->data = NULL;                                            \
        if (_bytes < KMALLOC_MAX_SIZE)                                  \
                (heap)->data = kmalloc(_bytes, (gfp));                  \
        if ((!(heap)->data) && ((gfp) & GFP_KERNEL))                    \
                (heap)->data = vmalloc(_bytes);                         \
        (heap)->data;                                                   \

#define free_heap(heap)							\
do {                                                                    \
        kvfree((heap)->data);                                           \
        (heap)->data = NULL;                                            \
} while (0)

#define heap_swap(h, i, j)	swap((h)->data[i], (h)->data[j])

#define heap_sift(h, i, cmp)						\
do {                                                                    \
        size_t _r, _j = i;                                              \
        for (; _j * 2 + 1 < (h)->used; _j = _r) {                       \
                _r = _j * 2 + 1;                                        \
                if (_r + 1 < (h)->used &&                               \
                    cmp((h)->data[_r], (h)->data[_r + 1]))              \
                        _r++;                                           \
                if (cmp((h)->data[_r], (h)->data[_j]))                  \
                        break;                                          \
                heap_swap(h, _r, _j);                                   \
        }                                                               \
} while (0)

#define heap_sift_down(h, i, cmp)					\
do {                                                                    \
        while (i) {                                                     \
                size_t p = (i - 1) / 2;                                 \
                if (cmp((h)->data[i], (h)->data[p]))                    \
                        break;                                          \
                heap_swap(h, i, p);                                     \
                i = p;                                                  \
        }                                                               \
} while (0)

#define heap_add(h, d, cmp)						\
({                                                                      \
        bool _r = !heap_full(h);                                        \
        if (_r) {                                                       \
                size_t _i = (h)->used++;                                \
                (h)->data[_i] = d;                                      \
                heap_sift_down(h, _i, cmp);                             \
                heap_sift(h, _i, cmp);                                  \
        }                                                               \
        _r;                                                             \

#define heap_pop(h, d, cmp)						\
({                                                                      \
        bool _r = (h)->used;                                            \
        if (_r) {                                                       \
                (d) = (h)->data[0];                                     \
                (h)->used--;                                            \
                heap_swap(h, 0, (h)->used);                             \
                heap_sift(h, 0, cmp);                                   \
        }                                                               \
        _r;                                                             \

#define heap_peek(h)	((h)->used ? (h)->data[0] : NULL)

#define heap_full(h)	((h)->used == (h)->size)

#define DECLARE_FIFO(type, name)					\
	struct {                                                        \
                size_t front, back, size, mask;                         \
                type *data;                                             \
        } name

#define fifo_for_each(c, fifo, iter)					\
	for (iter = (fifo)->front;                                      \
             c = (fifo)->data[iter], iter != (fifo)->back;              \
             iter = (iter + 1) & (fifo)->mask)

#define __init_fifo(fifo, gfp)						\
({                                                                      \
        size_t _allocated_size, _bytes;                                 \
        BUG_ON(!(fifo)->size);                                          \
        _allocated_size = roundup_pow_of_two((fifo)->size + 1);         \
        _bytes = _allocated_size * sizeof(*(fifo)->data);               \
        (fifo)->mask = _allocated_size - 1;                             \
        (fifo)->front = (fifo)->back = 0;                               \
        (fifo)->data = NULL;                                            \
        if (_bytes < KMALLOC_MAX_SIZE)                                  \
                (fifo)->data = kmalloc(_bytes, (gfp));                  \
        if ((!(fifo)->data) && ((gfp) & GFP_KERNEL))                    \
                (fifo)->data = vmalloc(_bytes);                         \
        (fifo)->data;                                                   \

#define init_fifo_exact(fifo, _size, gfp)				\
({                                                                      \
        (fifo)->size = (_size);                                         \
        __init_fifo(fifo, gfp);                                         \

#define init_fifo(fifo, _size, gfp)					\
({                                                                      \
        (fifo)->size = (_size);                                         \
        if ((fifo)->size > 4)                                           \
                (fifo)->size = roundup_pow_of_two((fifo)->size) - 1;    \
        __init_fifo(fifo, gfp);                                         \

#define free_fifo(fifo)							\
do {                                                                    \
        kvfree((fifo)->data);                                           \
        (fifo)->data = NULL;                                            \
} while (0)

#define fifo_used(fifo)		(((fifo)->back - (fifo)->front) & (fifo)->mask)

#define fifo_free(fifo)		((fifo)->size - fifo_used(fifo))

#define fifo_empty(fifo)	(!fifo_used(fifo))

#define fifo_full(fifo)		(!fifo_free(fifo))

#define fifo_front(fifo)	((fifo)->data[(fifo)->front])

#define fifo_back(fifo)							\
	((fifo)->data[((fifo)->back - 1) & (fifo)->mask])

#define fifo_idx(fifo, p)	(((p) - &fifo_front(fifo)) & (fifo)->mask)

#define fifo_push_back(fifo, i)						\
({                                                                      \
        bool _r = !fifo_full((fifo));                                   \
        if (_r) {                                                       \
                (fifo)->data[(fifo)->back++] = (i);                     \
                (fifo)->back &= (fifo)->mask;                           \
        }                                                               \
        _r;                                                             \

#define fifo_pop_front(fifo, i)						\
({                                                                      \
        bool _r = !fifo_empty((fifo));                                  \
        if (_r) {                                                       \
                (i) = (fifo)->data[(fifo)->front++];                    \
                (fifo)->front &= (fifo)->mask;                          \
        }                                                               \
        _r;                                                             \

#define fifo_push_front(fifo, i)					\
({                                                                      \
        bool _r = !fifo_full((fifo));                                   \
        if (_r) {                                                       \
                --(fifo)->front;                                        \
                (fifo)->front &= (fifo)->mask;                          \
                (fifo)->data[(fifo)->front] = (i);                      \
        }                                                               \
        _r;                                                             \

#define fifo_pop_back(fifo, i)						\
({                                                                      \
        bool _r = !fifo_empty((fifo));                                  \
        if (_r) {                                                       \
                --(fifo)->back;                                         \
                (fifo)->back &= (fifo)->mask;                           \
                (i) = (fifo)->data[(fifo)->back]                        \
        }                                                               \
        _r;                                                             \

#define fifo_push(fifo, i)	fifo_push_back(fifo, (i))

#define fifo_pop(fifo, i)	fifo_pop_front(fifo, (i))

#define fifo_swap(l, r)							\
do {                                                                    \
        swap((l)->front, (r)->front);                                   \
        swap((l)->back, (r)->back);                                     \
        swap((l)->size, (r)->size);                                     \
        swap((l)->mask, (r)->mask);                                     \
        swap((l)->data, (r)->data);                                     \
} while (0)

#define fifo_move(dest, src)						\
do {                                                                    \
        typeof(*((dest)->data)) _t;                                     \
        while (!fifo_full(dest) &&                                      \
               fifo_pop(src, _t))                                       \
                fifo_push(dest, _t);                                    \
} while (0)

 * Simple array based allocator - preallocates a number of elements and you can
 * never allocate more than that, also has no locking.
 * Handy because if you know you only need a fixed number of elements you don't
 * have to worry about memory allocation failure, and sometimes a mempool isn't
 * what you want.
 * We treat the free elements as entries in a singly linked list, and the
 * freelist as a stack - allocating and freeing push and pop off the freelist.

#define DECLARE_ARRAY_ALLOCATOR(type, name, size)			\
	struct {                                                        \
                type    *freelist;                                      \
                type    data[size];                                     \
        } name

#define array_alloc(array)						\
({                                                                      \
        typeof((array)->freelist) _ret = (array)->freelist;             \
        if (_ret)                                                       \
                (array)->freelist = *((typeof((array)->freelist) *) _ret);\
        _ret;                                                           \

#define array_free(array, ptr)						\
do {                                                                    \
        typeof((array)->freelist) _ptr = ptr;                           \
        *((typeof((array)->freelist) *) _ptr) = (array)->freelist;      \
        (array)->freelist = _ptr;                                       \
} while (0)

#define array_allocator_init(array)					\
do {                                                                    \
        typeof((array)->freelist) _i;                                   \
        BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof((array)->data[0]) < sizeof(void *));        \
        (array)->freelist = NULL;                                       \
        for (_i = (array)->data;                                        \
             _i < (array)->data + ARRAY_SIZE((array)->data);            \
             _i++)                                                      \
                array_free(array, _i);                                  \
} while (0)

#define array_freelist_empty(array)	((array)->freelist == NULL)

#define ANYSINT_MAX(t)							\
	((((t) 1 << (sizeof(t) * 8 - 2)) - (t) 1) * (t) 2 + (t) 1)

int bch_strtoint_h(const char *, int *);
int bch_strtouint_h(const char *, unsigned int *);
int bch_strtoll_h(const char *, long long *);
int bch_strtoull_h(const char *, unsigned long long *);

static inline int bch_strtol_h(const char *cp, long *res) { #if BITS_PER_LONG == 32 return bch_strtoint_h(cp, (int *) res); #else return bch_strtoll_h(cp, (long long *) res); #endif }


Kent Overstreet50100.00%2100.00%

static inline int bch_strtoul_h(const char *cp, long *res) { #if BITS_PER_LONG == 32 return bch_strtouint_h(cp, (unsigned int *) res); #else return bch_strtoull_h(cp, (unsigned long long *) res); #endif }


Kent Overstreet52100.00%2100.00%

#define strtoi_h(cp, res) \ (__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(*res), int) \ ? bch_strtoint_h(cp, (void *) res) \ : __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(*res), long) \ ? bch_strtol_h(cp, (void *) res) \ : __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(*res), long long) \ ? bch_strtoll_h(cp, (void *) res) \ : __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(*res), unsigned int) \ ? bch_strtouint_h(cp, (void *) res) \ : __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(*res), unsigned long) \ ? bch_strtoul_h(cp, (void *) res) \ : __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(*res), unsigned long long)\ ? bch_strtoull_h(cp, (void *) res) : -EINVAL) #define strtoul_safe(cp, var) \ ({ \ unsigned long _v; \ int _r = kstrtoul(cp, 10, &_v); \ if (!_r) \ var = _v; \ _r; \ }) #define strtoul_safe_clamp(cp, var, min, max) \ ({ \ unsigned long _v; \ int _r = kstrtoul(cp, 10, &_v); \ if (!_r) \ var = clamp_t(typeof(var), _v, min, max); \ _r; \ }) #define snprint(buf, size, var) \ snprintf(buf, size, \ __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(var), int) \ ? "%i\n" : \ __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(var), unsigned) \ ? "%u\n" : \ __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(var), long) \ ? "%li\n" : \ __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(var), unsigned long)\ ? "%lu\n" : \ __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(var), int64_t) \ ? "%lli\n" : \ __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(var), uint64_t) \ ? "%llu\n" : \ __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(var), const char *) \ ? "%s\n" : "%i\n", var) ssize_t bch_hprint(char *buf, int64_t v); bool bch_is_zero(const char *p, size_t n); int bch_parse_uuid(const char *s, char *uuid); ssize_t bch_snprint_string_list(char *buf, size_t size, const char * const list[], size_t selected); ssize_t bch_read_string_list(const char *buf, const char * const list[]); struct time_stats { spinlock_t lock; /* * all fields are in nanoseconds, averages are ewmas stored left shifted * by 8 */ uint64_t max_duration; uint64_t average_duration; uint64_t average_frequency; uint64_t last; }; void bch_time_stats_update(struct time_stats *stats, uint64_t time);
static inline unsigned local_clock_us(void) { return local_clock() >> 10; }


Kent Overstreet15100.00%1100.00%

#define NSEC_PER_ns 1L #define NSEC_PER_us NSEC_PER_USEC #define NSEC_PER_ms NSEC_PER_MSEC #define NSEC_PER_sec NSEC_PER_SEC #define __print_time_stat(stats, name, stat, units) \ sysfs_print(name ## _ ## stat ## _ ## units, \ div_u64((stats)->stat >> 8, NSEC_PER_ ## units)) #define sysfs_print_time_stats(stats, name, \ frequency_units, \ duration_units) \ do { \ __print_time_stat(stats, name, \ average_frequency, frequency_units); \ __print_time_stat(stats, name, \ average_duration, duration_units); \ sysfs_print(name ## _ ##max_duration ## _ ## duration_units, \ div_u64((stats)->max_duration, NSEC_PER_ ## duration_units));\ \ sysfs_print(name ## _last_ ## frequency_units, (stats)->last \ ? div_s64(local_clock() - (stats)->last, \ NSEC_PER_ ## frequency_units) \ : -1LL); \ } while (0) #define sysfs_time_stats_attribute(name, \ frequency_units, \ duration_units) \ read_attribute(name ## _average_frequency_ ## frequency_units); \ read_attribute(name ## _average_duration_ ## duration_units); \ read_attribute(name ## _max_duration_ ## duration_units); \ read_attribute(name ## _last_ ## frequency_units) #define sysfs_time_stats_attribute_list(name, \ frequency_units, \ duration_units) \ &sysfs_ ## name ## _average_frequency_ ## frequency_units, \ &sysfs_ ## name ## _average_duration_ ## duration_units, \ &sysfs_ ## name ## _max_duration_ ## duration_units, \ &sysfs_ ## name ## _last_ ## frequency_units, #define ewma_add(ewma, val, weight, factor) \ ({ \ (ewma) *= (weight) - 1; \ (ewma) += (val) << factor; \ (ewma) /= (weight); \ (ewma) >> factor; \ }) struct bch_ratelimit { /* Next time we want to do some work, in nanoseconds */ uint64_t next; /* * Rate at which we want to do work, in units per nanosecond * The units here correspond to the units passed to bch_next_delay() */ unsigned rate; };
static inline void bch_ratelimit_reset(struct bch_ratelimit *d) { d->next = local_clock(); }


Kent Overstreet19100.00%2100.00%

uint64_t bch_next_delay(struct bch_ratelimit *d, uint64_t done); #define __DIV_SAFE(n, d, zero) \ ({ \ typeof(n) _n = (n); \ typeof(d) _d = (d); \ _d ? _n / _d : zero; \ }) #define DIV_SAFE(n, d) __DIV_SAFE(n, d, 0) #define container_of_or_null(ptr, type, member) \ ({ \ typeof(ptr) _ptr = ptr; \ _ptr ? container_of(_ptr, type, member) : NULL; \ }) #define RB_INSERT(root, new, member, cmp) \ ({ \ __label__ dup; \ struct rb_node **n = &(root)->rb_node, *parent = NULL; \ typeof(new) this; \ int res, ret = -1; \ \ while (*n) { \ parent = *n; \ this = container_of(*n, typeof(*(new)), member); \ res = cmp(new, this); \ if (!res) \ goto dup; \ n = res < 0 \ ? &(*n)->rb_left \ : &(*n)->rb_right; \ } \ \ rb_link_node(&(new)->member, parent, n); \ rb_insert_color(&(new)->member, root); \ ret = 0; \ dup: \ ret; \ }) #define RB_SEARCH(root, search, member, cmp) \ ({ \ struct rb_node *n = (root)->rb_node; \ typeof(&(search)) this, ret = NULL; \ int res; \ \ while (n) { \ this = container_of(n, typeof(search), member); \ res = cmp(&(search), this); \ if (!res) { \ ret = this; \ break; \ } \ n = res < 0 \ ? n->rb_left \ : n->rb_right; \ } \ ret; \ }) #define RB_GREATER(root, search, member, cmp) \ ({ \ struct rb_node *n = (root)->rb_node; \ typeof(&(search)) this, ret = NULL; \ int res; \ \ while (n) { \ this = container_of(n, typeof(search), member); \ res = cmp(&(search), this); \ if (res < 0) { \ ret = this; \ n = n->rb_left; \ } else \ n = n->rb_right; \ } \ ret; \ }) #define RB_FIRST(root, type, member) \ container_of_or_null(rb_first(root), type, member) #define RB_LAST(root, type, member) \ container_of_or_null(rb_last(root), type, member) #define RB_NEXT(ptr, member) \ container_of_or_null(rb_next(&(ptr)->member), typeof(*ptr), member) #define RB_PREV(ptr, member) \ container_of_or_null(rb_prev(&(ptr)->member), typeof(*ptr), member) /* Does linear interpolation between powers of two */
static inline unsigned fract_exp_two(unsigned x, unsigned fract_bits) { unsigned fract = x & ~(~0 << fract_bits); x >>= fract_bits; x = 1 << x; x += (x * fract) >> fract_bits; return x; }


Kent Overstreet49100.00%1100.00%

void bch_bio_map(struct bio *bio, void *base);
static inline sector_t bdev_sectors(struct block_device *bdev) { return bdev->bd_inode->i_size >> 9; }


Kent Overstreet21100.00%1100.00%

#define closure_bio_submit(bio, cl) \ do { \ closure_get(cl); \ generic_make_request(bio); \ } while (0) uint64_t bch_crc64_update(uint64_t, const void *, size_t); uint64_t bch_crc64(const void *, size_t); #endif /* _BCACHE_UTIL_H */

Overall Contributors

Kent Overstreet111999.38%866.67%
Ingo Molnar30.27%18.33%
Pekka J Enberg20.18%18.33%
Surbhi Palande10.09%18.33%
Nicholas Swenson10.09%18.33%
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Created with cregit.