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Release 4.7 drivers/usb/isp1760/isp1760-regs.h

 * Driver for the NXP ISP1760 chip
 * Copyright 2014 Laurent Pinchart
 * Copyright 2007 Sebastian Siewior
 * Contacts:
 *     Sebastian Siewior <>
 *     Laurent Pinchart <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

#ifndef _ISP1760_REGS_H_

#define _ISP1760_REGS_H_

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Host Controller

/* EHCI capability registers */

#define HC_CAPLENGTH		0x000

#define HC_LENGTH(p)		(((p) >> 00) & 0x00ff)	
/* bits 7:0 */

#define HC_VERSION(p)		(((p) >> 16) & 0xffff)	
/* bits 31:16 */

#define HC_HCSPARAMS		0x004

#define HCS_INDICATOR(p)	((p) & (1 << 16))	
/* true: has port indicators */

#define HCS_PPC(p)		((p) & (1 << 4))	
/* true: port power control */

#define HCS_N_PORTS(p)		(((p) >> 0) & 0xf)	
/* bits 3:0, ports on HC */

#define HC_HCCPARAMS		0x008

#define HCC_ISOC_CACHE(p)       ((p) & (1 << 7))	
/* true: can cache isoc frame */

#define HCC_ISOC_THRES(p)       (((p) >> 4) & 0x7)	
/* bits 6:4, uframes cached */

/* EHCI operational registers */

#define HC_USBCMD		0x020

#define CMD_LRESET		(1 << 7)		
/* partial reset (no ports, etc) */

#define CMD_RESET		(1 << 1)		
/* reset HC not bus */

#define CMD_RUN			(1 << 0)		
/* start/stop HC */

#define HC_USBSTS		0x024

#define STS_PCD			(1 << 2)		
/* port change detect */

#define HC_FRINDEX		0x02c

#define HC_CONFIGFLAG		0x060

#define FLAG_CF			(1 << 0)		
/* true: we'll support "high speed" */

#define HC_PORTSC1		0x064

#define PORT_OWNER		(1 << 13)		
/* true: companion hc owns this port */

#define PORT_POWER		(1 << 12)		
/* true: has power (see PPC) */

#define PORT_USB11(x)		(((x) & (3 << 10)) == (1 << 10))	
/* USB 1.1 device */

#define PORT_RESET		(1 << 8)		
/* reset port */

#define PORT_SUSPEND		(1 << 7)		
/* suspend port */

#define PORT_RESUME		(1 << 6)		
/* resume it */

#define PORT_PE			(1 << 2)		
/* port enable */

#define PORT_CSC		(1 << 1)		
/* connect status change */

#define PORT_CONNECT		(1 << 0)		
/* device connected */


#define HC_ISO_PTD_DONEMAP_REG	0x130

#define HC_ISO_PTD_SKIPMAP_REG	0x134

#define HC_ISO_PTD_LASTPTD_REG	0x138

#define HC_INT_PTD_DONEMAP_REG	0x140

#define HC_INT_PTD_SKIPMAP_REG	0x144

#define HC_INT_PTD_LASTPTD_REG	0x148

#define HC_ATL_PTD_DONEMAP_REG	0x150

#define HC_ATL_PTD_SKIPMAP_REG	0x154

#define HC_ATL_PTD_LASTPTD_REG	0x158

/* Configuration Register */

#define HC_HW_MODE_CTRL		0x300

#define ALL_ATX_RESET		(1 << 31)

#define HW_ANA_DIGI_OC		(1 << 15)

#define HW_DEV_DMA		(1 << 11)

#define HW_COMN_IRQ		(1 << 10)

#define HW_COMN_DMA		(1 << 9)

#define HW_DATA_BUS_32BIT	(1 << 8)

#define HW_DACK_POL_HIGH	(1 << 6)

#define HW_DREQ_POL_HIGH	(1 << 5)

#define HW_INTR_HIGH_ACT	(1 << 2)

#define HW_INTR_EDGE_TRIG	(1 << 1)

#define HW_GLOBAL_INTR_EN	(1 << 0)

#define HC_CHIP_ID_REG		0x304

#define HC_SCRATCH_REG		0x308

#define HC_RESET_REG		0x30c

#define SW_RESET_RESET_HC	(1 << 1)

#define SW_RESET_RESET_ALL	(1 << 0)

#define HC_BUFFER_STATUS_REG	0x334

#define ISO_BUF_FILL		(1 << 2)

#define INT_BUF_FILL		(1 << 1)

#define ATL_BUF_FILL		(1 << 0)

#define HC_MEMORY_REG		0x33c

#define ISP_BANK(x)		((x) << 16)

#define HC_PORT1_CTRL		0x374

#define PORT1_POWER		(3 << 3)

#define PORT1_INIT1		(1 << 7)

#define PORT1_INIT2		(1 << 23)

#define HW_OTG_CTRL_SET		0x374

#define HW_OTG_CTRL_CLR		0x376

#define HW_OTG_DISABLE		(1 << 10)

#define HW_OTG_SE0_EN		(1 << 9)

#define HW_BDIS_ACON_EN		(1 << 8)

#define HW_SW_SEL_HC_DC		(1 << 7)

#define HW_VBUS_CHRG		(1 << 6)

#define HW_VBUS_DISCHRG		(1 << 5)

#define HW_VBUS_DRV		(1 << 4)

#define HW_SEL_CP_EXT		(1 << 3)

#define HW_DM_PULLDOWN		(1 << 2)

#define HW_DP_PULLDOWN		(1 << 1)

#define HW_DP_PULLUP		(1 << 0)

/* Interrupt Register */

#define HC_INTERRUPT_REG	0x310


#define HC_ISO_INT		(1 << 9)

#define HC_ATL_INT		(1 << 8)

#define HC_INTL_INT		(1 << 7)

#define HC_EOT_INT		(1 << 3)

#define HC_SOT_INT		(1 << 1)


#define HC_ISO_IRQ_MASK_OR_REG	0x318

#define HC_INT_IRQ_MASK_OR_REG	0x31c

#define HC_ATL_IRQ_MASK_OR_REG	0x320

#define HC_ISO_IRQ_MASK_AND_REG	0x324

#define HC_INT_IRQ_MASK_AND_REG	0x328

#define HC_ATL_IRQ_MASK_AND_REG	0x32c

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Peripheral Controller

/* Initialization Registers */

#define DC_ADDRESS			0x0200

#define DC_DEVEN			(1 << 7)

#define DC_MODE				0x020c

#define DC_DMACLKON			(1 << 9)

#define DC_VBUSSTAT			(1 << 8)

#define DC_CLKAON			(1 << 7)

#define DC_SNDRSU			(1 << 6)

#define DC_GOSUSP			(1 << 5)

#define DC_SFRESET			(1 << 4)

#define DC_GLINTENA			(1 << 3)

#define DC_WKUPCS			(1 << 2)

#define DC_INTCONF			0x0210

#define DC_CDBGMOD_ACK_NAK		(0 << 6)

#define DC_CDBGMOD_ACK			(1 << 6)

#define DC_CDBGMOD_ACK_1NAK		(2 << 6)

#define DC_DDBGMODIN_ACK_NAK		(0 << 4)

#define DC_DDBGMODIN_ACK		(1 << 4)

#define DC_DDBGMODIN_ACK_1NAK		(2 << 4)


#define DC_DDBGMODOUT_ACK_NYET		(1 << 2)

#define DC_DDBGMODOUT_ACK_NYET_1NAK	(2 << 2)

#define DC_INTLVL			(1 << 1)

#define DC_INTPOL			(1 << 0)

#define DC_DEBUG			0x0212

#define DC_INTENABLE			0x0214

#define DC_IEPTX(n)			(1 << (11 + 2 * (n)))

#define DC_IEPRX(n)			(1 << (10 + 2 * (n)))

#define DC_IEPRXTX(n)			(3 << (10 + 2 * (n)))

#define DC_IEP0SETUP			(1 << 8)

#define DC_IEVBUS			(1 << 7)

#define DC_IEDMA			(1 << 6)

#define DC_IEHS_STA			(1 << 5)

#define DC_IERESM			(1 << 4)

#define DC_IESUSP			(1 << 3)

#define DC_IEPSOF			(1 << 2)

#define DC_IESOF			(1 << 1)

#define DC_IEBRST			(1 << 0)

/* Data Flow Registers */

#define DC_EPINDEX			0x022c

#define DC_EP0SETUP			(1 << 5)

#define DC_ENDPIDX(n)			((n) << 1)

#define DC_EPDIR			(1 << 0)

#define DC_CTRLFUNC			0x0228

#define DC_CLBUF			(1 << 4)

#define DC_VENDP			(1 << 3)

#define DC_DSEN				(1 << 2)

#define DC_STATUS			(1 << 1)

#define DC_STALL			(1 << 0)

#define DC_DATAPORT			0x0220

#define DC_BUFLEN			0x021c

#define DC_DATACOUNT_MASK		0xffff

#define DC_BUFSTAT			0x021e

#define DC_EPMAXPKTSZ			0x0204

#define DC_EPTYPE			0x0208

#define DC_NOEMPKT			(1 << 4)

#define DC_EPENABLE			(1 << 3)

#define DC_DBLBUF			(1 << 2)

#define DC_ENDPTYP_ISOC			(1 << 0)

#define DC_ENDPTYP_BULK			(2 << 0)

#define DC_ENDPTYP_INTERRUPT		(3 << 0)

/* DMA Registers */

#define DC_DMACMD			0x0230

#define DC_DMATXCOUNT			0x0234

#define DC_DMACONF			0x0238

#define DC_DMAHW			0x023c

#define DC_DMAINTREASON			0x0250

#define DC_DMAINTEN			0x0254

#define DC_DMAEP			0x0258

#define DC_DMABURSTCOUNT		0x0264

/* General Registers */

#define DC_INTERRUPT			0x0218

#define DC_CHIPID			0x0270

#define DC_FRAMENUM			0x0274

#define DC_SCRATCH			0x0278

#define DC_UNLOCKDEV			0x027c

#define DC_INTPULSEWIDTH		0x0280

#define DC_TESTMODE			0x0284


Overall Contributors

laurent pinchartlaurent pinchart747100.00%2100.00%
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