cregit-Linux how code gets into the kernel

Release 4.7 drivers/net/ethernet/microchip/encx24j600_hw.h

 * encx24j600_hw.h: Register definitions

#ifndef _ENCX24J600_HW_H

#define _ENCX24J600_HW_H

struct encx24j600_context {
struct spi_device *spi;
struct regmap *regmap;
struct regmap *phymap;
struct mutex mutex; /* mutex to protect access to regmap */
int bank;

void devm_regmap_init_encx24j600(struct device *dev,
				 struct encx24j600_context *ctx);

/* Single-byte instructions */

#define BANK_SELECT(bank) (0xC0 | ((bank & (BANK_MASK >> BANK_SHIFT)) << 1))

#define B0SEL 0xC0		
/* Bank 0 Select */

#define B1SEL 0xC2		
/* Bank 1 Select */

#define B2SEL 0xC4		
/* Bank 2 Select */

#define B3SEL 0xC6		
/* Bank 3 Select */

#define SETETHRST 0xCA		
/* System Reset */

#define FCDISABLE 0xE0		
/* Flow Control Disable */

#define FCSINGLE 0xE2		
/* Flow Control Single */

#define FCMULTIPLE 0xE4		
/* Flow Control Multiple */

#define FCCLEAR 0xE6		
/* Flow Control Clear */

#define SETPKTDEC 0xCC		
/* Decrement Packet Counter */

#define DMASTOP 0xD2		
/* DMA Stop */

#define DMACKSUM 0xD8		
/* DMA Start Checksum */

#define DMACKSUMS 0xDA		
/* DMA Start Checksum with Seed */

#define DMACOPY 0xDC		
/* DMA Start Copy */

#define DMACOPYS 0xDE		
/* DMA Start Copy and Checksum with Seed */

#define SETTXRTS 0xD4		
/* Request Packet Transmission */

#define ENABLERX 0xE8		
/* Enable RX */

#define DISABLERX 0xEA		
/* Disable RX */

#define SETEIE 0xEC		
/* Enable Interrupts */

#define CLREIE 0xEE		
/* Disable Interrupts */

/* Two byte instructions */

#define RBSEL 0xC8		
/* Read Bank Select */

/* Three byte instructions */

#define WGPRDPT 0x60		
/* Write EGPRDPT */

#define RGPRDPT 0x62		
/* Read EGPRDPT */

#define WRXRDPT 0x64		
/* Write ERXRDPT */

#define RRXRDPT 0x66		
/* Read ERXRDPT */

#define WUDARDPT 0x68		
/* Write EUDARDPT */

#define RUDARDPT 0x6A		
/* Read EUDARDPT */

#define WGPWRPT 0x6C		
/* Write EGPWRPT */

#define RGPWRPT 0x6E		
/* Read EGPWRPT */

#define WRXWRPT 0x70		
/* Write ERXWRPT */

#define RRXWRPT 0x72		
/* Read ERXWRPT */

#define WUDAWRPT 0x74		
/* Write EUDAWRPT */

#define RUDAWRPT 0x76		
/* Read EUDAWRPT */

/* n byte instructions */

#define RCRCODE 0x00

#define WCRCODE 0x40

#define BFSCODE 0x80

#define BFCCODE 0xA0

#define RCR(addr) (RCRCODE | (addr & ADDR_MASK)) 
/* Read Control Register */

#define WCR(addr) (WCRCODE | (addr & ADDR_MASK)) 
/* Write Control Register */

#define RCRU 0x20		
/* Read Control Register Unbanked */

#define WCRU 0x22		
/* Write Control Register Unbanked */

#define BFS(addr) (BFSCODE | (addr & ADDR_MASK)) 
/* Bit Field Set */

#define BFC(addr) (BFCCODE | (addr & ADDR_MASK)) 
/* Bit Field Clear */

#define BFSU 0x24		
/* Bit Field Set Unbanked */

#define BFCU 0x26		
/* Bit Field Clear Unbanked */

#define RGPDATA 0x28		
/* Read EGPDATA */

#define WGPDATA 0x2A		
/* Write EGPDATA */

#define RRXDATA 0x2C		
/* Read ERXDATA */

#define WRXDATA 0x2E		
/* Write ERXDATA */

#define RUDADATA 0x30		
/* Read EUDADATA */

#define WUDADATA 0x32		
/* Write EUDADATA */

#define SFR_REG_COUNT	0xA0

/* ENC424J600 Control Registers
 * Control register definitions are a combination of address
 * and bank number
 * - Register address (bits 0-4)
 * - Bank number (bits 5-6)

#define ADDR_MASK 0x1F

#define BANK_MASK 0x60

#define BANK_SHIFT 5

/* All-bank registers */

#define EUDAST 0x16

#define EUDAND 0x18

#define ESTAT 0x1A

#define EIR 0x1C

#define ECON1 0x1E

/* Bank 0 registers */

#define ETXST (0x00 | 0x00)

#define ETXLEN (0x02 | 0x00)

#define ERXST (0x04 | 0x00)

#define ERXTAIL (0x06 | 0x00)

#define ERXHEAD (0x08 | 0x00)

#define EDMAST (0x0A | 0x00)

#define EDMALEN (0x0C | 0x00)

#define EDMADST (0x0E | 0x00)

#define EDMACS (0x10 | 0x00)

#define ETXSTAT (0x12 | 0x00)

#define ETXWIRE (0x14 | 0x00)

/* Bank 1 registers */

#define EHT1 (0x00 | 0x20)

#define EHT2 (0x02 | 0x20)

#define EHT3 (0x04 | 0x20)

#define EHT4 (0x06 | 0x20)

#define EPMM1 (0x08 | 0x20)

#define EPMM2 (0x0A | 0x20)

#define EPMM3 (0x0C | 0x20)

#define EPMM4 (0x0E | 0x20)

#define EPMCS (0x10 | 0x20)

#define EPMO (0x12 | 0x20)

#define ERXFCON (0x14 | 0x20)

/* Bank 2 registers */

#define MACON1 (0x00 | 0x40)

#define MACON2 (0x02 | 0x40)

#define MABBIPG (0x04 | 0x40)

#define MAIPG (0x06 | 0x40)

#define MACLCON (0x08 | 0x40)

#define MAMXFL (0x0A | 0x40)

#define MICMD (0x12 | 0x40)

#define MIREGADR (0x14 | 0x40)

/* Bank 3 registers */

#define MAADR3 (0x00 | 0x60)

#define MAADR2 (0x02 | 0x60)

#define MAADR1 (0x04 | 0x60)

#define MIWR (0x06 | 0x60)

#define MIRD (0x08 | 0x60)

#define MISTAT (0x0A | 0x60)

#define EPAUS (0x0C | 0x60)

#define ECON2 (0x0E | 0x60)

#define ERXWM (0x10 | 0x60)

#define EIE (0x12 | 0x60)

#define EIDLED (0x14 | 0x60)

/* Unbanked registers */

#define EGPDATA (0x00 | 0x80)

#define ERXDATA (0x02 | 0x80)

#define EUDADATA (0x04 | 0x80)

#define EGPRDPT (0x06 | 0x80)

#define EGPWRPT (0x08 | 0x80)

#define ERXRDPT (0x0A | 0x80)

#define ERXWRPT (0x0C | 0x80)

#define EUDARDPT (0x0E | 0x80)

#define EUDAWRPT (0x10 | 0x80)

/* Register bit definitions */
/* ESTAT */

#define INT (1 << 15)

#define FCIDLE (1 << 14)

#define RXBUSY (1 << 13)

#define CLKRDY (1 << 12)

#define PHYDPX (1 << 10)

#define PHYLNK (1 << 8)

/* EIR */

#define CRYPTEN (1 << 15)

#define MODEXIF (1 << 14)

#define HASHIF (1 << 13)

#define AESIF (1 << 12)

#define LINKIF (1 << 11)

#define PKTIF (1 << 6)

#define DMAIF (1 << 5)

#define TXIF (1 << 3)

#define TXABTIF (1 << 2)

#define RXABTIF (1 << 1)

#define PCFULIF (1 << 0)

/* ECON1 */

#define MODEXST (1 << 15)

#define HASHEN (1 << 14)

#define HASHOP (1 << 13)

#define HASHLST (1 << 12)

#define AESST (1 << 11)

#define AESOP1 (1 << 10)

#define AESOP0 (1 << 9)

#define PKTDEC (1 << 8)

#define FCOP1 (1 << 7)

#define FCOP0 (1 << 6)

#define DMAST (1 << 5)

#define DMACPY (1 << 4)

#define DMACSSD (1 << 3)

#define DMANOCS (1 << 2)

#define TXRTS (1 << 1)

#define RXEN (1 << 0)


#define LATECOL (1 << 10)

#define MAXCOL (1 << 9)

#define EXDEFER (1 << 8)

#define ETXSTATL_DEFER (1 << 7)

#define CRCBAD (1 << 4)

#define COLCNT_MASK 0xF


#define HTEN (1 << 15)

#define MPEN (1 << 14)

#define NOTPM (1 << 12)

#define PMEN3 (1 << 11)

#define PMEN2 (1 << 10)

#define PMEN1 (1 << 9)

#define PMEN0 (1 << 8)

#define CRCEEN (1 << 7)

#define CRCEN (1 << 6)

#define RUNTEEN (1 << 5)

#define RUNTEN (1 << 4)

#define UCEN (1 << 3)

#define NOTMEEN (1 << 2)

#define MCEN (1 << 1)

#define BCEN (1 << 0)

/* MACON1 */

#define LOOPBK (1 << 4)

#define RXPAUS (1 << 2)

#define PASSALL (1 << 1)

/* MACON2 */

#define MACON2_DEFER (1 << 14)

#define BPEN (1 << 13)

#define NOBKOFF (1 << 12)

#define PADCFG2 (1 << 7)

#define PADCFG1 (1 << 6)

#define PADCFG0 (1 << 5)

#define TXCRCEN (1 << 4)

#define PHDREN (1 << 3)

#define HFRMEN (1 << 2)

#define MACON2_RSV1 (1 << 1)

#define FULDPX (1 << 0)

/* MAIPG */
/* value of the high byte is given by the reserved bits,
 * value of the low byte is recomended setting of the
 * IPG parameter.

#define MAIPGH_VAL 0x0C

#define MAIPGL_VAL 0x12


#define MIREGADR_VAL (1 << 8)


#define PHREG_MASK 0x1F

/* MICMD */

#define MIISCAN (1 << 1)

#define MIIRD (1 << 0)

/* MISTAT */

#define NVALID (1 << 2)

#define SCAN (1 << 1)

#define BUSY (1 << 0)

/* ECON2 */

#define ETHEN (1 << 15)

#define STRCH (1 << 14)

#define TXMAC (1 << 13)

#define SHA1MD5 (1 << 12)

#define COCON3 (1 << 11)

#define COCON2 (1 << 10)

#define COCON1 (1 << 9)

#define COCON0 (1 << 8)

#define AUTOFC (1 << 7)

#define TXRST (1 << 6)

#define RXRST (1 << 5)

#define ETHRST (1 << 4)

#define MODLEN1 (1 << 3)

#define MODLEN0 (1 << 2)

#define AESLEN1 (1 << 1)

#define AESLEN0 (1 << 0)

/* EIE */

#define INTIE (1 << 15)

#define MODEXIE (1 << 14)

#define HASHIE (1 << 13)

#define AESIE (1 << 12)

#define LINKIE (1 << 11)

#define PKTIE (1 << 6)

#define DMAIE (1 << 5)

#define TXIE (1 << 3)

#define TXABTIE (1 << 2)

#define RXABTIE (1 << 1)

#define PCFULIE (1 << 0)

/* EIDLED */

#define LACFG3 (1 << 15)

#define LACFG2 (1 << 14)

#define LACFG1 (1 << 13)

#define LACFG0 (1 << 12)

#define LBCFG3 (1 << 11)

#define LBCFG2 (1 << 10)

#define LBCFG1 (1 << 9)

#define LBCFG0 (1 << 8)

#define DEVID_SHIFT 5

#define DEVID_MASK (0x7 << DEVID_SHIFT)

#define REVID_SHIFT 0

#define REVID_MASK (0x1F << REVID_SHIFT)

/* PHY registers */

#define PHCON1 0x00

#define PHSTAT1 0x01

#define PHANA 0x04

#define PHANLPA 0x05

#define PHANE 0x06

#define PHCON2 0x11

#define PHSTAT2 0x1B

#define PHSTAT3 0x1F

/* PHCON1 */

#define PRST (1 << 15)

#define PLOOPBK (1 << 14)

#define SPD100 (1 << 13)

#define ANEN (1 << 12)

#define PSLEEP (1 << 11)

#define RENEG (1 << 9)

#define PFULDPX (1 << 8)

/* PHSTAT1 */

#define FULL100 (1 << 14)

#define HALF100 (1 << 13)

#define FULL10 (1 << 12)

#define HALF10 (1 << 11)

#define ANDONE (1 << 5)

#define LRFAULT (1 << 4)

#define ANABLE (1 << 3)

#define LLSTAT (1 << 2)

#define EXTREGS (1 << 0)

/* PHSTAT2 */

#define PLRITY (1 << 4)

/* PHSTAT3 */

#define PHY3SPD100 (1 << 3)

#define PHY3DPX (1 << 4)

#define SPDDPX_SHIFT 2


/* PHANA */
/* Default value for PHY initialization*/

#define PHANA_DEFAULT 0x05E1

/* PHANE */

#define PDFLT (1 << 4)

#define LPARCD (1 << 1)

#define LPANABL (1 << 0)

#define EUDAST_TEST_VAL 0x1234

#define TSV_SIZE 7

#define ENCX24J600_DEV_ID 0x1

/* Configuration */

/* Led is on when the link is present and driven low
 * temporarily when packet is TX'd or RX'd

#define LED_A_SETTINGS 0xC

/* Led is on if the link is in 100 Mbps mode */

#define LED_B_SETTINGS 0x8

/* maximum ethernet frame length
 * Currently not used as a limit anywhere
 * (we're using the "huge frame enable" feature of
 * enc424j600).

#define MAX_FRAMELEN 1518

/* Size in bytes of the receive buffer in enc424j600.
 * Must be word aligned (even).


/* Start of the general purpose area in sram */

#define SRAM_GP_START 0x0

/* SRAM size */

#define SRAM_SIZE 0x6000

/* Start of the receive buffer */



#define RSV_CARRIEREV		18

#define RSV_CRCERROR		20



#define RSV_RXOK		23







#define RSV_RXTYPEVLAN		30







#define RSV_SIZE		8

#define RSV_BITMASK(x)		(1 << ((x) - 16))

#define RSV_GETBIT(x, y)	(((x) & RSV_BITMASK(y)) ? 1 : 0)

struct rsv {
u16 next_packet;
u16 len;
u32 rxstat;

/* Put RX buffer at 0 as suggested by the Errata datasheet */


#define RXEND_INIT		0x5FFF

int regmap_encx24j600_spi_write(void *context, u8 reg, const u8 *data,
				size_t count);
int regmap_encx24j600_spi_read(void *context, u8 reg, u8 *data, size_t count);


Overall Contributors

jon ringlejon ringle1393100.00%1100.00%
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