cregit-Linux how code gets into the kernel

Release 4.7 drivers/tty/serial/xilinx_uartps.c

 * Cadence UART driver (found in Xilinx Zynq)
 * 2011 - 2014 (C) Xilinx Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it
 * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
 * later version.
 * This driver has originally been pushed by Xilinx using a Zynq-branding. This
 * still shows in the naming of this file, the kconfig symbols and some symbols
 * in the code.



#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/serial.h>
#include <linux/console.h>
#include <linux/serial_core.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/tty.h>
#include <linux/tty_flip.h>
#include <linux/clk.h>
#include <linux/irq.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/of.h>
#include <linux/module.h>

#define CDNS_UART_TTY_NAME	"ttyPS"

#define CDNS_UART_NAME		"xuartps"

#define CDNS_UART_MAJOR		0	
/* use dynamic node allocation */

#define CDNS_UART_MINOR		0	
/* works best with devtmpfs */


/* FIFO size */


/* Rx Trigger level */

static int rx_trigger_level = 56;
module_param(rx_trigger_level, uint, S_IRUGO);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(rx_trigger_level, "Rx trigger level, 1-63 bytes");

/* Rx Timeout */

static int rx_timeout = 10;
module_param(rx_timeout, uint, S_IRUGO);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(rx_timeout, "Rx timeout, 1-255");

/* Register offsets for the UART. */

#define CDNS_UART_CR		0x00  
/* Control Register */

#define CDNS_UART_MR		0x04  
/* Mode Register */

#define CDNS_UART_IER		0x08  
/* Interrupt Enable */

#define CDNS_UART_IDR		0x0C  
/* Interrupt Disable */

#define CDNS_UART_IMR		0x10  
/* Interrupt Mask */

#define CDNS_UART_ISR		0x14  
/* Interrupt Status */

#define CDNS_UART_BAUDGEN	0x18  
/* Baud Rate Generator */

#define CDNS_UART_RXTOUT		0x1C  
/* RX Timeout */

#define CDNS_UART_RXWM		0x20  
/* RX FIFO Trigger Level */

#define CDNS_UART_MODEMCR	0x24  
/* Modem Control */

#define CDNS_UART_MODEMSR	0x28  
/* Modem Status */

#define CDNS_UART_SR		0x2C  
/* Channel Status */

#define CDNS_UART_FIFO		0x30  
/* FIFO */

#define CDNS_UART_BAUDDIV	0x34  
/* Baud Rate Divider */

#define CDNS_UART_FLOWDEL	0x38  
/* Flow Delay */

/* IR Min Received Pulse Width */

#define CDNS_UART_IRTX_PWIDTH	0x40  
/* IR Transmitted pulse Width */

#define CDNS_UART_TXWM		0x44  
/* TX FIFO Trigger Level */

/* Control Register Bit Definitions */

#define CDNS_UART_CR_STOPBRK	0x00000100  
/* Stop TX break */

#define CDNS_UART_CR_STARTBRK	0x00000080  
/* Set TX break */

#define CDNS_UART_CR_TX_DIS	0x00000020  
/* TX disabled. */

#define CDNS_UART_CR_TX_EN	0x00000010  
/* TX enabled */

#define CDNS_UART_CR_RX_DIS	0x00000008  
/* RX disabled. */

#define CDNS_UART_CR_RX_EN	0x00000004  
/* RX enabled */

#define CDNS_UART_CR_TXRST	0x00000002  
/* TX logic reset */

#define CDNS_UART_CR_RXRST	0x00000001  
/* RX logic reset */

#define CDNS_UART_CR_RST_TO	0x00000040  
/* Restart Timeout Counter */

 * Mode Register:
 * The mode register (MR) defines the mode of transfer as well as the data
 * format. If this register is modified during transmission or reception,
 * data validity cannot be guaranteed.

#define CDNS_UART_MR_CLKSEL		0x00000001  
/* Pre-scalar selection */

#define CDNS_UART_MR_CHMODE_L_LOOP	0x00000200  
/* Local loop back mode */

#define CDNS_UART_MR_CHMODE_NORM	0x00000000  
/* Normal mode */

#define CDNS_UART_MR_STOPMODE_2_BIT	0x00000080  
/* 2 stop bits */

#define CDNS_UART_MR_STOPMODE_1_BIT	0x00000000  
/* 1 stop bit */

#define CDNS_UART_MR_PARITY_NONE	0x00000020  
/* No parity mode */

#define CDNS_UART_MR_PARITY_MARK	0x00000018  
/* Mark parity mode */

#define CDNS_UART_MR_PARITY_SPACE	0x00000010  
/* Space parity mode */

#define CDNS_UART_MR_PARITY_ODD		0x00000008  
/* Odd parity mode */

#define CDNS_UART_MR_PARITY_EVEN	0x00000000  
/* Even parity mode */

#define CDNS_UART_MR_CHARLEN_6_BIT	0x00000006  
/* 6 bits data */

#define CDNS_UART_MR_CHARLEN_7_BIT	0x00000004  
/* 7 bits data */

#define CDNS_UART_MR_CHARLEN_8_BIT	0x00000000  
/* 8 bits data */

 * Interrupt Registers:
 * Interrupt control logic uses the interrupt enable register (IER) and the
 * interrupt disable register (IDR) to set the value of the bits in the
 * interrupt mask register (IMR). The IMR determines whether to pass an
 * interrupt to the interrupt status register (ISR).
 * Writing a 1 to IER Enables an interrupt, writing a 1 to IDR disables an
 * interrupt. IMR and ISR are read only, and IER and IDR are write only.
 * Reading either IER or IDR returns 0x00.
 * All four registers have the same bit definitions.

#define CDNS_UART_IXR_TOUT	0x00000100 
/* RX Timeout error interrupt */

#define CDNS_UART_IXR_PARITY	0x00000080 
/* Parity error interrupt */

#define CDNS_UART_IXR_FRAMING	0x00000040 
/* Framing error interrupt */

#define CDNS_UART_IXR_OVERRUN	0x00000020 
/* Overrun error interrupt */

#define CDNS_UART_IXR_TXFULL	0x00000010 
/* TX FIFO Full interrupt */

#define CDNS_UART_IXR_TXEMPTY	0x00000008 
/* TX FIFO empty interrupt */

#define CDNS_UART_ISR_RXEMPTY	0x00000002 
/* RX FIFO empty interrupt */

#define CDNS_UART_IXR_RXTRIG	0x00000001 
/* RX FIFO trigger interrupt */

#define CDNS_UART_IXR_RXFULL	0x00000004 
/* RX FIFO full interrupt. */

#define CDNS_UART_IXR_RXEMPTY	0x00000002 
/* RX FIFO empty interrupt. */

#define CDNS_UART_IXR_MASK	0x00001FFF 
/* Valid bit mask */

                                 CDNS_UART_IXR_OVERRUN | CDNS_UART_IXR_RXTRIG | \

/* Goes in read_status_mask for break detection as the HW doesn't do it*/

#define CDNS_UART_IXR_BRK	0x80000000

 * Modem Control register:
 * The read/write Modem Control register controls the interface with the modem
 * or data set, or a peripheral device emulating a modem.

#define CDNS_UART_MODEMCR_FCM	0x00000020 
/* Automatic flow control mode */

#define CDNS_UART_MODEMCR_RTS	0x00000002 
/* Request to send output control */

#define CDNS_UART_MODEMCR_DTR	0x00000001 
/* Data Terminal Ready */

 * Channel Status Register:
 * The channel status register (CSR) is provided to enable the control logic
 * to monitor the status of bits in the channel interrupt status register,
 * even if these are masked out by the interrupt mask register.

#define CDNS_UART_SR_RXEMPTY	0x00000002 
/* RX FIFO empty */

#define CDNS_UART_SR_TXEMPTY	0x00000008 
/* TX FIFO empty */

#define CDNS_UART_SR_TXFULL	0x00000010 
/* TX FIFO full */

#define CDNS_UART_SR_RXTRIG	0x00000001 
/* Rx Trigger */

/* baud dividers min/max values */


#define CDNS_UART_BDIV_MAX	255

#define CDNS_UART_CD_MAX	65535

 * struct cdns_uart - device data
 * @port:               Pointer to the UART port
 * @uartclk:            Reference clock
 * @pclk:               APB clock
 * @baud:               Current baud rate
 * @clk_rate_change_nb: Notifier block for clock changes

struct cdns_uart {
struct uart_port	*port;
struct clk		*uartclk;
struct clk		*pclk;
unsigned int		baud;
struct notifier_block	clk_rate_change_nb;

#define to_cdns_uart(_nb) container_of(_nb, struct cdns_uart, \

static void cdns_uart_handle_rx(struct uart_port *port, unsigned int isrstatus) { /* * There is no hardware break detection, so we interpret framing * error with all-zeros data as a break sequence. Most of the time, * there's another non-zero byte at the end of the sequence. */ if (isrstatus & CDNS_UART_IXR_FRAMING) { while (!(readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_SR) & CDNS_UART_SR_RXEMPTY)) { if (!readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_FIFO)) { port->read_status_mask |= CDNS_UART_IXR_BRK; isrstatus &= ~CDNS_UART_IXR_FRAMING; } } writel(CDNS_UART_IXR_FRAMING, port->membase + CDNS_UART_ISR); } /* drop byte with parity error if IGNPAR specified */ if (isrstatus & port->ignore_status_mask & CDNS_UART_IXR_PARITY) isrstatus &= ~(CDNS_UART_IXR_RXTRIG | CDNS_UART_IXR_TOUT); isrstatus &= port->read_status_mask; isrstatus &= ~port->ignore_status_mask; if (!(isrstatus & (CDNS_UART_IXR_TOUT | CDNS_UART_IXR_RXTRIG))) return; while (!(readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_SR) & CDNS_UART_SR_RXEMPTY)) { u32 data; char status = TTY_NORMAL; data = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_FIFO); /* Non-NULL byte after BREAK is garbage (99%) */ if (data && (port->read_status_mask & CDNS_UART_IXR_BRK)) { port->read_status_mask &= ~CDNS_UART_IXR_BRK; port->icount.brk++; if (uart_handle_break(port)) continue; } if (uart_handle_sysrq_char(port, data)) continue; port->icount.rx++; if (isrstatus & CDNS_UART_IXR_PARITY) { port->icount.parity++; status = TTY_PARITY; } else if (isrstatus & CDNS_UART_IXR_FRAMING) { port->icount.frame++; status = TTY_FRAME; } else if (isrstatus & CDNS_UART_IXR_OVERRUN) { port->icount.overrun++; } uart_insert_char(port, isrstatus, CDNS_UART_IXR_OVERRUN, data, status); } tty_flip_buffer_push(&port->state->port); }


john linnjohn linn13646.26%111.11%
vlad lunguvlad lungu8528.91%111.11%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann4113.95%555.56%
thomas betkerthomas betker268.84%111.11%
jiri slabyjiri slaby62.04%111.11%

static void cdns_uart_handle_tx(struct uart_port *port) { unsigned int numbytes; if (uart_circ_empty(&port->state->xmit)) { writel(CDNS_UART_IXR_TXEMPTY, port->membase + CDNS_UART_IDR); return; } numbytes = port->fifosize; while (numbytes && !uart_circ_empty(&port->state->xmit) && !(readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_SR) & CDNS_UART_SR_TXFULL)) { /* * Get the data from the UART circular buffer * and write it to the cdns_uart's TX_FIFO * register. */ writel(port->state->xmit.buf[port->state->xmit.tail], port->membase + CDNS_UART_FIFO); port->icount.tx++; /* * Adjust the tail of the UART buffer and wrap * the buffer if it reaches limit. */ port->state->xmit.tail = (port->state->xmit.tail + 1) & (UART_XMIT_SIZE - 1); numbytes--; } if (uart_circ_chars_pending(&port->state->xmit) < WAKEUP_CHARS) uart_write_wakeup(port); }


john linnjohn linn11168.94%116.67%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann4024.84%466.67%
thomas betkerthomas betker106.21%116.67%

/** * cdns_uart_isr - Interrupt handler * @irq: Irq number * @dev_id: Id of the port * * Return: IRQHANDLED */
static irqreturn_t cdns_uart_isr(int irq, void *dev_id) { struct uart_port *port = (struct uart_port *)dev_id; unsigned long flags; unsigned int isrstatus; spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags); /* Read the interrupt status register to determine which * interrupt(s) is/are active. */ isrstatus = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_ISR); if (isrstatus & CDNS_UART_RX_IRQS) cdns_uart_handle_rx(port, isrstatus); if ((isrstatus & CDNS_UART_IXR_TXEMPTY) == CDNS_UART_IXR_TXEMPTY) cdns_uart_handle_tx(port); writel(isrstatus, port->membase + CDNS_UART_ISR); /* be sure to release the lock and tty before leaving */ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags); return IRQ_HANDLED; }


soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann8376.85%250.00%
john linnjohn linn2018.52%125.00%
thomas betkerthomas betker54.63%125.00%

/** * cdns_uart_calc_baud_divs - Calculate baud rate divisors * @clk: UART module input clock * @baud: Desired baud rate * @rbdiv: BDIV value (return value) * @rcd: CD value (return value) * @div8: Value for clk_sel bit in mod (return value) * Return: baud rate, requested baud when possible, or actual baud when there * was too much error, zero if no valid divisors are found. * * Formula to obtain baud rate is * baud_tx/rx rate = clk/CD * (BDIV + 1) * input_clk = (Uart User Defined Clock or Apb Clock) * depends on UCLKEN in MR Reg * clk = input_clk or input_clk/8; * depends on CLKS in MR reg * CD and BDIV depends on values in * baud rate generate register * baud rate clock divisor register */
static unsigned int cdns_uart_calc_baud_divs(unsigned int clk, unsigned int baud, u32 *rbdiv, u32 *rcd, int *div8) { u32 cd, bdiv; unsigned int calc_baud; unsigned int bestbaud = 0; unsigned int bauderror; unsigned int besterror = ~0; if (baud < clk / ((CDNS_UART_BDIV_MAX + 1) * CDNS_UART_CD_MAX)) { *div8 = 1; clk /= 8; } else { *div8 = 0; } for (bdiv = CDNS_UART_BDIV_MIN; bdiv <= CDNS_UART_BDIV_MAX; bdiv++) { cd = DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST(clk, baud * (bdiv + 1)); if (cd < 1 || cd > CDNS_UART_CD_MAX) continue; calc_baud = clk / (cd * (bdiv + 1)); if (baud > calc_baud) bauderror = baud - calc_baud; else bauderror = calc_baud - baud; if (besterror > bauderror) { *rbdiv = bdiv; *rcd = cd; bestbaud = calc_baud; besterror = bauderror; } } /* use the values when percent error is acceptable */ if (((besterror * 100) / baud) < 3) bestbaud = baud; return bestbaud; }


soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann11353.81%266.67%
john linnjohn linn9746.19%133.33%

/** * cdns_uart_set_baud_rate - Calculate and set the baud rate * @port: Handle to the uart port structure * @baud: Baud rate to set * Return: baud rate, requested baud when possible, or actual baud when there * was too much error, zero if no valid divisors are found. */
static unsigned int cdns_uart_set_baud_rate(struct uart_port *port, unsigned int baud) { unsigned int calc_baud; u32 cd = 0, bdiv = 0; u32 mreg; int div8; struct cdns_uart *cdns_uart = port->private_data; calc_baud = cdns_uart_calc_baud_divs(port->uartclk, baud, &bdiv, &cd, &div8); /* Write new divisors to hardware */ mreg = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_MR); if (div8) mreg |= CDNS_UART_MR_CLKSEL; else mreg &= ~CDNS_UART_MR_CLKSEL; writel(mreg, port->membase + CDNS_UART_MR); writel(cd, port->membase + CDNS_UART_BAUDGEN); writel(bdiv, port->membase + CDNS_UART_BAUDDIV); cdns_uart->baud = baud; return calc_baud; }


soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann9571.97%571.43%
thomas betkerthomas betker2015.15%114.29%
john linnjohn linn1712.88%114.29%

#ifdef CONFIG_COMMON_CLK /** * cdns_uart_clk_notitifer_cb - Clock notifier callback * @nb: Notifier block * @event: Notify event * @data: Notifier data * Return: NOTIFY_OK or NOTIFY_DONE on success, NOTIFY_BAD on error. */
static int cdns_uart_clk_notifier_cb(struct notifier_block *nb, unsigned long event, void *data) { u32 ctrl_reg; struct uart_port *port; int locked = 0; struct clk_notifier_data *ndata = data; unsigned long flags = 0; struct cdns_uart *cdns_uart = to_cdns_uart(nb); port = cdns_uart->port; if (port->suspended) return NOTIFY_OK; switch (event) { case PRE_RATE_CHANGE: { u32 bdiv, cd; int div8; /* * Find out if current baud-rate can be achieved with new clock * frequency. */ if (!cdns_uart_calc_baud_divs(ndata->new_rate, cdns_uart->baud, &bdiv, &cd, &div8)) { dev_warn(port->dev, "clock rate change rejected\n"); return NOTIFY_BAD; } spin_lock_irqsave(&cdns_uart->port->lock, flags); /* Disable the TX and RX to set baud rate */ ctrl_reg = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); ctrl_reg |= CDNS_UART_CR_TX_DIS | CDNS_UART_CR_RX_DIS; writel(ctrl_reg, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cdns_uart->port->lock, flags); return NOTIFY_OK; } case POST_RATE_CHANGE: /* * Set clk dividers to generate correct baud with new clock * frequency. */ spin_lock_irqsave(&cdns_uart->port->lock, flags); locked = 1; port->uartclk = ndata->new_rate; cdns_uart->baud = cdns_uart_set_baud_rate(cdns_uart->port, cdns_uart->baud); /* fall through */ case ABORT_RATE_CHANGE: if (!locked) spin_lock_irqsave(&cdns_uart->port->lock, flags); /* Set TX/RX Reset */ ctrl_reg = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); ctrl_reg |= CDNS_UART_CR_TXRST | CDNS_UART_CR_RXRST; writel(ctrl_reg, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); while (readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR) & (CDNS_UART_CR_TXRST | CDNS_UART_CR_RXRST)) cpu_relax(); /* * Clear the RX disable and TX disable bits and then set the TX * enable bit and RX enable bit to enable the transmitter and * receiver. */ writel(rx_timeout, port->membase + CDNS_UART_RXTOUT); ctrl_reg = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); ctrl_reg &= ~(CDNS_UART_CR_TX_DIS | CDNS_UART_CR_RX_DIS); ctrl_reg |= CDNS_UART_CR_TX_EN | CDNS_UART_CR_RX_EN; writel(ctrl_reg, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cdns_uart->port->lock, flags); return NOTIFY_OK; default: return NOTIFY_DONE; } }


soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann32489.01%685.71%
thomas betkerthomas betker4010.99%114.29%

#endif /** * cdns_uart_start_tx - Start transmitting bytes * @port: Handle to the uart port structure */
static void cdns_uart_start_tx(struct uart_port *port) { unsigned int status; if (uart_tx_stopped(port)) return; /* * Set the TX enable bit and clear the TX disable bit to enable the * transmitter. */ status = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); status &= ~CDNS_UART_CR_TX_DIS; status |= CDNS_UART_CR_TX_EN; writel(status, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); if (uart_circ_empty(&port->state->xmit)) return; cdns_uart_handle_tx(port); writel(CDNS_UART_IXR_TXEMPTY, port->membase + CDNS_UART_ISR); /* Enable the TX Empty interrupt */ writel(CDNS_UART_IXR_TXEMPTY, port->membase + CDNS_UART_IER); }


john linnjohn linn4142.71%112.50%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann3233.33%562.50%
thomas betkerthomas betker1919.79%112.50%
suneel garapati*suneel garapati*44.17%112.50%

/** * cdns_uart_stop_tx - Stop TX * @port: Handle to the uart port structure */
static void cdns_uart_stop_tx(struct uart_port *port) { unsigned int regval; regval = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); regval |= CDNS_UART_CR_TX_DIS; /* Disable the transmitter */ writel(regval, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); }


john linnjohn linn2866.67%125.00%
thomas betkerthomas betker1023.81%125.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann49.52%250.00%

/** * cdns_uart_stop_rx - Stop RX * @port: Handle to the uart port structure */
static void cdns_uart_stop_rx(struct uart_port *port) { unsigned int regval; /* Disable RX IRQs */ writel(CDNS_UART_RX_IRQS, port->membase + CDNS_UART_IDR); /* Disable the receiver */ regval = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); regval |= CDNS_UART_CR_RX_DIS; writel(regval, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); }


john linnjohn linn2750.00%120.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann1731.48%360.00%
thomas betkerthomas betker1018.52%120.00%

/** * cdns_uart_tx_empty - Check whether TX is empty * @port: Handle to the uart port structure * * Return: TIOCSER_TEMT on success, 0 otherwise */
static unsigned int cdns_uart_tx_empty(struct uart_port *port) { unsigned int status; status = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_SR) & CDNS_UART_SR_TXEMPTY; return status ? TIOCSER_TEMT : 0; }


john linnjohn linn2877.78%120.00%
thomas betkerthomas betker513.89%120.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann25.56%240.00%
lars-peter clausenlars-peter clausen12.78%120.00%

/** * cdns_uart_break_ctl - Based on the input ctl we have to start or stop * transmitting char breaks * @port: Handle to the uart port structure * @ctl: Value based on which start or stop decision is taken */
static void cdns_uart_break_ctl(struct uart_port *port, int ctl) { unsigned int status; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags); status = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); if (ctl == -1) writel(CDNS_UART_CR_STARTBRK | status, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); else { if ((status & CDNS_UART_CR_STOPBRK) == 0) writel(CDNS_UART_CR_STOPBRK | status, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags); }


john linnjohn linn7777.78%125.00%
thomas betkerthomas betker1515.15%125.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann77.07%250.00%

/** * cdns_uart_set_termios - termios operations, handling data length, parity, * stop bits, flow control, baud rate * @port: Handle to the uart port structure * @termios: Handle to the input termios structure * @old: Values of the previously saved termios structure */
static void cdns_uart_set_termios(struct uart_port *port, struct ktermios *termios, struct ktermios *old) { unsigned int cval = 0; unsigned int baud, minbaud, maxbaud; unsigned long flags; unsigned int ctrl_reg, mode_reg; spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags); /* Wait for the transmit FIFO to empty before making changes */ if (!(readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR) & CDNS_UART_CR_TX_DIS)) { while (!(readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_SR) & CDNS_UART_SR_TXEMPTY)) { cpu_relax(); } } /* Disable the TX and RX to set baud rate */ ctrl_reg = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); ctrl_reg |= CDNS_UART_CR_TX_DIS | CDNS_UART_CR_RX_DIS; writel(ctrl_reg, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); /* * Min baud rate = 6bps and Max Baud Rate is 10Mbps for 100Mhz clk * min and max baud should be calculated here based on port->uartclk. * this way we get a valid baud and can safely call set_baud() */ minbaud = port->uartclk / ((CDNS_UART_BDIV_MAX + 1) * CDNS_UART_CD_MAX * 8); maxbaud = port->uartclk / (CDNS_UART_BDIV_MIN + 1); baud = uart_get_baud_rate(port, termios, old, minbaud, maxbaud); baud = cdns_uart_set_baud_rate(port, baud); if (tty_termios_baud_rate(termios)) tty_termios_encode_baud_rate(termios, baud, baud); /* Update the per-port timeout. */ uart_update_timeout(port, termios->c_cflag, baud); /* Set TX/RX Reset */ ctrl_reg = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); ctrl_reg |= CDNS_UART_CR_TXRST | CDNS_UART_CR_RXRST; writel(ctrl_reg, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); /* * Clear the RX disable and TX disable bits and then set the TX enable * bit and RX enable bit to enable the transmitter and receiver. */ ctrl_reg = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); ctrl_reg &= ~(CDNS_UART_CR_TX_DIS | CDNS_UART_CR_RX_DIS); ctrl_reg |= CDNS_UART_CR_TX_EN | CDNS_UART_CR_RX_EN; writel(ctrl_reg, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); writel(rx_timeout, port->membase + CDNS_UART_RXTOUT); port->read_status_mask = CDNS_UART_IXR_TXEMPTY | CDNS_UART_IXR_RXTRIG | CDNS_UART_IXR_OVERRUN | CDNS_UART_IXR_TOUT; port->ignore_status_mask = 0; if (termios->c_iflag & INPCK) port->read_status_mask |= CDNS_UART_IXR_PARITY | CDNS_UART_IXR_FRAMING; if (termios->c_iflag & IGNPAR) port->ignore_status_mask |= CDNS_UART_IXR_PARITY | CDNS_UART_IXR_FRAMING | CDNS_UART_IXR_OVERRUN; /* ignore all characters if CREAD is not set */ if ((termios->c_cflag & CREAD) == 0) port->ignore_status_mask |= CDNS_UART_IXR_RXTRIG | CDNS_UART_IXR_TOUT | CDNS_UART_IXR_PARITY | CDNS_UART_IXR_FRAMING | CDNS_UART_IXR_OVERRUN; mode_reg = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_MR); /* Handling Data Size */ switch (termios->c_cflag & CSIZE) { case CS6: cval |= CDNS_UART_MR_CHARLEN_6_BIT; break; case CS7: cval |= CDNS_UART_MR_CHARLEN_7_BIT; break; default: case CS8: cval |= CDNS_UART_MR_CHARLEN_8_BIT; termios->c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; termios->c_cflag |= CS8; break; } /* Handling Parity and Stop Bits length */ if (termios->c_cflag & CSTOPB) cval |= CDNS_UART_MR_STOPMODE_2_BIT; /* 2 STOP bits */ else cval |= CDNS_UART_MR_STOPMODE_1_BIT; /* 1 STOP bit */ if (termios->c_cflag & PARENB) { /* Mark or Space parity */ if (termios->c_cflag & CMSPAR) { if (termios->c_cflag & PARODD) cval |= CDNS_UART_MR_PARITY_MARK; else cval |= CDNS_UART_MR_PARITY_SPACE; } else { if (termios->c_cflag & PARODD) cval |= CDNS_UART_MR_PARITY_ODD; else cval |= CDNS_UART_MR_PARITY_EVEN; } } else { cval |= CDNS_UART_MR_PARITY_NONE; } cval |= mode_reg & 1; writel(cval, port->membase + CDNS_UART_MR); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags); }


john linnjohn linn34664.55%111.11%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann11822.01%555.56%
thomas betkerthomas betker5510.26%111.11%
nathan rossinathan rossi162.99%111.11%
suneel garapati*suneel garapati*10.19%111.11%

/** * cdns_uart_startup - Called when an application opens a cdns_uart port * @port: Handle to the uart port structure * * Return: 0 on success, negative errno otherwise */
static int cdns_uart_startup(struct uart_port *port) { int ret; unsigned long flags; unsigned int status = 0; spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags); /* Disable the TX and RX */ writel(CDNS_UART_CR_TX_DIS | CDNS_UART_CR_RX_DIS, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); /* Set the Control Register with TX/RX Enable, TX/RX Reset, * no break chars. */ writel(CDNS_UART_CR_TXRST | CDNS_UART_CR_RXRST, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); /* * Clear the RX disable bit and then set the RX enable bit to enable * the receiver. */ status = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); status &= CDNS_UART_CR_RX_DIS; status |= CDNS_UART_CR_RX_EN; writel(status, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); /* Set the Mode Register with normal mode,8 data bits,1 stop bit, * no parity. */ writel(CDNS_UART_MR_CHMODE_NORM | CDNS_UART_MR_STOPMODE_1_BIT | CDNS_UART_MR_PARITY_NONE | CDNS_UART_MR_CHARLEN_8_BIT, port->membase + CDNS_UART_MR); /* * Set the RX FIFO Trigger level to use most of the FIFO, but it * can be tuned with a module parameter */ writel(rx_trigger_level, port->membase + CDNS_UART_RXWM); /* * Receive Timeout register is enabled but it * can be tuned with a module parameter */ writel(rx_timeout, port->membase + CDNS_UART_RXTOUT); /* Clear out any pending interrupts before enabling them */ writel(readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_ISR), port->membase + CDNS_UART_ISR); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags); ret = request_irq(port->irq, cdns_uart_isr, 0, CDNS_UART_NAME, port); if (ret) { dev_err(port->dev, "request_irq '%d' failed with %d\n", port->irq, ret); return ret; } /* Set the Interrupt Registers with desired interrupts */ writel(CDNS_UART_RX_IRQS, port->membase + CDNS_UART_IER); return 0; }


soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann10045.45%555.56%
john linnjohn linn6730.45%222.22%
thomas betkerthomas betker4922.27%111.11%
suneel garapati*suneel garapati*41.82%111.11%

/** * cdns_uart_shutdown - Called when an application closes a cdns_uart port * @port: Handle to the uart port structure */
static void cdns_uart_shutdown(struct uart_port *port) { int status; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags); /* Disable interrupts */ status = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_IMR); writel(status, port->membase + CDNS_UART_IDR); writel(0xffffffff, port->membase + CDNS_UART_ISR); /* Disable the TX and RX */ writel(CDNS_UART_CR_TX_DIS | CDNS_UART_CR_RX_DIS, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags); free_irq(port->irq, port); }


soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann4143.16%466.67%
john linnjohn linn3941.05%116.67%
thomas betkerthomas betker1515.79%116.67%

/** * cdns_uart_type - Set UART type to cdns_uart port * @port: Handle to the uart port structure * * Return: string on success, NULL otherwise */
static const char *cdns_uart_type(struct uart_port *port) { return port->type == PORT_XUARTPS ? CDNS_UART_NAME : NULL; }


john linnjohn linn2291.67%150.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann28.33%150.00%

/** * cdns_uart_verify_port - Verify the port params * @port: Handle to the uart port structure * @ser: Handle to the structure whose members are compared * * Return: 0 on success, negative errno otherwise. */
static int cdns_uart_verify_port(struct uart_port *port, struct serial_struct *ser) { if (ser->type != PORT_UNKNOWN && ser->type != PORT_XUARTPS) return -EINVAL; if (port->irq != ser->irq) return -EINVAL; if (ser->io_type != UPIO_MEM) return -EINVAL; if (port->iobase != ser->port) return -EINVAL; if (ser->hub6 != 0) return -EINVAL; return 0; }


john linnjohn linn8898.88%150.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann11.12%150.00%

/** * cdns_uart_request_port - Claim the memory region attached to cdns_uart port, * called when the driver adds a cdns_uart port via * uart_add_one_port() * @port: Handle to the uart port structure * * Return: 0 on success, negative errno otherwise. */
static int cdns_uart_request_port(struct uart_port *port) { if (!request_mem_region(port->mapbase, CDNS_UART_REGISTER_SPACE, CDNS_UART_NAME)) { return -ENOMEM; } port->membase = ioremap(port->mapbase, CDNS_UART_REGISTER_SPACE); if (!port->membase) { dev_err(port->dev, "Unable to map registers\n"); release_mem_region(port->mapbase, CDNS_UART_REGISTER_SPACE); return -ENOMEM; } return 0; }


john linnjohn linn7393.59%150.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann56.41%150.00%

/** * cdns_uart_release_port - Release UART port * @port: Handle to the uart port structure * * Release the memory region attached to a cdns_uart port. Called when the * driver removes a cdns_uart port via uart_remove_one_port(). */
static void cdns_uart_release_port(struct uart_port *port) { release_mem_region(port->mapbase, CDNS_UART_REGISTER_SPACE); iounmap(port->membase); port->membase = NULL; }


john linnjohn linn3193.94%150.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann26.06%150.00%

/** * cdns_uart_config_port - Configure UART port * @port: Handle to the uart port structure * @flags: If any */
static void cdns_uart_config_port(struct uart_port *port, int flags) { if (flags & UART_CONFIG_TYPE && cdns_uart_request_port(port) == 0) port->type = PORT_XUARTPS; }


john linnjohn linn3193.94%150.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann26.06%150.00%

/** * cdns_uart_get_mctrl - Get the modem control state * @port: Handle to the uart port structure * * Return: the modem control state */
static unsigned int cdns_uart_get_mctrl(struct uart_port *port) { return TIOCM_CTS | TIOCM_DSR | TIOCM_CAR; }


john linnjohn linn1894.74%150.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann15.26%150.00%

static void cdns_uart_set_mctrl(struct uart_port *port, unsigned int mctrl) { u32 val; val = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_MODEMCR); val &= ~(CDNS_UART_MODEMCR_RTS | CDNS_UART_MODEMCR_DTR); if (mctrl & TIOCM_RTS) val |= CDNS_UART_MODEMCR_RTS; if (mctrl & TIOCM_DTR) val |= CDNS_UART_MODEMCR_DTR; writel(val, port->membase + CDNS_UART_MODEMCR); }


lars-peter clausenlars-peter clausen4260.87%120.00%
john linnjohn linn1420.29%120.00%
thomas betkerthomas betker1014.49%120.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann34.35%240.00%

static int cdns_uart_poll_get_char(struct uart_port *port) { int c; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags); /* Check if FIFO is empty */ if (readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_SR) & CDNS_UART_SR_RXEMPTY) c = NO_POLL_CHAR; else /* Read a character */ c = (unsigned char) readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_FIFO); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags); return c; }


vlad lunguvlad lungu4559.21%120.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann1722.37%360.00%
thomas betkerthomas betker1418.42%120.00%

static void cdns_uart_poll_put_char(struct uart_port *port, unsigned char c) { unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags); /* Wait until FIFO is empty */ while (!(readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_SR) & CDNS_UART_SR_TXEMPTY)) cpu_relax(); /* Write a character */ writel(c, port->membase + CDNS_UART_FIFO); /* Wait until FIFO is empty */ while (!(readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_SR) & CDNS_UART_SR_TXEMPTY)) cpu_relax(); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags); return; }


vlad lunguvlad lungu5559.78%120.00%
thomas betkerthomas betker1920.65%120.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann1819.57%360.00%

#endif static struct uart_ops cdns_uart_ops = { .set_mctrl = cdns_uart_set_mctrl, .get_mctrl = cdns_uart_get_mctrl, .start_tx = cdns_uart_start_tx, .stop_tx = cdns_uart_stop_tx, .stop_rx = cdns_uart_stop_rx, .tx_empty = cdns_uart_tx_empty, .break_ctl = cdns_uart_break_ctl, .set_termios = cdns_uart_set_termios, .startup = cdns_uart_startup, .shutdown = cdns_uart_shutdown, .type = cdns_uart_type, .verify_port = cdns_uart_verify_port, .request_port = cdns_uart_request_port, .release_port = cdns_uart_release_port, .config_port = cdns_uart_config_port, #ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_POLL .poll_get_char = cdns_uart_poll_get_char, .poll_put_char = cdns_uart_poll_put_char, #endif }; static struct uart_port cdns_uart_port[CDNS_UART_NR_PORTS]; /** * cdns_uart_get_port - Configure the port from platform device resource info * @id: Port id * * Return: a pointer to a uart_port or NULL for failure */
static struct uart_port *cdns_uart_get_port(int id) { struct uart_port *port; /* Try the given port id if failed use default method */ if (cdns_uart_port[id].mapbase != 0) { /* Find the next unused port */ for (id = 0; id < CDNS_UART_NR_PORTS; id++) if (cdns_uart_port[id].mapbase == 0) break; } if (id >= CDNS_UART_NR_PORTS) return NULL; port = &cdns_uart_port[id]; /* At this point, we've got an empty uart_port struct, initialize it */ spin_lock_init(&port->lock); port->membase = NULL; port->irq = 0; port->type = PORT_UNKNOWN; port->iotype = UPIO_MEM32; port->flags = UPF_BOOT_AUTOCONF; port->ops = &cdns_uart_ops; port->fifosize = CDNS_UART_FIFO_SIZE; port->line = id; port->dev = NULL; return port; }


john linnjohn linn11884.29%133.33%
michal simekmichal simek1410.00%133.33%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann85.71%133.33%

#ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_XILINX_PS_UART_CONSOLE /** * cdns_uart_console_wait_tx - Wait for the TX to be full * @port: Handle to the uart port structure */
static void cdns_uart_console_wait_tx(struct uart_port *port) { while (!(readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_SR) & CDNS_UART_SR_TXEMPTY)) barrier(); }


john linnjohn linn2170.00%125.00%
thomas betkerthomas betker620.00%125.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann310.00%250.00%

/** * cdns_uart_console_putchar - write the character to the FIFO buffer * @port: Handle to the uart port structure * @ch: Character to be written */
static void cdns_uart_console_putchar(struct uart_port *port, int ch) { cdns_uart_console_wait_tx(port); writel(ch, port->membase + CDNS_UART_FIFO); }


john linnjohn linn2273.33%125.00%
thomas betkerthomas betker516.67%125.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann310.00%250.00%

static void __init cdns_early_write(struct console *con, const char *s, unsigned n) { struct earlycon_device *dev = con->data; uart_console_write(&dev->port, s, n, cdns_uart_console_putchar); }


michal simekmichal simek4297.67%150.00%
masahiro yamadamasahiro yamada12.33%150.00%

static int __init cdns_early_console_setup(struct earlycon_device *device, const char *opt) { if (!device->port.membase) return -ENODEV; device->con->write = cdns_early_write; return 0; }


michal simekmichal simek41100.00%1100.00%

OF_EARLYCON_DECLARE(cdns, "xlnx,xuartps", cdns_early_console_setup); OF_EARLYCON_DECLARE(cdns, "cdns,uart-r1p8", cdns_early_console_setup); OF_EARLYCON_DECLARE(cdns, "cdns,uart-r1p12", cdns_early_console_setup); /** * cdns_uart_console_write - perform write operation * @co: Console handle * @s: Pointer to character array * @count: No of characters */
static void cdns_uart_console_write(struct console *co, const char *s, unsigned int count) { struct uart_port *port = &cdns_uart_port[co->index]; unsigned long flags; unsigned int imr, ctrl; int locked = 1; if (port->sysrq) locked = 0; else if (oops_in_progress) locked = spin_trylock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags); else spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags); /* save and disable interrupt */ imr = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_IMR); writel(imr, port->membase + CDNS_UART_IDR); /* * Make sure that the tx part is enabled. Set the TX enable bit and * clear the TX disable bit to enable the transmitter. */ ctrl = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); ctrl &= ~CDNS_UART_CR_TX_DIS; ctrl |= CDNS_UART_CR_TX_EN; writel(ctrl, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); uart_console_write(port, s, count, cdns_uart_console_putchar); cdns_uart_console_wait_tx(port); writel(ctrl, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); /* restore interrupt state */ writel(imr, port->membase + CDNS_UART_IER); if (locked) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags); }


john linnjohn linn11559.28%112.50%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann3216.49%562.50%
thomas betkerthomas betker2914.95%112.50%
lars-peter clausenlars-peter clausen189.28%112.50%

/** * cdns_uart_console_setup - Initialize the uart to default config * @co: Console handle * @options: Initial settings of uart * * Return: 0 on success, negative errno otherwise. */
static int __init cdns_uart_console_setup(struct console *co, char *options) { struct uart_port *port = &cdns_uart_port[co->index]; int baud = 9600; int bits = 8; int parity = 'n'; int flow = 'n'; if (co->index < 0 || co->index >= CDNS_UART_NR_PORTS) return -EINVAL; if (!port->membase) { pr_debug("console on " CDNS_UART_TTY_NAME "%i not present\n", co->index); return -ENODEV; } if (options) uart_parse_options(options, &baud, &parity, &bits, &flow); return uart_set_options(port, co, baud, parity, bits, flow); }


john linnjohn linn12194.53%125.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann32.34%125.00%
peter crosthwaitepeter crosthwaite32.34%125.00%
thomas betkerthomas betker10.78%125.00%

static struct uart_driver cdns_uart_uart_driver; static struct console cdns_uart_console = { .name = CDNS_UART_TTY_NAME, .write = cdns_uart_console_write, .device = uart_console_device, .setup = cdns_uart_console_setup, .flags = CON_PRINTBUFFER, .index = -1, /* Specified on the cmdline (e.g. console=ttyPS ) */ .data = &cdns_uart_uart_driver, }; /** * cdns_uart_console_init - Initialization call * * Return: 0 on success, negative errno otherwise */
static int __init cdns_uart_console_init(void) { register_console(&cdns_uart_console); return 0; }


john linnjohn linn1688.89%150.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann211.11%150.00%

console_initcall(cdns_uart_console_init); #endif /* CONFIG_SERIAL_XILINX_PS_UART_CONSOLE */ static struct uart_driver cdns_uart_uart_driver = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .driver_name = CDNS_UART_NAME, .dev_name = CDNS_UART_TTY_NAME, .major = CDNS_UART_MAJOR, .minor = CDNS_UART_MINOR, .nr = CDNS_UART_NR_PORTS, #ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_XILINX_PS_UART_CONSOLE .cons = &cdns_uart_console, #endif }; #ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP /** * cdns_uart_suspend - suspend event * @device: Pointer to the device structure * * Return: 0 */
static int cdns_uart_suspend(struct device *device) { struct uart_port *port = dev_get_drvdata(device); struct tty_struct *tty; struct device *tty_dev; int may_wake = 0; /* Get the tty which could be NULL so don't assume it's valid */ tty = tty_port_tty_get(&port->state->port); if (tty) { tty_dev = tty->dev; may_wake = device_may_wakeup(tty_dev); tty_kref_put(tty); } /* * Call the API provided in serial_core.c file which handles * the suspend. */ uart_suspend_port(&cdns_uart_uart_driver, port); if (console_suspend_enabled && !may_wake) { struct cdns_uart *cdns_uart = port->private_data; clk_disable(cdns_uart->uartclk); clk_disable(cdns_uart->pclk); } else { unsigned long flags = 0; spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags); /* Empty the receive FIFO 1st before making changes */ while (!(readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_SR) & CDNS_UART_SR_RXEMPTY)) readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_FIFO); /* set RX trigger level to 1 */ writel(1, port->membase + CDNS_UART_RXWM); /* disable RX timeout interrups */ writel(CDNS_UART_IXR_TOUT, port->membase + CDNS_UART_IDR); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags); } return 0; }


soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann17689.80%375.00%
thomas betkerthomas betker2010.20%125.00%

/** * cdns_uart_resume - Resume after a previous suspend * @device: Pointer to the device structure * * Return: 0 */
static int cdns_uart_resume(struct device *device) { struct uart_port *port = dev_get_drvdata(device); unsigned long flags = 0; u32 ctrl_reg; struct tty_struct *tty; struct device *tty_dev; int may_wake = 0; /* Get the tty which could be NULL so don't assume it's valid */ tty = tty_port_tty_get(&port->state->port); if (tty) { tty_dev = tty->dev; may_wake = device_may_wakeup(tty_dev); tty_kref_put(tty); } if (console_suspend_enabled && !may_wake) { struct cdns_uart *cdns_uart = port->private_data; clk_enable(cdns_uart->pclk); clk_enable(cdns_uart->uartclk); spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags); /* Set TX/RX Reset */ ctrl_reg = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); ctrl_reg |= CDNS_UART_CR_TXRST | CDNS_UART_CR_RXRST; writel(ctrl_reg, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); while (readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR) & (CDNS_UART_CR_TXRST | CDNS_UART_CR_RXRST)) cpu_relax(); /* restore rx timeout value */ writel(rx_timeout, port->membase + CDNS_UART_RXTOUT); /* Enable Tx/Rx */ ctrl_reg = readl(port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); ctrl_reg &= ~(CDNS_UART_CR_TX_DIS | CDNS_UART_CR_RX_DIS); ctrl_reg |= CDNS_UART_CR_TX_EN | CDNS_UART_CR_RX_EN; writel(ctrl_reg, port->membase + CDNS_UART_CR); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags); } else { spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags); /* restore original rx trigger level */ writel(rx_trigger_level, port->membase + CDNS_UART_RXWM); /* enable RX timeout interrupt */ writel(CDNS_UART_IXR_TOUT, port->membase + CDNS_UART_IER); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags); } return uart_resume_port(&cdns_uart_uart_driver, port); }


soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann24986.16%480.00%
thomas betkerthomas betker4013.84%120.00%

#endif /* ! CONFIG_PM_SLEEP */ static SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(cdns_uart_dev_pm_ops, cdns_uart_suspend, cdns_uart_resume); /** * cdns_uart_probe - Platform driver probe * @pdev: Pointer to the platform device structure * * Return: 0 on success, negative errno otherwise */
static int cdns_uart_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { int rc, id, irq; struct uart_port *port; struct resource *res; struct cdns_uart *cdns_uart_data; cdns_uart_data = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*cdns_uart_data), GFP_KERNEL); if (!cdns_uart_data) return -ENOMEM; cdns_uart_data->pclk = devm_clk_get(&pdev->dev, "pclk"); if (IS_ERR(cdns_uart_data->pclk)) { cdns_uart_data->pclk = devm_clk_get(&pdev->dev, "aper_clk"); if (!IS_ERR(cdns_uart_data->pclk)) dev_err(&pdev->dev, "clock name 'aper_clk' is deprecated.\n"); } if (IS_ERR(cdns_uart_data->pclk)) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "pclk clock not found.\n"); return PTR_ERR(cdns_uart_data->pclk); } cdns_uart_data->uartclk = devm_clk_get(&pdev->dev, "uart_clk"); if (IS_ERR(cdns_uart_data->uartclk)) { cdns_uart_data->uartclk = devm_clk_get(&pdev->dev, "ref_clk"); if (!IS_ERR(cdns_uart_data->uartclk)) dev_err(&pdev->dev, "clock name 'ref_clk' is deprecated.\n"); } if (IS_ERR(cdns_uart_data->uartclk)) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "uart_clk clock not found.\n"); return PTR_ERR(cdns_uart_data->uartclk); } rc = clk_prepare_enable(cdns_uart_data->pclk); if (rc) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Unable to enable pclk clock.\n"); return rc; } rc = clk_prepare_enable(cdns_uart_data->uartclk); if (rc) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Unable to enable device clock.\n"); goto err_out_clk_dis_pclk; } res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); if (!res) { rc = -ENODEV; goto err_out_clk_disable; } irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0); if (irq <= 0) { rc = -ENXIO; goto err_out_clk_disable; } #ifdef CONFIG_COMMON_CLK cdns_uart_data->clk_rate_change_nb.notifier_call = cdns_uart_clk_notifier_cb; if (clk_notifier_register(cdns_uart_data->uartclk, &cdns_uart_data->clk_rate_change_nb)) dev_warn(&pdev->dev, "Unable to register clock notifier.\n"); #endif /* Look for a serialN alias */ id = of_alias_get_id(pdev->dev.of_node, "serial"); if (id < 0) id = 0; /* Initialize the port structure */ port = cdns_uart_get_port(id); if (!port) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Cannot get uart_port structure\n"); rc = -ENODEV; goto err_out_notif_unreg; } /* * Register the port. * This function also registers this device with the tty layer * and triggers invocation of the config_port() entry point. */ port->mapbase = res->start; port->irq = irq; port->dev = &pdev->dev; port->uartclk = clk_get_rate(cdns_uart_data->uartclk); port->private_data = cdns_uart_data; cdns_uart_data->port = port; platform_set_drvdata(pdev, port); rc = uart_add_one_port(&cdns_uart_uart_driver, port); if (rc) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "uart_add_one_port() failed; err=%i\n", rc); goto err_out_notif_unreg; } return 0; err_out_notif_unreg: #ifdef CONFIG_COMMON_CLK clk_notifier_unregister(cdns_uart_data->uartclk, &cdns_uart_data->clk_rate_change_nb); #endif err_out_clk_disable: clk_disable_unprepare(cdns_uart_data->uartclk); err_out_clk_dis_pclk: clk_disable_unprepare(cdns_uart_data->pclk); return rc; }


soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann32858.05%758.33%
john linnjohn linn16929.91%18.33%
michal simekmichal simek386.73%216.67%
josh cartwrightjosh cartwright295.13%18.33%
jingoo hanjingoo han10.18%18.33%

/** * cdns_uart_remove - called when the platform driver is unregistered * @pdev: Pointer to the platform device structure * * Return: 0 on success, negative errno otherwise */
static int cdns_uart_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct uart_port *port = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); struct cdns_uart *cdns_uart_data = port->private_data; int rc; /* Remove the cdns_uart port from the serial core */ #ifdef CONFIG_COMMON_CLK clk_notifier_unregister(cdns_uart_data->uartclk, &cdns_uart_data->clk_rate_change_nb); #endif rc = uart_remove_one_port(&cdns_uart_uart_driver, port); port->mapbase = 0; clk_disable_unprepare(cdns_uart_data->uartclk); clk_disable_unprepare(cdns_uart_data->pclk); return rc; }


john linnjohn linn4047.62%114.29%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann3440.48%457.14%
josh cartwrightjosh cartwright910.71%114.29%
jingoo hanjingoo han11.19%114.29%

/* Match table for of_platform binding */ static const struct of_device_id cdns_uart_of_match[] = { { .compatible = "xlnx,xuartps", }, { .compatible = "cdns,uart-r1p8", }, {} }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, cdns_uart_of_match); static struct platform_driver cdns_uart_platform_driver = { .probe = cdns_uart_probe, .remove = cdns_uart_remove, .driver = { .name = CDNS_UART_NAME, .of_match_table = cdns_uart_of_match, .pm = &cdns_uart_dev_pm_ops, }, };
static int __init cdns_uart_init(void) { int retval = 0; /* Register the cdns_uart driver with the serial core */ retval = uart_register_driver(&cdns_uart_uart_driver); if (retval) return retval; /* Register the platform driver */ retval = platform_driver_register(&cdns_uart_platform_driver); if (retval) uart_unregister_driver(&cdns_uart_uart_driver); return retval; }


john linnjohn linn4790.38%150.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann59.62%150.00%

static void __exit cdns_uart_exit(void) { /* Unregister the platform driver */ platform_driver_unregister(&cdns_uart_platform_driver); /* Unregister the cdns_uart driver */ uart_unregister_driver(&cdns_uart_uart_driver); }


john linnjohn linn1982.61%150.00%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann417.39%150.00%

module_init(cdns_uart_init); module_exit(cdns_uart_exit); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Driver for Cadence UART"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Xilinx Inc."); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");

Overall Contributors

john linnjohn linn244043.03%23.85%
soren brinkmannsoren brinkmann220438.87%2751.92%
thomas betkerthomas betker4257.50%47.69%
vlad lunguvlad lungu2284.02%23.85%
michal simekmichal simek1622.86%47.69%
lars-peter clausenlars-peter clausen771.36%35.77%
suneel garapati*suneel garapati*560.99%11.92%
josh cartwrightjosh cartwright410.72%11.92%
nathan rossinathan rossi160.28%11.92%
jiri slabyjiri slaby110.19%23.85%
peter crosthwaitepeter crosthwaite30.05%11.92%
paul gortmakerpaul gortmaker30.05%11.92%
jingoo hanjingoo han20.04%11.92%
fabian frederickfabian frederick10.02%11.92%
masahiro yamadamasahiro yamada10.02%11.92%
Information contained on this website is for historical information purposes only and does not indicate or represent copyright ownership.
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