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Release 4.11 drivers/tty/serial/sunsab.h

/* sunsab.h: Register Definitions for the Siemens SAB82532 DUSCC
 * Copyright (C) 1997  Eddie C. Dost  (

#ifndef _SUNSAB_H

#define _SUNSAB_H

struct sab82532_async_rd_regs {
u8	rfifo[0x20];	/* Receive FIFO                         */
u8	star;		/* Status Register                      */
u8	__pad1;
u8	mode;		/* Mode Register                        */
u8	timr;		/* Timer Register                       */
u8	xon;		/* XON Character                        */
u8	xoff;		/* XOFF Character                       */
u8	tcr;		/* Termination Character Register       */
u8	dafo;		/* Data Format                          */
u8	rfc;		/* RFIFO Control Register               */
u8	__pad2;
u8	rbcl;		/* Receive Byte Count Low               */
u8	rbch;		/* Receive Byte Count High              */
u8	ccr0;		/* Channel Configuration Register 0     */
u8	ccr1;		/* Channel Configuration Register 1     */
u8	ccr2;		/* Channel Configuration Register 2     */
u8	ccr3;		/* Channel Configuration Register 3     */
u8	__pad3[4];
u8	vstr;		/* Version Status Register              */
u8	__pad4[3];
u8	gis;		/* Global Interrupt Status              */
u8	ipc;		/* Interrupt Port Configuration         */
u8	isr0;		/* Interrupt Status 0                   */
u8	isr1;		/* Interrupt Status 1                   */
u8	pvr;		/* Port Value Register                  */
u8	pis;		/* Port Interrupt Status                */
u8	pcr;		/* Port Configuration Register          */
u8	ccr4;		/* Channel Configuration Register 4     */

struct sab82532_async_wr_regs {
u8	xfifo[0x20];	/* Transmit FIFO                        */
u8	cmdr;		/* Command Register                     */
u8	__pad1;
u8	mode;
u8	timr;
u8	xon;
u8	xoff;
u8	tcr;
u8	dafo;
u8	rfc;
u8	__pad2;
u8	xbcl;		/* Transmit Byte Count Low              */
u8	xbch;		/* Transmit Byte Count High             */
u8	ccr0;
u8	ccr1;
u8	ccr2;
u8	ccr3;
u8	tsax;		/* Time-Slot Assignment Reg. Transmit   */
u8	tsar;		/* Time-Slot Assignment Reg. Receive    */
u8	xccr;		/* Transmit Channel Capacity Register   */
u8	rccr;		/* Receive Channel Capacity Register    */
u8	bgr;		/* Baud Rate Generator Register         */
u8	tic;		/* Transmit Immediate Character         */
u8	mxn;		/* Mask XON Character                   */
u8	mxf;		/* Mask XOFF Character                  */
u8	iva;		/* Interrupt Vector Address             */
u8	ipc;
u8	imr0;		/* Interrupt Mask Register 0            */
u8	imr1;		/* Interrupt Mask Register 1            */
u8	pvr;
u8	pim;		/* Port Interrupt Mask                  */
u8	pcr;
u8	ccr4;

struct sab82532_async_rw_regs {	/* Read/Write registers                 */
u8	__pad1[0x20];
u8	__pad2;
u8	__pad3;
u8	mode;
u8	timr;
u8	xon;
u8	xoff;
u8	tcr;
u8	dafo;
u8	rfc;
u8	__pad4;
u8	__pad5;
u8	__pad6;
u8	ccr0;
u8	ccr1;
u8	ccr2;
u8	ccr3;
u8	__pad7;
u8	__pad8;
u8	__pad9;
u8	__pad10;
u8	__pad11;
u8	__pad12;
u8	__pad13;
u8	__pad14;
u8	__pad15;
u8	ipc;
u8	__pad16;
u8	__pad17;
u8	pvr;
u8	__pad18;
u8	pcr;
u8	ccr4;

union sab82532_async_regs {
__volatile__ struct sab82532_async_rd_regs	r;
__volatile__ struct sab82532_async_wr_regs	w;
__volatile__ struct sab82532_async_rw_regs	rw;

union sab82532_irq_status {
unsigned short			 stat;
	struct {
unsigned char		 isr0;
unsigned char		 isr1;

/* irqflags bits */

#define SAB82532_ALLS			0x00000001

#define SAB82532_XPR			0x00000002

#define SAB82532_REGS_PENDING		0x00000004

/* RFIFO Status Byte */

#define SAB82532_RSTAT_PE		0x80

#define SAB82532_RSTAT_FE		0x40

#define SAB82532_RSTAT_PARITY		0x01

/* Status Register (STAR) */

#define SAB82532_STAR_XDOV		0x80

#define SAB82532_STAR_XFW		0x40

#define SAB82532_STAR_RFNE		0x20

#define SAB82532_STAR_FCS		0x10

#define SAB82532_STAR_TEC		0x08

#define SAB82532_STAR_CEC		0x04

#define SAB82532_STAR_CTS		0x02

/* Command Register (CMDR) */

#define SAB82532_CMDR_RMC		0x80

#define SAB82532_CMDR_RRES		0x40

#define SAB82532_CMDR_RFRD		0x20

#define SAB82532_CMDR_STI		0x10

#define SAB82532_CMDR_XF		0x08

#define SAB82532_CMDR_XRES		0x01

/* Mode Register (MODE) */

#define SAB82532_MODE_FRTS		0x40

#define SAB82532_MODE_FCTS		0x20

#define SAB82532_MODE_FLON		0x10

#define SAB82532_MODE_RAC		0x08

#define SAB82532_MODE_RTS		0x04

#define SAB82532_MODE_TRS		0x02

#define SAB82532_MODE_TLP		0x01

/* Timer Register (TIMR) */

#define SAB82532_TIMR_CNT_MASK		0xe0

#define SAB82532_TIMR_VALUE_MASK	0x1f

/* Data Format (DAFO) */

#define SAB82532_DAFO_XBRK		0x40

#define SAB82532_DAFO_STOP		0x20

#define SAB82532_DAFO_PAR_SPACE		0x00

#define SAB82532_DAFO_PAR_ODD		0x08

#define SAB82532_DAFO_PAR_EVEN		0x10

#define SAB82532_DAFO_PAR_MARK		0x18

#define SAB82532_DAFO_PARE		0x04

#define SAB82532_DAFO_CHL8		0x00

#define SAB82532_DAFO_CHL7		0x01

#define SAB82532_DAFO_CHL6		0x02

#define SAB82532_DAFO_CHL5		0x03

/* RFIFO Control Register (RFC) */

#define SAB82532_RFC_DPS		0x40

#define SAB82532_RFC_DXS		0x20

#define SAB82532_RFC_RFDF		0x10

#define SAB82532_RFC_RFTH_1		0x00

#define SAB82532_RFC_RFTH_4		0x04

#define SAB82532_RFC_RFTH_16		0x08

#define SAB82532_RFC_RFTH_32		0x0c

#define SAB82532_RFC_TCDE		0x01

/* Received Byte Count High (RBCH) */

#define SAB82532_RBCH_DMA		0x80

#define SAB82532_RBCH_CAS		0x20

/* Transmit Byte Count High (XBCH) */

#define SAB82532_XBCH_DMA		0x80

#define SAB82532_XBCH_CAS		0x20

#define SAB82532_XBCH_XC		0x10

/* Channel Configuration Register 0 (CCR0) */

#define SAB82532_CCR0_PU		0x80

#define SAB82532_CCR0_MCE		0x40

#define SAB82532_CCR0_SC_NRZ		0x00

#define SAB82532_CCR0_SC_NRZI		0x08

#define SAB82532_CCR0_SC_FM0		0x10

#define SAB82532_CCR0_SC_FM1		0x14

#define SAB82532_CCR0_SC_MANCH		0x18

#define SAB82532_CCR0_SM_HDLC		0x00

#define SAB82532_CCR0_SM_SDLC_LOOP	0x01

#define SAB82532_CCR0_SM_BISYNC		0x02

#define SAB82532_CCR0_SM_ASYNC		0x03

/* Channel Configuration Register 1 (CCR1) */

#define SAB82532_CCR1_ODS		0x10

#define SAB82532_CCR1_BCR		0x08

#define SAB82532_CCR1_CM_MASK		0x07

/* Channel Configuration Register 2 (CCR2) */

#define SAB82532_CCR2_SOC1		0x80

#define SAB82532_CCR2_SOC0		0x40

#define SAB82532_CCR2_BR9		0x80

#define SAB82532_CCR2_BR8		0x40

#define SAB82532_CCR2_BDF		0x20

#define SAB82532_CCR2_SSEL		0x10

#define SAB82532_CCR2_XCS0		0x20

#define SAB82532_CCR2_RCS0		0x10

#define SAB82532_CCR2_TOE		0x08

#define SAB82532_CCR2_RWX		0x04

#define SAB82532_CCR2_DIV		0x01

/* Channel Configuration Register 3 (CCR3) */

#define SAB82532_CCR3_PSD		0x01

/* Time Slot Assignment Register Transmit (TSAX) */

#define SAB82532_TSAX_TSNX_MASK		0xfc

#define SAB82532_TSAX_XCS2		0x02	
/* see also CCR2 */

#define SAB82532_TSAX_XCS1		0x01

/* Time Slot Assignment Register Receive (TSAR) */

#define SAB82532_TSAR_TSNR_MASK		0xfc

#define SAB82532_TSAR_RCS2		0x02	
/* see also CCR2 */

#define SAB82532_TSAR_RCS1		0x01

/* Version Status Register (VSTR) */

#define SAB82532_VSTR_CD		0x80

#define SAB82532_VSTR_DPLA		0x40

#define SAB82532_VSTR_VN_MASK		0x0f

#define SAB82532_VSTR_VN_1		0x00

#define SAB82532_VSTR_VN_2		0x01

#define SAB82532_VSTR_VN_3_2		0x02

/* Global Interrupt Status Register (GIS) */

#define SAB82532_GIS_PI			0x80

#define SAB82532_GIS_ISA1		0x08

#define SAB82532_GIS_ISA0		0x04

#define SAB82532_GIS_ISB1		0x02

#define SAB82532_GIS_ISB0		0x01

/* Interrupt Vector Address (IVA) */

#define SAB82532_IVA_MASK		0xf1

/* Interrupt Port Configuration (IPC) */

#define SAB82532_IPC_VIS		0x80

#define SAB82532_IPC_SLA1		0x10

#define SAB82532_IPC_SLA0		0x08

#define SAB82532_IPC_CASM		0x04

#define SAB82532_IPC_IC_OPEN_DRAIN	0x00

#define SAB82532_IPC_IC_ACT_LOW		0x01

#define SAB82532_IPC_IC_ACT_HIGH	0x03

/* Interrupt Status Register 0 (ISR0) */

#define SAB82532_ISR0_TCD		0x80

#define SAB82532_ISR0_TIME		0x40

#define SAB82532_ISR0_PERR		0x20

#define SAB82532_ISR0_FERR		0x10

#define SAB82532_ISR0_PLLA		0x08

#define SAB82532_ISR0_CDSC		0x04

#define SAB82532_ISR0_RFO		0x02

#define SAB82532_ISR0_RPF		0x01

/* Interrupt Status Register 1 (ISR1) */

#define SAB82532_ISR1_BRK		0x80

#define SAB82532_ISR1_BRKT		0x40

#define SAB82532_ISR1_ALLS		0x20

#define SAB82532_ISR1_XOFF		0x10

#define SAB82532_ISR1_TIN		0x08

#define SAB82532_ISR1_CSC		0x04

#define SAB82532_ISR1_XON		0x02

#define SAB82532_ISR1_XPR		0x01

/* Interrupt Mask Register 0 (IMR0) */

#define SAB82532_IMR0_TCD		0x80

#define SAB82532_IMR0_TIME		0x40

#define SAB82532_IMR0_PERR		0x20

#define SAB82532_IMR0_FERR		0x10

#define SAB82532_IMR0_PLLA		0x08

#define SAB82532_IMR0_CDSC		0x04

#define SAB82532_IMR0_RFO		0x02

#define SAB82532_IMR0_RPF		0x01

/* Interrupt Mask Register 1 (IMR1) */

#define SAB82532_IMR1_BRK		0x80

#define SAB82532_IMR1_BRKT		0x40

#define SAB82532_IMR1_ALLS		0x20

#define SAB82532_IMR1_XOFF		0x10

#define SAB82532_IMR1_TIN		0x08

#define SAB82532_IMR1_CSC		0x04

#define SAB82532_IMR1_XON		0x02

#define SAB82532_IMR1_XPR		0x01

/* Port Interrupt Status Register (PIS) */

#define SAB82532_PIS_SYNC_B		0x08

#define SAB82532_PIS_DTR_B		0x04

#define SAB82532_PIS_DTR_A		0x02

#define SAB82532_PIS_SYNC_A		0x01

/* Channel Configuration Register 4 (CCR4) */

#define SAB82532_CCR4_MCK4		0x80

#define SAB82532_CCR4_EBRG		0x40

#define SAB82532_CCR4_TST1		0x20

#define SAB82532_CCR4_ICD		0x10

#endif /* !(_SUNSAB_H) */

Overall Contributors

Linus Torvalds (pre-git)98698.11%240.00%
David S. Miller101.00%240.00%
Linus Torvalds90.90%120.00%
Information contained on this website is for historical information purposes only and does not indicate or represent copyright ownership.
Created with cregit.