cregit-Linux how code gets into the kernel

Release 4.11 drivers/net/fddi/skfp/pmf.c

 *      (C)Copyright 1998,1999 SysKonnect,
 *      a business unit of Schneider & Koch & Co. Datensysteme GmbH.
 *      See the file "skfddi.c" for further information.
 *      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *      (at your option) any later version.
 *      The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.

        Parameter Management Frame processing for SMT 7.2

#include "h/types.h"
#include "h/fddi.h"
#include "h/smc.h"
#include "h/smt_p.h"

#define KERNEL
#include "h/smtstate.h"

#ifndef	SLIM_SMT

#ifndef	lint

static const char ID_sccs[] = "@(#)pmf.c      1.37 97/08/04 (C) SK " ;

static int smt_authorize(struct s_smc *smc, struct smt_header *sm);
static int smt_check_set_count(struct s_smc *smc, struct smt_header *sm);
static const struct s_p_tab* smt_get_ptab(u_short para);
static int smt_mib_phys(struct s_smc *smc);
static int smt_set_para(struct s_smc *smc, struct smt_para *pa, int index,
			int local, int set);
void smt_add_para(struct s_smc *smc, struct s_pcon *pcon, u_short para,
		  int index, int local);
static SMbuf *smt_build_pmf_response(struct s_smc *smc, struct smt_header *req,
				     int set, int local);
static int port_to_mib(struct s_smc *smc, int p);

#define MOFFSS(e)	offsetof(struct fddi_mib, e)

#define MOFFMS(e)	offsetof(struct fddi_mib_m, e)

#define MOFFAS(e)	offsetof(struct fddi_mib_a, e)

#define MOFFPS(e)	offsetof(struct fddi_mib_p, e)

#define AC_G	0x01		
/* Get */

#define AC_GR	0x02		
/* Get/Set */

#define AC_S	0x04		
/* Set */

#define AC_NA	0x08

#define AC_GROUP	0x10		
/* Group */

#define MS2BCLK(x)	((x)*12500L)
        F       LFag (byte)
        B       byte
        S       u_short 16 bit
        C       Counter 32 bit
        L       Long 32 bit
        T       Timer_2 32 bit
        P       TimeStamp ;
        A       LongAddress (6 byte)
        E       Enum 16 bit
        R       ResId 16 Bit

static const struct s_p_tab {
u_short	p_num ;		/* parameter code */
u_char	p_access ;	/* access rights */
u_short	p_offset ;	/* offset in mib */
char	p_swap[3] ;	/* format string */
p_tab[] = {
	/* StationIdGrp */
	{ SMT_P100A,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P100B,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTStationId),	"8"	} ,
	{ SMT_P100D,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTOpVersionId),	"S"	} ,
	{ SMT_P100E,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTHiVersionId),	"S"	} ,
	{ SMT_P100F,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTLoVersionId),	"S"	} ,
	{ SMT_P1010,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTManufacturerData), "D" } ,
	{ SMT_P1011,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTUserData),	"D"	} ,
	{ SMT_P1012,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTMIBVersionId),	"S"	} ,

	/* StationConfigGrp */
	{ SMT_P1014,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P1015,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTMac_Ct),		"B"	} ,
	{ SMT_P1016,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTNonMaster_Ct),	"B"	} ,
	{ SMT_P1017,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTMaster_Ct),	"B"	} ,
	{ SMT_P1018,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTAvailablePaths),	"B"	} ,
	{ SMT_P1019,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTConfigCapabilities),"S"	} ,
	{ SMT_P101A,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTConfigPolicy),	"wS"	} ,
	{ SMT_P101B,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTConnectionPolicy),"wS"	} ,
	{ SMT_P101D,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTTT_Notify),	"wS"	} ,
	{ SMT_P101E,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTStatRptPolicy),	"bB"	} ,
	{ SMT_P101F,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTTrace_MaxExpiration),"lL"	} ,
	{ SMT_P1020,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTPORTIndexes),	"II"	} ,
	{ SMT_P1021,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTMACIndexes),	"I"	} ,
	{ SMT_P1022,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTBypassPresent),	"F"	} ,

	/* StatusGrp */
	{ SMT_P1028,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P1029,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTECMState),	"E"	} ,
	{ SMT_P102A,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTCF_State),	"E"	} ,
	{ SMT_P102C,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTRemoteDisconnectFlag),"F"	} ,
	{ SMT_P102D,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTStationStatus),	"E"	} ,
	{ SMT_P102E,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTPeerWrapFlag),	"F"	} ,

	/* MIBOperationGrp */
	{ SMT_P1032,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P1033,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTTimeStamp),"P"		} ,
	{ SMT_P1034,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTTransitionTimeStamp),"P"	} ,
	/* NOTE : SMT_P1035 is already swapped ! SMT_P_SETCOUNT */
	{ SMT_P1035,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTSetCount),"4P"		} ,
	{ SMT_P1036,AC_G,	MOFFSS(fddiSMTLastSetStationId),"8"	} ,

	{ SMT_P103C,AC_S,	0,				"wS"	} ,

         * only accessible locally to get/set passwd
	{ SMT_P10F0,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiPRPMFPasswd),	"8"	} ,
	{ SMT_P10F1,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiPRPMFStation),	"8"	} ,
#ifdef	ESS
	{ SMT_P10F2,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiESSPayload),		"lL"	} ,
	{ SMT_P10F3,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiESSOverhead),	"lL"	} ,
	{ SMT_P10F4,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiESSMaxTNeg),		"lL"	} ,
	{ SMT_P10F5,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiESSMinSegmentSize),	"lL"	} ,
	{ SMT_P10F6,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiESSCategory),	"lL"	} ,
	{ SMT_P10F7,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiESSSynchTxMode),	"wS"	} ,
#ifdef	SBA
	{ SMT_P10F8,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiSBACommand),		"bF"	} ,
	{ SMT_P10F9,AC_GR,	MOFFSS(fddiSBAAvailable),	"bF"	} ,
	/* MAC Attributes */
	{ SMT_P200A,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P200B,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACFrameStatusFunctions),"S"	} ,
	{ SMT_P200D,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACT_MaxCapabilitiy),"T"	} ,
	{ SMT_P200E,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACTVXCapabilitiy),"T"	} ,

	/* ConfigGrp */
	{ SMT_P2014,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P2016,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACAvailablePaths),	"B"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2017,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACCurrentPath),	"S"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2018,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACUpstreamNbr),	"A"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2019,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACDownstreamNbr),	"A"	} ,
	{ SMT_P201A,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACOldUpstreamNbr),	"A"	} ,
	{ SMT_P201B,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACOldDownstreamNbr),"A"	} ,
	{ SMT_P201D,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACDupAddressTest),	"E"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2020,AC_GR,	MOFFMS(fddiMACRequestedPaths),	"wS"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2021,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACDownstreamPORTType),"E"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2022,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACIndex),		"S"	} ,

	/* AddressGrp */
	{ SMT_P2028,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P2029,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACSMTAddress),	"A"	} ,

	/* OperationGrp */
	{ SMT_P2032,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P2033,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACT_Req),		"T"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2034,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACT_Neg),		"T"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2035,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACT_Max),		"T"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2036,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACTvxValue),	"T"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2038,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACT_Pri0),		"T"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2039,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACT_Pri1),		"T"	} ,
	{ SMT_P203A,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACT_Pri2),		"T"	} ,
	{ SMT_P203B,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACT_Pri3),		"T"	} ,
	{ SMT_P203C,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACT_Pri4),		"T"	} ,
	{ SMT_P203D,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACT_Pri5),		"T"	} ,
	{ SMT_P203E,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACT_Pri6),		"T"	} ,

	/* CountersGrp */
	{ SMT_P2046,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P2047,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACFrame_Ct),	"C"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2048,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACCopied_Ct),	"C"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2049,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACTransmit_Ct),	"C"	} ,
	{ SMT_P204A,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACToken_Ct),	"C"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2051,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACError_Ct),	"C"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2052,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACLost_Ct),		"C"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2053,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACTvxExpired_Ct),	"C"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2054,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACNotCopied_Ct),	"C"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2056,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACRingOp_Ct),	"C"	} ,

	/* FrameErrorConditionGrp */
	{ SMT_P205A,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P205F,AC_GR,	MOFFMS(fddiMACFrameErrorThreshold),"wS"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2060,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACFrameErrorRatio),	"S"	} ,

	/* NotCopiedConditionGrp */
	{ SMT_P2064,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P2067,AC_GR,	MOFFMS(fddiMACNotCopiedThreshold),"wS"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2069,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACNotCopiedRatio),	"S"	} ,

	/* StatusGrp */
	{ SMT_P206E,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P206F,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACRMTState),	"S"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2070,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACDA_Flag),	"F"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2071,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACUNDA_Flag),	"F"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2072,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACFrameErrorFlag),	"F"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2073,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACNotCopiedFlag),	"F"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2074,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACMA_UnitdataAvailable),"F"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2075,AC_G,	MOFFMS(fddiMACHardwarePresent),	"F"	} ,
	{ SMT_P2076,AC_GR,	MOFFMS(fddiMACMA_UnitdataEnable),"bF"	} ,

         * only accessible locally to get/set TMIN
	{ SMT_P20F0,AC_NA						} ,
	{ SMT_P20F1,AC_GR,	MOFFMS(fddiMACT_Min),		"lT"	} ,

	/* Path Attributes */
         * DON't swap 320B,320F,3210: they are already swapped in swap_para()
	{ SMT_P320A,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P320B,AC_G,	MOFFAS(fddiPATHIndex),		"r"	} ,
	{ SMT_P320F,AC_GR,	MOFFAS(fddiPATHSbaPayload),	"l4"	} ,
	{ SMT_P3210,AC_GR,	MOFFAS(fddiPATHSbaOverhead),	"l4"	} ,
	/* fddiPATHConfiguration */
	{ SMT_P3212,AC_G,	0,				""	} ,
	{ SMT_P3213,AC_GR,	MOFFAS(fddiPATHT_Rmode),	"lT"	} ,
	{ SMT_P3214,AC_GR,	MOFFAS(fddiPATHSbaAvailable),	"lL"	} ,
	{ SMT_P3215,AC_GR,	MOFFAS(fddiPATHTVXLowerBound),	"lT"	} ,
	{ SMT_P3216,AC_GR,	MOFFAS(fddiPATHT_MaxLowerBound),"lT"	} ,
	{ SMT_P3217,AC_GR,	MOFFAS(fddiPATHMaxT_Req),	"lT"	} ,

	/* Port Attributes */
	/* ConfigGrp */
	{ SMT_P400A,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P400C,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTMy_Type),	"E"	} ,
	{ SMT_P400D,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTNeighborType),	"E"	} ,
	{ SMT_P400E,AC_GR,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTConnectionPolicies),"bB"	} ,
	{ SMT_P400F,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTMacIndicated),	"2"	} ,
	{ SMT_P4010,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTCurrentPath),	"E"	} ,
	{ SMT_P4011,AC_GR,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTRequestedPaths),	"l4"	} ,
	{ SMT_P4012,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTMACPlacement),	"S"	} ,
	{ SMT_P4013,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTAvailablePaths),	"B"	} ,
	{ SMT_P4016,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTPMDClass),	"E"	} ,
	{ SMT_P4017,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTConnectionCapabilities),	"B"} ,
	{ SMT_P401D,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTIndex),		"R"	} ,

	/* OperationGrp */
	{ SMT_P401E,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P401F,AC_GR,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTMaint_LS),	"wE"	} ,
	{ SMT_P4021,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTBS_Flag),	"F"	} ,
	{ SMT_P4022,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTPC_LS),		"E"	} ,

	/* ErrorCtrsGrp */
	{ SMT_P4028,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P4029,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTEBError_Ct),	"C"	} ,
	{ SMT_P402A,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTLCTFail_Ct),	"C"	} ,

	/* LerGrp */
	{ SMT_P4032,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P4033,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTLer_Estimate),	"F"	} ,
	{ SMT_P4034,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTLem_Reject_Ct),	"C"	} ,
	{ SMT_P4035,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTLem_Ct),		"C"	} ,
	{ SMT_P403A,AC_GR,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTLer_Cutoff),	"bB"	} ,
	{ SMT_P403B,AC_GR,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTLer_Alarm),	"bB"	} ,

	/* StatusGrp */
	{ SMT_P403C,AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ SMT_P403D,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTConnectState),	"E"	} ,
	{ SMT_P403E,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTPCMStateX),	"E"	} ,
	{ SMT_P403F,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTPC_Withhold),	"E"	} ,
	{ SMT_P4040,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTLerFlag),	"F"	} ,
	{ SMT_P4041,AC_G,	MOFFPS(fddiPORTHardwarePresent),"F"	} ,

	{ SMT_P4046,AC_S,	0,				"wS"	} ,

	{ 0,	AC_GROUP	} ,
	{ 0 }
} ;

void smt_pmf_received_pack(struct s_smc *smc, SMbuf *mb, int local) { struct smt_header *sm ; SMbuf *reply ; sm = smtod(mb,struct smt_header *) ; DB_SMT("SMT: processing PMF frame at %p len %d", sm, mb->sm_len); #ifdef DEBUG dump_smt(smc,sm,"PMF Received") ; #endif /* * Start the watchdog: It may be a long, long packet and * maybe the watchdog occurs ... */ smt_start_watchdog(smc) ; if (sm->smt_class == SMT_PMF_GET || sm->smt_class == SMT_PMF_SET) { reply = smt_build_pmf_response(smc,sm, sm->smt_class == SMT_PMF_SET,local) ; if (reply) { sm = smtod(reply,struct smt_header *) ; #ifdef DEBUG dump_smt(smc,sm,"PMF Reply") ; #endif smt_send_frame(smc,reply,FC_SMT_INFO,local) ; } } }


Linus Torvalds (pre-git)13997.20%133.33%
Stephen Hemminger32.10%133.33%
Joe Perches10.70%133.33%

static SMbuf *smt_build_pmf_response(struct s_smc *smc, struct smt_header *req, int set, int local) { SMbuf *mb ; struct smt_header *smt ; struct smt_para *pa ; struct smt_p_reason *res ; const struct s_p_tab *pt ; int len ; int index ; int idx_end ; int error ; int range ; SK_LOC_DECL(struct s_pcon,pcon) ; SK_LOC_DECL(struct s_pcon,set_pcon) ; /* * build SMT header */ if (!(mb = smt_get_mbuf(smc))) return mb; smt = smtod(mb, struct smt_header *) ; smt->smt_dest = req->smt_source ; /* DA == source of request */ smt->smt_class = req->smt_class ; /* same class (GET/SET) */ smt->smt_type = SMT_REPLY ; smt->smt_version = SMT_VID_2 ; smt->smt_tid = req->smt_tid ; /* same TID */ smt->smt_pad = 0 ; smt->smt_len = 0 ; /* * setup parameter status */ pcon.pc_len = SMT_MAX_INFO_LEN ; /* max para length */ pcon.pc_err = 0 ; /* no error */ pcon.pc_badset = 0 ; /* no bad set count */ pcon.pc_p = (void *) (smt + 1) ; /* paras start here */ /* * check authoriziation and set count */ error = 0 ; if (set) { if (!local && smt_authorize(smc,req)) error = SMT_RDF_AUTHOR ; else if (smt_check_set_count(smc,req)) pcon.pc_badset = SMT_RDF_BADSET ; } /* * add reason code and all mandatory parameters */ res = (struct smt_p_reason *) pcon.pc_p ; smt_add_para(smc,&pcon,(u_short) SMT_P_REASON,0,0) ; smt_add_para(smc,&pcon,(u_short) SMT_P1033,0,0) ; /* update 1035 and 1036 later if set */ set_pcon = pcon ; smt_add_para(smc,&pcon,(u_short) SMT_P1035,0,0) ; smt_add_para(smc,&pcon,(u_short) SMT_P1036,0,0) ; pcon.pc_err = error ; len = req->smt_len ; pa = (struct smt_para *) (req + 1) ; /* * process list of paras */ while (!pcon.pc_err && len > 0 ) { if (((u_short)len < pa->p_len + PARA_LEN) || (pa->p_len & 3)) { pcon.pc_err = SMT_RDF_LENGTH ; break ; } if (((range = (pa->p_type & 0xf000)) == 0x2000) || range == 0x3000 || range == 0x4000) { /* * get index for PART,MAC ad PATH group */ index = *((u_char *)pa + PARA_LEN + 3) ;/* index */ idx_end = index ; if (!set && (pa->p_len != 4)) { pcon.pc_err = SMT_RDF_LENGTH ; break ; } if (!index && !set) { switch (range) { case 0x2000 : index = INDEX_MAC ; idx_end = index - 1 + NUMMACS ; break ; case 0x3000 : index = INDEX_PATH ; idx_end = index - 1 + NUMPATHS ; break ; case 0x4000 : index = INDEX_PORT ; idx_end = index - 1 + NUMPHYS ; #ifndef CONCENTRATOR if (smc-> == SMT_SAS) idx_end = INDEX_PORT ; #endif break ; } } } else { /* * smt group has no index */ if (!set && (pa->p_len != 0)) { pcon.pc_err = SMT_RDF_LENGTH ; break ; } index = 0 ; idx_end = 0 ; } while (index <= idx_end) { /* * if group * add all paras of group */ pt = smt_get_ptab(pa->p_type) ; if (pt && pt->p_access == AC_GROUP && !set) { pt++ ; while (pt->p_access == AC_G || pt->p_access == AC_GR) { smt_add_para(smc,&pcon,pt->p_num, index,local); pt++ ; } } /* * ignore * AUTHORIZATION in get/set * SET COUNT in set */ else if (pa->p_type != SMT_P_AUTHOR && (!set || (pa->p_type != SMT_P1035))) { int st ; if (pcon.pc_badset) { smt_add_para(smc,&pcon,pa->p_type, index,local) ; } else if (set) { st = smt_set_para(smc,pa,index,local,1); /* * return para even if error */ smt_add_para(smc,&pcon,pa->p_type, index,local) ; pcon.pc_err = st ; } else { if (pt && pt->p_access == AC_S) { pcon.pc_err = SMT_RDF_ILLEGAL ; } smt_add_para(smc,&pcon,pa->p_type, index,local) ; } } if (pcon.pc_err) break ; index++ ; } len -= pa->p_len + PARA_LEN ; pa = (struct smt_para *) ((char *)pa + pa->p_len + PARA_LEN) ; } smt->smt_len = SMT_MAX_INFO_LEN - pcon.pc_len ; mb->sm_len = smt->smt_len + sizeof(struct smt_header) ; /* update reason code */ res->rdf_reason = pcon.pc_badset ? pcon.pc_badset : pcon.pc_err ? pcon.pc_err : SMT_RDF_SUCCESS ; if (set && (res->rdf_reason == SMT_RDF_SUCCESS)) { /* * increment set count * set time stamp * store station id of last set */ smc->mib.fddiSMTSetCount.count++ ; smt_set_timestamp(smc,smc->mib.fddiSMTSetCount.timestamp) ; smc->mib.fddiSMTLastSetStationId = req->smt_sid ; smt_add_para(smc,&set_pcon,(u_short) SMT_P1035,0,0) ; smt_add_para(smc,&set_pcon,(u_short) SMT_P1036,0,0) ; } return mb; }


Linus Torvalds (pre-git)95299.58%150.00%
Stephen Hemminger40.42%150.00%

static int smt_authorize(struct s_smc *smc, struct smt_header *sm) { struct smt_para *pa ; int i ; char *p ; /* * check source station id if not zero */ p = (char *) &smc->mib.fddiPRPMFStation ; for (i = 0 ; i < 8 && !p[i] ; i++) ; if (i != 8) { if (memcmp((char *) &sm->smt_sid, (char *) &smc->mib.fddiPRPMFStation,8)) return 1; } /* * check authoriziation parameter if passwd not zero */ p = (char *) smc->mib.fddiPRPMFPasswd ; for (i = 0 ; i < 8 && !p[i] ; i++) ; if (i != 8) { pa = (struct smt_para *) sm_to_para(smc,sm,SMT_P_AUTHOR) ; if (!pa) return 1; if (pa->p_len != 8) return 1; if (memcmp((char *)(pa+1),(char *)smc->mib.fddiPRPMFPasswd,8)) return 1; } return 0; }


Linus Torvalds (pre-git)20799.04%150.00%
Stephen Hemminger20.96%150.00%

static int smt_check_set_count(struct s_smc *smc, struct smt_header *sm) { struct smt_para *pa ; struct smt_p_setcount *sc ; pa = (struct smt_para *) sm_to_para(smc,sm,SMT_P1035) ; if (pa) { sc = (struct smt_p_setcount *) pa ; if ((smc->mib.fddiSMTSetCount.count != sc->count) || memcmp((char *) smc->mib.fddiSMTSetCount.timestamp, (char *)sc->timestamp,8)) return 1; } return 0; }


Linus Torvalds (pre-git)10298.08%150.00%
Stephen Hemminger21.92%150.00%

void smt_add_para(struct s_smc *smc, struct s_pcon *pcon, u_short para, int index, int local) { struct smt_para *pa ; const struct s_p_tab *pt ; struct fddi_mib_m *mib_m = NULL; struct fddi_mib_p *mib_p = NULL; int len ; int plen ; char *from ; char *to ; const char *swap ; char c ; int range ; char *mib_addr ; int mac ; int path ; int port ; int sp_len ; /* * skip if error */ if (pcon->pc_err) return ; /* * actions don't have a value */ pt = smt_get_ptab(para) ; if (pt && pt->p_access == AC_S) return ; to = (char *) (pcon->pc_p) ; /* destination pointer */ len = pcon->pc_len ; /* free space */ plen = len ; /* remember start length */ pa = (struct smt_para *) to ; /* type/length pointer */ to += PARA_LEN ; /* skip smt_para */ len -= PARA_LEN ; /* * set index if required */ if (((range = (para & 0xf000)) == 0x2000) || range == 0x3000 || range == 0x4000) { if (len < 4) goto wrong_error ; to[0] = 0 ; to[1] = 0 ; to[2] = 0 ; to[3] = index ; len -= 4 ; to += 4 ; } mac = index - INDEX_MAC ; path = index - INDEX_PATH ; port = index - INDEX_PORT ; /* * get pointer to mib */ switch (range) { case 0x1000 : default : mib_addr = (char *) (&smc->mib) ; break ; case 0x2000 : if (mac < 0 || mac >= NUMMACS) { pcon->pc_err = SMT_RDF_NOPARAM ; return ; } mib_addr = (char *) (&smc->mib.m[mac]) ; mib_m = (struct fddi_mib_m *) mib_addr ; break ; case 0x3000 : if (path < 0 || path >= NUMPATHS) { pcon->pc_err = SMT_RDF_NOPARAM ; return ; } mib_addr = (char *) (&smc->mib.a[path]) ; break ; case 0x4000 : if (port < 0 || port >= smt_mib_phys(smc)) { pcon->pc_err = SMT_RDF_NOPARAM ; return ; } mib_addr = (char *) (&smc->mib.p[port_to_mib(smc,port)]) ; mib_p = (struct fddi_mib_p *) mib_addr ; break ; } /* * check special paras */ swap = NULL; switch (para) { case SMT_P10F0 : case SMT_P10F1 : #ifdef ESS case SMT_P10F2 : case SMT_P10F3 : case SMT_P10F4 : case SMT_P10F5 : case SMT_P10F6 : case SMT_P10F7 : #endif #ifdef SBA case SMT_P10F8 : case SMT_P10F9 : #endif case SMT_P20F1 : if (!local) { pcon->pc_err = SMT_RDF_NOPARAM ; return ; } break ; case SMT_P2034 : case SMT_P2046 : case SMT_P2047 : case SMT_P204A : case SMT_P2051 : case SMT_P2052 : mac_update_counter(smc) ; break ; case SMT_P4022: mib_p->fddiPORTPC_LS = LS2MIB( sm_pm_get_ls(smc,port_to_mib(smc,port))) ; break ; case SMT_P_REASON : *(u32 *)to = 0 ; sp_len = 4 ; goto sp_done ; case SMT_P1033 : /* time stamp */ smt_set_timestamp(smc,smc->mib.fddiSMTTimeStamp) ; break ; case SMT_P1020: /* port indexes */ #if NUMPHYS == 12 swap = "IIIIIIIIIIII" ; #else #if NUMPHYS == 2 if (smc-> == SMT_SAS) swap = "I" ; else swap = "II" ; #else #if NUMPHYS == 24 swap = "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" ; #else ???? #endif #endif #endif break ; case SMT_P3212 : { sp_len = cem_build_path(smc,to,path) ; goto sp_done ; } case SMT_P1048 : /* peer wrap condition */ { struct smt_p_1048 *sp ; sp = (struct smt_p_1048 *) to ; sp->p1048_flag = smc->mib.fddiSMTPeerWrapFlag ; sp->p1048_cf_state = smc->mib.fddiSMTCF_State ; sp_len = sizeof(struct smt_p_1048) ; goto sp_done ; } case SMT_P208C : { struct smt_p_208c *sp ; sp = (struct smt_p_208c *) to ; sp->p208c_flag = smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACDuplicateAddressCond ; sp->p208c_dupcondition = (mib_m->fddiMACDA_Flag ? SMT_ST_MY_DUPA : 0) | (mib_m->fddiMACUNDA_Flag ? SMT_ST_UNA_DUPA : 0); sp->p208c_fddilong = mib_m->fddiMACSMTAddress ; sp->p208c_fddiunalong = mib_m->fddiMACUpstreamNbr ; sp->p208c_pad = 0 ; sp_len = sizeof(struct smt_p_208c) ; goto sp_done ; } case SMT_P208D : /* frame error condition */ { struct smt_p_208d *sp ; sp = (struct smt_p_208d *) to ; sp->p208d_flag = mib_m->fddiMACFrameErrorFlag ; sp->p208d_frame_ct = mib_m->fddiMACFrame_Ct ; sp->p208d_error_ct = mib_m->fddiMACError_Ct ; sp->p208d_lost_ct = mib_m->fddiMACLost_Ct ; sp->p208d_ratio = mib_m->fddiMACFrameErrorRatio ; sp_len = sizeof(struct smt_p_208d) ; goto sp_done ; } case SMT_P208E : /* not copied condition */ { struct smt_p_208e *sp ; sp = (struct smt_p_208e *) to ; sp->p208e_flag = mib_m->fddiMACNotCopiedFlag ; sp->p208e_not_copied = mib_m->fddiMACNotCopied_Ct ; sp->p208e_copied = mib_m->fddiMACCopied_Ct ; sp->p208e_not_copied_ratio = mib_m->fddiMACNotCopiedRatio ; sp_len = sizeof(struct smt_p_208e) ; goto sp_done ; } case SMT_P208F : /* neighbor change event */ { struct smt_p_208f *sp ; sp = (struct smt_p_208f *) to ; sp->p208f_multiple = mib_m->fddiMACMultiple_N ; sp->p208f_nacondition = mib_m->fddiMACDuplicateAddressCond ; sp->p208f_old_una = mib_m->fddiMACOldUpstreamNbr ; sp->p208f_new_una = mib_m->fddiMACUpstreamNbr ; sp->p208f_old_dna = mib_m->fddiMACOldDownstreamNbr ; sp->p208f_new_dna = mib_m->fddiMACDownstreamNbr ; sp->p208f_curren_path = mib_m->fddiMACCurrentPath ; sp->p208f_smt_address = mib_m->fddiMACSMTAddress ; sp_len = sizeof(struct smt_p_208f) ; goto sp_done ; } case SMT_P2090 : { struct smt_p_2090 *sp ; sp = (struct smt_p_2090 *) to ; sp->p2090_multiple = mib_m->fddiMACMultiple_P ; sp->p2090_availablepaths = mib_m->fddiMACAvailablePaths ; sp->p2090_currentpath = mib_m->fddiMACCurrentPath ; sp->p2090_requestedpaths = mib_m->fddiMACRequestedPaths ; sp_len = sizeof(struct smt_p_2090) ; goto sp_done ; } case SMT_P4050 : { struct smt_p_4050 *sp ; sp = (struct smt_p_4050 *) to ; sp->p4050_flag = mib_p->fddiPORTLerFlag ; sp->p4050_pad = 0 ; sp->p4050_cutoff = mib_p->fddiPORTLer_Cutoff ; sp->p4050_alarm = mib_p->fddiPORTLer_Alarm ; sp->p4050_estimate = mib_p->fddiPORTLer_Estimate ; sp->p4050_reject_ct = mib_p->fddiPORTLem_Reject_Ct ; sp->p4050_ct = mib_p->fddiPORTLem_Ct ; sp_len = sizeof(struct smt_p_4050) ; goto sp_done ; } case SMT_P4051 : { struct smt_p_4051 *sp ; sp = (struct smt_p_4051 *) to ; sp->p4051_multiple = mib_p->fddiPORTMultiple_U ; sp->p4051_porttype = mib_p->fddiPORTMy_Type ; sp->p4051_connectstate = mib_p->fddiPORTConnectState ; sp->p4051_pc_neighbor = mib_p->fddiPORTNeighborType ; sp->p4051_pc_withhold = mib_p->fddiPORTPC_Withhold ; sp_len = sizeof(struct smt_p_4051) ; goto sp_done ; } case SMT_P4052 : { struct smt_p_4052 *sp ; sp = (struct smt_p_4052 *) to ; sp->p4052_flag = mib_p->fddiPORTEB_Condition ; sp->p4052_eberrorcount = mib_p->fddiPORTEBError_Ct ; sp_len = sizeof(struct smt_p_4052) ; goto sp_done ; } case SMT_P4053 : { struct smt_p_4053 *sp ; sp = (struct smt_p_4053 *) to ; sp->p4053_multiple = mib_p->fddiPORTMultiple_P ; sp->p4053_availablepaths = mib_p->fddiPORTAvailablePaths ; sp->p4053_currentpath = mib_p->fddiPORTCurrentPath ; memcpy( (char *) &sp->p4053_requestedpaths, (char *) mib_p->fddiPORTRequestedPaths,4) ; sp->p4053_mytype = mib_p->fddiPORTMy_Type ; sp->p4053_neighbortype = mib_p->fddiPORTNeighborType ; sp_len = sizeof(struct smt_p_4053) ; goto sp_done ; } default : break ; } /* * in table ? */ if (!pt) { pcon->pc_err = (para & 0xff00) ? SMT_RDF_NOPARAM : SMT_RDF_ILLEGAL ; return ; } /* * check access rights */ switch (pt->p_access) { case AC_G : case AC_GR : break ; default : pcon->pc_err = SMT_RDF_ILLEGAL ; return ; } from = mib_addr + pt->p_offset ; if (!swap) swap = pt->p_swap ; /* pointer to swap string */ /* * copy values */ while ((c = *swap++)) { switch(c) { case 'b' : case 'w' : case 'l' : break ; case 'S' : case 'E' : case 'R' : case 'r' : if (len < 4) goto len_error ; to[0] = 0 ; to[1] = 0 ; #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN if (c == 'r') { to[2] = *from++ ; to[3] = *from++ ; } else { to[3] = *from++ ; to[2] = *from++ ; } #else to[2] = *from++ ; to[3] = *from++ ; #endif to += 4 ; len -= 4 ; break ; case 'I' : /* for SET of port indexes */ if (len < 2) goto len_error ; #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN to[1] = *from++ ; to[0] = *from++ ; #else to[0] = *from++ ; to[1] = *from++ ; #endif to += 2 ; len -= 2 ; break ; case 'F' : case 'B' : if (len < 4) goto len_error ; len -= 4 ; to[0] = 0 ; to[1] = 0 ; to[2] = 0 ; to[3] = *from++ ; to += 4 ; break ; case 'C' : case 'T' : case 'L' : if (len < 4) goto len_error ; #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN to[3] = *from++ ; to[2] = *from++ ; to[1] = *from++ ; to[0] = *from++ ; #else to[0] = *from++ ; to[1] = *from++ ; to[2] = *from++ ; to[3] = *from++ ; #endif len -= 4 ; to += 4 ; break ; case '2' : /* PortMacIndicated */ if (len < 4) goto len_error ; to[0] = 0 ; to[1] = 0 ; to[2] = *from++ ; to[3] = *from++ ; len -= 4 ; to += 4 ; break ; case '4' : if (len < 4) goto len_error ; to[0] = *from++ ; to[1] = *from++ ; to[2] = *from++ ; to[3] = *from++ ; len -= 4 ; to += 4 ; break ; case 'A' : if (len < 8) goto len_error ; to[0] = 0 ; to[1] = 0 ; memcpy((char *) to+2,(char *) from,6) ; to += 8 ; from += 8 ; len -= 8 ; break ; case '8' : if (len < 8) goto len_error ; memcpy((char *) to,(char *) from,8) ; to += 8 ; from += 8 ; len -= 8 ; break ; case 'D' : if (len < 32) goto len_error ; memcpy((char *) to,(char *) from,32) ; to += 32 ; from += 32 ; len -= 32 ; break ; case 'P' : /* timestamp is NOT swapped */ if (len < 8) goto len_error ; to[0] = *from++ ; to[1] = *from++ ; to[2] = *from++ ; to[3] = *from++ ; to[4] = *from++ ; to[5] = *from++ ; to[6] = *from++ ; to[7] = *from++ ; to += 8 ; len -= 8 ; break ; default : SMT_PANIC(smc,SMT_E0119, SMT_E0119_MSG) ; break ; } } done: /* * make it even (in case of 'I' encoding) * note: len is DECREMENTED */ if (len & 3) { to[0] = 0 ; to[1] = 0 ; to += 4 - (len & 3 ) ; len = len & ~ 3 ; } /* set type and length */ pa->p_type = para ; pa->p_len = plen - len - PARA_LEN ; /* return values */ pcon->pc_p = (void *) to ; pcon->pc_len = len ; return ; sp_done: len -= sp_len ; to += sp_len ; goto done ; len_error: /* parameter does not fit in frame */ pcon->pc_err = SMT_RDF_TOOLONG ; return ; wrong_error: pcon->pc_err = SMT_RDF_LENGTH ; }


Linus Torvalds (pre-git)227599.56%120.00%
Stephen Hemminger50.22%120.00%
Al Viro30.13%120.00%
Dan Carpenter10.04%120.00%
Gabriel Craciunescu10.04%120.00%

/* * set parameter */
static int smt_set_para(struct s_smc *smc, struct smt_para *pa, int index, int local, int set) { #define IFSET(x) if (set) (x) const struct s_p_tab *pt ; int len ; char *from ; char *to ; const char *swap ; char c ; char *mib_addr ; struct fddi_mib *mib ; struct fddi_mib_m *mib_m = NULL; struct fddi_mib_a *mib_a = NULL; struct fddi_mib_p *mib_p = NULL; int mac ; int path ; int port ; SK_LOC_DECL(u_char,byte_val) ; SK_LOC_DECL(u_short,word_val) ; SK_LOC_DECL(u_long,long_val) ; mac = index - INDEX_MAC ; path = index - INDEX_PATH ; port = index - INDEX_PORT ; len = pa->p_len ; from = (char *) (pa + 1 ) ; mib = &smc->mib ; switch (pa->p_type & 0xf000) { case 0x1000 : default : mib_addr = (char *) mib ; break ; case 0x2000 : if (mac < 0 || mac >= NUMMACS) { return SMT_RDF_NOPARAM; } mib_m = &smc->mib.m[mac] ; mib_addr = (char *) mib_m ; from += 4 ; /* skip index */ len -= 4 ; break ; case 0x3000 : if (path < 0 || path >= NUMPATHS) { return SMT_RDF_NOPARAM; } mib_a = &smc->mib.a[path] ; mib_addr = (char *) mib_a ; from += 4 ; /* skip index */ len -= 4 ; break ; case 0x4000 : if (port < 0 || port >= smt_mib_phys(smc)) { return SMT_RDF_NOPARAM; } mib_p = &smc->mib.p[port_to_mib(smc,port)] ; mib_addr = (char *) mib_p ; from += 4 ; /* skip index */ len -= 4 ; break ; } switch (pa->p_type) { case SMT_P10F0 : case SMT_P10F1 : #ifdef ESS case SMT_P10F2 : case SMT_P10F3 : case SMT_P10F4 : case SMT_P10F5 : case SMT_P10F6 : case SMT_P10F7 : #endif #ifdef SBA case SMT_P10F8 : case SMT_P10F9 : #endif case SMT_P20F1 : if (!local) return SMT_RDF_NOPARAM; break ; } pt = smt_get_ptab(pa->p_type) ; if (!pt) return (pa->p_type & 0xff00) ? SMT_RDF_NOPARAM : SMT_RDF_ILLEGAL; switch (pt->p_access) { case AC_GR : case AC_S : break ; default : return SMT_RDF_ILLEGAL; } to = mib_addr + pt->p_offset ; swap = pt->p_swap ; /* pointer to swap string */ while (swap && (c = *swap++)) { switch(c) { case 'b' : to = (char *) &byte_val ; break ; case 'w' : to = (char *) &word_val ; break ; case 'l' : to = (char *) &long_val ; break ; case 'S' : case 'E' : case 'R' : case 'r' : if (len < 4) { goto len_error ; } if (from[0] | from[1]) goto val_error ; #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN if (c == 'r') { to[0] = from[2] ; to[1] = from[3] ; } else { to[1] = from[2] ; to[0] = from[3] ; } #else to[0] = from[2] ; to[1] = from[3] ; #endif from += 4 ; to += 2 ; len -= 4 ; break ; case 'F' : case 'B' : if (len < 4) { goto len_error ; } if (from[0] | from[1] | from[2]) goto val_error ; to[0] = from[3] ; len -= 4 ; from += 4 ; to += 4 ; break ; case 'C' : case 'T' : case 'L' : if (len < 4) { goto len_error ; } #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN to[3] = *from++ ; to[2] = *from++ ; to[1] = *from++ ; to[0] = *from++ ; #else to[0] = *from++ ; to[1] = *from++ ; to[2] = *from++ ; to[3] = *from++ ; #endif len -= 4 ; to += 4 ; break ; case 'A' : if (len < 8) goto len_error ; if (set) memcpy(to,from+2,6) ; to += 8 ; from += 8 ; len -= 8 ; break ; case '4' : if (len < 4) goto len_error ; if (set) memcpy(to,from,4) ; to += 4 ; from += 4 ; len -= 4 ; break ; case '8' : if (len < 8) goto len_error ; if (set) memcpy(to,from,8) ; to += 8 ; from += 8 ; len -= 8 ; break ; case 'D' : if (len < 32) goto len_error ; if (set) memcpy(to,from,32) ; to += 32 ; from += 32 ; len -= 32 ; break ; case 'P' : /* timestamp is NOT swapped */ if (set) { to[0] = *from++ ; to[1] = *from++ ; to[2] = *from++ ; to[3] = *from++ ; to[4] = *from++ ; to[5] = *from++ ; to[6] = *from++ ; to[7] = *from++ ; } to += 8 ; len -= 8 ; break ; default : SMT_PANIC(smc,SMT_E0120, SMT_E0120_MSG) ; return SMT_RDF_ILLEGAL; } } /* * actions and internal updates */ switch (pa->p_type) { case SMT_P101A: /* fddiSMTConfigPolicy */ if (word_val & ~1) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib->fddiSMTConfigPolicy = word_val) ; break ; case SMT_P101B : /* fddiSMTConnectionPolicy */ if (!(word_val & POLICY_MM)) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib->fddiSMTConnectionPolicy = word_val) ; break ; case SMT_P101D : /* fddiSMTTT_Notify */ if (word_val < 2 || word_val > 30) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib->fddiSMTTT_Notify = word_val) ; break ; case SMT_P101E : /* fddiSMTStatRptPolicy */ if (byte_val & ~1) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib->fddiSMTStatRptPolicy = byte_val) ; break ; case SMT_P101F : /* fddiSMTTrace_MaxExpiration */ /* * note: lower limit trace_max = 6.001773... s * NO upper limit */ if (long_val < (long)0x478bf51L) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib->fddiSMTTrace_MaxExpiration = long_val) ; break ; #ifdef ESS case SMT_P10F2 : /* fddiESSPayload */ if (long_val > 1562) goto val_error ; if (set && smc->mib.fddiESSPayload != long_val) { smc->ess.raf_act_timer_poll = TRUE ; smc->mib.fddiESSPayload = long_val ; } break ; case SMT_P10F3 : /* fddiESSOverhead */ if (long_val < 50 || long_val > 5000) goto val_error ; if (set && smc->mib.fddiESSPayload && smc->mib.fddiESSOverhead != long_val) { smc->ess.raf_act_timer_poll = TRUE ; smc->mib.fddiESSOverhead = long_val ; } break ; case SMT_P10F4 : /* fddiESSMaxTNeg */ if (long_val > -MS2BCLK(5) || long_val < -MS2BCLK(165)) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib->fddiESSMaxTNeg = long_val) ; break ; case SMT_P10F5 : /* fddiESSMinSegmentSize */ if (long_val < 1 || long_val > 4478) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib->fddiESSMinSegmentSize = long_val) ; break ; case SMT_P10F6 : /* fddiESSCategory */ if ((long_val & 0xffff) != 1) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib->fddiESSCategory = long_val) ; break ; case SMT_P10F7 : /* fddiESSSyncTxMode */ if (word_val > 1) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib->fddiESSSynchTxMode = word_val) ; break ; #endif #ifdef SBA case SMT_P10F8 : /* fddiSBACommand */ if (byte_val != SB_STOP && byte_val != SB_START) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib->fddiSBACommand = byte_val) ; break ; case SMT_P10F9 : /* fddiSBAAvailable */ if (byte_val > 100) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib->fddiSBAAvailable = byte_val) ; break ; #endif case SMT_P2020 : /* fddiMACRequestedPaths */ if ((word_val & (MIB_P_PATH_PRIM_PREFER | MIB_P_PATH_PRIM_ALTER)) == 0 ) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib_m->fddiMACRequestedPaths = word_val) ; break ; case SMT_P205F : /* fddiMACFrameErrorThreshold */ /* 0 .. ffff acceptable */ IFSET(mib_m->fddiMACFrameErrorThreshold = word_val) ; break ; case SMT_P2067 : /* fddiMACNotCopiedThreshold */ /* 0 .. ffff acceptable */ IFSET(mib_m->fddiMACNotCopiedThreshold = word_val) ; break ; case SMT_P2076: /* fddiMACMA_UnitdataEnable */ if (byte_val & ~1) goto val_error ; if (set) { mib_m->fddiMACMA_UnitdataEnable = byte_val ; queue_event(smc,EVENT_RMT,RM_ENABLE_FLAG) ; } break ; case SMT_P20F1 : /* fddiMACT_Min */ IFSET(mib_m->fddiMACT_Min = long_val) ; break ; case SMT_P320F : if (long_val > 1562) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib_a->fddiPATHSbaPayload = long_val) ; #ifdef ESS if (set) ess_para_change(smc) ; #endif break ; case SMT_P3210 : if (long_val > 5000) goto val_error ; if (long_val != 0 && mib_a->fddiPATHSbaPayload == 0) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib_a->fddiPATHSbaOverhead = long_val) ; #ifdef ESS if (set) ess_para_change(smc) ; #endif break ; case SMT_P3213: /* fddiPATHT_Rmode */ /* no limit : * 0 .. 343.597 => 0 .. 2e32 * 80nS */ if (set) { mib_a->fddiPATHT_Rmode = long_val ; rtm_set_timer(smc) ; } break ; case SMT_P3214 : /* fddiPATHSbaAvailable */ if (long_val > 0x00BEBC20L) goto val_error ; #ifdef SBA if (set && mib->fddiSBACommand == SB_STOP) goto val_error ; #endif IFSET(mib_a->fddiPATHSbaAvailable = long_val) ; break ; case SMT_P3215 : /* fddiPATHTVXLowerBound */ IFSET(mib_a->fddiPATHTVXLowerBound = long_val) ; goto change_mac_para ; case SMT_P3216 : /* fddiPATHT_MaxLowerBound */ IFSET(mib_a->fddiPATHT_MaxLowerBound = long_val) ; goto change_mac_para ; case SMT_P3217 : /* fddiPATHMaxT_Req */ IFSET(mib_a->fddiPATHMaxT_Req = long_val) ; change_mac_para: if (set && smt_set_mac_opvalues(smc)) { RS_SET(smc,RS_EVENT) ; smc->sm.please_reconnect = 1 ; queue_event(smc,EVENT_ECM,EC_DISCONNECT) ; } break ; case SMT_P400E : /* fddiPORTConnectionPolicies */ if (byte_val > 1) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib_p->fddiPORTConnectionPolicies = byte_val) ; break ; case SMT_P4011 : /* fddiPORTRequestedPaths */ /* all 3*8 bits allowed */ IFSET(memcpy((char *)mib_p->fddiPORTRequestedPaths, (char *)&long_val,4)) ; break ; case SMT_P401F: /* fddiPORTMaint_LS */ if (word_val > 4) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib_p->fddiPORTMaint_LS = word_val) ; break ; case SMT_P403A : /* fddiPORTLer_Cutoff */ if (byte_val < 4 || byte_val > 15) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib_p->fddiPORTLer_Cutoff = byte_val) ; break ; case SMT_P403B : /* fddiPORTLer_Alarm */ if (byte_val < 4 || byte_val > 15) goto val_error ; IFSET(mib_p->fddiPORTLer_Alarm = byte_val) ; break ; /* * Actions */ case SMT_P103C : /* fddiSMTStationAction */ if (smt_action(smc,SMT_STATION_ACTION, (int) word_val, 0)) goto val_error ; break ; case SMT_P4046: /* fddiPORTAction */ if (smt_action(smc,SMT_PORT_ACTION, (int) word_val, port_to_mib(smc,port))) goto val_error ; break ; default : break ; } return 0; val_error: /* parameter value in frame is out of range */ return SMT_RDF_RANGE; len_error: /* parameter value in frame is too short */ return SMT_RDF_LENGTH; #if 0 no_author_error: /* parameter not setable, because the SBA is not active * Please note: we give the return code 'not authorizeed * because SBA denied is not a valid return code in the * PMF protocol. */ return SMT_RDF_AUTHOR; #endif }


Linus Torvalds (pre-git)202099.51%120.00%
Stephen Hemminger50.25%120.00%
Al Viro30.15%120.00%
Eric Dumazet10.05%120.00%
Adrian Bunk10.05%120.00%

static const struct s_p_tab *smt_get_ptab(u_short para) { const struct s_p_tab *pt ; for (pt = p_tab ; pt->p_num && pt->p_num != para ; pt++) ; return pt->p_num ? pt : NULL; }


Linus Torvalds (pre-git)4595.74%133.33%
Al Viro12.13%133.33%
Stephen Hemminger12.13%133.33%

static int smt_mib_phys(struct s_smc *smc) { #ifdef CONCENTRATOR SK_UNUSED(smc) ; return NUMPHYS; #else if (smc-> == SMT_SAS) return 1; return NUMPHYS; #endif }


Linus Torvalds (pre-git)4197.62%150.00%
Stephen Hemminger12.38%150.00%

static int port_to_mib(struct s_smc *smc, int p) { #ifdef CONCENTRATOR SK_UNUSED(smc) ; return p; #else if (smc-> == SMT_SAS) return PS; return p; #endif }


Linus Torvalds (pre-git)4293.33%133.33%
Stephen Hemminger24.44%133.33%
Adrian Bunk12.22%133.33%

#ifdef DEBUG #ifndef BOOT
void dump_smt(struct s_smc *smc, struct smt_header *sm, char *text) { int len ; struct smt_para *pa ; char *c ; int n ; int nn ; #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN int smtlen ; #endif SK_UNUSED(smc) ; #ifdef DEBUG_BRD if (smc->debug.d_smtf < 2) #else if (debug.d_smtf < 2) #endif return ; #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN smtlen = sm->smt_len + sizeof(struct smt_header) ; #endif printf("SMT Frame [%s]:\nDA ",text) ; dump_hex((char *) &sm->smt_dest,6) ; printf("\tSA ") ; dump_hex((char *) &sm->smt_source,6) ; printf(" Class %x Type %x Version %x\n", sm->smt_class,sm->smt_type,sm->smt_version) ; printf("TID %x\t\tSID ", sm->smt_tid); dump_hex((char *) &sm->smt_sid,8) ; printf(" LEN %x\n",sm->smt_len) ; len = sm->smt_len ; pa = (struct smt_para *) (sm + 1) ; while (len > 0 ) { int plen ; #ifdef UNIX printf("TYPE %x LEN %x VALUE\t",pa->p_type,pa->p_len) ; #else printf("TYPE %04x LEN %2x VALUE\t",pa->p_type,pa->p_len) ; #endif n = pa->p_len ; if ( (n < 0 ) || (n > (int)(len - PARA_LEN))) { n = len - PARA_LEN ; printf(" BAD LENGTH\n") ; break ; } #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN smt_swap_para(sm,smtlen,0) ; #endif if (n < 24) { dump_hex((char *)(pa+1),(int) n) ; printf("\n") ; } else { int first = 0 ; c = (char *)(pa+1) ; dump_hex(c,16) ; printf("\n") ; n -= 16 ; c += 16 ; while (n > 0) { nn = (n > 16) ? 16 : n ; if (n > 64) { if (first == 0) printf("\t\t\t...\n") ; first = 1 ; } else { printf("\t\t\t") ; dump_hex(c,nn) ; printf("\n") ; } n -= nn ; c += 16 ; } } #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN smt_swap_para(sm,smtlen,1) ; #endif plen = (pa->p_len + PARA_LEN + 3) & ~3 ; len -= plen ; pa = (struct smt_para *)((char *)pa + plen) ; } printf("-------------------------------------------------\n\n") ; }


Linus Torvalds (pre-git)49399.20%133.33%
Stephen Hemminger30.60%133.33%
Joe Perches10.20%133.33%

void dump_hex(char *p, int len) { int n = 0 ; while (len--) { n++ ; #ifdef UNIX printf("%x%s",*p++ & 0xff,len ? ( (n & 7) ? " " : "-") : "") ; #else printf("%02x%s",*p++ & 0xff,len ? ( (n & 7) ? " " : "-") : "") ; #endif } }


Linus Torvalds (pre-git)8697.73%150.00%
Stephen Hemminger22.27%150.00%

#endif /* no BOOT */ #endif /* DEBUG */ #endif /* no SLIM_SMT */

Overall Contributors

Linus Torvalds (pre-git)830498.05%110.00%
Stephen Hemminger1241.46%110.00%
Adrian Bunk160.19%110.00%
Takashi Iwai110.13%110.00%
Al Viro70.08%110.00%
Steven Cole20.02%110.00%
Joe Perches20.02%110.00%
Dan Carpenter10.01%110.00%
Eric Dumazet10.01%110.00%
Gabriel Craciunescu10.01%110.00%
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Created with cregit.