Release 4.7 drivers/net/ethernet/intel/igb/e1000_regs.h
/* Intel(R) Gigabit Ethernet Linux driver
* Copyright(c) 2007-2014 Intel Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see <>.
* The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
* the file called "COPYING".
* Contact Information:
* e1000-devel Mailing List <>
* Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497
#ifndef _E1000_REGS_H_
#define _E1000_REGS_H_
#define E1000_CTRL 0x00000
/* Device Control - RW */
#define E1000_STATUS 0x00008
/* Device Status - RO */
#define E1000_EECD 0x00010
/* EEPROM/Flash Control - RW */
#define E1000_EERD 0x00014
/* EEPROM Read - RW */
#define E1000_CTRL_EXT 0x00018
/* Extended Device Control - RW */
#define E1000_MDIC 0x00020
/* MDI Control - RW */
#define E1000_MDICNFG 0x00E04
/* MDI Config - RW */
#define E1000_SCTL 0x00024
/* SerDes Control - RW */
#define E1000_FCAL 0x00028
/* Flow Control Address Low - RW */
#define E1000_FCAH 0x0002C
/* Flow Control Address High -RW */
#define E1000_FCT 0x00030
/* Flow Control Type - RW */
#define E1000_CONNSW 0x00034
/* Copper/Fiber switch control - RW */
#define E1000_VET 0x00038
/* VLAN Ether Type - RW */
#define E1000_TSSDP 0x0003C
/* Time Sync SDP Configuration Register - RW */
#define E1000_ICR 0x000C0
/* Interrupt Cause Read - R/clr */
#define E1000_ITR 0x000C4
/* Interrupt Throttling Rate - RW */
#define E1000_ICS 0x000C8
/* Interrupt Cause Set - WO */
#define E1000_IMS 0x000D0
/* Interrupt Mask Set - RW */
#define E1000_IMC 0x000D8
/* Interrupt Mask Clear - WO */
#define E1000_IAM 0x000E0
/* Interrupt Acknowledge Auto Mask */
#define E1000_RCTL 0x00100
/* RX Control - RW */
#define E1000_FCTTV 0x00170
/* Flow Control Transmit Timer Value - RW */
#define E1000_TXCW 0x00178
/* TX Configuration Word - RW */
#define E1000_EICR 0x01580
/* Ext. Interrupt Cause Read - R/clr */
#define E1000_EITR(_n) (0x01680 + (0x4 * (_n)))
#define E1000_EICS 0x01520
/* Ext. Interrupt Cause Set - W0 */
#define E1000_EIMS 0x01524
/* Ext. Interrupt Mask Set/Read - RW */
#define E1000_EIMC 0x01528
/* Ext. Interrupt Mask Clear - WO */
#define E1000_EIAC 0x0152C
/* Ext. Interrupt Auto Clear - RW */
#define E1000_EIAM 0x01530
/* Ext. Interrupt Ack Auto Clear Mask - RW */
#define E1000_GPIE 0x01514
/* General Purpose Interrupt Enable - RW */
#define E1000_IVAR0 0x01700
/* Interrupt Vector Allocation (array) - RW */
#define E1000_IVAR_MISC 0x01740
/* IVAR for "other" causes - RW */
#define E1000_TCTL 0x00400
/* TX Control - RW */
#define E1000_TCTL_EXT 0x00404
/* Extended TX Control - RW */
#define E1000_TIPG 0x00410
/* TX Inter-packet gap -RW */
#define E1000_AIT 0x00458
/* Adaptive Interframe Spacing Throttle - RW */
#define E1000_LEDCTL 0x00E00
/* LED Control - RW */
#define E1000_LEDMUX 0x08130
/* LED MUX Control */
#define E1000_PBA 0x01000
/* Packet Buffer Allocation - RW */
#define E1000_PBS 0x01008
/* Packet Buffer Size */
#define E1000_EEMNGCTL 0x01010
/* MNG EEprom Control */
#define E1000_EEMNGCTL_I210 0x12030
/* MNG EEprom Control */
#define E1000_EEARBC_I210 0x12024
/* EEPROM Auto Read Bus Control */
#define E1000_EEWR 0x0102C
/* EEPROM Write Register - RW */
#define E1000_I2CCMD 0x01028
/* SFPI2C Command Register - RW */
#define E1000_FRTIMER 0x01048
/* Free Running Timer - RW */
#define E1000_TCPTIMER 0x0104C
/* TCP Timer - RW */
#define E1000_FCRTL 0x02160
/* Flow Control Receive Threshold Low - RW */
#define E1000_FCRTH 0x02168
/* Flow Control Receive Threshold High - RW */
#define E1000_FCRTV 0x02460
/* Flow Control Refresh Timer Value - RW */
#define E1000_I2CPARAMS 0x0102C
/* SFPI2C Parameters Register - RW */
#define E1000_I2CBB_EN 0x00000100
/* I2C - Bit Bang Enable */
#define E1000_I2C_CLK_OUT 0x00000200
/* I2C- Clock */
#define E1000_I2C_DATA_OUT 0x00000400
/* I2C- Data Out */
#define E1000_I2C_DATA_OE_N 0x00000800
/* I2C- Data Output Enable */
#define E1000_I2C_DATA_IN 0x00001000
/* I2C- Data In */
#define E1000_I2C_CLK_OE_N 0x00002000
/* I2C- Clock Output Enable */
#define E1000_I2C_CLK_IN 0x00004000
/* I2C- Clock In */
#define E1000_MPHY_ADDR_CTRL 0x0024
/* GbE MPHY Address Control */
#define E1000_MPHY_DATA 0x0E10
/* GBE MPHY Data */
#define E1000_MPHY_STAT 0x0E0C
/* GBE MPHY Statistics */
#define E1000_TSYNCRXCTL 0x0B620
/* Rx Time Sync Control register - RW */
#define E1000_TSYNCTXCTL 0x0B614
/* Tx Time Sync Control register - RW */
#define E1000_TSYNCRXCFG 0x05F50
/* Time Sync Rx Configuration - RW */
#define E1000_RXSTMPL 0x0B624
/* Rx timestamp Low - RO */
#define E1000_RXSTMPH 0x0B628
/* Rx timestamp High - RO */
#define E1000_RXSATRL 0x0B62C
/* Rx timestamp attribute low - RO */
#define E1000_RXSATRH 0x0B630
/* Rx timestamp attribute high - RO */
#define E1000_TXSTMPL 0x0B618
/* Tx timestamp value Low - RO */
#define E1000_TXSTMPH 0x0B61C
/* Tx timestamp value High - RO */
#define E1000_SYSTIML 0x0B600
/* System time register Low - RO */
#define E1000_SYSTIMH 0x0B604
/* System time register High - RO */
#define E1000_TIMINCA 0x0B608
/* Increment attributes register - RW */
#define E1000_TSAUXC 0x0B640
/* Timesync Auxiliary Control register */
#define E1000_TRGTTIML0 0x0B644
/* Target Time Register 0 Low - RW */
#define E1000_TRGTTIMH0 0x0B648
/* Target Time Register 0 High - RW */
#define E1000_TRGTTIML1 0x0B64C
/* Target Time Register 1 Low - RW */
#define E1000_TRGTTIMH1 0x0B650
/* Target Time Register 1 High - RW */
#define E1000_FREQOUT0 0x0B654
/* Frequency Out 0 Control Register - RW */
#define E1000_FREQOUT1 0x0B658
/* Frequency Out 1 Control Register - RW */
#define E1000_AUXSTMPL0 0x0B65C
/* Auxiliary Time Stamp 0 Register Low - RO */
#define E1000_AUXSTMPH0 0x0B660
/* Auxiliary Time Stamp 0 Register High - RO */
#define E1000_AUXSTMPL1 0x0B664
/* Auxiliary Time Stamp 1 Register Low - RO */
#define E1000_AUXSTMPH1 0x0B668
/* Auxiliary Time Stamp 1 Register High - RO */
#define E1000_SYSTIMR 0x0B6F8
/* System time register Residue */
#define E1000_TSICR 0x0B66C
/* Interrupt Cause Register */
#define E1000_TSIM 0x0B674
/* Interrupt Mask Register */
/* Filtering Registers */
#define E1000_SAQF(_n) (0x5980 + 4 * (_n))
#define E1000_DAQF(_n) (0x59A0 + 4 * (_n))
#define E1000_SPQF(_n) (0x59C0 + 4 * (_n))
#define E1000_FTQF(_n) (0x59E0 + 4 * (_n))
#define E1000_SAQF0 E1000_SAQF(0)
#define E1000_DAQF0 E1000_DAQF(0)
#define E1000_SPQF0 E1000_SPQF(0)
#define E1000_FTQF0 E1000_FTQF(0)
#define E1000_SYNQF(_n) (0x055FC + (4 * (_n)))
/* SYN Packet Queue Fltr */
#define E1000_ETQF(_n) (0x05CB0 + (4 * (_n)))
/* EType Queue Fltr */
#define E1000_RQDPC(_n) (0x0C030 + ((_n) * 0x40))
/* DMA Coalescing registers */
#define E1000_DMACR 0x02508
/* Control Register */
#define E1000_DMCTXTH 0x03550
/* Transmit Threshold */
#define E1000_DMCTLX 0x02514
/* Time to Lx Request */
#define E1000_DMCRTRH 0x05DD0
/* Receive Packet Rate Threshold */
#define E1000_DMCCNT 0x05DD4
/* Current Rx Count */
#define E1000_FCRTC 0x02170
/* Flow Control Rx high watermark */
#define E1000_PCIEMISC 0x05BB8
/* PCIE misc config register */
/* TX Rate Limit Registers */
#define E1000_RTTDQSEL 0x3604
/* Tx Desc Plane Queue Select - WO */
#define E1000_RTTBCNRM 0x3690
/* Tx BCN Rate-scheduler MMW */
#define E1000_RTTBCNRC 0x36B0
/* Tx BCN Rate-Scheduler Config - WO */
/* Split and Replication RX Control - RW */
#define E1000_RXPBS 0x02404
/* Rx Packet Buffer Size - RW */
/* Thermal sensor configuration and status registers */
#define E1000_THMJT 0x08100
/* Junction Temperature */
#define E1000_THLOWTC 0x08104
/* Low Threshold Control */
#define E1000_THMIDTC 0x08108
/* Mid Threshold Control */
#define E1000_THHIGHTC 0x0810C
/* High Threshold Control */
#define E1000_THSTAT 0x08110
/* Thermal Sensor Status */
/* Convenience macros
* Note: "_n" is the queue number of the register to be written to.
* Example usage:
* E1000_RDBAL_REG(current_rx_queue)
#define E1000_RDBAL(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02800 + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0C000 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_RDBAH(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02804 + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0C004 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_RDLEN(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02808 + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0C008 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_SRRCTL(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x0280C + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0C00C + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_RDH(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02810 + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0C010 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_RDT(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02818 + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0C018 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_RXDCTL(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02828 + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0C028 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_TDBAL(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03800 + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0E000 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_TDBAH(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03804 + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0E004 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_TDLEN(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03808 + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0E008 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_TDH(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03810 + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0E010 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_TDT(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03818 + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0E018 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_TXDCTL(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03828 + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0E028 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_RXCTL(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x02814 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
(0x0C014 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_DCA_RXCTRL(_n) E1000_RXCTL(_n)
#define E1000_TXCTL(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03814 + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
(0x0E014 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_DCA_TXCTRL(_n) E1000_TXCTL(_n)
#define E1000_TDWBAL(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x03838 + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0E038 + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_TDWBAH(_n) ((_n) < 4 ? (0x0383C + ((_n) * 0x100)) \
: (0x0E03C + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_RXPBS 0x02404
/* Rx Packet Buffer Size - RW */
#define E1000_TXPBS 0x03404
/* Tx Packet Buffer Size - RW */
#define E1000_TDFH 0x03410
/* TX Data FIFO Head - RW */
#define E1000_TDFT 0x03418
/* TX Data FIFO Tail - RW */
#define E1000_TDFHS 0x03420
/* TX Data FIFO Head Saved - RW */
#define E1000_TDFPC 0x03430
/* TX Data FIFO Packet Count - RW */
#define E1000_DTXCTL 0x03590
/* DMA TX Control - RW */
#define E1000_CRCERRS 0x04000
/* CRC Error Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_ALGNERRC 0x04004
/* Alignment Error Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_SYMERRS 0x04008
/* Symbol Error Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_RXERRC 0x0400C
/* Receive Error Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_MPC 0x04010
/* Missed Packet Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_SCC 0x04014
/* Single Collision Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_ECOL 0x04018
/* Excessive Collision Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_MCC 0x0401C
/* Multiple Collision Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_LATECOL 0x04020
/* Late Collision Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_COLC 0x04028
/* Collision Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_DC 0x04030
/* Defer Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_TNCRS 0x04034
/* TX-No CRS - R/clr */
#define E1000_SEC 0x04038
/* Sequence Error Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_CEXTERR 0x0403C
/* Carrier Extension Error Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_RLEC 0x04040
/* Receive Length Error Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_XONRXC 0x04048
/* XON RX Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_XONTXC 0x0404C
/* XON TX Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_XOFFRXC 0x04050
/* XOFF RX Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_XOFFTXC 0x04054
/* XOFF TX Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_FCRUC 0x04058
/* Flow Control RX Unsupported Count- R/clr */
#define E1000_PRC64 0x0405C
/* Packets RX (64 bytes) - R/clr */
#define E1000_PRC127 0x04060
/* Packets RX (65-127 bytes) - R/clr */
#define E1000_PRC255 0x04064
/* Packets RX (128-255 bytes) - R/clr */
#define E1000_PRC511 0x04068
/* Packets RX (255-511 bytes) - R/clr */
#define E1000_PRC1023 0x0406C
/* Packets RX (512-1023 bytes) - R/clr */
#define E1000_PRC1522 0x04070
/* Packets RX (1024-1522 bytes) - R/clr */
#define E1000_GPRC 0x04074
/* Good Packets RX Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_BPRC 0x04078
/* Broadcast Packets RX Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_MPRC 0x0407C
/* Multicast Packets RX Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_GPTC 0x04080
/* Good Packets TX Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_GORCL 0x04088
/* Good Octets RX Count Low - R/clr */
#define E1000_GORCH 0x0408C
/* Good Octets RX Count High - R/clr */
#define E1000_GOTCL 0x04090
/* Good Octets TX Count Low - R/clr */
#define E1000_GOTCH 0x04094
/* Good Octets TX Count High - R/clr */
#define E1000_RNBC 0x040A0
/* RX No Buffers Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_RUC 0x040A4
/* RX Undersize Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_RFC 0x040A8
/* RX Fragment Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_ROC 0x040AC
/* RX Oversize Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_RJC 0x040B0
/* RX Jabber Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_MGTPRC 0x040B4
/* Management Packets RX Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_MGTPDC 0x040B8
/* Management Packets Dropped Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_MGTPTC 0x040BC
/* Management Packets TX Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_TORL 0x040C0
/* Total Octets RX Low - R/clr */
#define E1000_TORH 0x040C4
/* Total Octets RX High - R/clr */
#define E1000_TOTL 0x040C8
/* Total Octets TX Low - R/clr */
#define E1000_TOTH 0x040CC
/* Total Octets TX High - R/clr */
#define E1000_TPR 0x040D0
/* Total Packets RX - R/clr */
#define E1000_TPT 0x040D4
/* Total Packets TX - R/clr */
#define E1000_PTC64 0x040D8
/* Packets TX (64 bytes) - R/clr */
#define E1000_PTC127 0x040DC
/* Packets TX (65-127 bytes) - R/clr */
#define E1000_PTC255 0x040E0
/* Packets TX (128-255 bytes) - R/clr */
#define E1000_PTC511 0x040E4
/* Packets TX (256-511 bytes) - R/clr */
#define E1000_PTC1023 0x040E8
/* Packets TX (512-1023 bytes) - R/clr */
#define E1000_PTC1522 0x040EC
/* Packets TX (1024-1522 Bytes) - R/clr */
#define E1000_MPTC 0x040F0
/* Multicast Packets TX Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_BPTC 0x040F4
/* Broadcast Packets TX Count - R/clr */
#define E1000_TSCTC 0x040F8
/* TCP Segmentation Context TX - R/clr */
#define E1000_TSCTFC 0x040FC
/* TCP Segmentation Context TX Fail - R/clr */
#define E1000_IAC 0x04100
/* Interrupt Assertion Count */
/* Interrupt Cause Rx Packet Timer Expire Count */
#define E1000_ICRXPTC 0x04104
/* Interrupt Cause Rx Absolute Timer Expire Count */
#define E1000_ICRXATC 0x04108
/* Interrupt Cause Tx Packet Timer Expire Count */
#define E1000_ICTXPTC 0x0410C
/* Interrupt Cause Tx Absolute Timer Expire Count */
#define E1000_ICTXATC 0x04110
/* Interrupt Cause Tx Queue Empty Count */
#define E1000_ICTXQEC 0x04118
/* Interrupt Cause Tx Queue Minimum Threshold Count */
#define E1000_ICTXQMTC 0x0411C
/* Interrupt Cause Rx Descriptor Minimum Threshold Count */
#define E1000_ICRXDMTC 0x04120
#define E1000_ICRXOC 0x04124
/* Interrupt Cause Receiver Overrun Count */
#define E1000_PCS_CFG0 0x04200
/* PCS Configuration 0 - RW */
#define E1000_PCS_LCTL 0x04208
/* PCS Link Control - RW */
#define E1000_PCS_LSTAT 0x0420C
/* PCS Link Status - RO */
#define E1000_CBTMPC 0x0402C
/* Circuit Breaker TX Packet Count */
#define E1000_HTDPMC 0x0403C
/* Host Transmit Discarded Packets */
#define E1000_CBRMPC 0x040FC
/* Circuit Breaker RX Packet Count */
#define E1000_RPTHC 0x04104
/* Rx Packets To Host */
#define E1000_HGPTC 0x04118
/* Host Good Packets TX Count */
#define E1000_HTCBDPC 0x04124
/* Host TX Circuit Breaker Dropped Count */
#define E1000_HGORCL 0x04128
/* Host Good Octets Received Count Low */
#define E1000_HGORCH 0x0412C
/* Host Good Octets Received Count High */
#define E1000_HGOTCL 0x04130
/* Host Good Octets Transmit Count Low */
#define E1000_HGOTCH 0x04134
/* Host Good Octets Transmit Count High */
#define E1000_LENERRS 0x04138
/* Length Errors Count */
#define E1000_SCVPC 0x04228
/* SerDes/SGMII Code Violation Pkt Count */
#define E1000_PCS_ANADV 0x04218
/* AN advertisement - RW */
#define E1000_PCS_LPAB 0x0421C
/* Link Partner Ability - RW */
#define E1000_PCS_NPTX 0x04220
/* AN Next Page Transmit - RW */
#define E1000_PCS_LPABNP 0x04224
/* Link Partner Ability Next Page - RW */
#define E1000_RXCSUM 0x05000
/* RX Checksum Control - RW */
#define E1000_RLPML 0x05004
/* RX Long Packet Max Length */
#define E1000_RFCTL 0x05008
/* Receive Filter Control*/
#define E1000_MTA 0x05200
/* Multicast Table Array - RW Array */
#define E1000_RA 0x05400
/* Receive Address - RW Array */
#define E1000_RA2 0x054E0
/* 2nd half of Rx address array - RW Array */
#define E1000_PSRTYPE(_i) (0x05480 + ((_i) * 4))
#define E1000_RAL(_i) (((_i) <= 15) ? (0x05400 + ((_i) * 8)) : \
(0x054E0 + ((_i - 16) * 8)))
#define E1000_RAH(_i) (((_i) <= 15) ? (0x05404 + ((_i) * 8)) : \
(0x054E4 + ((_i - 16) * 8)))
#define E1000_IP4AT_REG(_i) (0x05840 + ((_i) * 8))
#define E1000_IP6AT_REG(_i) (0x05880 + ((_i) * 4))
#define E1000_WUPM_REG(_i) (0x05A00 + ((_i) * 4))
#define E1000_FFMT_REG(_i) (0x09000 + ((_i) * 8))
#define E1000_FFVT_REG(_i) (0x09800 + ((_i) * 8))
#define E1000_FFLT_REG(_i) (0x05F00 + ((_i) * 8))
#define E1000_VFTA 0x05600
/* VLAN Filter Table Array - RW Array */
#define E1000_VT_CTL 0x0581C
/* VMDq Control - RW */
#define E1000_WUC 0x05800
/* Wakeup Control - RW */
#define E1000_WUFC 0x05808
/* Wakeup Filter Control - RW */
#define E1000_WUS 0x05810
/* Wakeup Status - RO */
#define E1000_MANC 0x05820
/* Management Control - RW */
#define E1000_IPAV 0x05838
/* IP Address Valid - RW */
#define E1000_WUPL 0x05900
/* Wakeup Packet Length - RW */
#define E1000_SW_FW_SYNC 0x05B5C
/* Software-Firmware Synchronization - RW */
#define E1000_CCMCTL 0x05B48
/* CCM Control Register */
#define E1000_GIOCTL 0x05B44
/* GIO Analog Control Register */
#define E1000_SCCTL 0x05B4C
/* PCIc PLL Configuration Register */
#define E1000_GCR 0x05B00
/* PCI-Ex Control */
#define E1000_FACTPS 0x05B30
/* Function Active and Power State to MNG */
#define E1000_SWSM 0x05B50
/* SW Semaphore */
#define E1000_FWSM 0x05B54
/* FW Semaphore */
#define E1000_DCA_CTRL 0x05B74
/* DCA Control - RW */
/* RSS registers */
#define E1000_MRQC 0x05818
/* Multiple Receive Control - RW */
#define E1000_IMIR(_i) (0x05A80 + ((_i) * 4))
/* Immediate Interrupt */
#define E1000_IMIREXT(_i) (0x05AA0 + ((_i) * 4))
/* Immediate Interrupt Ext*/
#define E1000_IMIRVP 0x05AC0
/* Immediate Interrupt RX VLAN Priority - RW */
/* MSI-X Allocation Register (_i) - RW */
#define E1000_MSIXBM(_i) (0x01600 + ((_i) * 4))
/* Redirection Table - RW Array */
#define E1000_RETA(_i) (0x05C00 + ((_i) * 4))
#define E1000_RSSRK(_i) (0x05C80 + ((_i) * 4))
/* RSS Random Key - RW Array */
/* VT Registers */
#define E1000_MBVFICR 0x00C80
/* Mailbox VF Cause - RWC */
#define E1000_MBVFIMR 0x00C84
/* Mailbox VF int Mask - RW */
#define E1000_VFLRE 0x00C88
/* VF Register Events - RWC */
#define E1000_VFRE 0x00C8C
/* VF Receive Enables */
#define E1000_VFTE 0x00C90
/* VF Transmit Enables */
#define E1000_QDE 0x02408
/* Queue Drop Enable - RW */
#define E1000_DTXSWC 0x03500
/* DMA Tx Switch Control - RW */
#define E1000_WVBR 0x03554
/* VM Wrong Behavior - RWS */
#define E1000_RPLOLR 0x05AF0
/* Replication Offload - RW */
#define E1000_UTA 0x0A000
/* Unicast Table Array - RW */
#define E1000_IOVTCL 0x05BBC
/* IOV Control Register */
#define E1000_TXSWC 0x05ACC
/* Tx Switch Control */
#define E1000_LVMMC 0x03548
/* Last VM Misbehavior cause */
/* These act per VF so an array friendly macro is used */
#define E1000_P2VMAILBOX(_n) (0x00C00 + (4 * (_n)))
#define E1000_VMBMEM(_n) (0x00800 + (64 * (_n)))
#define E1000_VMOLR(_n) (0x05AD0 + (4 * (_n)))
#define E1000_DVMOLR(_n) (0x0C038 + (64 * (_n)))
#define E1000_VLVF(_n) (0x05D00 + (4 * (_n)))
/* VLAN VM Filter */
#define E1000_VMVIR(_n) (0x03700 + (4 * (_n)))
struct e1000_hw;
u32 igb_rd32(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 reg);
/* write operations, indexed using DWORDS */
#define wr32(reg, val) \
do { \
u8 __iomem *hw_addr = ACCESS_ONCE((hw)->hw_addr); \
if (!E1000_REMOVED(hw_addr)) \
writel((val), &hw_addr[(reg)]); \
} while (0)
#define rd32(reg) (igb_rd32(hw, reg))
#define wrfl() ((void)rd32(E1000_STATUS))
#define array_wr32(reg, offset, value) \
wr32((reg) + ((offset) << 2), (value))
#define array_rd32(reg, offset) (igb_rd32(hw, reg + ((offset) << 2)))
/* DMA Coalescing registers */
#define E1000_PCIEMISC 0x05BB8
/* PCIE misc config register */
/* Energy Efficient Ethernet "EEE" register */
#define E1000_IPCNFG 0x0E38
/* Internal PHY Configuration */
#define E1000_EEER 0x0E30
/* Energy Efficient Ethernet */
#define E1000_EEE_SU 0X0E34
/* EEE Setup */
#define E1000_EMIADD 0x10
/* Extended Memory Indirect Address */
#define E1000_EMIDATA 0x11
/* Extended Memory Indirect Data */
#define E1000_MMDAC 13
/* MMD Access Control */
#define E1000_MMDAAD 14
/* MMD Access Address/Data */
/* Thermal Sensor Register */
#define E1000_THSTAT 0x08110
/* Thermal Sensor Status */
/* OS2BMC Registers */
#define E1000_B2OSPC 0x08FE0
/* BMC2OS packets sent by BMC */
#define E1000_B2OGPRC 0x04158
/* BMC2OS packets received by host */
#define E1000_O2BGPTC 0x08FE4
/* OS2BMC packets received by BMC */
#define E1000_O2BSPC 0x0415C
/* OS2BMC packets transmitted by host */
#define E1000_SRWR 0x12018
/* Shadow Ram Write Register - RW */
#define E1000_I210_FLMNGCTL 0x12038
#define E1000_I210_FLMNGDATA 0x1203C
#define E1000_I210_FLMNGCNT 0x12040
#define E1000_I210_FLSWCTL 0x12048
#define E1000_I210_FLSWDATA 0x1204C
#define E1000_I210_FLSWCNT 0x12050
#define E1000_I210_FLA 0x1201C
#define E1000_INVM_DATA_REG(_n) (0x12120 + 4*(_n))
#define E1000_INVM_SIZE 64
/* Number of INVM Data Registers */
#define E1000_REMOVED(h) unlikely(!(h))
Overall Contributors
| Person | Tokens | Prop | Commits | CommitProp |
auke kok | auke kok | 984 | 57.14% | 1 | 2.22% |
carolyn wyborny | carolyn wyborny | 259 | 15.04% | 12 | 26.67% |
alexander duyck | alexander duyck | 231 | 13.41% | 12 | 26.67% |
patrick ohly | patrick ohly | 100 | 5.81% | 2 | 4.44% |
todd fujinaka | todd fujinaka | 48 | 2.79% | 4 | 8.89% |
matthew vick | matthew vick | 30 | 1.74% | 2 | 4.44% |
lior levy | lior levy | 16 | 0.93% | 2 | 4.44% |
richard cochran | richard cochran | 10 | 0.58% | 1 | 2.22% |
akeem g. abodunrin | akeem g. abodunrin | 10 | 0.58% | 2 | 4.44% |
jeff kirsher | jeff kirsher | 9 | 0.52% | 2 | 4.44% |
mitch a williams | mitch a williams | 7 | 0.41% | 1 | 2.22% |
stefan assmann | stefan assmann | 7 | 0.41% | 1 | 2.22% |
greg rose | greg rose | 5 | 0.29% | 1 | 2.22% |
jeb cramer | jeb cramer | 5 | 0.29% | 1 | 2.22% |
jarod wilson | jarod wilson | 1 | 0.06% | 1 | 2.22% |
| Total | 1722 | 100.00% | 45 | 100.00% |
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