cregit-Linux how code gets into the kernel

Release 4.16 include/linux/visorbus.h

Directory: include/linux
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
 * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2013 UNISYS CORPORATION
 * All rights reserved.

 *  This header file is to be included by other kernel mode components that
 *  implement a particular kind of visor_device.  Each of these other kernel
 *  mode components is called a visor device driver.  Refer to visortemplate
 *  for a minimal sample visor device driver.
 *  There should be nothing in this file that is private to the visorbus
 *  bus implementation itself.

#ifndef __VISORBUS_H__

#define __VISORBUS_H__

#include <linux/device.h>

#define VISOR_CHANNEL_SIGNATURE ('L' << 24 | 'N' << 16 | 'C' << 8 | 'E')

 * enum channel_serverstate
 * @CHANNELSRV_UNINITIALIZED: Channel is in an undefined state.
 * @CHANNELSRV_READY:         Channel has been initialized by server.

enum channel_serverstate {

 * enum channel_clientstate
 * @CHANNELCLI_DISABLED:  Client can see channel but is NOT allowed to use it
 *                        unless given TBD* explicit request
 *                        (should actually be < DETACHED).
 * @CHANNELCLI_ATTACHING: Legacy EFI client request for EFI server to attach.
 * @CHANNELCLI_ATTACHED:  Idle, but client may want to use channel any time.
 * @CHANNELCLI_BUSY:      Client either wants to use or is using channel.
 * @CHANNELCLI_OWNED:     "No worries" state - client can access channel
 *                        anytime.

enum channel_clientstate {

 * Values for VISOR_CHANNEL_PROTOCOL.Features: This define exists so that
 * a guest can look at the FeatureFlags in the io channel, and configure the
 * driver to use interrupts or not based on this setting. All feature bits for
 * all channels should be defined here. The io channel feature bits are defined
 * below.






 * struct channel_header - Common Channel Header
 * @signature:         Signature.
 * @legacy_state:      DEPRECATED - being replaced by.
 * @header_size:       sizeof(struct channel_header).
 * @size:              Total size of this channel in bytes.
 * @features:          Flags to modify behavior.
 * @chtype:            Channel type: data, bus, control, etc..
 * @partition_handle:  ID of guest partition.
 * @handle:            Device number of this channel in client.
 * @ch_space_offset:   Offset in bytes to channel specific area.
 * @version_id:        Struct channel_header Version ID.
 * @partition_index:   Index of guest partition.
 * @zone_uuid:         Guid of Channel's zone.
 * @cli_str_offset:    Offset from channel header to null-terminated
 *                     ClientString (0 if ClientString not present).
 * @cli_state_boot:    CHANNEL_CLIENTSTATE of pre-boot EFI client of this
 *                     channel.
 * @cmd_state_cli:     CHANNEL_COMMANDSTATE (overloaded in Windows drivers, see
 *                     ServerStateUp, ServerStateDown, etc).
 * @cli_state_os:      CHANNEL_CLIENTSTATE of Guest OS client of this channel.
 * @ch_characteristic: CHANNEL_CHARACTERISTIC_<xxx>.
 * @cmd_state_srv:     CHANNEL_COMMANDSTATE (overloaded in Windows drivers, see
 *                     ServerStateUp, ServerStateDown, etc).
 * @srv_state:         CHANNEL_SERVERSTATE.
 * @cli_error_boot:    Bits to indicate err states for boot clients, so err
 *                     messages can be throttled.
 * @cli_error_os:      Bits to indicate err states for OS clients, so err
 *                     messages can be throttled.
 * @filler:            Pad out to 128 byte cacheline.
 * @recover_channel:   Please add all new single-byte values below here.

struct channel_header {
u64 signature;
u32 legacy_state;
	/* SrvState, CliStateBoot, and CliStateOS below */
u32 header_size;
u64 size;
u64 features;
guid_t chtype;
u64 partition_handle;
u64 handle;
u64 ch_space_offset;
u32 version_id;
u32 partition_index;
guid_t zone_guid;
u32 cli_str_offset;
u32 cli_state_boot;
u32 cmd_state_cli;
u32 cli_state_os;
u32 ch_characteristic;
u32 cmd_state_srv;
u32 srv_state;
u8 cli_error_boot;
u8 cli_error_os;
u8 filler[1];
u8 recover_channel;

} __packed;


 * struct signal_queue_header - Subheader for the Signal Type variation of the
 *                              Common Channel.
 * @version:          SIGNAL_QUEUE_HEADER Version ID.
 * @chtype:           Queue type: storage, network.
 * @size:             Total size of this queue in bytes.
 * @sig_base_offset:  Offset to signal queue area.
 * @features:         Flags to modify behavior.
 * @num_sent:         Total # of signals placed in this queue.
 * @num_overflows:    Total # of inserts failed due to full queue.
 * @signal_size:      Total size of a signal for this queue.
 * @max_slots:        Max # of slots in queue, 1 slot is always empty.
 * @max_signals:      Max # of signals in queue (MaxSignalSlots-1).
 * @head:             Queue head signal #.
 * @num_received:     Total # of signals removed from this queue.
 * @tail:             Queue tail signal.
 * @reserved1:        Reserved field.
 * @reserved2:        Reserved field.
 * @client_queue:
 * @num_irq_received: Total # of Interrupts received. This is incremented by the
 *                    ISR in the guest windows driver.
 * @num_empty:        Number of times that visor_signal_remove is called and
 *                    returned Empty Status.
 * @errorflags:       Error bits set during SignalReinit to denote trouble with
 *                    client's fields.
 * @filler:           Pad out to 64 byte cacheline.

struct signal_queue_header {
	/* 1st cache line */
u32 version;
u32 chtype;
u64 size;
u64 sig_base_offset;
u64 features;
u64 num_sent;
u64 num_overflows;
u32 signal_size;
u32 max_slots;
u32 max_signals;
u32 head;
	/* 2nd cache line */
u64 num_received;
u32 tail;
u32 reserved1;
u64 reserved2;
u64 client_queue;
u64 num_irq_received;
u64 num_empty;
u32 errorflags;
u8 filler[12];

} __packed;

/* {414815ed-c58c-11da-95a9-00e08161165f} */

	GUID_INIT(0x414815ed, 0xc58c, 0x11da, \
                  0x95, 0xa9, 0x0, 0xe0, 0x81, 0x61, 0x16, 0x5f)


struct visorchipset_state {
u32 created:1;
u32 attached:1;
u32 configured:1;
u32 running:1;
	/* Remaining bits in this 32-bit word are reserved. */

 * struct visor_device - A device type for things "plugged" into the visorbus
 *                       bus
 * @visorchannel:               Points to the channel that the device is
 *                              associated with.
 * @channel_type_guid:          Identifies the channel type to the bus driver.
 * @device:                     Device struct meant for use by the bus driver
 *                              only.
 * @list_all:                   Used by the bus driver to enumerate devices.
 * @timer:                      Timer fired periodically to do interrupt-type
 *                              activity.
 * @being_removed:              Indicates that the device is being removed from
 *                              the bus. Private bus driver use only.
 * @visordriver_callback_lock:  Used by the bus driver to lock when adding and
 *                              removing devices.
 * @pausing:                    Indicates that a change towards a paused state.
 *                              is in progress. Only modified by the bus driver.
 * @resuming:                   Indicates that a change towards a running state
 *                              is in progress. Only modified by the bus driver.
 * @chipset_bus_no:             Private field used by the bus driver.
 * @chipset_dev_no:             Private field used the bus driver.
 * @state:                      Used to indicate the current state of the
 *                              device.
 * @inst:                       Unique GUID for this instance of the device.
 * @name:                       Name of the device.
 * @pending_msg_hdr:            For private use by bus driver to respond to
 *                              hypervisor requests.
 * @vbus_hdr_info:              A pointer to header info. Private use by bus
 *                              driver.
 * @partition_guid:             Indicates client partion id. This should be the
 *                              same across all visor_devices in the current
 *                              guest. Private use by bus driver only.

struct visor_device {
struct visorchannel *visorchannel;
guid_t channel_type_guid;
	/* These fields are for private use by the bus driver only. */
struct device device;
struct list_head list_all;
struct timer_list timer;
bool timer_active;
bool being_removed;
struct mutex visordriver_callback_lock; /* synchronize probe/remove */
bool pausing;
bool resuming;
u32 chipset_bus_no;
u32 chipset_dev_no;
struct visorchipset_state state;
guid_t inst;
u8 *name;
struct controlvm_message_header *pending_msg_hdr;
void *vbus_hdr_info;
guid_t partition_guid;
struct dentry *debugfs_dir;
struct dentry *debugfs_bus_info;

#define to_visor_device(x) container_of(x, struct visor_device, device)

typedef void (*visorbus_state_complete_func) (struct visor_device *dev,
					      int status);

 * This struct describes a specific visor channel, by providing its GUID, name,
 * and sizes.

struct visor_channeltype_descriptor {
const guid_t guid;
const char *name;
u64 min_bytes;
u32 version;

 * struct visor_driver - Information provided by each visor driver when it
 *                       registers with the visorbus driver
 * @name:               Name of the visor driver.
 * @owner:              The module owner.
 * @channel_types:      Types of channels handled by this driver, ending with
 *                      a zero GUID. Our specialized BUS.match() method knows
 *                      about this list, and uses it to determine whether this
 *                      driver will in fact handle a new device that it has
 *                      detected.
 * @probe:              Called when a new device comes online, by our probe()
 *                      function specified by driver.probe() (triggered
 *                      ultimately by some call to driver_register(),
 *                      bus_add_driver(), or driver_attach()).
 * @remove:             Called when a new device is removed, by our remove()
 *                      function specified by driver.remove() (triggered
 *                      ultimately by some call to device_release_driver()).
 * @channel_interrupt:  Called periodically, whenever there is a possiblity
 *                      that "something interesting" may have happened to the
 *                      channel.
 * @pause:              Called to initiate a change of the device's state.  If
 *                      the return valu`e is < 0, there was an error and the
 *                      state transition will NOT occur.  If the return value
 *                      is >= 0, then the state transition was INITIATED
 *                      successfully, and complete_func() will be called (or
 *                      was just called) with the final status when either the
 *                      state transition fails or completes successfully.
 * @resume:             Behaves similar to pause.
 * @driver:             Private reference to the device driver. For use by bus
 *                      driver only.

struct visor_driver {
const char *name;
struct module *owner;
struct visor_channeltype_descriptor *channel_types;
int (*probe)(struct visor_device *dev);
void (*remove)(struct visor_device *dev);
void (*channel_interrupt)(struct visor_device *dev);
int (*pause)(struct visor_device *dev,
		     visorbus_state_complete_func complete_func);
int (*resume)(struct visor_device *dev,
		      visorbus_state_complete_func complete_func);

	/* These fields are for private use by the bus driver only. */
struct device_driver driver;

#define to_visor_driver(x) (container_of(x, struct visor_driver, driver))

int visor_check_channel(struct channel_header *ch, struct device *dev,
			const guid_t *expected_uuid, char *chname,
			u64 expected_min_bytes,	u32 expected_version,
			u64 expected_signature);

int visorbus_register_visor_driver(struct visor_driver *drv);
void visorbus_unregister_visor_driver(struct visor_driver *drv);
int visorbus_read_channel(struct visor_device *dev,
			  unsigned long offset, void *dest,
			  unsigned long nbytes);
int visorbus_write_channel(struct visor_device *dev,
			   unsigned long offset, void *src,
			   unsigned long nbytes);
int visorbus_enable_channel_interrupts(struct visor_device *dev);
void visorbus_disable_channel_interrupts(struct visor_device *dev);

int visorchannel_signalremove(struct visorchannel *channel, u32 queue,
			      void *msg);
int visorchannel_signalinsert(struct visorchannel *channel, u32 queue,
			      void *msg);
bool visorchannel_signalempty(struct visorchannel *channel, u32 queue);
const guid_t *visorchannel_get_guid(struct visorchannel *channel);

struct visor_device *visorbus_get_device_by_id(u32 bus_no, u32 dev_no,
					       struct visor_device *from);

Overall Contributors

David Kershner34850.66%420.00%
Erik Arfvidson19528.38%15.00%
Don Zickus8312.08%315.00%
Sameer Wadgaonkar334.80%315.00%
Neil Horman121.75%15.00%
Andy Shevchenko81.16%15.00%
David Binder50.73%420.00%
Greg Kroah-Hartman20.29%210.00%
Alexander Curtin10.15%15.00%
Directory: include/linux
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Created with cregit.