Release 4.14 arch/frv/include/asm/spr-regs.h
/* spr-regs.h: special-purpose registers on the FRV
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Written by David Howells (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
* 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#ifndef _ASM_SPR_REGS_H
#define _ASM_SPR_REGS_H
* PSR - Processor Status Register
#define PSR_ET 0x00000001
/* enable interrupts/exceptions flag */
#define PSR_PS 0x00000002
/* previous supervisor mode flag */
#define PSR_S 0x00000004
/* supervisor mode flag */
#define PSR_PIL 0x00000078
/* processor external interrupt level */
#define PSR_PIL_0 0x00000000
/* - no interrupt in progress */
#define PSR_PIL_13 0x00000068
/* - debugging only */
#define PSR_PIL_14 0x00000070
/* - debugging in progress */
#define PSR_PIL_15 0x00000078
/* - NMI in progress */
#define PSR_EM 0x00000080
/* enable media operation */
#define PSR_EF 0x00000100
/* enable FPU operation */
#define PSR_BE 0x00001000
/* endianness mode */
#define PSR_BE_LE 0x00000000
/* - little endian mode */
#define PSR_BE_BE 0x00001000
/* - big endian mode */
#define PSR_CM 0x00002000
/* conditional mode */
#define PSR_NEM 0x00004000
/* non-excepting mode */
#define PSR_ICE 0x00010000
/* in-circuit emulation mode */
/* CPU silicon ID */
#define PSR_IMPLE_SHIFT 28
/* CPU core ID */
#define PSR_VERSION(psr) (((psr) >> PSR_VERSION_SHIFT) & 0xf)
#define PSR_IMPLE(psr) (((psr) >> PSR_IMPLE_SHIFT) & 0xf)
#define PSR_IMPLE_FR401 0x2
#define PSR_VERSION_FR401_MB93401 0x0
#define PSR_VERSION_FR401_MB93401A 0x1
#define PSR_VERSION_FR401_MB93403 0x2
#define PSR_IMPLE_FR405 0x4
#define PSR_VERSION_FR405_MB93405 0x0
#define PSR_IMPLE_FR451 0x5
#define PSR_VERSION_FR451_MB93451 0x0
#define PSR_IMPLE_FR501 0x1
#define PSR_VERSION_FR501_MB93501 0x1
#define PSR_VERSION_FR501_MB93501A 0x2
#define PSR_IMPLE_FR551 0x3
#define PSR_VERSION_FR551_MB93555 0x1
#define __get_PSR() ({ unsigned long x; asm volatile("movsg psr,%0" : "=r"(x)); x; })
#define __set_PSR(V) do { asm volatile("movgs %0,psr" : : "r"(V)); } while(0)
* TBR - Trap Base Register
#define TBR_TT 0x00000ff0
#define TBR_TT_INSTR_MMU_MISS (0x01 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INSTR_ACC_ERROR (0x02 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INSTR_ACC_EXCEP (0x03 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_PRIV_INSTR (0x06 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_ILLEGAL_INSTR (0x07 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_FP_EXCEPTION (0x0d << 4)
#define TBR_TT_MP_EXCEPTION (0x0e << 4)
#define TBR_TT_DATA_ACC_ERROR (0x11 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_DATA_MMU_MISS (0x12 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_DATA_ACC_EXCEP (0x13 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_DATA_STR_ERROR (0x14 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_DIVISION_EXCEP (0x17 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_COMMIT_EXCEP (0x19 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INSTR_TLB_MISS (0x1a << 4)
#define TBR_TT_DATA_TLB_MISS (0x1b << 4)
#define TBR_TT_DATA_DAT_EXCEP (0x1d << 4)
#define TBR_TT_DECREMENT_TIMER (0x1f << 4)
#define TBR_TT_COMPOUND_EXCEP (0x20 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_1 (0x21 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_2 (0x22 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_3 (0x23 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_4 (0x24 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_5 (0x25 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_6 (0x26 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_7 (0x27 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_8 (0x28 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_9 (0x29 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_10 (0x2a << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_11 (0x2b << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_12 (0x2c << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_13 (0x2d << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_14 (0x2e << 4)
#define TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_15 (0x2f << 4)
#define TBR_TT_TRAP0 (0x80 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_TRAP1 (0x81 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_TRAP2 (0x82 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_TRAP3 (0x83 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_TRAP120 (0xf8 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_TRAP121 (0xf9 << 4)
#define TBR_TT_TRAP122 (0xfa << 4)
#define TBR_TT_TRAP123 (0xfb << 4)
#define TBR_TT_TRAP124 (0xfc << 4)
#define TBR_TT_TRAP125 (0xfd << 4)
#define TBR_TT_TRAP126 (0xfe << 4)
#define TBR_TT_BREAK (0xff << 4)
#define __get_TBR() ({ unsigned long x; asm volatile("movsg tbr,%0" : "=r"(x)); x; })
* HSR0 - Hardware Status Register 0
#define HSR0_PDM 0x00000007
/* power down mode */
#define HSR0_PDM_NORMAL 0x00000000
/* - normal mode */
#define HSR0_PDM_CORE_SLEEP 0x00000001
/* - CPU core sleep mode */
#define HSR0_PDM_BUS_SLEEP 0x00000003
/* - bus sleep mode */
#define HSR0_PDM_PLL_RUN 0x00000005
/* - PLL run */
#define HSR0_PDM_PLL_STOP 0x00000007
/* - PLL stop */
#define HSR0_GRLE 0x00000040
/* GR lower register set enable */
#define HSR0_GRHE 0x00000080
/* GR higher register set enable */
#define HSR0_FRLE 0x00000100
/* FR lower register set enable */
#define HSR0_FRHE 0x00000200
/* FR higher register set enable */
#define HSR0_GRN 0x00000400
/* GR quantity */
#define HSR0_GRN_64 0x00000000
/* - 64 GR registers */
#define HSR0_GRN_32 0x00000400
/* - 32 GR registers */
#define HSR0_FRN 0x00000800
/* FR quantity */
#define HSR0_FRN_64 0x00000000
/* - 64 FR registers */
#define HSR0_FRN_32 0x00000800
/* - 32 FR registers */
#define HSR0_SA 0x00001000
/* start address (RAMBOOT#) */
#define HSR0_ETMI 0x00008000
/* enable TIMERI (64-bit up timer) */
#define HSR0_ETMD 0x00004000
/* enable TIMERD (32-bit down timer) */
#define HSR0_PEDAT 0x00010000
/* previous DAT mode */
#define HSR0_XEDAT 0x00020000
/* exception DAT mode */
#define HSR0_EDAT 0x00080000
/* enable DAT mode */
#define HSR0_RME 0x00400000
/* enable RAM mode */
#define HSR0_EMEM 0x00800000
/* enable MMU_Miss mask */
#define HSR0_EXMMU 0x01000000
/* enable extended MMU mode */
#define HSR0_EDMMU 0x02000000
/* enable data MMU */
#define HSR0_EIMMU 0x04000000
/* enable instruction MMU */
#define HSR0_CBM 0x08000000
/* copy back mode */
#define HSR0_CBM_WRITE_THRU 0x00000000
/* - write through */
#define HSR0_CBM_COPY_BACK 0x08000000
/* - copy back */
#define HSR0_NWA 0x10000000
/* no write allocate */
#define HSR0_DCE 0x40000000
/* data cache enable */
#define HSR0_ICE 0x80000000
/* instruction cache enable */
#define __get_HSR(R) ({ unsigned long x; asm volatile("movsg hsr"#R",%0" : "=r"(x)); x; })
#define __set_HSR(R,V) do { asm volatile("movgs %0,hsr"#R : : "r"(V)); } while(0)
* CCR - Condition Codes Register
#define CCR_FCC0 0x0000000f
/* FP/Media condition 0 (fcc0 reg) */
#define CCR_FCC1 0x000000f0
/* FP/Media condition 1 (fcc1 reg) */
#define CCR_FCC2 0x00000f00
/* FP/Media condition 2 (fcc2 reg) */
#define CCR_FCC3 0x0000f000
/* FP/Media condition 3 (fcc3 reg) */
#define CCR_ICC0 0x000f0000
/* Integer condition 0 (icc0 reg) */
#define CCR_ICC0_C 0x00010000
/* - Carry flag */
#define CCR_ICC0_V 0x00020000
/* - Overflow flag */
#define CCR_ICC0_Z 0x00040000
/* - Zero flag */
#define CCR_ICC0_N 0x00080000
/* - Negative flag */
#define CCR_ICC1 0x00f00000
/* Integer condition 1 (icc1 reg) */
#define CCR_ICC2 0x0f000000
/* Integer condition 2 (icc2 reg) */
#define CCR_ICC3 0xf0000000
/* Integer condition 3 (icc3 reg) */
* CCCR - Condition Codes for Conditional Instructions Register
#define CCCR_CC0 0x00000003
/* condition 0 (cc0 reg) */
#define CCCR_CC0_FALSE 0x00000002
/* - condition is false */
#define CCCR_CC0_TRUE 0x00000003
/* - condition is true */
#define CCCR_CC1 0x0000000c
/* condition 1 (cc1 reg) */
#define CCCR_CC2 0x00000030
/* condition 2 (cc2 reg) */
#define CCCR_CC3 0x000000c0
/* condition 3 (cc3 reg) */
#define CCCR_CC4 0x00000300
/* condition 4 (cc4 reg) */
#define CCCR_CC5 0x00000c00
/* condition 5 (cc5 reg) */
#define CCCR_CC6 0x00003000
/* condition 6 (cc6 reg) */
#define CCCR_CC7 0x0000c000
/* condition 7 (cc7 reg) */
* ISR - Integer Status Register
#define ISR_EMAM 0x00000001
/* memory misaligned access handling */
#define ISR_EMAM_EXCEPTION 0x00000000
/* - generate exception */
#define ISR_EMAM_FUDGE 0x00000001
/* - mask out invalid address bits */
#define ISR_AEXC 0x00000004
/* accrued [overflow] exception */
#define ISR_DTT 0x00000018
/* division type trap */
#define ISR_DTT_IGNORE 0x00000000
/* - ignore division error */
#define ISR_DTT_DIVBYZERO 0x00000008
/* - generate exception */
#define ISR_DTT_OVERFLOW 0x00000010
/* - record overflow */
#define ISR_EDE 0x00000020
/* enable division exception */
#define ISR_PLI 0x20000000
/* pre-load instruction information */
#define ISR_QI 0x80000000
/* quad data implementation information */
* EPCR0 - Exception PC Register
#define EPCR0_V 0x00000001
/* register content validity indicator */
#define EPCR0_PC 0xfffffffc
/* faulting instruction address */
* ESR0/14/15 - Exception Status Register
#define ESRx_VALID 0x00000001
/* register content validity indicator */
#define ESRx_EC 0x0000003e
/* exception type */
#define ESRx_EC_DATA_STORE 0x00000000
/* - data_store_error */
#define ESRx_EC_INSN_ACCESS 0x00000006
/* - instruction_access_error */
#define ESRx_EC_PRIV_INSN 0x00000008
/* - privileged_instruction */
#define ESRx_EC_ILL_INSN 0x0000000a
/* - illegal_instruction */
#define ESRx_EC_MP_EXCEP 0x0000001c
/* - mp_exception */
#define ESRx_EC_DATA_ACCESS 0x00000020
/* - data_access_error */
#define ESRx_EC_DIVISION 0x00000026
/* - division_exception */
#define ESRx_EC_ITLB_MISS 0x00000034
/* - instruction_access_TLB_miss */
#define ESRx_EC_DTLB_MISS 0x00000036
/* - data_access_TLB_miss */
#define ESRx_EC_DATA_ACCESS_DAT 0x0000003a
/* - data_access_DAT_exception */
#define ESR0_IAEC 0x00000100
/* info for instruction-access-exception */
#define ESR0_IAEC_RESV 0x00000000
/* - reserved */
#define ESR0_IAEC_PROT_VIOL 0x00000100
/* - protection violation */
#define ESR0_ATXC 0x00f00000
/* address translation exception code */
#define ESR0_ATXC_MMU_MISS 0x00000000
/* - MMU miss exception and more (?) */
#define ESR0_ATXC_MULTI_DAT 0x00800000
/* - multiple DAT entry hit */
#define ESR0_ATXC_MULTI_SAT 0x00900000
/* - multiple SAT entry hit */
#define ESR0_ATXC_AMRTLB_MISS 0x00a00000
/* - MMU/TLB miss exception */
#define ESR0_ATXC_PRIV_EXCEP 0x00c00000
/* - privilege protection fault */
#define ESR0_ATXC_WP_EXCEP 0x00d00000
/* - write protection fault */
#define ESR0_EAV 0x00000800
/* true if EAR0 register valid */
#define ESR15_EAV 0x00000800
/* true if EAR15 register valid */
* ESFR1 - Exception Status Valid Flag Register
#define ESFR1_ESR0 0x00000001
/* true if ESR0 is valid */
#define ESFR1_ESR14 0x00004000
/* true if ESR14 is valid */
#define ESFR1_ESR15 0x00008000
/* true if ESR15 is valid */
* MSR - Media Status Register
#define MSR0_AOVF 0x00000001
/* overflow exception accrued */
#define MSRx_OVF 0x00000002
/* overflow exception detected */
#define MSRx_SIE 0x0000003c
/* last SIMD instruction exception detected */
#define MSRx_SIE_NONE 0x00000000
/* - none detected */
#define MSRx_SIE_FRkHI_ACCk 0x00000020
/* - exception at FRkHI or ACCk */
#define MSRx_SIE_FRkLO_ACCk1 0x00000010
/* - exception at FRkLO or ACCk+1 */
#define MSRx_SIE_FRk1HI_ACCk2 0x00000008
/* - exception at FRk+1HI or ACCk+2 */
#define MSRx_SIE_FRk1LO_ACCk3 0x00000004
/* - exception at FRk+1LO or ACCk+3 */
#define MSR0_MTT 0x00007000
/* type of last media trap detected */
#define MSR0_MTT_NONE 0x00000000
/* - none detected */
#define MSR0_MTT_OVERFLOW 0x00001000
/* - overflow detected */
#define MSR0_HI 0x00c00000
/* hardware implementation */
#define MSR0_HI_ROUNDING 0x00000000
/* - rounding mode */
#define MSR0_HI_NONROUNDING 0x00c00000
/* - non-rounding mode */
#define MSR0_EMCI 0x01000000
/* enable media custom instructions */
#define MSR0_SRDAV 0x10000000
/* select rounding mode of MAVEH */
#define MSR0_SRDAV_RDAV 0x00000000
/* - controlled by MSR.RDAV */
#define MSR0_SRDAV_RD 0x10000000
/* - controlled by MSR.RD */
#define MSR0_RDAV 0x20000000
/* rounding mode of MAVEH */
#define MSR0_RDAV_NEAREST_MI 0x00000000
/* - round to nearest minus */
#define MSR0_RDAV_NEAREST_PL 0x20000000
/* - round to nearest plus */
#define MSR0_RD 0xc0000000
/* rounding mode */
#define MSR0_RD_NEAREST 0x00000000
/* - nearest */
#define MSR0_RD_ZERO 0x40000000
/* - zero */
#define MSR0_RD_POS_INF 0x80000000
/* - positive infinity */
#define MSR0_RD_NEG_INF 0xc0000000
/* - negative infinity */
* IAMPR0-7 - Instruction Address Mapping Register
* DAMPR0-7 - Data Address Mapping Register
#define xAMPRx_V 0x00000001
/* register content validity indicator */
#define DAMPRx_WP 0x00000002
/* write protect */
#define DAMPRx_WP_RW 0x00000000
/* - read/write */
#define DAMPRx_WP_RO 0x00000002
/* - read-only */
#define xAMPRx_C 0x00000004
/* cached/uncached */
#define xAMPRx_C_CACHED 0x00000000
/* - cached */
#define xAMPRx_C_UNCACHED 0x00000004
/* - uncached */
#define xAMPRx_S 0x00000008
/* supervisor only */
#define xAMPRx_S_USER 0x00000000
/* - userspace can access */
#define xAMPRx_S_KERNEL 0x00000008
/* - kernel only */
#define xAMPRx_SS 0x000000f0
/* segment size */
#define xAMPRx_SS_16Kb 0x00000000
/* - 16 kilobytes */
#define xAMPRx_SS_64Kb 0x00000010
/* - 64 kilobytes */
#define xAMPRx_SS_256Kb 0x00000020
/* - 256 kilobytes */
#define xAMPRx_SS_1Mb 0x00000030
/* - 1 megabyte */
#define xAMPRx_SS_2Mb 0x00000040
/* - 2 megabytes */
#define xAMPRx_SS_4Mb 0x00000050
/* - 4 megabytes */
#define xAMPRx_SS_8Mb 0x00000060
/* - 8 megabytes */
#define xAMPRx_SS_16Mb 0x00000070
/* - 16 megabytes */
#define xAMPRx_SS_32Mb 0x00000080
/* - 32 megabytes */
#define xAMPRx_SS_64Mb 0x00000090
/* - 64 megabytes */
#define xAMPRx_SS_128Mb 0x000000a0
/* - 128 megabytes */
#define xAMPRx_SS_256Mb 0x000000b0
/* - 256 megabytes */
#define xAMPRx_SS_512Mb 0x000000c0
/* - 512 megabytes */
#define xAMPRx_RESERVED8 0x00000100
/* reserved bit */
#define xAMPRx_NG 0x00000200
/* non-global */
#define xAMPRx_L 0x00000400
/* locked */
#define xAMPRx_M 0x00000800
/* modified */
#define xAMPRx_D 0x00001000
/* DAT entry */
#define xAMPRx_RESERVED13 0x00002000
/* reserved bit */
#define xAMPRx_PPFN 0xfff00000
/* physical page frame number */
#define xAMPRx_V_BIT 0
#define DAMPRx_WP_BIT 1
#define xAMPRx_C_BIT 2
#define xAMPRx_S_BIT 3
#define xAMPRx_RESERVED8_BIT 8
#define xAMPRx_NG_BIT 9
#define xAMPRx_L_BIT 10
#define xAMPRx_M_BIT 11
#define xAMPRx_D_BIT 12
#define xAMPRx_RESERVED13_BIT 13
#define __get_IAMPR(R) ({ unsigned long x; asm volatile("movsg iampr"#R",%0" : "=r"(x)); x; })
#define __get_DAMPR(R) ({ unsigned long x; asm volatile("movsg dampr"#R",%0" : "=r"(x)); x; })
#define __get_IAMLR(R) ({ unsigned long x; asm volatile("movsg iamlr"#R",%0" : "=r"(x)); x; })
#define __get_DAMLR(R) ({ unsigned long x; asm volatile("movsg damlr"#R",%0" : "=r"(x)); x; })
#define __set_IAMPR(R,V) do { asm volatile("movgs %0,iampr"#R : : "r"(V)); } while(0)
#define __set_DAMPR(R,V) do { asm volatile("movgs %0,dampr"#R : : "r"(V)); } while(0)
#define __set_IAMLR(R,V) do { asm volatile("movgs %0,iamlr"#R : : "r"(V)); } while(0)
#define __set_DAMLR(R,V) do { asm volatile("movgs %0,damlr"#R : : "r"(V)); } while(0)
#define save_dampr(R, _dampr) \
do { \
asm volatile("movsg dampr"R",%0" : "=r"(_dampr)); \
} while(0)
#define restore_dampr(R, _dampr) \
do { \
asm volatile("movgs %0,dampr"R :: "r"(_dampr)); \
} while(0)
* AMCR - Address Mapping Control Register
#define AMCR_IAMRN 0x000000ff
/* quantity of IAMPR registers */
#define AMCR_DAMRN 0x0000ff00
/* quantity of DAMPR registers */
* TTBR - Address Translation Table Base Register
#define __get_TTBR() ({ unsigned long x; asm volatile("movsg ttbr,%0" : "=r"(x)); x; })
* TPXR - TLB Probe Extend Register
#define TPXR_E 0x00000001
#define TPXR_LMAX_SHIFT 20
#define TPXR_LMAX_SMASK 0xf
#define TPXR_WMAX_SHIFT 24
#define TPXR_WMAX_SMASK 0xf
#define TPXR_WAY_SHIFT 28
#define TPXR_WAY_SMASK 0xf
* DCR - Debug Control Register
#define DCR_IBCE3 0x00000001
/* break on conditional insn pointed to by IBAR3 */
#define DCR_IBE3 0x00000002
/* break on insn pointed to by IBAR3 */
#define DCR_IBCE1 0x00000004
/* break on conditional insn pointed to by IBAR2 */
#define DCR_IBE1 0x00000008
/* break on insn pointed to by IBAR2 */
#define DCR_IBCE2 0x00000010
/* break on conditional insn pointed to by IBAR1 */
#define DCR_IBE2 0x00000020
/* break on insn pointed to by IBAR1 */
#define DCR_IBCE0 0x00000040
/* break on conditional insn pointed to by IBAR0 */
#define DCR_IBE0 0x00000080
/* break on insn pointed to by IBAR0 */
#define DCR_DDBE1 0x00004000
/* use DBDR1x when checking DBAR1 */
#define DCR_DWBE1 0x00008000
/* break on store to address in DBAR1/DBMR1x */
#define DCR_DRBE1 0x00010000
/* break on load from address in DBAR1/DBMR1x */
#define DCR_DDBE0 0x00020000
/* use DBDR0x when checking DBAR0 */
#define DCR_DWBE0 0x00040000
/* break on store to address in DBAR0/DBMR0x */
#define DCR_DRBE0 0x00080000
/* break on load from address in DBAR0/DBMR0x */
#define DCR_EIM 0x0c000000
/* external interrupt disable */
#define DCR_IBM 0x10000000
/* instruction break disable */
#define DCR_SE 0x20000000
/* single step enable */
#define DCR_EBE 0x40000000
/* exception break enable */
* BRR - Break Interrupt Request Register
#define BRR_ST 0x00000001
/* single-step detected */
#define BRR_SB 0x00000002
/* break instruction detected */
#define BRR_BB 0x00000004
/* branch with hint detected */
#define BRR_CBB 0x00000008
/* branch to LR detected */
#define BRR_IBx 0x000000f0
/* hardware breakpoint detected */
#define BRR_DBx 0x00000f00
/* hardware watchpoint detected */
#define BRR_DBNEx 0x0000f000
/* ? */
#define BRR_EBTT 0x00ff0000
/* trap type of exception break */
#define BRR_TB 0x10000000
/* external break request detected */
#define BRR_CB 0x20000000
/* ICE break command detected */
#define BRR_EB 0x40000000
/* exception break detected */
* BPSR - Break PSR Save Register
#define BPSR_BET 0x00000001
/* former PSR.ET */
#define BPSR_BS 0x00001000
/* former PSR.S */
#endif /* _ASM_SPR_REGS_H */
Overall Contributors
Person | Tokens | Prop | Commits | CommitProp |
David Howells | 1509 | 99.93% | 4 | 80.00% |
Lucas De Marchi | 1 | 0.07% | 1 | 20.00% |
Total | 1510 | 100.00% | 5 | 100.00% |
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