cregit-Linux how code gets into the kernel

Release 4.14 arch/metag/include/asm/metag_mem.h

 * asm/metag_mem.h
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2007, 2012 Imagination Technologies.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation.
 * Various defines for Meta (memory-mapped) registers.

#ifndef _ASM_METAG_MEM_H_

#define _ASM_METAG_MEM_H_

 * -----------------

#define LINSYSTEM_BASE  0x00200000


/* Linear cache flush now implemented via DCACHE instruction. These defines
   related to a special region that used to exist for achieving cache flushes.

#define         LINSYSLFLUSH_S 0

#define     LINSYSRES0_BASE     0x00200000

#define     LINSYSRES0_LIMIT    0x01FFFFFF

#define     LINSYSCUSTOM_BASE 0x02000000


#define     LINSYSEXPAND_BASE 0x03000000


#define     LINSYSEVENT_BASE  0x04000000

#define         LINSYSEVENT_WR_ATOMIC_UNLOCK    0x04000000

#define         LINSYSEVENT_WR_ATOMIC_LOCK      0x04000040

#define         LINSYSEVENT_WR_CACHE_DISABLE    0x04000080

#define         LINSYSEVENT_WR_CACHE_ENABLE     0x040000C0

#define         LINSYSEVENT_WR_COMBINE_FLUSH    0x04000100

#define         LINSYSEVENT_WR_FENCE            0x04000140

#define     LINSYSEVENT_LIMIT   0x04000FFF

#define     LINSYSCFLUSH_BASE   0x04400000

#define         LINSYSCFLUSH_DCACHE_LINE    0x04400000

#define         LINSYSCFLUSH_ICACHE_LINE    0x04500000

#define         LINSYSCFLUSH_MMCU           0x04700000
#ifndef METAC_1_2

#define         LINSYSCFLUSH_TxMMCU_BASE    0x04700020

#define         LINSYSCFLUSH_TxMMCU_STRIDE  0x00000008

#define         LINSYSCFLUSH_ADDR_BITS      0x000FFFFF

#define         LINSYSCFLUSH_ADDR_S         0


#define     LINSYSCTRL_BASE     0x04800000

#define     LINSYSCTRL_LIMIT    0x04FFFFFF

#define     LINSYSMTABLE_BASE   0x05000000


#define     LINSYSDIRECT_BASE   0x06000000


#define LINLOCAL_BASE   0x08000000


#define LINCORE_BASE    0x80000000


#define LINCORE_CODE_BASE  0x80000000


#define LINCORE_DATA_BASE  0x82000000


/* The core can support locked icache lines in this region */

#define LINCORE_ICACHE_BASE  0x84000000


/* The core can support locked dcache lines in this region */

#define LINCORE_DCACHE_BASE  0x86000000


#define LINGLOBAL_BASE  0x88000000


 * CHIP Core Register Map
 * ----------------------

#define CORE_HWBASE     0x04800000

#define PRIV_HWBASE     0x04810000

#define TRIG_HWBASE     0x04820000

#define SYSC_HWBASE     0x04830000

 * These values define memory mapped registers that can be used to supply
 * kicks to threads that service arbitrary software events.

#define T0KICK     0x04800800   
/* Background kick 0     */

#define     TXXKICK_MAX 0xFFFF  
/* Maximum kicks */

#define     TnXKICK_STRIDE      0x00001000  
/* Thread scale value    */

#define     TnXKICK_STRIDE_S    12

#define T0KICKI    0x04800808   
/* Interrupt kick 0      */

#define     TXIKICK_OFFSET  0x00000008  
/* Int level offset value */

#define T1KICK     0x04801800   
/* Background kick 1     */

#define T1KICKI    0x04801808   
/* Interrupt kick 1      */

#define T2KICK     0x04802800   
/* Background kick 2     */

#define T2KICKI    0x04802808   
/* Interrupt kick 2      */

#define T3KICK     0x04803800   
/* Background kick 3     */

#define T3KICKI    0x04803808   
/* Interrupt kick 3      */

 * These values define memory mapped registers that allow access to the
 * internal state of all threads in order to allow global set-up of thread
 * state and external handling of thread events, errors, or debugging.
 * The actual unit and register index values needed to access individul
 * registers are chip specific see - METAC_TXUXX_VALUES in metac_x_y.h.
 * However two C array initialisers TXUXX_MASKS and TGUXX_MASKS will always be
 * defined to allow arbitrary loading, display, and saving of all valid
 * register states without detailed knowledge of their purpose - TXUXX sets
 * bits for all valid registers and TGUXX sets bits for the sub-set which are
 * global.

#define T0UCTREG0   0x04800000  
/* Access to all CT regs */

#define TnUCTRX_STRIDE      0x00001000  
/* Thread scale value    */

#define TXUCTREGn_STRIDE    0x00000008  
/* Register scale value  */

#define TXUXXRXDT  0x0480FFF0   
/* Data to/from any threads reg */

#define TXUXXRXRQ  0x0480FFF8

#define     TXUXXRXRQ_DREADY_BIT 0x80000000  
/* Poll for done */

#define     TXUXXRXRQ_DSPEXT_BIT 0x00020000  
/* Addr DSP Regs */

#define     TXUXXRXRQ_RDnWR_BIT  0x00010000  
/* Set for read  */

#define     TXUXXRXRQ_TX_BITS    0x00003000  
/* Thread number */

#define     TXUXXRXRQ_TX_S       12

#define     TXUXXRXRQ_RX_BITS    0x000001F0  
/* Register num  */

#define     TXUXXRXRQ_RX_S       4

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRARD0    0      
/* DSP RAM A Read Pointer 0 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRARD1    1      
/* DSP RAM A Read Pointer 1 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRAWR0    2      
/* DSP RAM A Write Pointer 0 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRAWR2    3      
/* DSP RAM A Write Pointer 1 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRBRD0    4      
/* DSP RAM B Read Pointer 0 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRBRD1    5      
/* DSP RAM B Read Pointer 1 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRBWR0    6      
/* DSP RAM B Write Pointer 0 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRBWR1    7      
/* DSP RAM B Write Pointer 1 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRARINC0  8      
/* DSP RAM A Read Increment 0 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRARINC1  9      
/* DSP RAM A Read Increment 1 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRAWINC0 10      
/* DSP RAM A Write Increment 0 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRAWINC1 11      
/* DSP RAM A Write Increment 1 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRBRINC0 12      
/* DSP RAM B Read Increment 0 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRBRINC1 13      
/* DSP RAM B Read Increment 1 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRBWINC0 14      
/* DSP RAM B Write Increment 0 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_DSPRBWINC1 15      
/* DSP RAM B Write Increment 1 */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_ACC0L0     16      
/* Accumulator 0 bottom 32-bits */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_ACC1L0     17      
/* Accumulator 1 bottom 32-bits */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_ACC2L0     18      
/* Accumulator 2 bottom 32-bits */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_ACC3L0     19      
/* Accumulator 3 bottom 32-bits */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_ACC0HI     20      
/* Accumulator 0 top 8-bits */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_ACC1HI     21      
/* Accumulator 1 top 8-bits */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_ACC2HI     22      
/* Accumulator 2 top 8-bits */

#define         TXUXXRXRQ_ACC3HI     23      
/* Accumulator 3 top 8-bits */

#define     TXUXXRXRQ_UXX_BITS   0x0000000F  
/* Unit number   */

#define     TXUXXRXRQ_UXX_S      0

 * These values define memory mapped registers that give control over and
 * the privilege required to access other memory mapped resources. These
 * registers themselves always require privilege to update them.

#define TXPRIVREG_STRIDE    0x8 
/* Delta between per-thread regs */


 * Each bit 0 to 15 defines privilege required to access internal register
 * regions 0x04800000 to 0x048FFFFF in 64k chunks

#define T0PIOREG    0x04810100

#define T1PIOREG    0x04810108

#define T2PIOREG    0x04810110

#define T3PIOREG    0x04810118

 * Each bit 0 to 31 defines privilege required to use the pair of
 * system events implemented as writee in the regions 0x04000000 to
 * 0x04000FFF in 2*64 byte chunks.

#define T0PSYREG    0x04810180

#define T1PSYREG    0x04810188

#define T2PSYREG    0x04810190

#define T3PSYREG    0x04810198

 * ------------------

/* The TXPIOREG register holds a bit mask directly mappable to
   corresponding addresses in the range 0x04800000 to 049FFFFF */

#define     TXPIOREG_ADDR_BITS  0x1F0000 
/* Up to 32x64K bytes */

#define     TXPIOREG_ADDR_S     16

/* Hence based on the _HWBASE values ... */

#define     TXPIOREG_CORE_BIT       (1<<((0x04800000>>16)&0x1F))

#define     TXPIOREG_PRIV_BIT       (1<<((0x04810000>>16)&0x1F))

#define     TXPIOREG_TRIG_BIT       (1<<((0x04820000>>16)&0x1F))

#define     TXPIOREG_SYSC_BIT       (1<<((0x04830000>>16)&0x1F))

#define     TXPIOREG_WRC_BIT          0x00080000  
/* Wr combiner reg priv */

#define     TXPIOREG_LOCALBUS_RW_BIT  0x00040000  
/* Local bus rd/wr priv */

#define     TXPIOREG_SYSREGBUS_RD_BIT 0x00020000  
/* Sys reg bus write priv */

#define     TXPIOREG_SYSREGBUS_WR_BIT 0x00010000  
/* Sys reg bus read priv */

/* CORE region privilege controls */

#define T0PRIVCORE 0x04800828

#define         TXPRIVCORE_TXBKICK_BIT   0x001  
/* Background kick priv */

#define         TXPRIVCORE_TXIKICK_BIT   0x002  
/* Interrupt kick priv  */

#define         TXPRIVCORE_TXAMAREGX_BIT 0x004  
/* TXAMAREG4|5|6 priv   */

#define TnPRIVCORE_STRIDE 0x00001000

#define T0PRIVSYSR 0x04810000

#define     TnPRIVSYSR_STRIDE   0x00000008

#define     TnPRIVSYSR_STRIDE_S 3

#define     TXPRIVSYSR_CFLUSH_BIT     0x01

#define     TXPRIVSYSR_MTABLE_BIT     0x02

#define     TXPRIVSYSR_DIRECT_BIT     0x04
#ifdef METAC_1_2

#define     TXPRIVSYSR_ALL_BITS       0x07

#define     TXPRIVSYSR_CORE_BIT       0x08

#define     TXPRIVSYSR_CORECODE_BIT   0x10

#define     TXPRIVSYSR_ALL_BITS       0x1F

#define T1PRIVSYSR 0x04810008

#define T2PRIVSYSR 0x04810010

#define T3PRIVSYSR 0x04810018

 * These values define memory mapped registers that give control over and
 * the state of hardware trigger sources both external to the META processor
 * and internal to it.

#define HWSTATMETA  0x04820000  
/* Hardware status/clear META trig */

#define         HWSTATMETA_T0HALT_BITS 0xF

#define         HWSTATMETA_T0HALT_S    0

#define     HWSTATMETA_T0BHALT_BIT 0x1  
/* Background HALT */

#define     HWSTATMETA_T0IHALT_BIT 0x2  
/* Interrupt HALT  */

#define     HWSTATMETA_T0PHALT_BIT 0x4  
/* PF/RO Memory HALT */

#define     HWSTATMETA_T0AMATR_BIT 0x8  
/* AMA trigger */

#define     HWSTATMETA_TnINT_S     4    
/* Shift by (thread*4) */

#define HWSTATEXT   0x04820010  
/* H/W status/clear external trigs  0-31 */

#define HWSTATEXT2  0x04820018  
/* H/W status/clear external trigs 32-63 */

#define HWSTATEXT4  0x04820020  
/* H/W status/clear external trigs 64-95 */

#define HWSTATEXT6  0x04820028  
/* H/W status/clear external trigs 96-128 */

#define HWLEVELEXT  0x04820030  
/* Edge/Level type of external trigs  0-31 */

#define HWLEVELEXT2 0x04820038  
/* Edge/Level type of external trigs 32-63 */

#define HWLEVELEXT4 0x04820040  
/* Edge/Level type of external trigs 64-95 */

#define HWLEVELEXT6 0x04820048  
/* Edge/Level type of external trigs 96-128 */

#define     HWLEVELEXT_XXX_LEVEL 1  
/* Level sense logic in HWSTATEXTn */

#define     HWLEVELEXT_XXX_EDGE  0

#define HWMASKEXT   0x04820050  
/* Enable/disable of external trigs  0-31 */

#define HWMASKEXT2  0x04820058  
/* Enable/disable of external trigs 32-63 */

#define HWMASKEXT4  0x04820060  
/* Enable/disable of external trigs 64-95 */

#define HWMASKEXT6  0x04820068  
/* Enable/disable of external trigs 96-128 */

#define T0VECINT_BHALT  0x04820500  
/* Background HALT trigger vector */

#define     TXVECXXX_BITS   0xF       
/* Per-trigger vector vals 0,1,4-15 */

#define     TXVECXXX_S  0

#define T0VECINT_IHALT  0x04820508  
/* Interrupt HALT */

#define T0VECINT_PHALT  0x04820510  
/* PF/RO memory fault */

#define T0VECINT_AMATR  0x04820518  
/* AMA trigger */

#define     TnVECINT_STRIDE 0x00000020  
/* Per thread stride */

#define HWVEC0EXT   0x04820700  
/* Vectors for external triggers  0-31 */

#define HWVEC20EXT  0x04821700  
/* Vectors for external triggers 32-63 */

#define HWVEC40EXT  0x04822700  
/* Vectors for external triggers 64-95 */

#define HWVEC60EXT  0x04823700  
/* Vectors for external triggers 96-127 */

#define     HWVECnEXT_STRIDE 0x00000008 
/* Per trigger stride */

#define HWVECnEXT_DEBUG 0x1         
/* Redirect trigger to debug i/f */

 * ---------------------------------------

#define CODEB0ADDR         0x0480FF00  
/* Address specifier */


#define     CODEBXADDR_MATCHX_S    2

#define CODEB0CTRL         0x0480FF08  
/* Control */

#define     CODEBXCTRL_MATEN_BIT   0x80000000   
/* Match 'Enable'  */

#define     CODEBXCTRL_MATTXEN_BIT 0x10000000   
/* Match threadn enable */

#define     CODEBXCTRL_HITC_BITS   0x00FF0000   
/* Hit counter   */

#define     CODEBXCTRL_HITC_S      16

#define           CODEBXHITC_NEXT  0xFF     
/* Next 'hit' will trigger */

#define           CODEBXHITC_HIT1  0x00     
/* No 'hits' after trigger */

#define     CODEBXCTRL_MMASK_BITS  0x0000FFFC   
/* Mask ADDR_MATCH bits */

#define     CODEBXCTRL_MMASK_S     2

#define     CODEBXCTRL_MATLTX_BITS 0x00000003   
/* Match threadn LOCAL addr */

#define     CODEBXCTRL_MATLTX_S    0            
/* Match threadn LOCAL addr */

#define CODEBnXXXX_STRIDE      0x00000010  
/* Stride between CODEB reg sets */

#define CODEBnXXXX_STRIDE_S    4

#define CODEBnXXXX_LIMIT       3           
/* Sets 0-3 */

 * -------------------------------------

#define DATAW0ADDR         0x0480FF40  
/* Address specifier */


#define     DATAWXADDR_MATCHR_S    3


#define     DATAWXADDR_MATCHW_S    0

#define DATAW0CTRL         0x0480FF48  
/* Control */

#define     DATAWXCTRL_MATRD_BIT   0x80000000   
/* Match 'Read'  */
#ifndef METAC_1_2

#define     DATAWXCTRL_MATNOTTX_BIT 0x20000000  
/* Invert threadn enable */

#define     DATAWXCTRL_MATWR_BIT   0x40000000   
/* Match 'Write' */

#define     DATAWXCTRL_MATTXEN_BIT 0x10000000   
/* Match threadn enable */

#define     DATAWXCTRL_WRSIZE_BITS 0x0F000000   
/* Write Match Size */

#define     DATAWXCTRL_WRSIZE_S    24

#define         DATAWWRSIZE_ANY   0         
/* Any size transaction matches */

#define         DATAWWRSIZE_8BIT  1     
/* Specific sizes ... */

#define         DATAWWRSIZE_16BIT 2

#define         DATAWWRSIZE_32BIT 3

#define         DATAWWRSIZE_64BIT 4

#define     DATAWXCTRL_HITC_BITS   0x00FF0000   
/* Hit counter   */

#define     DATAWXCTRL_HITC_S      16

#define           DATAWXHITC_NEXT  0xFF     
/* Next 'hit' will trigger */

#define           DATAWXHITC_HIT1  0x00     
/* No 'hits' after trigger */

#define     DATAWXCTRL_MMASK_BITS 0x0000FFF8    
/* Mask ADDR_MATCH bits */

#define     DATAWXCTRL_MMASK_S    3

#define     DATAWXCTRL_MATLTX_BITS 0x00000003   
/* Match threadn LOCAL addr */

#define     DATAWXCTRL_MATLTX_S    0            
/* Match threadn LOCAL addr */

#define DATAW0DMATCH0       0x0480FF50 
/* Write match data */

#define DATAW0DMATCH1       0x0480FF58

#define DATAW0DMASK0        0x0480FF60 
/* Write match data mask */

#define DATAW0DMASK1        0x0480FF68

#define DATAWnXXXX_STRIDE      0x00000040  
/* Stride between DATAW reg sets */

#define DATAWnXXXX_STRIDE_S    6

#define DATAWnXXXX_LIMIT       1           
/* Sets 0,1 */

 * CHIP Automatic Mips Allocation control registers
 * ------------------------------------------------

/* CORE memory mapped AMA registers */

#define T0AMAREG4   0x04800810


#define     TXAMAREG4_POOLSIZE_S    8

#define     TXAMAREG4_AVALUE_BITS   0x000000FF

#define     TXAMAREG4_AVALUE_S  0

#define T0AMAREG5   0x04800818

#define     TXAMAREG5_POOLC_BITS    0x07FFFFFF

#define         TXAMAREG5_POOLC_S       0

#define T0AMAREG6   0x04800820


#define         TXAMAREG6_DLINEDEF_S    0

#define TnAMAREGX_STRIDE    0x00001000

 * Memory Management Control Unit Table Entries
 * --------------------------------------------

#define MMCU_ENTRY_S         4            
/* -> Entry size                */

/* Physical address             */

#define MMCU_ENTRY_ADDR_S    12           
/* -> Page size                 */

#define MMCU_ENTRY_CWIN_BITS 0x000000C0   
/* Caching 'window' selection   */

#define MMCU_ENTRY_CWIN_S    6

#define     MMCU_CWIN_UNCACHED  0 
/* May not be memory etc.  */

#define     MMCU_CWIN_BURST     1 
/* Cached but LRU unset */

#define     MMCU_CWIN_C1SET     2 
/* Cached in 1 set only */

#define     MMCU_CWIN_CACHED    3 
/* Fully cached            */

#define MMCU_ENTRY_CACHE_BIT 0x00000080   
/* Set for cached region         */

#define     MMCU_ECACHE1_FULL_BIT  0x00000040 
/* Use all the sets */

#define     MMCU_ECACHE0_BURST_BIT 0x00000040 
/* Match bursts     */

#define MMCU_ENTRY_SYS_BIT   0x00000010   
/* Sys-coherent access required  */

#define MMCU_ENTRY_WRC_BIT   0x00000008   
/* Write combining allowed       */

#define MMCU_ENTRY_PRIV_BIT  0x00000004   
/* Privilege required            */

#define MMCU_ENTRY_WR_BIT    0x00000002   
/* Writes allowed                */

#define MMCU_ENTRY_VAL_BIT   0x00000001   
/* Entry is valid                */

#ifdef METAC_2_1
 * Extended first-level/top table entries have extra/larger fields in later
 * cores as bits 11:0 previously had no effect in such table entries.

/* Physical address             */

#define MMCU_E1ENT_ADDR_S    6            
/*   -> resolution < page size  */

#define MMCU_E1ENT_PGSZ_BITS 0x0000001E   
/* Page size for 2nd level      */

#define MMCU_E1ENT_PGSZ_S    1

#define     MMCU_E1ENT_PGSZ0_POWER   12   
/* PgSz  0 -> 4K */

#define     MMCU_E1ENT_PGSZ_MAX      10   
/* PgSz 10 -> 4M maximum */

#define MMCU_E1ENT_MINIM_BIT 0x00000020
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

/* MMCU control register in SYSC region */

#define MMCU_TABLE_PHYS_ADDR        0x04830010

#ifdef METAC_2_1

#define     MMCU_TABLE_PHYS_EXTEND      0x00000001     
/* See below */

#define MMCU_DCACHE_CTRL_ADDR       0x04830018

#define     MMCU_xCACHE_CTRL_ENABLE_BIT     0x00000001

#define     MMCU_xCACHE_CTRL_PARTITION_BIT  0x00000000 
/* See xCPART below */

#define MMCU_ICACHE_CTRL_ADDR       0x04830020

#ifdef METAC_2_1

 * Allow direct access to physical memory used to implement MMU table.
 * Each is based on a corresponding MMCU_TnLOCAL_TABLE_PHYSn or similar
 *    MMCU_TnGLOBAL_TABLE_PHYSn register pair (see next).

#define LINSYSMEMT0L_BASE   0x05000000


#define     LINSYSMEMTnX_STRIDE     0x00200000  
/*  2MB Local per thread */

#define     LINSYSMEMTnX_STRIDE_S   21

#define     LINSYSMEMTXG_OFFSET     0x00800000  
/* +2MB Global per thread */

#define     LINSYSMEMTXG_OFFSET_S   23

#define LINSYSMEMT1L_BASE   0x05200000


#define LINSYSMEMT2L_BASE   0x05400000


#define LINSYSMEMT3L_BASE   0x05600000


#define LINSYSMEMT0G_BASE   0x05800000


#define LINSYSMEMT1G_BASE   0x05A00000


#define LINSYSMEMT2G_BASE   0x05C00000


#define LINSYSMEMT3G_BASE   0x05E00000


 * Extended MMU table functionality allows a sparse or flat table to be
 * described much more efficiently than before.

#define MMCU_T0LOCAL_TABLE_PHYS0    0x04830700

#define   MMCU_TnX_TABLE_PHYSX_STRIDE    0x20   
/* Offset per thread */


#define   MMCU_TXG_TABLE_PHYSX_OFFSET    0x10   
/* Global versus local */


#define     MMCU_TBLPHYS0_DCCTRL_BITS       0x000000DF  
/* DC controls  */

#define     MMCU_TBLPHYS0_ENTLB_BIT         0x00000020  
/* Cache in TLB */

#define     MMCU_TBLPHYS0_TBLSZ_BITS        0x00000F00  
/* Area supported */

#define     MMCU_TBLPHYS0_TBLSZ_S           8

#define         MMCU_TBLPHYS0_TBLSZ0_POWER      22  
/* 0 -> 4M */

#define         MMCU_TBLPHYS0_TBLSZ_MAX         9   
/* 9 -> 2G */

#define     MMCU_TBLPHYS0_LINBASE_BITS      0xFFC00000  
/* Linear base */

#define     MMCU_TBLPHYS0_LINBASE_S         22

#define MMCU_T0LOCAL_TABLE_PHYS1    0x04830708

#define     MMCU_TBLPHYS1_ADDR_BITS         0xFFFFFFFC  
/* Physical base */

#define     MMCU_TBLPHYS1_ADDR_S            2

#define MMCU_T0GLOBAL_TABLE_PHYS0   0x04830710

#define MMCU_T0GLOBAL_TABLE_PHYS1   0x04830718

#define MMCU_T1LOCAL_TABLE_PHYS0    0x04830720

#define MMCU_T1LOCAL_TABLE_PHYS1    0x04830728

#define MMCU_T1GLOBAL_TABLE_PHYS0   0x04830730

#define MMCU_T1GLOBAL_TABLE_PHYS1   0x04830738

#define MMCU_T2LOCAL_TABLE_PHYS0    0x04830740

#define MMCU_T2LOCAL_TABLE_PHYS1    0x04830748

#define MMCU_T2GLOBAL_TABLE_PHYS0   0x04830750

#define MMCU_T2GLOBAL_TABLE_PHYS1   0x04830758

#define MMCU_T3LOCAL_TABLE_PHYS0    0x04830760

#define MMCU_T3LOCAL_TABLE_PHYS1    0x04830768

#define MMCU_T3GLOBAL_TABLE_PHYS0   0x04830770

#define MMCU_T3GLOBAL_TABLE_PHYS1   0x04830778

#define MMCU_T0EBWCCTRL             0x04830640

#define     MMCU_TnEBWCCTRL_BITS    0x00000007

#define     MMCU_TnEBWCCTRL_S       0


#define         MMCU_TnEBWCCCTRL_ABIT25      1

#define         MMCU_TnEBWCCCTRL_ABIT26      2

#define         MMCU_TnEBWCCCTRL_ABIT27      3

#define         MMCU_TnEBWCCCTRL_ABIT28      4

#define         MMCU_TnEBWCCCTRL_ABIT29      5

#define         MMCU_TnEBWCCCTRL_ABIT30      6

#define         MMCU_TnEBWCCCTRL_ENABLE_ALL  7


#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

/* Registers within the SYSC register region */

#define METAC_ID                0x04830000

#define     METAC_ID_MAJOR_BITS     0xFF000000

#define     METAC_ID_MAJOR_S        24

#define     METAC_ID_MINOR_BITS     0x00FF0000

#define     METAC_ID_MINOR_S        16

#define     METAC_ID_REV_BITS       0x0000FF00

#define     METAC_ID_REV_S          8

#define     METAC_ID_MAINT_BITS     0x000000FF

#define     METAC_ID_MAINT_S        0

#ifdef METAC_2_1
/* Use of this section is strongly deprecated */

#define METAC_ID2               0x04830008

#define     METAC_ID2_DESIGNER_BITS 0xFFFF0000  
/* Modified by customer */

#define     METAC_ID2_DESIGNER_S    16

#define     METAC_ID2_MINOR2_BITS   0x00000F00  
/* 3rd digit of prod rev */

#define     METAC_ID2_MINOR2_S      8

#define     METAC_ID2_CONFIG_BITS   0x000000FF  
/* Wrapper configuration */

#define     METAC_ID2_CONFIG_S      0

/* Primary core identification and configuration information */

#define METAC_CORE_ID           0x04831000

#define     METAC_COREID_GROUP_BITS   0xFF000000

#define     METAC_COREID_GROUP_S      24

#define         METAC_COREID_GROUP_METAG  0x14

#define     METAC_COREID_ID_BITS      0x00FF0000

#define     METAC_COREID_ID_S         16

#define         METAC_COREID_ID_W32       0x10   
/* >= for 32-bit pipeline */


#define     METAC_COREID_CONFIG_S     0

#define       METAC_COREID_CFGCACHE_BITS    0x0007

#define       METAC_COREID_CFGCACHE_S       0

#define           METAC_COREID_CFGCACHE_NOM       0

#define           METAC_COREID_CFGCACHE_TYPE0     1

#define           METAC_COREID_CFGCACHE_NOMMU     1 
/* Alias for TYPE0 */



#define       METAC_COREID_CFGDSP_BITS      0x0038

#define       METAC_COREID_CFGDSP_S         3

#define           METAC_COREID_CFGDSP_NOM       0

#define           METAC_COREID_CFGDSP_MIN       1

#define       METAC_COREID_NOFPACC_BIT      0x0040 
/* Set if no FPU accum */

#define       METAC_COREID_CFGFPU_BITS      0x0180

#define       METAC_COREID_CFGFPU_S         7

#define           METAC_COREID_CFGFPU_NOM       0

#define           METAC_COREID_CFGFPU_SNGL      1

#define           METAC_COREID_CFGFPU_DBL       2

#define       METAC_COREID_NOAMA_BIT        0x0200 
/* Set if no AMA present */

#define       METAC_COREID_NOCOH_BIT        0x0400 
/* Set if no Gbl coherency */

/* Core revision information */

#define METAC_CORE_REV          0x04831008

#define     METAC_COREREV_DESIGN_BITS   0xFF000000

#define     METAC_COREREV_DESIGN_S      24

#define     METAC_COREREV_MAJOR_BITS    0x00FF0000

#define     METAC_COREREV_MAJOR_S       16

#define     METAC_COREREV_MINOR_BITS    0x0000FF00

#define     METAC_COREREV_MINOR_S       8

#define     METAC_COREREV_MAINT_BITS    0x000000FF

#define     METAC_COREREV_MAINT_S       0

/* Configuration information control outside the core */

#define METAC_CORE_DESIGNER1    0x04831010      
/* Arbitrary value */

#define METAC_CORE_DESIGNER2    0x04831018      
/* Arbitrary value */

/* Configuration information covering presence/number of various features */

#define METAC_CORE_CONFIG2      0x04831020

#define     METAC_CORECFG2_COREDBGTYPE_BITS 0x60000000   
/* Core debug type */


#define     METAC_CORECFG2_DCSMALL_BIT      0x04000000   
/* Data cache small */

#define     METAC_CORECFG2_ICSMALL_BIT      0x02000000   
/* Inst cache small */

#define     METAC_CORECFG2_DCSZNP_BITS      0x01C00000   
/* Data cache size np */

#define     METAC_CORECFG2_DCSZNP_S         22

#define     METAC_CORECFG2_ICSZNP_BITS      0x00380000  
/* Inst cache size np */

#define     METAC_CORECFG2_ICSZNP_S         19

#define     METAC_CORECFG2_DCSZ_BITS        0x00070000   
/* Data cache size */

#define     METAC_CORECFG2_DCSZ_S           16

#define         METAC_CORECFG2_xCSZ_4K          0        
/* Allocated values */

#define         METAC_CORECFG2_xCSZ_8K          1

#define         METAC_CORECFG2_xCSZ_16K         2

#define         METAC_CORECFG2_xCSZ_32K         3

#define         METAC_CORECFG2_xCSZ_64K         4

#define     METAC_CORE_C2ICSZ_BITS          0x0000E000   
/* Inst cache size */

#define     METAC_CORE_C2ICSZ_S             13

#define     METAC_CORE_GBLACC_BITS          0x00001800   
/* Number of Global Acc */

#define     METAC_CORE_GBLACC_S             11

#define     METAC_CORE_GBLDXR_BITS          0x00000700   
/* 0 -> 0, R -> 2^(R-1) */

#define     METAC_CORE_GBLDXR_S             8

#define     METAC_CORE_GBLAXR_BITS          0x000000E0   
/* 0 -> 0, R -> 2^(R-1) */

#define     METAC_CORE_GBLAXR_S             5

#define     METAC_CORE_RTTRACE_BIT          0x00000010

#define     METAC_CORE_WATCHN_BITS          0x0000000C   
/* 0 -> 0, N -> 2^N */

#define     METAC_CORE_WATCHN_S             2

#define     METAC_CORE_BREAKN_BITS          0x00000003   
/* 0 -> 0, N -> 2^N */

#define     METAC_CORE_BREAKN_S             0

/* Configuration information covering presence/number of various features */

#define METAC_CORE_CONFIG3      0x04831028

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_REV_ID_BITS          0x000F0000   
/* Revision of L2 cache */

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_REV_ID_S             16

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_LINE_SIZE_BITS       0x00003000   
/* L2 line size */

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_LINE_SIZE_S          12

#define         METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_LINE_SIZE_64B    0x0          
/* 64 bytes */

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_NUM_WAYS_BITS        0x00000F00   
/* L2 number of ways (2^n) */

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_NUM_WAYS_S           8

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_SIZE_BITS            0x000000F0   
/* L2 size (2^n) */

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_SIZE_S               4

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_UNIFIED_BIT          0x00000004   
/* Unified cache: */

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_UNIFIED_S            2

#define       METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_UNIFIED_UNIFIED    1            
/* - Unified D/I cache */

#define       METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_UNIFIED_SEPARATE   0            
/* - Separate D/I cache */

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_MODE_BIT             0x00000002   
/* Cache Mode: */

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_MODE_S               1

#define       METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_MODE_WRITE_BACK    1            
/* - Write back */

#define       METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_MODE_WRITE_THROUGH 0            
/* - Write through */

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_HAVE_L2C_BIT         0x00000001   
/* Have L2C */

#define     METAC_CORECFG3_L2C_HAVE_L2C_S           0

#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#define SYSC_CACHE_MMU_CONFIG       0x04830028
#ifdef METAC_2_1

#define     SYSC_CMMUCFG_DCSKEWABLE_BIT 0x00000040

#define     SYSC_CMMUCFG_ICSKEWABLE_BIT 0x00000020

#define     SYSC_CMMUCFG_DCSKEWOFF_BIT  0x00000010  
/* Skew association override  */

#define     SYSC_CMMUCFG_ICSKEWOFF_BIT  0x00000008  
/* -> default 0 on if present */

#define     SYSC_CMMUCFG_MODE_BITS      0x00000007  
/* Access to old state */

#define     SYSC_CMMUCFG_MODE_S         0

#define         SYSC_CMMUCFG_ON             0x7

#define         SYSC_CMMUCFG_EBYPASS        0x6   
/* Enhanced by-pass mode */

#define         SYSC_CMMUCFG_EBYPASSIC      0x4   
/* EB just inst cache */

#define         SYSC_CMMUCFG_EBYPASSDC      0x2   
/* EB just data cache */
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */
/* Old definitions, Keep them for now */

#define         SYSC_CMMUCFG_MMU_ON_BIT     0x1

#define         SYSC_CMMUCFG_DC_ON_BIT      0x2

#define         SYSC_CMMUCFG_IC_ON_BIT      0x4

#define SYSC_JTAG_THREAD            0x04830030

#define     SYSC_JTAG_TX_BITS           0x00000003 
/* Read only bits! */

#define     SYSC_JTAG_TX_S              0

#define     SYSC_JTAG_PRIV_BIT          0x00000004
#ifdef METAC_2_1

#define     SYSC_JTAG_SLAVETX_BITS      0x00000018

#define     SYSC_JTAG_SLAVETX_S         3
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#define SYSC_DCACHE_FLUSH           0x04830038

#define SYSC_ICACHE_FLUSH           0x04830040

#define  SYSC_xCACHE_FLUSH_INIT     0x1

#define MMCU_DIRECTMAP0_ADDR        0x04830080 

#define     MMCU_DIRECTMAPn_STRIDE      0x00000010 
/* 4 Region settings */

#define     MMCU_DIRECTMAPn_S           4

#define         MMCU_DIRECTMAPn_ADDR_BITS       0xFF800000

#define         MMCU_DIRECTMAPn_ADDR_S          23

#define         MMCU_DIRECTMAPn_ADDR_SCALE      0x00800000 
/* 8M Regions */
#ifdef METAC_2_1
 * These fields in the above registers provide MMCU_ENTRY_* values
 *   for each direct mapped region to enable optimisation of these areas.
 *       (LSB similar to VALID must be set for enhancments to be active)

#define         MMCU_DIRECTMAPn_ENHANCE_BIT     0x00000001 
/* 0 = no optim */

#define         MMCU_DIRECTMAPn_DCCTRL_BITS     0x000000DF 
/* Get DC Ctrl */

#define         MMCU_DIRECTMAPn_DCCTRL_S        0

#define         MMCU_DIRECTMAPn_ICCTRL_BITS     0x0000C000 
/* Get IC Ctrl */

#define         MMCU_DIRECTMAPn_ICCTRL_S        8

#define         MMCU_DIRECTMAPn_ENTLB_BIT       0x00000020 
/* Cache in TLB */

#define         MMCU_DIRECTMAPn_ICCWIN_BITS     0x0000C000 
/* Get IC Win Bits */

#define         MMCU_DIRECTMAPn_ICCWIN_S        14
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#define MMCU_DIRECTMAP1_ADDR        0x04830090

#define MMCU_DIRECTMAP2_ADDR        0x048300a0

#define MMCU_DIRECTMAP3_ADDR        0x048300b0

 * These bits partion each threads use of data cache or instruction cache
 * resource by modifying the top 4 bits of the address within the cache
 * storage area.

#define SYSC_DCPART0 0x04830200

#define     SYSC_xCPARTn_STRIDE   0x00000008

#define     SYSC_xCPARTL_AND_BITS 0x0000000F 
/* Masks top 4 bits */

#define     SYSC_xCPARTL_AND_S    0

#define     SYSC_xCPARTG_AND_BITS 0x00000F00 
/* Masks top 4 bits */

#define     SYSC_xCPARTG_AND_S    8

#define     SYSC_xCPARTL_OR_BITS  0x000F0000 
/* Ors into top 4 bits */

#define     SYSC_xCPARTL_OR_S     16
#ifdef METAC_2_1

#define     SYSC_DCPART_GCON_BIT  0x00100000 
/* Coherent shared local */
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#define     SYSC_xCPARTG_OR_BITS  0x0F000000 
/* Ors into top 4 bits */

#define     SYSC_xCPARTG_OR_S     24

#define     SYSC_CWRMODE_BIT      0x80000000 
/* Write cache mode bit */

#define SYSC_DCPART1 0x04830208

#define SYSC_DCPART2 0x04830210

#define SYSC_DCPART3 0x04830218

#define SYSC_ICPART0 0x04830220

#define SYSC_ICPART1 0x04830228

#define SYSC_ICPART2 0x04830230

#define SYSC_ICPART3 0x04830238

 * META Core Memory and Cache Update registers

#define SYSC_MCMDATAX  0x04830300   
/* 32-bit read/write data register */

#define SYSC_MCMDATAT  0x04830308   
/* Read or write data triggers oper */

#define SYSC_MCMGCTRL  0x04830310   
/* Control register */

#define     SYSC_MCMGCTRL_READ_BIT  0x00000001 
/* Set to issue 1st read */

#define     SYSC_MCMGCTRL_AINC_BIT  0x00000002 
/* Set for auto-increment */

/* Address or index */

#define     SYSC_MCMGCTRL_ADDR_S    2

#define     SYSC_MCMGCTRL_ID_BITS   0x0FF00000 
/* Internal memory block Id */

#define     SYSC_MCMGCTRL_ID_S      20

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_NODEV       0xFF 
/* No Device Selected */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_DSPRAM0A    0x04 
/* DSP RAM D0 block A access */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_DSPRAM0B    0x05 
/* DSP RAM D0 block B access */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_DSPRAM1A    0x06 
/* DSP RAM D1 block A access */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_DSPRAM1B    0x07 
/* DSP RAM D1 block B access */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_DCACHEL     0x08 
/* DCACHE lines (64-bytes/line) */
#ifdef METAC_2_1

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_DCACHETLB   0x09 
/* DCACHE TLB ( Read Only )     */
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_DCACHET     0x0A 
/* DCACHE tags (32-bits/line)   */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_DCACHELRU   0x0B 
/* DCACHE LRU (8-bits/line)     */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_ICACHEL     0x0C 
/* ICACHE lines (64-bytes/line  */
#ifdef METAC_2_1

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_ICACHETLB   0x0D 
/* ICACHE TLB (Read Only )     */
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_ICACHET     0x0E 
/* ICACHE Tags (32-bits/line)   */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_ICACHELRU   0x0F 
/* ICACHE LRU (8-bits/line )    */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_COREIRAM0   0x10 
/* Core code mem id 0 */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_COREIRAMn   0x17

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_COREDRAM0   0x18 
/* Core data mem id 0 */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_COREDRAMn   0x1F
#ifdef METAC_2_1

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_DCACHEST    0x20 
/* DCACHE ST ( Read Only )      */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_ICACHEST    0x21 
/* ICACHE ST ( Read Only )      */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_DCACHETLBLRU 0x22 
/* DCACHE TLB LRU ( Read Only )*/

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_ICACHETLBLRU 0x23 
/* ICACHE TLB LRU( Read Only ) */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_DCACHESTLRU 0x24 
/* DCACHE ST LRU ( Read Only )  */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_ICACHESTLRU 0x25 
/* ICACHE ST LRU ( Read Only )  */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_DEBUGTLB    0x26 
/* DEBUG TLB ( Read Only )      */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_DEBUGST     0x27 
/* DEBUG ST ( Read Only )       */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_L2CACHEL    0x30 
/* L2 Cache Lines (64-bytes/line) */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_L2CACHET    0x31 
/* L2 Cache Tags (32-bits/line) */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_COPROX0     0x70 
/* Coprocessor port id 0 */

#define         SYSC_MCMGID_COPROXn     0x77
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#define     SYSC_MCMGCTRL_TR31_BIT  0x80000000 
/* Trigger 31 on completion */

#define SYSC_MCMSTATUS 0x04830318   
/* Status read only */

#define     SYSC_MCMSTATUS_IDLE_BIT 0x00000001

/* META System Events */

#define SYSC_SYS_EVENT            0x04830400

#define     SYSC_SYSEVT_ATOMIC_BIT      0x00000001

#define     SYSC_SYSEVT_CACHEX_BIT      0x00000002

#define SYSC_ATOMIC_LOCK          0x04830408

#define     SYSC_ATOMIC_STATE_TX_BITS 0x0000000F

#define     SYSC_ATOMIC_STATE_TX_S    0
#ifdef METAC_1_2

#define     SYSC_ATOMIC_STATE_DX_BITS 0x000000F0

#define     SYSC_ATOMIC_STATE_DX_S    4
#else /* METAC_1_2 */

#define     SYSC_ATOMIC_SOURCE_BIT    0x00000010
#endif /* !METAC_1_2 */

#ifdef METAC_2_1

/* These definitions replace the EXPAND_TIMER_DIV register defines which are to
 * be deprecated.

#define SYSC_TIMER_DIV            0x04830140

#define     SYSC_TIMDIV_BITS      0x000000FF

#define     SYSC_TIMDIV_S         0

/* META Enhanced by-pass control for local and global region */

#define MMCU_LOCAL_EBCTRL   0x04830600

#define MMCU_GLOBAL_EBCTRL  0x04830608

#define     MMCU_EBCTRL_SINGLE_BIT      0x00000020 
/* TLB Uncached */
 * These fields in the above registers provide MMCU_ENTRY_* values
 *   for each direct mapped region to enable optimisation of these areas.

#define     MMCU_EBCTRL_DCCTRL_BITS     0x000000C0 
/* Get DC Ctrl */

#define     MMCU_EBCTRL_DCCTRL_S        0

#define     MMCU_EBCTRL_ICCTRL_BITS     0x0000C000 
/* Get DC Ctrl */

#define     MMCU_EBCTRL_ICCTRL_S        8

/* META Cached Core Mode Registers */

#define MMCU_T0CCM_ICCTRL   0x04830680     
/* Core cached code control */

#define     MMCU_TnCCM_xxCTRL_STRIDE    8

#define     MMCU_TnCCM_xxCTRL_STRIDE_S  3

#define MMCU_T1CCM_ICCTRL   0x04830688

#define MMCU_T2CCM_ICCTRL   0x04830690

#define MMCU_T3CCM_ICCTRL   0x04830698

#define MMCU_T0CCM_DCCTRL   0x048306C0     
/* Core cached data control */

#define MMCU_T1CCM_DCCTRL   0x048306C8

#define MMCU_T2CCM_DCCTRL   0x048306D0

#define MMCU_T3CCM_DCCTRL   0x048306D8

#define     MMCU_TnCCM_ENABLE_BIT       0x00000001

#define     MMCU_TnCCM_WIN3_BIT         0x00000002

#define     MMCU_TnCCM_DCWRITE_BIT      0x00000004  
/* In DCCTRL only */

#define     MMCU_TnCCM_REGSZ_BITS       0x00000F00

#define     MMCU_TnCCM_REGSZ_S          8

#define         MMCU_TnCCM_REGSZ0_POWER      12     
/* RegSz 0 -> 4K */

#define         MMCU_TnCCM_REGSZ_MAXBYTES    0x00080000  
/* 512K max */

#define     MMCU_TnCCM_ADDR_BITS        0xFFFFF000

#define     MMCU_TnCCM_ADDR_S           12

#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

 * Hardware performance counter registers
 * --------------------------------------
#ifdef METAC_2_1
/* Two Performance Counter Internal Core Events Control registers */

#define PERF_ICORE0   0x0480FFD0

#define PERF_ICORE1   0x0480FFD8

#define     PERFI_CTRL_BITS    0x0000000F

#define     PERFI_CTRL_S       0

#define         PERFI_CAH_DMISS    0x0  
/* Dcache Misses in cache (TLB Hit) */

#define         PERFI_CAH_IMISS    0x1  
/* Icache Misses in cache (TLB Hit) */

#define         PERFI_TLB_DMISS    0x2  
/* Dcache Misses in per-thread TLB */

#define         PERFI_TLB_IMISS    0x3  
/* Icache Misses in per-thread TLB */

#define         PERFI_TLB_DWRHITS  0x4  
/* DC Write-Hits in per-thread TLB */

#define         PERFI_TLB_DWRMISS  0x5  
/* DC Write-Miss in per-thread TLB */

#define         PERFI_CAH_DLFETCH  0x8  
/* DC Read cache line fetch */

#define         PERFI_CAH_ILFETCH  0x9  
/* DC Read cache line fetch */

#define         PERFI_CAH_DWFETCH  0xA  
/* DC Read cache word fetch */

#define         PERFI_CAH_IWFETCH  0xB  
/* DC Read cache word fetch */
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

/* Two memory-mapped hardware performance counter registers */

#define PERF_COUNT0 0x0480FFE0

#define PERF_COUNT1 0x0480FFE8

/* Fields in PERF_COUNTn registers */

#define PERF_COUNT_BITS  0x00ffffff 
/* Event count value */

#define PERF_THREAD_BITS 0x0f000000 
/* Thread mask selects threads */

#define PERF_THREAD_S    24

#define PERF_CTRL_BITS   0xf0000000 
/* Event filter control */

#define PERF_CTRL_S      28

#define    PERFCTRL_SUPER   0  
/* Superthread cycles */

#define    PERFCTRL_REWIND  1  
/* Rewinds due to Dcache Misses */
#ifdef METAC_2_1

#define    PERFCTRL_SUPREW  2  
/* Rewinds of superthreaded cycles (no mask) */

#define    PERFCTRL_CYCLES  3  
/* Counts all cycles (no mask) */

#define    PERFCTRL_PREDBC  4  
/* Conditional branch predictions */

#define    PERFCTRL_MISPBC  5  
/* Conditional branch mispredictions */

#define    PERFCTRL_PREDRT  6  
/* Return predictions */

#define    PERFCTRL_MISPRT  7  
/* Return mispredictions */
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#define    PERFCTRL_DHITS   8  
/* Dcache Hits */

#define    PERFCTRL_IHITS   9  
/* Icache Hits */

#define    PERFCTRL_IMISS   10 
/* Icache Misses in cache or TLB */
#ifdef METAC_2_1

#define    PERFCTRL_DCSTALL 11 
/* Dcache+TLB o/p delayed (per-thread) */

#define    PERFCTRL_ICSTALL 12 
/* Icache+TLB o/p delayed (per-thread) */

#define    PERFCTRL_INT     13 
/* Internal core detailed events (see next) */

#define    PERFCTRL_EXT     15 
/* External source in core periphery */
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#ifdef METAC_2_1
/* These definitions replace the EXPAND_PERFCHANx register defines which are to
 * be deprecated.

#define PERF_CHAN0 0x04830150

#define PERF_CHAN1 0x04830158

#define     PERF_CHAN_BITS    0x0000000F

#define     PERF_CHAN_S       0

#define         PERFCHAN_WRC_WRBURST   0x0   
/* Write combiner write burst */

#define         PERFCHAN_WRC_WRITE     0x1   
/* Write combiner write       */

#define         PERFCHAN_WRC_RDBURST   0x2   
/* Write combiner read burst  */

#define         PERFCHAN_WRC_READ      0x3   
/* Write combiner read        */

#define         PERFCHAN_PREARB_DELAY  0x4   
/* Pre-arbiter delay cycle    */
					     /* Cross-bar hold-off cycle:  */

#define         PERFCHAN_XBAR_HOLDWRAP 0x5   
/*    wrapper register        */

#define         PERFCHAN_XBAR_HOLDSBUS 0x6   
/*    system bus (ATP only)   */

#define         PERFCHAN_XBAR_HOLDCREG 0x9   
/*    core registers          */

#define         PERFCHAN_L2C_MISS      0x6   
/* L2 Cache miss              */

#define         PERFCHAN_L2C_HIT       0x7   
/* L2 Cache hit               */

#define         PERFCHAN_L2C_WRITEBACK 0x8   
/* L2 Cache writeback         */
					     /* Admission delay cycle:     */

#define         PERFCHAN_INPUT_CREG    0xB   
/*    core registers          */

#define         PERFCHAN_INPUT_INTR    0xC   
/*    internal ram            */

#define         PERFCHAN_INPUT_WRC     0xD   
/*    write combiners(memory) */

/* Should following be removed as not in TRM anywhere? */

#define         PERFCHAN_XBAR_HOLDINTR 0x8   
/*    internal ram            */

#define         PERFCHAN_INPUT_SBUS    0xA   
/*    register port           */
/* End of remove section. */

#define         PERFCHAN_MAINARB_DELAY 0xF   
/* Main arbiter delay cycle   */

#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#ifdef METAC_2_1
 * Write combiner registers
 * ------------------------
 * These replace the EXPAND_T0WRCOMBINE register defines, which will be
 * deprecated.

#define WRCOMB_CONFIG0             0x04830100

#define     WRCOMB_LFFEn_BIT           0x00004000  
/* Enable auto line full flush */

#define     WRCOMB_ENABLE_BIT          0x00002000  
/* Enable write combiner */

#define     WRCOMB_TIMEOUT_ENABLE_BIT  0x00001000  
/* Timeout flush enable */

#define     WRCOMB_TIMEOUT_COUNT_BITS  0x000003FF

#define     WRCOMB_TIMEOUT_COUNT_S     0

#define WRCOMB_CONFIG4             0x04830180

#define     WRCOMB_PARTALLOC_BITS      0x000000C0

#define     WRCOMB_PARTALLOC_S         64

#define     WRCOMB_PARTSIZE_BITS       0x00000030

#define     WRCOMB_PARTSIZE_S          4

#define     WRCOMB_PARTOFFSET_BITS     0x0000000F

#define     WRCOMB_PARTOFFSET_S        0

#define WRCOMB_CONFIG_STRIDE       8
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#ifdef METAC_2_1
 * Thread arbiter registers
 * ------------------------
 * These replace the EXPAND_T0ARBITER register defines, which will be
 * deprecated.

#define ARBITER_ARBCONFIG0       0x04830120

#define     ARBCFG_BPRIORITY_BIT     0x02000000

#define     ARBCFG_IPRIORITY_BIT     0x01000000

#define     ARBCFG_PAGE_BITS         0x00FF0000

#define     ARBCFG_PAGE_S            16

#define     ARBCFG_BBASE_BITS        0x0000FF00

#define     ARGCFG_BBASE_S           8

#define     ARBCFG_IBASE_BITS        0x000000FF

#define     ARBCFG_IBASE_S           0

#define ARBITER_TTECONFIG0       0x04820160

#define     ARBTTE_IUPPER_BITS       0xFF000000

#define     ARBTTE_IUPPER_S          24

#define     ARBTTE_ILOWER_BITS       0x00FF0000

#define     ARBTTE_ILOWER_S          16

#define     ARBTTE_BUPPER_BITS       0x0000FF00

#define     ARBTTE_BUPPER_S          8

#define     ARBTTE_BLOWER_BITS       0x000000FF

#define     ARBTTE_BLOWER_S          0

#define ARBITER_STRIDE           8
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

 * Expansion area registers
 * --------------------------------------

/* These defines are to be deprecated. See above instead. */

#define EXPAND_T0WRCOMBINE         0x03000000
#ifdef METAC_2_1

#define     EXPWRC_LFFEn_BIT           0x00004000  
/* Enable auto line full flush */
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#define     EXPWRC_ENABLE_BIT          0x00002000  
/* Enable write combiner */

#define     EXPWRC_TIMEOUT_ENABLE_BIT  0x00001000  
/* Timeout flush enable */

#define     EXPWRC_TIMEOUT_COUNT_BITS  0x000003FF

#define     EXPWRC_TIMEOUT_COUNT_S     0

#define EXPAND_TnWRCOMBINE_STRIDE  0x00000008

/* These defines are to be deprecated. See above instead. */

#define EXPAND_T0ARBITER         0x03000020

#define     EXPARB_BPRIORITY_BIT 0x02000000

#define     EXPARB_IPRIORITY_BIT 0x01000000

#define     EXPARB_PAGE_BITS     0x00FF0000

#define     EXPARB_PAGE_S        16

#define     EXPARB_BBASE_BITS    0x0000FF00

#define     EXPARB_BBASE_S       8

#define     EXPARB_IBASE_BITS    0x000000FF

#define     EXPARB_IBASE_S       0

#define EXPAND_TnARBITER_STRIDE  0x00000008

/* These definitions are to be deprecated. See above instead. */

#define EXPAND_TIMER_DIV   0x03000040

#define     EXPTIM_DIV_BITS      0x000000FF

#define     EXPTIM_DIV_S         0

/* These definitions are to be deprecated. See above instead. */

#define EXPAND_PERFCHAN0   0x03000050

#define EXPAND_PERFCHAN1   0x03000058

#define     EXPPERF_CTRL_BITS    0x0000000F

#define     EXPPERF_CTRL_S       0

#define         EXPPERF_WRC_WRBURST   0x0   
/* Write combiner write burst */

#define         EXPPERF_WRC_WRITE     0x1   
/* Write combiner write       */

#define         EXPPERF_WRC_RDBURST   0x2   
/* Write combiner read burst  */

#define         EXPPERF_WRC_READ      0x3   
/* Write combiner read        */

#define         EXPPERF_PREARB_DELAY  0x4   
/* Pre-arbiter delay cycle    */
					    /* Cross-bar hold-off cycle:  */

#define         EXPPERF_XBAR_HOLDWRAP 0x5   
/*    wrapper register        */

#define         EXPPERF_XBAR_HOLDSBUS 0x6   
/*    system bus              */
#ifdef METAC_1_2

#define         EXPPERF_XBAR_HOLDLBUS 0x7   
/*    local bus               */
#else /* METAC_1_2 */

#define         EXPPERF_XBAR_HOLDINTR 0x8   
/*    internal ram            */

#define         EXPPERF_XBAR_HOLDCREG 0x9   
/*    core registers          */
					    /* Admission delay cycle:     */

#define         EXPPERF_INPUT_SBUS    0xA   
/*    register port           */

#define         EXPPERF_INPUT_CREG    0xB   
/*    core registers          */

#define         EXPPERF_INPUT_INTR    0xC   
/*    internal ram            */

#define         EXPPERF_INPUT_WRC     0xD   
/*    write combiners(memory) */
#endif /* !METAC_1_2 */

#define         EXPPERF_MAINARB_DELAY 0xF   
/* Main arbiter delay cycle   */

 * Debug port registers
 * --------------------------------------

/* Data Exchange Register */

#define DBGPORT_MDBGDATAX                    0x0

/* Data Transfer register */

#define DBGPORT_MDBGDATAT                    0x4

/* Control Register 0 */

#define DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL0                    0x8


#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL0_ADDR_S         2

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL0_AUTOINCR_BIT   0x00000002

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL0_RD_BIT         0x00000001

/* Control Register 1 */

#define DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1                    0xC
#ifdef METAC_2_1


#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_LOCK2_INTERLOCK_BIT   0x20000000


#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_TRIGSTATUS_BIT        0x08000000

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_GBLPORT_IDLE_BIT      0x04000000

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_COREMEM_IDLE_BIT      0x02000000

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_READY_BIT             0x01000000
#ifdef METAC_2_1

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_DEFERRID_BITS         0x00E00000

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_DEFERRID_S            21

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_DEFERR_BIT            0x00100000
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_WR_ACTIVE_BIT         0x00040000

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_COND_LOCK2_BIT        0x00020000

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_LOCK2_BIT             0x00010000

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_DIAGNOSE_BIT          0x00008000

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_FORCEDIAG_BIT         0x00004000

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_MEMFAULT_BITS         0x00003000

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_MEMFAULT_S            12

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_TRIGGER_BIT           0x00000100
#ifdef METAC_2_1

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_INTSPECIAL_BIT        0x00000080

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_INTRUSIVE_BIT         0x00000040
#endif /* METAC_2_1 */

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_THREAD_BITS           0x00000030 
/* Thread mask selects threads */

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_THREAD_S              4

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_TRANS_SIZE_BITS       0x0000000C

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_TRANS_SIZE_S          2

#define         DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_TRANS_SIZE_32_BIT 0x00000000

#define         DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_TRANS_SIZE_16_BIT 0x00000004

#define         DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_TRANS_SIZE_8_BIT  0x00000008

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_BYTE_ROUND_BITS       0x00000003

#define     DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_BYTE_ROUND_S          0

#define         DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_BYTE_ROUND_8_BIT  0x00000001

#define         DBGPORT_MDBGCTRL1_BYTE_ROUND_16_BIT 0x00000002

/* L2 Cache registers */

#define SYSC_L2C_INIT              0x048300C0

#define SYSC_L2C_INIT_INIT                  1

#define SYSC_L2C_INIT_IN_PROGRESS           0

#define SYSC_L2C_INIT_COMPLETE              1

#define SYSC_L2C_ENABLE            0x048300D0

#define SYSC_L2C_ENABLE_ENABLE_BIT     0x00000001

#define SYSC_L2C_ENABLE_PFENABLE_BIT   0x00000002

#define SYSC_L2C_PURGE             0x048300C8

#define SYSC_L2C_PURGE_PURGE                1

#define SYSC_L2C_PURGE_IN_PROGRESS          0

#define SYSC_L2C_PURGE_COMPLETE             1

#endif /* _ASM_METAG_MEM_H_ */

Overall Contributors

James Hogan355699.97%266.67%
Andrea Gelmini10.03%133.33%
Information contained on this website is for historical information purposes only and does not indicate or represent copyright ownership.
Created with cregit.