/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* include/asm-m68knommu/MC68328.h: '328 control registers * * Copyright (C) 1999 Vladimir Gurevich <vgurevic@cisco.com> * Bear & Hare Software, Inc. * * Based on include/asm-m68knommu/MC68332.h * Copyright (C) 1998 Kenneth Albanowski <kjahds@kjahds.com>, * */ #include <linux/compiler.h> #ifndef _MC68328_H_ #define _MC68328_H_ #define BYTE_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned char*)addr)) #define WORD_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned short*)addr)) #define LONG_REF(addr) (*((volatile unsigned long*)addr)) #define PUT_FIELD(field, val) (((val) << field##_SHIFT) & field##_MASK) #define GET_FIELD(reg, field) (((reg) & field##_MASK) >> field##_SHIFT) /********** * * 0xFFFFF0xx -- System Control * **********/ /* * System Control Register (SCR) */ #define SCR_ADDR 0xfffff000 #define SCR BYTE_REF(SCR_ADDR) #define SCR_WDTH8 0x01 /* 8-Bit Width Select */ #define SCR_DMAP 0x04 /* Double Map */ #define SCR_SO 0x08 /* Supervisor Only */ #define SCR_BETEN 0x10 /* Bus-Error Time-Out Enable */ #define SCR_PRV 0x20 /* Privilege Violation */ #define SCR_WPV 0x40 /* Write Protect Violation */ #define SCR_BETO 0x80 /* Bus-Error TimeOut */ /* * Mask Revision Register */ #define MRR_ADDR 0xfffff004 #define MRR LONG_REF(MRR_ADDR) /********** * * 0xFFFFF1xx -- Chip-Select logic * **********/ /********** * * 0xFFFFF2xx -- Phase Locked Loop (PLL) & Power Control * **********/ /* * Group Base Address Registers */ #define GRPBASEA_ADDR 0xfffff100 #define GRPBASEB_ADDR 0xfffff102 #define GRPBASEC_ADDR 0xfffff104 #define GRPBASED_ADDR 0xfffff106 #define GRPBASEA WORD_REF(GRPBASEA_ADDR) #define GRPBASEB WORD_REF(GRPBASEB_ADDR) #define GRPBASEC WORD_REF(GRPBASEC_ADDR) #define GRPBASED WORD_REF(GRPBASED_ADDR) #define GRPBASE_V 0x0001 /* Valid */ #define GRPBASE_GBA_MASK 0xfff0 /* Group Base Address (bits 31-20) */ /* * Group Base Address Mask Registers */ #define GRPMASKA_ADDR 0xfffff108 #define GRPMASKB_ADDR 0xfffff10a #define GRPMASKC_ADDR 0xfffff10c #define GRPMASKD_ADDR 0xfffff10e #define GRPMASKA WORD_REF(GRPMASKA_ADDR) #define GRPMASKB WORD_REF(GRPMASKB_ADDR) #define GRPMASKC WORD_REF(GRPMASKC_ADDR) #define GRPMASKD WORD_REF(GRPMASKD_ADDR) #define GRMMASK_GMA_MASK 0xfffff0 /* Group Base Mask (bits 31-20) */ /* * Chip-Select Option Registers (group A) */ #define CSA0_ADDR 0xfffff110 #define CSA1_ADDR 0xfffff114 #define CSA2_ADDR 0xfffff118 #define CSA3_ADDR 0xfffff11c #define CSA0 LONG_REF(CSA0_ADDR) #define CSA1 LONG_REF(CSA1_ADDR) #define CSA2 LONG_REF(CSA2_ADDR) #define CSA3 LONG_REF(CSA3_ADDR) #define CSA_WAIT_MASK 0x00000007 /* Wait State Selection */ #define CSA_WAIT_SHIFT 0 #define CSA_RO 0x00000008 /* Read-Only */ #define CSA_AM_MASK 0x0000ff00 /* Address Mask (bits 23-16) */ #define CSA_AM_SHIFT 8 #define CSA_BUSW 0x00010000 /* Bus Width Select */ #define CSA_AC_MASK 0xff000000 /* Address Compare (bits 23-16) */ #define CSA_AC_SHIFT 24 /* * Chip-Select Option Registers (group B) */ #define CSB0_ADDR 0xfffff120 #define CSB1_ADDR 0xfffff124 #define CSB2_ADDR 0xfffff128 #define CSB3_ADDR 0xfffff12c #define CSB0 LONG_REF(CSB0_ADDR) #define CSB1 LONG_REF(CSB1_ADDR) #define CSB2 LONG_REF(CSB2_ADDR) #define CSB3 LONG_REF(CSB3_ADDR) #define CSB_WAIT_MASK 0x00000007 /* Wait State Selection */ #define CSB_WAIT_SHIFT 0 #define CSB_RO 0x00000008 /* Read-Only */ #define CSB_AM_MASK 0x0000ff00 /* Address Mask (bits 23-16) */ #define CSB_AM_SHIFT 8 #define CSB_BUSW 0x00010000 /* Bus Width Select */ #define CSB_AC_MASK 0xff000000 /* Address Compare (bits 23-16) */ #define CSB_AC_SHIFT 24 /* * Chip-Select Option Registers (group C) */ #define CSC0_ADDR 0xfffff130 #define CSC1_ADDR 0xfffff134 #define CSC2_ADDR 0xfffff138 #define CSC3_ADDR 0xfffff13c #define CSC0 LONG_REF(CSC0_ADDR) #define CSC1 LONG_REF(CSC1_ADDR) #define CSC2 LONG_REF(CSC2_ADDR) #define CSC3 LONG_REF(CSC3_ADDR) #define CSC_WAIT_MASK 0x00000007 /* Wait State Selection */ #define CSC_WAIT_SHIFT 0 #define CSC_RO 0x00000008 /* Read-Only */ #define CSC_AM_MASK 0x0000fff0 /* Address Mask (bits 23-12) */ #define CSC_AM_SHIFT 4 #define CSC_BUSW 0x00010000 /* Bus Width Select */ #define CSC_AC_MASK 0xfff00000 /* Address Compare (bits 23-12) */ #define CSC_AC_SHIFT 20 /* * Chip-Select Option Registers (group D) */ #define CSD0_ADDR 0xfffff140 #define CSD1_ADDR 0xfffff144 #define CSD2_ADDR 0xfffff148 #define CSD3_ADDR 0xfffff14c #define CSD0 LONG_REF(CSD0_ADDR) #define CSD1 LONG_REF(CSD1_ADDR) #define CSD2 LONG_REF(CSD2_ADDR) #define CSD3 LONG_REF(CSD3_ADDR) #define CSD_WAIT_MASK 0x00000007 /* Wait State Selection */ #define CSD_WAIT_SHIFT 0 #define CSD_RO 0x00000008 /* Read-Only */ #define CSD_AM_MASK 0x0000fff0 /* Address Mask (bits 23-12) */ #define CSD_AM_SHIFT 4 #define CSD_BUSW 0x00010000 /* Bus Width Select */ #define CSD_AC_MASK 0xfff00000 /* Address Compare (bits 23-12) */ #define CSD_AC_SHIFT 20 /********** * * 0xFFFFF2xx -- Phase Locked Loop (PLL) & Power Control * **********/ /* * PLL Control Register */ #define PLLCR_ADDR 0xfffff200 #define PLLCR WORD_REF(PLLCR_ADDR) #define PLLCR_DISPLL 0x0008 /* Disable PLL */ #define PLLCR_CLKEN 0x0010 /* Clock (CLKO pin) enable */ #define PLLCR_SYSCLK_SEL_MASK 0x0700 /* System Clock Selection */ #define PLLCR_SYSCLK_SEL_SHIFT 8 #define PLLCR_PIXCLK_SEL_MASK 0x3800 /* LCD Clock Selection */ #define PLLCR_PIXCLK_SEL_SHIFT 11 /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define PLLCR_LCDCLK_SEL_MASK PLLCR_PIXCLK_SEL_MASK #define PLLCR_LCDCLK_SEL_SHIFT PLLCR_PIXCLK_SEL_SHIFT /* * PLL Frequency Select Register */ #define PLLFSR_ADDR 0xfffff202 #define PLLFSR WORD_REF(PLLFSR_ADDR) #define PLLFSR_PC_MASK 0x00ff /* P Count */ #define PLLFSR_PC_SHIFT 0 #define PLLFSR_QC_MASK 0x0f00 /* Q Count */ #define PLLFSR_QC_SHIFT 8 #define PLLFSR_PROT 0x4000 /* Protect P & Q */ #define PLLFSR_CLK32 0x8000 /* Clock 32 (kHz) */ /* * Power Control Register */ #define PCTRL_ADDR 0xfffff207 #define PCTRL BYTE_REF(PCTRL_ADDR) #define PCTRL_WIDTH_MASK 0x1f /* CPU Clock bursts width */ #define PCTRL_WIDTH_SHIFT 0 #define PCTRL_STOP 0x40 /* Enter power-save mode immediately */ #define PCTRL_PCEN 0x80 /* Power Control Enable */ /********** * * 0xFFFFF3xx -- Interrupt Controller * **********/ /* * Interrupt Vector Register */ #define IVR_ADDR 0xfffff300 #define IVR BYTE_REF(IVR_ADDR) #define IVR_VECTOR_MASK 0xF8 /* * Interrupt control Register */ #define ICR_ADRR 0xfffff302 #define ICR WORD_REF(ICR_ADDR) #define ICR_ET6 0x0100 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ6 */ #define ICR_ET3 0x0200 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ3 */ #define ICR_ET2 0x0400 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ2 */ #define ICR_ET1 0x0800 /* Edge Trigger Select for IRQ1 */ #define ICR_POL6 0x1000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ6 */ #define ICR_POL3 0x2000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ3 */ #define ICR_POL2 0x4000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ2 */ #define ICR_POL1 0x8000 /* Polarity Control for IRQ1 */ /* * Interrupt Mask Register */ #define IMR_ADDR 0xfffff304 #define IMR LONG_REF(IMR_ADDR) /* * Define the names for bit positions first. This is useful for * request_irq */ #define SPIM_IRQ_NUM 0 /* SPI Master interrupt */ #define TMR2_IRQ_NUM 1 /* Timer 2 interrupt */ #define UART_IRQ_NUM 2 /* UART interrupt */ #define WDT_IRQ_NUM 3 /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */ #define RTC_IRQ_NUM 4 /* RTC interrupt */ #define KB_IRQ_NUM 6 /* Keyboard Interrupt */ #define PWM_IRQ_NUM 7 /* Pulse-Width Modulator int. */ #define INT0_IRQ_NUM 8 /* External INT0 */ #define INT1_IRQ_NUM 9 /* External INT1 */ #define INT2_IRQ_NUM 10 /* External INT2 */ #define INT3_IRQ_NUM 11 /* External INT3 */ #define INT4_IRQ_NUM 12 /* External INT4 */ #define INT5_IRQ_NUM 13 /* External INT5 */ #define INT6_IRQ_NUM 14 /* External INT6 */ #define INT7_IRQ_NUM 15 /* External INT7 */ #define IRQ1_IRQ_NUM 16 /* IRQ1 */ #define IRQ2_IRQ_NUM 17 /* IRQ2 */ #define IRQ3_IRQ_NUM 18 /* IRQ3 */ #define IRQ6_IRQ_NUM 19 /* IRQ6 */ #define PEN_IRQ_NUM 20 /* Pen Interrupt */ #define SPIS_IRQ_NUM 21 /* SPI Slave Interrupt */ #define TMR1_IRQ_NUM 22 /* Timer 1 interrupt */ #define IRQ7_IRQ_NUM 23 /* IRQ7 */ /* '328-compatible definitions */ #define SPI_IRQ_NUM SPIM_IRQ_NUM #define TMR_IRQ_NUM TMR1_IRQ_NUM /* * Here go the bitmasks themselves */ #define IMR_MSPIM (1 << SPIM_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask SPI Master interrupt */ #define IMR_MTMR2 (1 << TMR2_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Timer 2 interrupt */ #define IMR_MUART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask UART interrupt */ #define IMR_MWDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Watchdog Timer interrupt */ #define IMR_MRTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask RTC interrupt */ #define IMR_MKB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Keyboard Interrupt */ #define IMR_MPWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Pulse-Width Modulator int. */ #define IMR_MINT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT0 */ #define IMR_MINT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT1 */ #define IMR_MINT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT2 */ #define IMR_MINT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT3 */ #define IMR_MINT4 (1 << INT4_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT4 */ #define IMR_MINT5 (1 << INT5_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT5 */ #define IMR_MINT6 (1 << INT6_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT6 */ #define IMR_MINT7 (1 << INT7_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask External INT7 */ #define IMR_MIRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ1 */ #define IMR_MIRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ2 */ #define IMR_MIRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ3 */ #define IMR_MIRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ6 */ #define IMR_MPEN (1 << PEN_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Pen Interrupt */ #define IMR_MSPIS (1 << SPIS_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask SPI Slave Interrupt */ #define IMR_MTMR1 (1 << TMR1_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask Timer 1 interrupt */ #define IMR_MIRQ7 (1 << IRQ7_IRQ_NUM) /* Mask IRQ7 */ /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define IMR_MSPI IMR_MSPIM #define IMR_MTMR IMR_MTMR1 /* * Interrupt Wake-Up Enable Register */ #define IWR_ADDR 0xfffff308 #define IWR LONG_REF(IWR_ADDR) #define IWR_SPIM (1 << SPIM_IRQ_NUM) /* SPI Master interrupt */ #define IWR_TMR2 (1 << TMR2_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer 2 interrupt */ #define IWR_UART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* UART interrupt */ #define IWR_WDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */ #define IWR_RTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* RTC interrupt */ #define IWR_KB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Keyboard Interrupt */ #define IWR_PWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Pulse-Width Modulator int. */ #define IWR_INT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT0 */ #define IWR_INT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT1 */ #define IWR_INT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT2 */ #define IWR_INT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT3 */ #define IWR_INT4 (1 << INT4_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT4 */ #define IWR_INT5 (1 << INT5_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT5 */ #define IWR_INT6 (1 << INT6_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT6 */ #define IWR_INT7 (1 << INT7_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT7 */ #define IWR_IRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ1 */ #define IWR_IRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ2 */ #define IWR_IRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ3 */ #define IWR_IRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ6 */ #define IWR_PEN (1 << PEN_IRQ_NUM) /* Pen Interrupt */ #define IWR_SPIS (1 << SPIS_IRQ_NUM) /* SPI Slave Interrupt */ #define IWR_TMR1 (1 << TMR1_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer 1 interrupt */ #define IWR_IRQ7 (1 << IRQ7_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ7 */ /* * Interrupt Status Register */ #define ISR_ADDR 0xfffff30c #define ISR LONG_REF(ISR_ADDR) #define ISR_SPIM (1 << SPIM_IRQ_NUM) /* SPI Master interrupt */ #define ISR_TMR2 (1 << TMR2_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer 2 interrupt */ #define ISR_UART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* UART interrupt */ #define ISR_WDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */ #define ISR_RTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* RTC interrupt */ #define ISR_KB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Keyboard Interrupt */ #define ISR_PWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Pulse-Width Modulator int. */ #define ISR_INT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT0 */ #define ISR_INT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT1 */ #define ISR_INT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT2 */ #define ISR_INT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT3 */ #define ISR_INT4 (1 << INT4_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT4 */ #define ISR_INT5 (1 << INT5_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT5 */ #define ISR_INT6 (1 << INT6_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT6 */ #define ISR_INT7 (1 << INT7_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT7 */ #define ISR_IRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ1 */ #define ISR_IRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ2 */ #define ISR_IRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ3 */ #define ISR_IRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ6 */ #define ISR_PEN (1 << PEN_IRQ_NUM) /* Pen Interrupt */ #define ISR_SPIS (1 << SPIS_IRQ_NUM) /* SPI Slave Interrupt */ #define ISR_TMR1 (1 << TMR1_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer 1 interrupt */ #define ISR_IRQ7 (1 << IRQ7_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ7 */ /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define ISR_SPI ISR_SPIM #define ISR_TMR ISR_TMR1 /* * Interrupt Pending Register */ #define IPR_ADDR 0xfffff310 #define IPR LONG_REF(IPR_ADDR) #define IPR_SPIM (1 << SPIM_IRQ_NUM) /* SPI Master interrupt */ #define IPR_TMR2 (1 << TMR2_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer 2 interrupt */ #define IPR_UART (1 << UART_IRQ_NUM) /* UART interrupt */ #define IPR_WDT (1 << WDT_IRQ_NUM) /* Watchdog Timer interrupt */ #define IPR_RTC (1 << RTC_IRQ_NUM) /* RTC interrupt */ #define IPR_KB (1 << KB_IRQ_NUM) /* Keyboard Interrupt */ #define IPR_PWM (1 << PWM_IRQ_NUM) /* Pulse-Width Modulator int. */ #define IPR_INT0 (1 << INT0_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT0 */ #define IPR_INT1 (1 << INT1_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT1 */ #define IPR_INT2 (1 << INT2_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT2 */ #define IPR_INT3 (1 << INT3_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT3 */ #define IPR_INT4 (1 << INT4_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT4 */ #define IPR_INT5 (1 << INT5_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT5 */ #define IPR_INT6 (1 << INT6_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT6 */ #define IPR_INT7 (1 << INT7_IRQ_NUM) /* External INT7 */ #define IPR_IRQ1 (1 << IRQ1_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ1 */ #define IPR_IRQ2 (1 << IRQ2_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ2 */ #define IPR_IRQ3 (1 << IRQ3_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ3 */ #define IPR_IRQ6 (1 << IRQ6_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ6 */ #define IPR_PEN (1 << PEN_IRQ_NUM) /* Pen Interrupt */ #define IPR_SPIS (1 << SPIS_IRQ_NUM) /* SPI Slave Interrupt */ #define IPR_TMR1 (1 << TMR1_IRQ_NUM) /* Timer 1 interrupt */ #define IPR_IRQ7 (1 << IRQ7_IRQ_NUM) /* IRQ7 */ /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define IPR_SPI IPR_SPIM #define IPR_TMR IPR_TMR1 /********** * * 0xFFFFF4xx -- Parallel Ports * **********/ /* * Port A */ #define PADIR_ADDR 0xfffff400 /* Port A direction reg */ #define PADATA_ADDR 0xfffff401 /* Port A data register */ #define PASEL_ADDR 0xfffff403 /* Port A Select register */ #define PADIR BYTE_REF(PADIR_ADDR) #define PADATA BYTE_REF(PADATA_ADDR) #define PASEL BYTE_REF(PASEL_ADDR) #define PA(x) (1 << (x)) #define PA_A(x) PA((x) - 16) /* This is specific to PA only! */ #define PA_A16 PA(0) /* Use A16 as PA(0) */ #define PA_A17 PA(1) /* Use A17 as PA(1) */ #define PA_A18 PA(2) /* Use A18 as PA(2) */ #define PA_A19 PA(3) /* Use A19 as PA(3) */ #define PA_A20 PA(4) /* Use A20 as PA(4) */ #define PA_A21 PA(5) /* Use A21 as PA(5) */ #define PA_A22 PA(6) /* Use A22 as PA(6) */ #define PA_A23 PA(7) /* Use A23 as PA(7) */ /* * Port B */ #define PBDIR_ADDR 0xfffff408 /* Port B direction reg */ #define PBDATA_ADDR 0xfffff409 /* Port B data register */ #define PBSEL_ADDR 0xfffff40b /* Port B Select Register */ #define PBDIR BYTE_REF(PBDIR_ADDR) #define PBDATA BYTE_REF(PBDATA_ADDR) #define PBSEL BYTE_REF(PBSEL_ADDR) #define PB(x) (1 << (x)) #define PB_D(x) PB(x) /* This is specific to port B only */ #define PB_D0 PB(0) /* Use D0 as PB(0) */ #define PB_D1 PB(1) /* Use D1 as PB(1) */ #define PB_D2 PB(2) /* Use D2 as PB(2) */ #define PB_D3 PB(3) /* Use D3 as PB(3) */ #define PB_D4 PB(4) /* Use D4 as PB(4) */ #define PB_D5 PB(5) /* Use D5 as PB(5) */ #define PB_D6 PB(6) /* Use D6 as PB(6) */ #define PB_D7 PB(7) /* Use D7 as PB(7) */ /* * Port C */ #define PCDIR_ADDR 0xfffff410 /* Port C direction reg */ #define PCDATA_ADDR 0xfffff411 /* Port C data register */ #define PCSEL_ADDR 0xfffff413 /* Port C Select Register */ #define PCDIR BYTE_REF(PCDIR_ADDR) #define PCDATA BYTE_REF(PCDATA_ADDR) #define PCSEL BYTE_REF(PCSEL_ADDR) #define PC(x) (1 << (x)) #define PC_WE PC(6) /* Use WE as PC(6) */ #define PC_DTACK PC(5) /* Use DTACK as PC(5) */ #define PC_IRQ7 PC(4) /* Use IRQ7 as PC(4) */ #define PC_LDS PC(2) /* Use LDS as PC(2) */ #define PC_UDS PC(1) /* Use UDS as PC(1) */ #define PC_MOCLK PC(0) /* Use MOCLK as PC(0) */ /* * Port D */ #define PDDIR_ADDR 0xfffff418 /* Port D direction reg */ #define PDDATA_ADDR 0xfffff419 /* Port D data register */ #define PDPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff41a /* Port D Pull-Up enable reg */ #define PDPOL_ADDR 0xfffff41c /* Port D Polarity Register */ #define PDIRQEN_ADDR 0xfffff41d /* Port D IRQ enable register */ #define PDIQEG_ADDR 0xfffff41f /* Port D IRQ Edge Register */ #define PDDIR BYTE_REF(PDDIR_ADDR) #define PDDATA BYTE_REF(PDDATA_ADDR) #define PDPUEN BYTE_REF(PDPUEN_ADDR) #define PDPOL BYTE_REF(PDPOL_ADDR) #define PDIRQEN BYTE_REF(PDIRQEN_ADDR) #define PDIQEG BYTE_REF(PDIQEG_ADDR) #define PD(x) (1 << (x)) #define PD_KB(x) PD(x) /* This is specific for Port D only */ #define PD_KB0 PD(0) /* Use KB0 as PD(0) */ #define PD_KB1 PD(1) /* Use KB1 as PD(1) */ #define PD_KB2 PD(2) /* Use KB2 as PD(2) */ #define PD_KB3 PD(3) /* Use KB3 as PD(3) */ #define PD_KB4 PD(4) /* Use KB4 as PD(4) */ #define PD_KB5 PD(5) /* Use KB5 as PD(5) */ #define PD_KB6 PD(6) /* Use KB6 as PD(6) */ #define PD_KB7 PD(7) /* Use KB7 as PD(7) */ /* * Port E */ #define PEDIR_ADDR 0xfffff420 /* Port E direction reg */ #define PEDATA_ADDR 0xfffff421 /* Port E data register */ #define PEPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff422 /* Port E Pull-Up enable reg */ #define PESEL_ADDR 0xfffff423 /* Port E Select Register */ #define PEDIR BYTE_REF(PEDIR_ADDR) #define PEDATA BYTE_REF(PEDATA_ADDR) #define PEPUEN BYTE_REF(PEPUEN_ADDR) #define PESEL BYTE_REF(PESEL_ADDR) #define PE(x) (1 << (x)) #define PE_CSA1 PE(1) /* Use CSA1 as PE(1) */ #define PE_CSA2 PE(2) /* Use CSA2 as PE(2) */ #define PE_CSA3 PE(3) /* Use CSA3 as PE(3) */ #define PE_CSB0 PE(4) /* Use CSB0 as PE(4) */ #define PE_CSB1 PE(5) /* Use CSB1 as PE(5) */ #define PE_CSB2 PE(6) /* Use CSB2 as PE(6) */ #define PE_CSB3 PE(7) /* Use CSB3 as PE(7) */ /* * Port F */ #define PFDIR_ADDR 0xfffff428 /* Port F direction reg */ #define PFDATA_ADDR 0xfffff429 /* Port F data register */ #define PFPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff42a /* Port F Pull-Up enable reg */ #define PFSEL_ADDR 0xfffff42b /* Port F Select Register */ #define PFDIR BYTE_REF(PFDIR_ADDR) #define PFDATA BYTE_REF(PFDATA_ADDR) #define PFPUEN BYTE_REF(PFPUEN_ADDR) #define PFSEL BYTE_REF(PFSEL_ADDR) #define PF(x) (1 << (x)) #define PF_A(x) PF((x) - 24) /* This is Port F specific only */ #define PF_A24 PF(0) /* Use A24 as PF(0) */ #define PF_A25 PF(1) /* Use A25 as PF(1) */ #define PF_A26 PF(2) /* Use A26 as PF(2) */ #define PF_A27 PF(3) /* Use A27 as PF(3) */ #define PF_A28 PF(4) /* Use A28 as PF(4) */ #define PF_A29 PF(5) /* Use A29 as PF(5) */ #define PF_A30 PF(6) /* Use A30 as PF(6) */ #define PF_A31 PF(7) /* Use A31 as PF(7) */ /* * Port G */ #define PGDIR_ADDR 0xfffff430 /* Port G direction reg */ #define PGDATA_ADDR 0xfffff431 /* Port G data register */ #define PGPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff432 /* Port G Pull-Up enable reg */ #define PGSEL_ADDR 0xfffff433 /* Port G Select Register */ #define PGDIR BYTE_REF(PGDIR_ADDR) #define PGDATA BYTE_REF(PGDATA_ADDR) #define PGPUEN BYTE_REF(PGPUEN_ADDR) #define PGSEL BYTE_REF(PGSEL_ADDR) #define PG(x) (1 << (x)) #define PG_UART_TXD PG(0) /* Use UART_TXD as PG(0) */ #define PG_UART_RXD PG(1) /* Use UART_RXD as PG(1) */ #define PG_PWMOUT PG(2) /* Use PWMOUT as PG(2) */ #define PG_TOUT2 PG(3) /* Use TOUT2 as PG(3) */ #define PG_TIN2 PG(4) /* Use TIN2 as PG(4) */ #define PG_TOUT1 PG(5) /* Use TOUT1 as PG(5) */ #define PG_TIN1 PG(6) /* Use TIN1 as PG(6) */ #define PG_RTCOUT PG(7) /* Use RTCOUT as PG(7) */ /* * Port J */ #define PJDIR_ADDR 0xfffff438 /* Port J direction reg */ #define PJDATA_ADDR 0xfffff439 /* Port J data register */ #define PJSEL_ADDR 0xfffff43b /* Port J Select Register */ #define PJDIR BYTE_REF(PJDIR_ADDR) #define PJDATA BYTE_REF(PJDATA_ADDR) #define PJSEL BYTE_REF(PJSEL_ADDR) #define PJ(x) (1 << (x)) #define PJ_CSD3 PJ(7) /* Use CSD3 as PJ(7) */ /* * Port K */ #define PKDIR_ADDR 0xfffff440 /* Port K direction reg */ #define PKDATA_ADDR 0xfffff441 /* Port K data register */ #define PKPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff442 /* Port K Pull-Up enable reg */ #define PKSEL_ADDR 0xfffff443 /* Port K Select Register */ #define PKDIR BYTE_REF(PKDIR_ADDR) #define PKDATA BYTE_REF(PKDATA_ADDR) #define PKPUEN BYTE_REF(PKPUEN_ADDR) #define PKSEL BYTE_REF(PKSEL_ADDR) #define PK(x) (1 << (x)) /* * Port M */ #define PMDIR_ADDR 0xfffff438 /* Port M direction reg */ #define PMDATA_ADDR 0xfffff439 /* Port M data register */ #define PMPUEN_ADDR 0xfffff43a /* Port M Pull-Up enable reg */ #define PMSEL_ADDR 0xfffff43b /* Port M Select Register */ #define PMDIR BYTE_REF(PMDIR_ADDR) #define PMDATA BYTE_REF(PMDATA_ADDR) #define PMPUEN BYTE_REF(PMPUEN_ADDR) #define PMSEL BYTE_REF(PMSEL_ADDR) #define PM(x) (1 << (x)) /********** * * 0xFFFFF5xx -- Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM) * **********/ /* * PWM Control Register */ #define PWMC_ADDR 0xfffff500 #define PWMC WORD_REF(PWMC_ADDR) #define PWMC_CLKSEL_MASK 0x0007 /* Clock Selection */ #define PWMC_CLKSEL_SHIFT 0 #define PWMC_PWMEN 0x0010 /* Enable PWM */ #define PMNC_POL 0x0020 /* PWM Output Bit Polarity */ #define PWMC_PIN 0x0080 /* Current PWM output pin status */ #define PWMC_LOAD 0x0100 /* Force a new period */ #define PWMC_IRQEN 0x4000 /* Interrupt Request Enable */ #define PWMC_CLKSRC 0x8000 /* Clock Source Select */ /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define PWMC_EN PWMC_PWMEN /* * PWM Period Register */ #define PWMP_ADDR 0xfffff502 #define PWMP WORD_REF(PWMP_ADDR) /* * PWM Width Register */ #define PWMW_ADDR 0xfffff504 #define PWMW WORD_REF(PWMW_ADDR) /* * PWM Counter Register */ #define PWMCNT_ADDR 0xfffff506 #define PWMCNT WORD_REF(PWMCNT_ADDR) /********** * * 0xFFFFF6xx -- General-Purpose Timers * **********/ /* * Timer Unit 1 and 2 Control Registers */ #define TCTL1_ADDR 0xfffff600 #define TCTL1 WORD_REF(TCTL1_ADDR) #define TCTL2_ADDR 0xfffff60c #define TCTL2 WORD_REF(TCTL2_ADDR) #define TCTL_TEN 0x0001 /* Timer Enable */ #define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_MASK 0x000e /* Clock Source: */ #define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_STOP 0x0000 /* Stop count (disabled) */ #define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK 0x0002 /* SYSCLK to prescaler */ #define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK_16 0x0004 /* SYSCLK/16 to prescaler */ #define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_TIN 0x0006 /* TIN to prescaler */ #define TCTL_CLKSOURCE_32KHZ 0x0008 /* 32kHz clock to prescaler */ #define TCTL_IRQEN 0x0010 /* IRQ Enable */ #define TCTL_OM 0x0020 /* Output Mode */ #define TCTL_CAP_MASK 0x00c0 /* Capture Edge: */ #define TCTL_CAP_RE 0x0040 /* Capture on rizing edge */ #define TCTL_CAP_FE 0x0080 /* Capture on falling edge */ #define TCTL_FRR 0x0010 /* Free-Run Mode */ /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define TCTL_ADDR TCTL1_ADDR #define TCTL TCTL1 /* * Timer Unit 1 and 2 Prescaler Registers */ #define TPRER1_ADDR 0xfffff602 #define TPRER1 WORD_REF(TPRER1_ADDR) #define TPRER2_ADDR 0xfffff60e #define TPRER2 WORD_REF(TPRER2_ADDR) /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define TPRER_ADDR TPRER1_ADDR #define TPRER TPRER1 /* * Timer Unit 1 and 2 Compare Registers */ #define TCMP1_ADDR 0xfffff604 #define TCMP1 WORD_REF(TCMP1_ADDR) #define TCMP2_ADDR 0xfffff610 #define TCMP2 WORD_REF(TCMP2_ADDR) /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define TCMP_ADDR TCMP1_ADDR #define TCMP TCMP1 /* * Timer Unit 1 and 2 Capture Registers */ #define TCR1_ADDR 0xfffff606 #define TCR1 WORD_REF(TCR1_ADDR) #define TCR2_ADDR 0xfffff612 #define TCR2 WORD_REF(TCR2_ADDR) /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define TCR_ADDR TCR1_ADDR #define TCR TCR1 /* * Timer Unit 1 and 2 Counter Registers */ #define TCN1_ADDR 0xfffff608 #define TCN1 WORD_REF(TCN1_ADDR) #define TCN2_ADDR 0xfffff614 #define TCN2 WORD_REF(TCN2_ADDR) /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define TCN_ADDR TCN1_ADDR #define TCN TCN1 /* * Timer Unit 1 and 2 Status Registers */ #define TSTAT1_ADDR 0xfffff60a #define TSTAT1 WORD_REF(TSTAT1_ADDR) #define TSTAT2_ADDR 0xfffff616 #define TSTAT2 WORD_REF(TSTAT2_ADDR) #define TSTAT_COMP 0x0001 /* Compare Event occurred */ #define TSTAT_CAPT 0x0001 /* Capture Event occurred */ /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define TSTAT_ADDR TSTAT1_ADDR #define TSTAT TSTAT1 /* * Watchdog Compare Register */ #define WRR_ADDR 0xfffff61a #define WRR WORD_REF(WRR_ADDR) /* * Watchdog Counter Register */ #define WCN_ADDR 0xfffff61c #define WCN WORD_REF(WCN_ADDR) /* * Watchdog Control and Status Register */ #define WCSR_ADDR 0xfffff618 #define WCSR WORD_REF(WCSR_ADDR) #define WCSR_WDEN 0x0001 /* Watchdog Enable */ #define WCSR_FI 0x0002 /* Forced Interrupt (instead of SW reset)*/ #define WCSR_WRST 0x0004 /* Watchdog Reset */ /********** * * 0xFFFFF7xx -- Serial Peripheral Interface Slave (SPIS) * **********/ /* * SPI Slave Register */ #define SPISR_ADDR 0xfffff700 #define SPISR WORD_REF(SPISR_ADDR) #define SPISR_DATA_ADDR 0xfffff701 #define SPISR_DATA BYTE_REF(SPISR_DATA_ADDR) #define SPISR_DATA_MASK 0x00ff /* Shifted data from the external device */ #define SPISR_DATA_SHIFT 0 #define SPISR_SPISEN 0x0100 /* SPIS module enable */ #define SPISR_POL 0x0200 /* SPSCLK polarity control */ #define SPISR_PHA 0x0400 /* Phase relationship between SPSCLK & SPSRxD */ #define SPISR_OVWR 0x0800 /* Data buffer has been overwritten */ #define SPISR_DATARDY 0x1000 /* Data ready */ #define SPISR_ENPOL 0x2000 /* Enable Polarity */ #define SPISR_IRQEN 0x4000 /* SPIS IRQ Enable */ #define SPISR_SPISIRQ 0x8000 /* SPIS IRQ posted */ /********** * * 0xFFFFF8xx -- Serial Peripheral Interface Master (SPIM) * **********/ /* * SPIM Data Register */ #define SPIMDATA_ADDR 0xfffff800 #define SPIMDATA WORD_REF(SPIMDATA_ADDR) /* * SPIM Control/Status Register */ #define SPIMCONT_ADDR 0xfffff802 #define SPIMCONT WORD_REF(SPIMCONT_ADDR) #define SPIMCONT_BIT_COUNT_MASK 0x000f /* Transfer Length in Bytes */ #define SPIMCONT_BIT_COUNT_SHIFT 0 #define SPIMCONT_POL 0x0010 /* SPMCLK Signel Polarity */ #define SPIMCONT_PHA 0x0020 /* Clock/Data phase relationship */ #define SPIMCONT_IRQEN 0x0040 /* IRQ Enable */ #define SPIMCONT_SPIMIRQ 0x0080 /* Interrupt Request */ #define SPIMCONT_XCH 0x0100 /* Exchange */ #define SPIMCONT_RSPIMEN 0x0200 /* Enable SPIM */ #define SPIMCONT_DATA_RATE_MASK 0xe000 /* SPIM Data Rate */ #define SPIMCONT_DATA_RATE_SHIFT 13 /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define SPIMCONT_IRQ SPIMCONT_SPIMIRQ #define SPIMCONT_ENABLE SPIMCONT_SPIMEN /********** * * 0xFFFFF9xx -- UART * **********/ /* * UART Status/Control Register */ #define USTCNT_ADDR 0xfffff900 #define USTCNT WORD_REF(USTCNT_ADDR) #define USTCNT_TXAVAILEN 0x0001 /* Transmitter Available Int Enable */ #define USTCNT_TXHALFEN 0x0002 /* Transmitter Half Empty Int Enable */ #define USTCNT_TXEMPTYEN 0x0004 /* Transmitter Empty Int Enable */ #define USTCNT_RXREADYEN 0x0008 /* Receiver Ready Interrupt Enable */ #define USTCNT_RXHALFEN 0x0010 /* Receiver Half-Full Int Enable */ #define USTCNT_RXFULLEN 0x0020 /* Receiver Full Interrupt Enable */ #define USTCNT_CTSDELTAEN 0x0040 /* CTS Delta Interrupt Enable */ #define USTCNT_GPIODELTAEN 0x0080 /* Old Data Interrupt Enable */ #define USTCNT_8_7 0x0100 /* Eight or seven-bit transmission */ #define USTCNT_STOP 0x0200 /* Stop bit transmission */ #define USTCNT_ODD_EVEN 0x0400 /* Odd Parity */ #define USTCNT_PARITYEN 0x0800 /* Parity Enable */ #define USTCNT_CLKMODE 0x1000 /* Clock Mode Select */ #define USTCNT_TXEN 0x2000 /* Transmitter Enable */ #define USTCNT_RXEN 0x4000 /* Receiver Enable */ #define USTCNT_UARTEN 0x8000 /* UART Enable */ /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define USTCNT_TXAE USTCNT_TXAVAILEN #define USTCNT_TXHE USTCNT_TXHALFEN #define USTCNT_TXEE USTCNT_TXEMPTYEN #define USTCNT_RXRE USTCNT_RXREADYEN #define USTCNT_RXHE USTCNT_RXHALFEN #define USTCNT_RXFE USTCNT_RXFULLEN #define USTCNT_CTSD USTCNT_CTSDELTAEN #define USTCNT_ODD USTCNT_ODD_EVEN #define USTCNT_PEN USTCNT_PARITYEN #define USTCNT_CLKM USTCNT_CLKMODE #define USTCNT_UEN USTCNT_UARTEN /* * UART Baud Control Register */ #define UBAUD_ADDR 0xfffff902 #define UBAUD WORD_REF(UBAUD_ADDR) #define UBAUD_PRESCALER_MASK 0x003f /* Actual divisor is 65 - PRESCALER */ #define UBAUD_PRESCALER_SHIFT 0 #define UBAUD_DIVIDE_MASK 0x0700 /* Baud Rate freq. divisor */ #define UBAUD_DIVIDE_SHIFT 8 #define UBAUD_BAUD_SRC 0x0800 /* Baud Rate Source */ #define UBAUD_GPIOSRC 0x1000 /* GPIO source */ #define UBAUD_GPIODIR 0x2000 /* GPIO Direction */ #define UBAUD_GPIO 0x4000 /* Current GPIO pin status */ #define UBAUD_GPIODELTA 0x8000 /* GPIO pin value changed */ /* * UART Receiver Register */ #define URX_ADDR 0xfffff904 #define URX WORD_REF(URX_ADDR) #define URX_RXDATA_ADDR 0xfffff905 #define URX_RXDATA BYTE_REF(URX_RXDATA_ADDR) #define URX_RXDATA_MASK 0x00ff /* Received data */ #define URX_RXDATA_SHIFT 0 #define URX_PARITY_ERROR 0x0100 /* Parity Error */ #define URX_BREAK 0x0200 /* Break Detected */ #define URX_FRAME_ERROR 0x0400 /* Framing Error */ #define URX_OVRUN 0x0800 /* Serial Overrun */ #define URX_DATA_READY 0x2000 /* Data Ready (FIFO not empty) */ #define URX_FIFO_HALF 0x4000 /* FIFO is Half-Full */ #define URX_FIFO_FULL 0x8000 /* FIFO is Full */ /* * UART Transmitter Register */ #define UTX_ADDR 0xfffff906 #define UTX WORD_REF(UTX_ADDR) #define UTX_TXDATA_ADDR 0xfffff907 #define UTX_TXDATA BYTE_REF(UTX_TXDATA_ADDR) #define UTX_TXDATA_MASK 0x00ff /* Data to be transmitted */ #define UTX_TXDATA_SHIFT 0 #define UTX_CTS_DELTA 0x0100 /* CTS changed */ #define UTX_CTS_STATUS 0x0200 /* CTS State */ #define UTX_IGNORE_CTS 0x0800 /* Ignore CTS */ #define UTX_SEND_BREAK 0x1000 /* Send a BREAK */ #define UTX_TX_AVAIL 0x2000 /* Transmit FIFO has a slot available */ #define UTX_FIFO_HALF 0x4000 /* Transmit FIFO is half empty */ #define UTX_FIFO_EMPTY 0x8000 /* Transmit FIFO is empty */ /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define UTX_CTS_STAT UTX_CTS_STATUS #define UTX_NOCTS UTX_IGNORE_CTS /* * UART Miscellaneous Register */ #define UMISC_ADDR 0xfffff908 #define UMISC WORD_REF(UMISC_ADDR) #define UMISC_TX_POL 0x0004 /* Transmit Polarity */ #define UMISC_RX_POL 0x0008 /* Receive Polarity */ #define UMISC_IRDA_LOOP 0x0010 /* IrDA Loopback Enable */ #define UMISC_IRDA_EN 0x0020 /* Infra-Red Enable */ #define UMISC_RTS 0x0040 /* Set RTS status */ #define UMISC_RTSCONT 0x0080 /* Choose RTS control */ #define UMISC_LOOP 0x1000 /* Serial Loopback Enable */ #define UMISC_FORCE_PERR 0x2000 /* Force Parity Error */ #define UMISC_CLKSRC 0x4000 /* Clock Source */ /* generalization of uart control registers to support multiple ports: */ typedef volatile struct { volatile unsigned short int ustcnt; volatile unsigned short int ubaud; union { volatile unsigned short int w; struct { volatile unsigned char status; volatile unsigned char rxdata; } b; } urx; union { volatile unsigned short int w; struct { volatile unsigned char status; volatile unsigned char txdata; } b; } utx; volatile unsigned short int umisc; volatile unsigned short int pad1; volatile unsigned short int pad2; volatile unsigned short int pad3; } __packed m68328_uart; /********** * * 0xFFFFFAxx -- LCD Controller * **********/ /* * LCD Screen Starting Address Register */ #define LSSA_ADDR 0xfffffa00 #define LSSA LONG_REF(LSSA_ADDR) #define LSSA_SSA_MASK 0xfffffffe /* Bit 0 is reserved */ /* * LCD Virtual Page Width Register */ #define LVPW_ADDR 0xfffffa05 #define LVPW BYTE_REF(LVPW_ADDR) /* * LCD Screen Width Register (not compatible with 'EZ328 !!!) */ #define LXMAX_ADDR 0xfffffa08 #define LXMAX WORD_REF(LXMAX_ADDR) #define LXMAX_XM_MASK 0x02ff /* Bits 0-3 are reserved */ /* * LCD Screen Height Register */ #define LYMAX_ADDR 0xfffffa0a #define LYMAX WORD_REF(LYMAX_ADDR) #define LYMAX_YM_MASK 0x02ff /* Bits 10-15 are reserved */ /* * LCD Cursor X Position Register */ #define LCXP_ADDR 0xfffffa18 #define LCXP WORD_REF(LCXP_ADDR) #define LCXP_CC_MASK 0xc000 /* Cursor Control */ #define LCXP_CC_TRAMSPARENT 0x0000 #define LCXP_CC_BLACK 0x4000 #define LCXP_CC_REVERSED 0x8000 #define LCXP_CC_WHITE 0xc000 #define LCXP_CXP_MASK 0x02ff /* Cursor X position */ /* * LCD Cursor Y Position Register */ #define LCYP_ADDR 0xfffffa1a #define LCYP WORD_REF(LCYP_ADDR) #define LCYP_CYP_MASK 0x01ff /* Cursor Y Position */ /* * LCD Cursor Width and Heigth Register */ #define LCWCH_ADDR 0xfffffa1c #define LCWCH WORD_REF(LCWCH_ADDR) #define LCWCH_CH_MASK 0x001f /* Cursor Height */ #define LCWCH_CH_SHIFT 0 #define LCWCH_CW_MASK 0x1f00 /* Cursor Width */ #define LCWCH_CW_SHIFT 8 /* * LCD Blink Control Register */ #define LBLKC_ADDR 0xfffffa1f #define LBLKC BYTE_REF(LBLKC_ADDR) #define LBLKC_BD_MASK 0x7f /* Blink Divisor */ #define LBLKC_BD_SHIFT 0 #define LBLKC_BKEN 0x80 /* Blink Enabled */ /* * LCD Panel Interface Configuration Register */ #define LPICF_ADDR 0xfffffa20 #define LPICF BYTE_REF(LPICF_ADDR) #define LPICF_GS_MASK 0x01 /* Gray-Scale Mode */ #define LPICF_GS_BW 0x00 #define LPICF_GS_GRAY_4 0x01 #define LPICF_PBSIZ_MASK 0x06 /* Panel Bus Width */ #define LPICF_PBSIZ_1 0x00 #define LPICF_PBSIZ_2 0x02 #define LPICF_PBSIZ_4 0x04 /* * LCD Polarity Configuration Register */ #define LPOLCF_ADDR 0xfffffa21 #define LPOLCF BYTE_REF(LPOLCF_ADDR) #define LPOLCF_PIXPOL 0x01 /* Pixel Polarity */ #define LPOLCF_LPPOL 0x02 /* Line Pulse Polarity */ #define LPOLCF_FLMPOL 0x04 /* Frame Marker Polarity */ #define LPOLCF_LCKPOL 0x08 /* LCD Shift Lock Polarity */ /* * LACD (LCD Alternate Crystal Direction) Rate Control Register */ #define LACDRC_ADDR 0xfffffa23 #define LACDRC BYTE_REF(LACDRC_ADDR) #define LACDRC_ACD_MASK 0x0f /* Alternate Crystal Direction Control */ #define LACDRC_ACD_SHIFT 0 /* * LCD Pixel Clock Divider Register */ #define LPXCD_ADDR 0xfffffa25 #define LPXCD BYTE_REF(LPXCD_ADDR) #define LPXCD_PCD_MASK 0x3f /* Pixel Clock Divider */ #define LPXCD_PCD_SHIFT 0 /* * LCD Clocking Control Register */ #define LCKCON_ADDR 0xfffffa27 #define LCKCON BYTE_REF(LCKCON_ADDR) #define LCKCON_PCDS 0x01 /* Pixel Clock Divider Source Select */ #define LCKCON_DWIDTH 0x02 /* Display Memory Width */ #define LCKCON_DWS_MASK 0x3c /* Display Wait-State */ #define LCKCON_DWS_SHIFT 2 #define LCKCON_DMA16 0x40 /* DMA burst length */ #define LCKCON_LCDON 0x80 /* Enable LCD Controller */ /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define LCKCON_DW_MASK LCKCON_DWS_MASK #define LCKCON_DW_SHIFT LCKCON_DWS_SHIFT /* * LCD Last Buffer Address Register */ #define LLBAR_ADDR 0xfffffa29 #define LLBAR BYTE_REF(LLBAR_ADDR) #define LLBAR_LBAR_MASK 0x7f /* Number of memory words to fill 1 line */ #define LLBAR_LBAR_SHIFT 0 /* * LCD Octet Terminal Count Register */ #define LOTCR_ADDR 0xfffffa2b #define LOTCR BYTE_REF(LOTCR_ADDR) /* * LCD Panning Offset Register */ #define LPOSR_ADDR 0xfffffa2d #define LPOSR BYTE_REF(LPOSR_ADDR) #define LPOSR_BOS 0x08 /* Byte offset (for B/W mode only */ #define LPOSR_POS_MASK 0x07 /* Pixel Offset Code */ #define LPOSR_POS_SHIFT 0 /* * LCD Frame Rate Control Modulation Register */ #define LFRCM_ADDR 0xfffffa31 #define LFRCM BYTE_REF(LFRCM_ADDR) #define LFRCM_YMOD_MASK 0x0f /* Vertical Modulation */ #define LFRCM_YMOD_SHIFT 0 #define LFRCM_XMOD_MASK 0xf0 /* Horizontal Modulation */ #define LFRCM_XMOD_SHIFT 4 /* * LCD Gray Palette Mapping Register */ #define LGPMR_ADDR 0xfffffa32 #define LGPMR WORD_REF(LGPMR_ADDR) #define LGPMR_GLEVEL3_MASK 0x000f #define LGPMR_GLEVEL3_SHIFT 0 #define LGPMR_GLEVEL2_MASK 0x00f0 #define LGPMR_GLEVEL2_SHIFT 4 #define LGPMR_GLEVEL0_MASK 0x0f00 #define LGPMR_GLEVEL0_SHIFT 8 #define LGPMR_GLEVEL1_MASK 0xf000 #define LGPMR_GLEVEL1_SHIFT 12 /********** * * 0xFFFFFBxx -- Real-Time Clock (RTC) * **********/ /* * RTC Hours Minutes and Seconds Register */ #define RTCTIME_ADDR 0xfffffb00 #define RTCTIME LONG_REF(RTCTIME_ADDR) #define RTCTIME_SECONDS_MASK 0x0000003f /* Seconds */ #define RTCTIME_SECONDS_SHIFT 0 #define RTCTIME_MINUTES_MASK 0x003f0000 /* Minutes */ #define RTCTIME_MINUTES_SHIFT 16 #define RTCTIME_HOURS_MASK 0x1f000000 /* Hours */ #define RTCTIME_HOURS_SHIFT 24 /* * RTC Alarm Register */ #define RTCALRM_ADDR 0xfffffb04 #define RTCALRM LONG_REF(RTCALRM_ADDR) #define RTCALRM_SECONDS_MASK 0x0000003f /* Seconds */ #define RTCALRM_SECONDS_SHIFT 0 #define RTCALRM_MINUTES_MASK 0x003f0000 /* Minutes */ #define RTCALRM_MINUTES_SHIFT 16 #define RTCALRM_HOURS_MASK 0x1f000000 /* Hours */ #define RTCALRM_HOURS_SHIFT 24 /* * RTC Control Register */ #define RTCCTL_ADDR 0xfffffb0c #define RTCCTL WORD_REF(RTCCTL_ADDR) #define RTCCTL_384 0x0020 /* Crystal Selection */ #define RTCCTL_ENABLE 0x0080 /* RTC Enable */ /* 'EZ328-compatible definitions */ #define RTCCTL_XTL RTCCTL_384 #define RTCCTL_EN RTCCTL_ENABLE /* * RTC Interrupt Status Register */ #define RTCISR_ADDR 0xfffffb0e #define RTCISR WORD_REF(RTCISR_ADDR) #define RTCISR_SW 0x0001 /* Stopwatch timed out */ #define RTCISR_MIN 0x0002 /* 1-minute interrupt has occurred */ #define RTCISR_ALM 0x0004 /* Alarm interrupt has occurred */ #define RTCISR_DAY 0x0008 /* 24-hour rollover interrupt has occurred */ #define RTCISR_1HZ 0x0010 /* 1Hz interrupt has occurred */ /* * RTC Interrupt Enable Register */ #define RTCIENR_ADDR 0xfffffb10 #define RTCIENR WORD_REF(RTCIENR_ADDR) #define RTCIENR_SW 0x0001 /* Stopwatch interrupt enable */ #define RTCIENR_MIN 0x0002 /* 1-minute interrupt enable */ #define RTCIENR_ALM 0x0004 /* Alarm interrupt enable */ #define RTCIENR_DAY 0x0008 /* 24-hour rollover interrupt enable */ #define RTCIENR_1HZ 0x0010 /* 1Hz interrupt enable */ /* * Stopwatch Minutes Register */ #define STPWCH_ADDR 0xfffffb12 #define STPWCH WORD_REF(STPWCH) #define STPWCH_CNT_MASK 0x00ff /* Stopwatch countdown value */ #define SPTWCH_CNT_SHIFT 0 #endif /* _MC68328_H_ */Overall Contributors
Person | Tokens | Prop | Commits | CommitProp |
Alan Cox | 3574 | 99.47% | 1 | 14.29% |
Luis Alves | 5 | 0.14% | 1 | 14.29% |
Michael Hayes | 4 | 0.11% | 1 | 14.29% |
Gideon Israel Dsouza | 4 | 0.11% | 1 | 14.29% |
Adam Buchbinder | 3 | 0.08% | 1 | 14.29% |
Vinay K. Nallamothu | 2 | 0.06% | 1 | 14.29% |
Greg Kroah-Hartman | 1 | 0.03% | 1 | 14.29% |
Total | 3593 | 100.00% | 7 | 100.00% |