cregit-Linux how code gets into the kernel

Release 4.7 drivers/media/usb/gspca/gl860/gl860-ov2640.c

/* Subdriver for the GL860 chip with the OV2640 sensor
 * Author Olivier LORIN, from Malmostoso's logs
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

/* Sensor : OV2640 */

#include "gl860.h"

static u8 dat_init1[] = "\x00\x41\x07\x6a\x06\x61\x0d\x6a" "\x10\x10\xc1\x01";

static u8 c61[] = {0x61}; 
/* expected */

static u8 c51[] = {0x51}; 
/* expected */

static u8 c50[] = {0x50}; 
/* expected */

static u8 c28[] = {0x28}; 
/* expected */

static u8 ca8[] = {0xa8}; 
/* expected */

static u8 dat_post[] =
	"\x00\x41\x07\x6a\x06\xef\x0d\x6a" "\x10\x10\xc1\x01";

static u8 dat_640[]  = "\xd0\x01\xd1\x08\xd2\xe0\xd3\x02\xd4\x10\xd5\x81";

static u8 dat_800[]  = "\xd0\x01\xd1\x10\xd2\x58\xd3\x02\xd4\x18\xd5\x21";

static u8 dat_1280[] = "\xd0\x01\xd1\x18\xd2\xc0\xd3\x02\xd4\x28\xd5\x01";

static u8 dat_1600[] = "\xd0\x01\xd1\x20\xd2\xb0\xd3\x02\xd4\x30\xd5\x41";

static struct validx tbl_init_at_startup[] = {
	{0x0000, 0x0000}, {0x0010, 0x0010}, {0x0008, 0x00c0}, {0x0001, 0x00c1},
	{0x0001, 0x00c2}, {0x0020, 0x0006}, {0x006a, 0x000d},
	{0x0050, 0x0000}, {0x0041, 0x0000}, {0x006a, 0x0007}, {0x0061, 0x0006},
	{0x006a, 0x000d}, {0x0000, 0x00c0}, {0x0010, 0x0010}, {0x0001, 0x00c1},
	{0x0041, 0x00c2}, {0x0004, 0x00d8}, {0x0012, 0x0004}, {0x0000, 0x0058},
	{0x0041, 0x0000}, {0x0061, 0x0000},

static struct validx tbl_common[] = {
	{0x6000, 0x00ff}, {0x60ff, 0x002c}, {0x60df, 0x002e}, {0x6001, 0x00ff},
	{0x6080, 0x0012}, {0x6000, 0x0000}, {0x6000, 0x0045}, {0x6000, 0x0010},
	{0x6035, 0x003c}, {0x6000, 0x0011}, {0x6028, 0x0004}, {0x60e5, 0x0013},
	{0x6088, 0x0014}, {0x600c, 0x002c}, {0x6078, 0x0033}, {0x60f7, 0x003b},
	{0x6000, 0x003e}, {0x6011, 0x0043}, {0x6010, 0x0016}, {0x6082, 0x0039},
	{0x6088, 0x0035}, {0x600a, 0x0022}, {0x6040, 0x0037}, {0x6000, 0x0023},
	{0x60a0, 0x0034}, {0x601a, 0x0036}, {0x6002, 0x0006}, {0x60c0, 0x0007},
	{0x60b7, 0x000d}, {0x6001, 0x000e}, {0x6000, 0x004c}, {0x6081, 0x004a},
	{0x6099, 0x0021}, {0x6002, 0x0009}, {0x603e, 0x0024}, {0x6034, 0x0025},
	{0x6081, 0x0026}, {0x6000, 0x0000}, {0x6000, 0x0045}, {0x6000, 0x0010},
	{0x6000, 0x005c}, {0x6000, 0x0063}, {0x6000, 0x007c}, {0x6070, 0x0061},
	{0x6080, 0x0062}, {0x6080, 0x0020}, {0x6030, 0x0028}, {0x6000, 0x006c},
	{0x6000, 0x006e}, {0x6002, 0x0070}, {0x6094, 0x0071}, {0x60c1, 0x0073},
	{0x6034, 0x003d}, {0x6057, 0x005a}, {0x60bb, 0x004f}, {0x609c, 0x0050},
	{0x6080, 0x006d}, {0x6002, 0x0039}, {0x6033, 0x003a}, {0x60f1, 0x003b},
	{0x6031, 0x003c}, {0x6000, 0x00ff}, {0x6014, 0x00e0}, {0x60ff, 0x0076},
	{0x60a0, 0x0033}, {0x6020, 0x0042}, {0x6018, 0x0043}, {0x6000, 0x004c},
	{0x60d0, 0x0087}, {0x600f, 0x0088}, {0x6003, 0x00d7}, {0x6010, 0x00d9},
	{0x6005, 0x00da}, {0x6082, 0x00d3}, {0x60c0, 0x00f9}, {0x6006, 0x0044},
	{0x6007, 0x00d1}, {0x6002, 0x00d2}, {0x6000, 0x00d2}, {0x6011, 0x00d8},
	{0x6008, 0x00c8}, {0x6080, 0x00c9}, {0x6008, 0x007c}, {0x6020, 0x007d},
	{0x6020, 0x007d}, {0x6000, 0x0090}, {0x600e, 0x0091}, {0x601a, 0x0091},
	{0x6031, 0x0091}, {0x605a, 0x0091}, {0x6069, 0x0091}, {0x6075, 0x0091},
	{0x607e, 0x0091}, {0x6088, 0x0091}, {0x608f, 0x0091}, {0x6096, 0x0091},
	{0x60a3, 0x0091}, {0x60af, 0x0091}, {0x60c4, 0x0091}, {0x60d7, 0x0091},
	{0x60e8, 0x0091}, {0x6020, 0x0091}, {0x6000, 0x0092}, {0x6006, 0x0093},
	{0x60e3, 0x0093}, {0x6005, 0x0093}, {0x6005, 0x0093}, {0x6000, 0x0093},
	{0x6004, 0x0093}, {0x6000, 0x0093}, {0x6000, 0x0093}, {0x6000, 0x0093},
	{0x6000, 0x0093}, {0x6000, 0x0093}, {0x6000, 0x0093}, {0x6000, 0x0093},
	{0x6000, 0x0096}, {0x6008, 0x0097}, {0x6019, 0x0097}, {0x6002, 0x0097},
	{0x600c, 0x0097}, {0x6024, 0x0097}, {0x6030, 0x0097}, {0x6028, 0x0097},
	{0x6026, 0x0097}, {0x6002, 0x0097}, {0x6098, 0x0097}, {0x6080, 0x0097},
	{0x6000, 0x0097}, {0x6000, 0x0097}, {0x60ed, 0x00c3}, {0x609a, 0x00c4},
	{0x6000, 0x00a4}, {0x6011, 0x00c5}, {0x6051, 0x00c6}, {0x6010, 0x00c7},
	{0x6066, 0x00b6}, {0x60a5, 0x00b8}, {0x6064, 0x00b7}, {0x607c, 0x00b9},
	{0x60af, 0x00b3}, {0x6097, 0x00b4}, {0x60ff, 0x00b5}, {0x60c5, 0x00b0},
	{0x6094, 0x00b1}, {0x600f, 0x00b2}, {0x605c, 0x00c4}, {0x6000, 0x00a8},
	{0x60c8, 0x00c0}, {0x6096, 0x00c1}, {0x601d, 0x0086}, {0x6000, 0x0050},
	{0x6090, 0x0051}, {0x6018, 0x0052}, {0x6000, 0x0053}, {0x6000, 0x0054},
	{0x6088, 0x0055}, {0x6000, 0x0057}, {0x6090, 0x005a}, {0x6018, 0x005b},
	{0x6005, 0x005c}, {0x60ed, 0x00c3}, {0x6000, 0x007f}, {0x6005, 0x00da},
	{0x601f, 0x00e5}, {0x6067, 0x00e1}, {0x6000, 0x00e0}, {0x60ff, 0x00dd},
	{0x6000, 0x0005}, {0x6001, 0x00ff}, {0x6000, 0x0000}, {0x6000, 0x0045},
	{0x6000, 0x0010},

static struct validx tbl_sensor_settings_common1[] = {
	{0x0041, 0x0000}, {0x006a, 0x0007}, {0x00ef, 0x0006}, {0x006a, 0x000d},
	{0x0000, 0x00c0}, {0x0010, 0x0010}, {0x0001, 0x00c1}, {0x0041, 0x00c2},
	{0x0004, 0x00d8}, {0x0012, 0x0004}, {0x0000, 0x0058}, {0x0041, 0x0000},
	{50, 0xffff},
	{0x0061, 0x0000},
	{0xffff, 0xffff},
	{0x6000, 0x00ff}, {0x6000, 0x007c}, {0x6007, 0x007d},
	{30, 0xffff},
	{0x0040, 0x0000},

static struct validx tbl_sensor_settings_common2[] = {
	{0x6001, 0x00ff}, {0x6038, 0x000c},
	{10, 0xffff},
	{0x6000, 0x0011},

static struct validx tbl_640[] = {
	{0x6000, 0x00ff}, {0x60f1, 0x00dd}, {0x6004, 0x00e0}, {0x6067, 0x00e1},
	{0x6004, 0x00da}, {0x6000, 0x00ff}, {0x60f1, 0x00dd}, {0x6004, 0x00e0},
	{0x6001, 0x00ff}, {0x6000, 0x0012}, {0x6000, 0x0011}, {0x6011, 0x0017},
	{0x6075, 0x0018}, {0x6001, 0x0019}, {0x6097, 0x001a}, {0x6036, 0x0032},
	{0x60bb, 0x004f}, {0x6057, 0x005a}, {0x609c, 0x0050}, {0x6080, 0x006d},
	{0x6092, 0x0026}, {0x60ff, 0x0020}, {0x6000, 0x0027}, {0x6000, 0x00ff},
	{0x60c8, 0x00c0}, {0x6096, 0x00c1}, {0x6000, 0x008c}, {0x603d, 0x0086},
	{0x6089, 0x0050}, {0x6090, 0x0051}, {0x602c, 0x0052}, {0x6000, 0x0053},
	{0x6000, 0x0054}, {0x6088, 0x0055}, {0x6000, 0x0057}, {0x60a0, 0x005a},
	{0x6078, 0x005b}, {0x6000, 0x005c}, {0x6004, 0x00d3}, {0x6000, 0x00e0},
	{0x60ff, 0x00dd}, {0x60a1, 0x005a},

static struct validx tbl_800[] = {
	{0x6000, 0x00ff}, {0x60f1, 0x00dd}, {0x6004, 0x00e0}, {0x6067, 0x00e1},
	{0x6004, 0x00da}, {0x6000, 0x00ff}, {0x60f1, 0x00dd}, {0x6004, 0x00e0},
	{0x6001, 0x00ff}, {0x6040, 0x0012}, {0x6000, 0x0011}, {0x6011, 0x0017},
	{0x6043, 0x0018}, {0x6000, 0x0019}, {0x604b, 0x001a}, {0x6009, 0x0032},
	{0x60ca, 0x004f}, {0x60a8, 0x0050}, {0x6000, 0x006d}, {0x6038, 0x003d},
	{0x60c8, 0x0035}, {0x6000, 0x0022}, {0x6092, 0x0026}, {0x60ff, 0x0020},
	{0x6000, 0x0027}, {0x6000, 0x00ff}, {0x6064, 0x00c0}, {0x604b, 0x00c1},
	{0x6000, 0x008c}, {0x601d, 0x0086}, {0x6082, 0x00d3}, {0x6000, 0x00e0},
	{0x60ff, 0x00dd}, {0x6020, 0x008c}, {0x6001, 0x00ff}, {0x6044, 0x0018},

static struct validx tbl_big1[] = {
	{0x0002, 0x00c1}, {0x6000, 0x00ff}, {0x60f1, 0x00dd}, {0x6004, 0x00e0},
	{0x6001, 0x00ff}, {0x6000, 0x0012}, {0x6000, 0x0000}, {0x6000, 0x0045},
	{0x6000, 0x0010}, {0x6000, 0x0011}, {0x6011, 0x0017}, {0x6075, 0x0018},
	{0x6001, 0x0019}, {0x6097, 0x001a}, {0x6036, 0x0032}, {0x60bb, 0x004f},
	{0x609c, 0x0050}, {0x6057, 0x005a}, {0x6080, 0x006d}, {0x6043, 0x000f},
	{0x608f, 0x0003}, {0x6005, 0x007c}, {0x6081, 0x0026}, {0x6000, 0x00ff},
	{0x60c8, 0x00c0}, {0x6096, 0x00c1}, {0x6000, 0x008c},

static struct validx tbl_big2[] = {
	{0x603d, 0x0086}, {0x6000, 0x0050}, {0x6090, 0x0051}, {0x602c, 0x0052},
	{0x6000, 0x0053}, {0x6000, 0x0054}, {0x6088, 0x0055}, {0x6000, 0x0057},
	{0x6040, 0x005a}, {0x60f0, 0x005b}, {0x6001, 0x005c}, {0x6082, 0x00d3},
	{0x6000, 0x008e},

static struct validx tbl_big3[] = {
	{0x6004, 0x00da}, {0x6000, 0x00e0}, {0x6067, 0x00e1}, {0x60ff, 0x00dd},
	{0x6001, 0x00ff}, {0x6000, 0x00ff}, {0x60f1, 0x00dd}, {0x6004, 0x00e0},
	{0x6001, 0x00ff}, {0x6000, 0x0011}, {0x6000, 0x00ff}, {0x6010, 0x00c7},
	{0x6000, 0x0092}, {0x6006, 0x0093}, {0x60e3, 0x0093}, {0x6005, 0x0093},
	{0x6005, 0x0093}, {0x60ed, 0x00c3}, {0x6000, 0x00a4}, {0x60d0, 0x0087},
	{0x6003, 0x0096}, {0x600c, 0x0097}, {0x6024, 0x0097}, {0x6030, 0x0097},
	{0x6028, 0x0097}, {0x6026, 0x0097}, {0x6002, 0x0097}, {0x6001, 0x00ff},
	{0x6043, 0x000f}, {0x608f, 0x0003}, {0x6000, 0x002d}, {0x6000, 0x002e},
	{0x600a, 0x0022}, {0x6002, 0x0070}, {0x6008, 0x0014}, {0x6048, 0x0014},
	{0x6000, 0x00ff}, {0x6000, 0x00e0}, {0x60ff, 0x00dd},

static struct validx tbl_post_unset_alt[] = {
	{0x006a, 0x000d}, {0x6001, 0x00ff}, {0x6081, 0x0026}, {0x6000, 0x0000},
	{0x6000, 0x0045}, {0x6000, 0x0010}, {0x6068, 0x000d},
	{50, 0xffff},
	{0x0021, 0x0000},

static int  ov2640_init_at_startup(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev);
static int  ov2640_configure_alt(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev);
static int  ov2640_init_pre_alt(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev);
static int  ov2640_init_post_alt(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev);
static void ov2640_post_unset_alt(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev);
static int  ov2640_camera_settings(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev);

void ov2640_init_settings(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev) { struct sd *sd = (struct sd *) gspca_dev; sd->vcur.backlight = 32; sd->vcur.brightness = 0; sd->vcur.sharpness = 6; sd->vcur.contrast = 0; sd->vcur.gamma = 32; sd->vcur.hue = 0; sd->vcur.saturation = 128; sd->vcur.whitebal = 64; sd->vcur.mirror = 0; sd->vcur.flip = 0; sd->vmax.backlight = 64; sd->vmax.brightness = 255; sd->vmax.sharpness = 31; sd->vmax.contrast = 255; sd->vmax.gamma = 64; sd->vmax.hue = 254 + 2; sd->vmax.saturation = 255; sd->vmax.whitebal = 128; sd->vmax.mirror = 1; sd->vmax.flip = 1; sd->vmax.AC50Hz = 0; sd->dev_camera_settings = ov2640_camera_settings; sd->dev_init_at_startup = ov2640_init_at_startup; sd->dev_configure_alt = ov2640_configure_alt; sd->dev_init_pre_alt = ov2640_init_pre_alt; sd->dev_post_unset_alt = ov2640_post_unset_alt; }


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static void common(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev) { fetch_validx(gspca_dev, tbl_common, ARRAY_SIZE(tbl_common)); }


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static int ov2640_init_at_startup(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev) { fetch_validx(gspca_dev, tbl_init_at_startup, ARRAY_SIZE(tbl_init_at_startup)); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 3, 0x0000, 0x0200, 12, dat_init1); common(gspca_dev); ctrl_in(gspca_dev, 0xc0, 2, 0x0000, 0x0006, 1, c61); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x00ef, 0x0006, 0, NULL); ctrl_in(gspca_dev, 0xc0, 2, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1, c51); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x0051, 0x0000, 0, NULL); /* ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 11, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0, NULL); */ return 0; }


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static int ov2640_init_pre_alt(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev) { struct sd *sd = (struct sd *) gspca_dev; sd->mirrorMask = 0; sd->vold.backlight = -1; sd->vold.brightness = -1; sd->vold.sharpness = -1; sd->vold.contrast = -1; sd->vold.saturation = -1; sd->vold.gamma = -1; sd->vold.hue = -1; sd->vold.whitebal = -1; sd->vold.mirror = -1; sd->vold.flip = -1; ov2640_init_post_alt(gspca_dev); return 0; }


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static int ov2640_init_post_alt(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev) { s32 reso = gspca_dev->cam.cam_mode[(s32) gspca_dev->curr_mode].priv; s32 n; /* reserved for FETCH functions */ ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 5, 0x0001, 0x0000, 0, NULL); n = fetch_validx(gspca_dev, tbl_sensor_settings_common1, ARRAY_SIZE(tbl_sensor_settings_common1)); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 3, 0x0000, 0x0200, 12, dat_post); common(gspca_dev); keep_on_fetching_validx(gspca_dev, tbl_sensor_settings_common1, ARRAY_SIZE(tbl_sensor_settings_common1), n); switch (reso) { case IMAGE_640: n = fetch_validx(gspca_dev, tbl_640, ARRAY_SIZE(tbl_640)); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 3, 0x0000, 0x0200, 12, dat_640); break; case IMAGE_800: n = fetch_validx(gspca_dev, tbl_800, ARRAY_SIZE(tbl_800)); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 3, 0x0000, 0x0200, 12, dat_800); break; case IMAGE_1600: case IMAGE_1280: n = fetch_validx(gspca_dev, tbl_big1, ARRAY_SIZE(tbl_big1)); if (reso == IMAGE_1280) { n = fetch_validx(gspca_dev, tbl_big2, ARRAY_SIZE(tbl_big2)); } else { ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x601d, 0x0086, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6001, 0x00d7, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6082, 0x00d3, 0, NULL); } n = fetch_validx(gspca_dev, tbl_big3, ARRAY_SIZE(tbl_big3)); if (reso == IMAGE_1280) { ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6001, 0x00ff, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 3, 0x0000, 0x0200, 12, dat_1280); } else { ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6020, 0x008c, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6001, 0x00ff, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6076, 0x0018, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 3, 0x0000, 0x0200, 12, dat_1600); } break; } n = fetch_validx(gspca_dev, tbl_sensor_settings_common2, ARRAY_SIZE(tbl_sensor_settings_common2)); ov2640_camera_settings(gspca_dev); return 0; }


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static int ov2640_configure_alt(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev) { s32 reso = gspca_dev->cam.cam_mode[(s32) gspca_dev->curr_mode].priv; switch (reso) { case IMAGE_640: gspca_dev->alt = 3 + 1; break; case IMAGE_800: case IMAGE_1280: case IMAGE_1600: gspca_dev->alt = 1 + 1; break; } return 0; }


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static int ov2640_camera_settings(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev) { struct sd *sd = (struct sd *) gspca_dev; s32 backlight = sd->vcur.backlight; s32 bright = sd->vcur.brightness; s32 sharp = sd->vcur.sharpness; s32 gam = sd->vcur.gamma; s32 cntr = sd->vcur.contrast; s32 sat = sd->vcur.saturation; s32 hue = sd->vcur.hue; s32 wbal = sd->vcur.whitebal; s32 mirror = (((sd->vcur.mirror > 0) ^ sd->mirrorMask) == 0); s32 flip = (((sd->vcur.flip > 0) ^ sd->mirrorMask) == 0); if (backlight != sd->vold.backlight) { /* No sd->vold.backlight=backlight; (to be done again later) */ if (backlight < 0 || backlight > sd->vmax.backlight) backlight = 0; ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6001 , 0x00ff, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x601e + backlight , 0x0024, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x601e + backlight - 10, 0x0025, 0, NULL); } if (bright != sd->vold.brightness) { sd->vold.brightness = bright; if (bright < 0 || bright > sd->vmax.brightness) bright = 0; ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000 , 0x00ff, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6009 , 0x007c, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000 + bright, 0x007d, 0, NULL); } if (wbal != sd->vold.whitebal) { sd->vold.whitebal = wbal; if (wbal < 0 || wbal > sd->vmax.whitebal) wbal = 0; ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000 , 0x00ff, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6003 , 0x007c, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000 + wbal, 0x007d, 0, NULL); } if (cntr != sd->vold.contrast) { sd->vold.contrast = cntr; if (cntr < 0 || cntr > sd->vmax.contrast) cntr = 0; ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000 , 0x00ff, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6007 , 0x007c, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000 + cntr, 0x007d, 0, NULL); } if (sat != sd->vold.saturation) { sd->vold.saturation = sat; if (sat < 0 || sat > sd->vmax.saturation) sat = 0; ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000 , 0x00ff, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6001 , 0x007c, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000 + sat, 0x007d, 0, NULL); } if (sharp != sd->vold.sharpness) { sd->vold.sharpness = sharp; if (sharp < 0 || sharp > sd->vmax.sharpness) sharp = 0; ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000 , 0x00ff, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6001 , 0x0092, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x60c0 + sharp, 0x0093, 0, NULL); } if (hue != sd->vold.hue) { sd->vold.hue = hue; if (hue < 0 || hue > sd->vmax.hue) hue = 0; ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000 , 0x00ff, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6002 , 0x007c, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000 + hue * (hue < 255), 0x007d, 0, NULL); if (hue >= 255) sd->swapRB = 1; else sd->swapRB = 0; } if (gam != sd->vold.gamma) { sd->vold.gamma = gam; if (gam < 0 || gam > sd->vmax.gamma) gam = 0; ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000 , 0x00ff, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6008 , 0x007c, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000 + gam, 0x007d, 0, NULL); } if (mirror != sd->vold.mirror || flip != sd->vold.flip) { sd->vold.mirror = mirror; sd->vold.flip = flip; mirror = 0x80 * mirror; ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6001, 0x00ff, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000, 0x8004, 0, NULL); ctrl_in(gspca_dev, 0xc0, 2, 0x6000, 0x8004, 1, c28); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6028 + mirror, 0x0004, 0, NULL); flip = 0x50 * flip + mirror; ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6001, 0x00ff, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6000, 0x8004, 0, NULL); ctrl_in(gspca_dev, 0xc0, 2, 0x6000, 0x8004, 1, ca8); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6028 + flip, 0x0004, 0, NULL); ctrl_in(gspca_dev, 0xc0, 2, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1, c50); } if (backlight != sd->vold.backlight) { sd->vold.backlight = backlight; ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x6001 , 0x00ff, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x601e + backlight , 0x0024, 0, NULL); ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 1, 0x601e + backlight - 10, 0x0025, 0, NULL); } return 0; }


olivier lorinolivier lorin1178100.00%3100.00%

static void ov2640_post_unset_alt(struct gspca_dev *gspca_dev) { ctrl_out(gspca_dev, 0x40, 5, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0, NULL); msleep(20); fetch_validx(gspca_dev, tbl_post_unset_alt, ARRAY_SIZE(tbl_post_unset_alt)); }


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Overall Contributors

olivier lorinolivier lorin4749100.00%3100.00%
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