cregit-Linux how code gets into the kernel

Release 4.7 include/linux/bitmap.h

Directory: include/linux
#ifndef __LINUX_BITMAP_H

#define __LINUX_BITMAP_H

#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__

#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/bitops.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>

 * bitmaps provide bit arrays that consume one or more unsigned
 * longs.  The bitmap interface and available operations are listed
 * here, in bitmap.h
 * Function implementations generic to all architectures are in
 * lib/bitmap.c.  Functions implementations that are architecture
 * specific are in various include/asm-<arch>/bitops.h headers
 * and other arch/<arch> specific files.
 * See lib/bitmap.c for more details.

 * The available bitmap operations and their rough meaning in the
 * case that the bitmap is a single unsigned long are thus:
 * Note that nbits should be always a compile time evaluable constant.
 * Otherwise many inlines will generate horrible code.
 * bitmap_zero(dst, nbits)                      *dst = 0UL
 * bitmap_fill(dst, nbits)                      *dst = ~0UL
 * bitmap_copy(dst, src, nbits)                 *dst = *src
 * bitmap_and(dst, src1, src2, nbits)           *dst = *src1 & *src2
 * bitmap_or(dst, src1, src2, nbits)            *dst = *src1 | *src2
 * bitmap_xor(dst, src1, src2, nbits)           *dst = *src1 ^ *src2
 * bitmap_andnot(dst, src1, src2, nbits)        *dst = *src1 & ~(*src2)
 * bitmap_complement(dst, src, nbits)           *dst = ~(*src)
 * bitmap_equal(src1, src2, nbits)              Are *src1 and *src2 equal?
 * bitmap_intersects(src1, src2, nbits)         Do *src1 and *src2 overlap?
 * bitmap_subset(src1, src2, nbits)             Is *src1 a subset of *src2?
 * bitmap_empty(src, nbits)                     Are all bits zero in *src?
 * bitmap_full(src, nbits)                      Are all bits set in *src?
 * bitmap_weight(src, nbits)                    Hamming Weight: number set bits
 * bitmap_set(dst, pos, nbits)                  Set specified bit area
 * bitmap_clear(dst, pos, nbits)                Clear specified bit area
 * bitmap_find_next_zero_area(buf, len, pos, n, mask)   Find bit free area
 * bitmap_find_next_zero_area_off(buf, len, pos, n, mask)       as above
 * bitmap_shift_right(dst, src, n, nbits)       *dst = *src >> n
 * bitmap_shift_left(dst, src, n, nbits)        *dst = *src << n
 * bitmap_remap(dst, src, old, new, nbits)      *dst = map(old, new)(src)
 * bitmap_bitremap(oldbit, old, new, nbits)     newbit = map(old, new)(oldbit)
 * bitmap_onto(dst, orig, relmap, nbits)        *dst = orig relative to relmap
 * bitmap_fold(dst, orig, sz, nbits)            dst bits = orig bits mod sz
 * bitmap_parse(buf, buflen, dst, nbits)        Parse bitmap dst from kernel buf
 * bitmap_parse_user(ubuf, ulen, dst, nbits)    Parse bitmap dst from user buf
 * bitmap_parselist(buf, dst, nbits)            Parse bitmap dst from kernel buf
 * bitmap_parselist_user(buf, dst, nbits)       Parse bitmap dst from user buf
 * bitmap_find_free_region(bitmap, bits, order) Find and allocate bit region
 * bitmap_release_region(bitmap, pos, order)    Free specified bit region
 * bitmap_allocate_region(bitmap, pos, order)   Allocate specified bit region
 * bitmap_from_u32array(dst, nbits, buf, nwords) *dst = *buf (nwords 32b words)
 * bitmap_to_u32array(buf, nwords, src, nbits)  *buf = *dst (nwords 32b words)

 * Also the following operations in asm/bitops.h apply to bitmaps.
 * set_bit(bit, addr)                   *addr |= bit
 * clear_bit(bit, addr)                 *addr &= ~bit
 * change_bit(bit, addr)                *addr ^= bit
 * test_bit(bit, addr)                  Is bit set in *addr?
 * test_and_set_bit(bit, addr)          Set bit and return old value
 * test_and_clear_bit(bit, addr)        Clear bit and return old value
 * test_and_change_bit(bit, addr)       Change bit and return old value
 * find_first_zero_bit(addr, nbits)     Position first zero bit in *addr
 * find_first_bit(addr, nbits)          Position first set bit in *addr
 * find_next_zero_bit(addr, nbits, bit) Position next zero bit in *addr >= bit
 * find_next_bit(addr, nbits, bit)      Position next set bit in *addr >= bit

 * The DECLARE_BITMAP(name,bits) macro, in linux/types.h, can be used
 * to declare an array named 'name' of just enough unsigned longs to
 * contain all bit positions from 0 to 'bits' - 1.

 * lib/bitmap.c provides these functions:

extern int __bitmap_empty(const unsigned long *bitmap, unsigned int nbits);
extern int __bitmap_full(const unsigned long *bitmap, unsigned int nbits);
extern int __bitmap_equal(const unsigned long *bitmap1,
			  const unsigned long *bitmap2, unsigned int nbits);
extern void __bitmap_complement(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src,
			unsigned int nbits);
extern void __bitmap_shift_right(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src,
				unsigned int shift, unsigned int nbits);
extern void __bitmap_shift_left(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src,
				unsigned int shift, unsigned int nbits);
extern int __bitmap_and(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *bitmap1,
			const unsigned long *bitmap2, unsigned int nbits);
extern void __bitmap_or(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *bitmap1,
			const unsigned long *bitmap2, unsigned int nbits);
extern void __bitmap_xor(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *bitmap1,
			const unsigned long *bitmap2, unsigned int nbits);
extern int __bitmap_andnot(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *bitmap1,
			const unsigned long *bitmap2, unsigned int nbits);
extern int __bitmap_intersects(const unsigned long *bitmap1,
			const unsigned long *bitmap2, unsigned int nbits);
extern int __bitmap_subset(const unsigned long *bitmap1,
			const unsigned long *bitmap2, unsigned int nbits);
extern int __bitmap_weight(const unsigned long *bitmap, unsigned int nbits);

extern void bitmap_set(unsigned long *map, unsigned int start, int len);
extern void bitmap_clear(unsigned long *map, unsigned int start, int len);

extern unsigned long bitmap_find_next_zero_area_off(unsigned long *map,
						    unsigned long size,
						    unsigned long start,
						    unsigned int nr,
						    unsigned long align_mask,
						    unsigned long align_offset);

 * bitmap_find_next_zero_area - find a contiguous aligned zero area
 * @map: The address to base the search on
 * @size: The bitmap size in bits
 * @start: The bitnumber to start searching at
 * @nr: The number of zeroed bits we're looking for
 * @align_mask: Alignment mask for zero area
 * The @align_mask should be one less than a power of 2; the effect is that
 * the bit offset of all zero areas this function finds is multiples of that
 * power of 2. A @align_mask of 0 means no alignment is required.

static inline unsigned long bitmap_find_next_zero_area(unsigned long *map, unsigned long size, unsigned long start, unsigned int nr, unsigned long align_mask) { return bitmap_find_next_zero_area_off(map, size, start, nr, align_mask, 0); }


michal nazarewiczmichal nazarewicz45100.00%1100.00%

extern int __bitmap_parse(const char *buf, unsigned int buflen, int is_user, unsigned long *dst, int nbits); extern int bitmap_parse_user(const char __user *ubuf, unsigned int ulen, unsigned long *dst, int nbits); extern int bitmap_parselist(const char *buf, unsigned long *maskp, int nmaskbits); extern int bitmap_parselist_user(const char __user *ubuf, unsigned int ulen, unsigned long *dst, int nbits); extern void bitmap_remap(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src, const unsigned long *old, const unsigned long *new, unsigned int nbits); extern int bitmap_bitremap(int oldbit, const unsigned long *old, const unsigned long *new, int bits); extern void bitmap_onto(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *orig, const unsigned long *relmap, unsigned int bits); extern void bitmap_fold(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *orig, unsigned int sz, unsigned int nbits); extern int bitmap_find_free_region(unsigned long *bitmap, unsigned int bits, int order); extern void bitmap_release_region(unsigned long *bitmap, unsigned int pos, int order); extern int bitmap_allocate_region(unsigned long *bitmap, unsigned int pos, int order); extern unsigned int bitmap_from_u32array(unsigned long *bitmap, unsigned int nbits, const u32 *buf, unsigned int nwords); extern unsigned int bitmap_to_u32array(u32 *buf, unsigned int nwords, const unsigned long *bitmap, unsigned int nbits); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN extern void bitmap_copy_le(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src, unsigned int nbits); #else #define bitmap_copy_le bitmap_copy #endif extern unsigned int bitmap_ord_to_pos(const unsigned long *bitmap, unsigned int ord, unsigned int nbits); extern int bitmap_print_to_pagebuf(bool list, char *buf, const unsigned long *maskp, int nmaskbits); #define BITMAP_FIRST_WORD_MASK(start) (~0UL << ((start) & (BITS_PER_LONG - 1))) #define BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits) (~0UL >> (-(nbits) & (BITS_PER_LONG - 1))) #define small_const_nbits(nbits) \ (__builtin_constant_p(nbits) && (nbits) <= BITS_PER_LONG)
static inline void bitmap_zero(unsigned long *dst, unsigned int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) *dst = 0UL; else { unsigned int len = BITS_TO_LONGS(nbits) * sizeof(unsigned long); memset(dst, 0, len); } }


andrew mortonandrew morton5090.91%133.33%
rusty russellrusty russell35.45%133.33%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes23.64%133.33%

static inline void bitmap_fill(unsigned long *dst, unsigned int nbits) { unsigned int nlongs = BITS_TO_LONGS(nbits); if (!small_const_nbits(nbits)) { unsigned int len = (nlongs - 1) * sizeof(unsigned long); memset(dst, 0xff, len); } dst[nlongs - 1] = BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits); }


andrew mortonandrew morton6387.50%133.33%
rusty russellrusty russell56.94%133.33%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes45.56%133.33%

static inline void bitmap_copy(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src, unsigned int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) *dst = *src; else { unsigned int len = BITS_TO_LONGS(nbits) * sizeof(unsigned long); memcpy(dst, src, len); } }


andrew mortonandrew morton5791.94%133.33%
rusty russellrusty russell34.84%133.33%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes23.23%133.33%

static inline int bitmap_and(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src1, const unsigned long *src2, unsigned int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) return (*dst = *src1 & *src2 & BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits)) != 0; return __bitmap_and(dst, src1, src2, nbits); }


andrew mortonandrew morton4872.73%120.00%
linus torvaldslinus torvalds913.64%120.00%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes69.09%240.00%
rusty russellrusty russell34.55%120.00%

static inline void bitmap_or(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src1, const unsigned long *src2, unsigned int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) *dst = *src1 | *src2; else __bitmap_or(dst, src1, src2, nbits); }


andrew mortonandrew morton5292.86%133.33%
rusty russellrusty russell35.36%133.33%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes11.79%133.33%

static inline void bitmap_xor(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src1, const unsigned long *src2, unsigned int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) *dst = *src1 ^ *src2; else __bitmap_xor(dst, src1, src2, nbits); }


andrew mortonandrew morton5292.86%133.33%
rusty russellrusty russell35.36%133.33%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes11.79%133.33%

static inline int bitmap_andnot(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src1, const unsigned long *src2, unsigned int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) return (*dst = *src1 & ~(*src2) & BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits)) != 0; return __bitmap_andnot(dst, src1, src2, nbits); }


andrew mortonandrew morton5173.91%120.00%
linus torvaldslinus torvalds913.04%120.00%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes68.70%240.00%
rusty russellrusty russell34.35%120.00%

static inline void bitmap_complement(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src, unsigned int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) *dst = ~(*src); else __bitmap_complement(dst, src, nbits); }


andrew mortonandrew morton4491.67%133.33%
rusty russellrusty russell36.25%133.33%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes12.08%133.33%

static inline int bitmap_equal(const unsigned long *src1, const unsigned long *src2, unsigned int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) return ! ((*src1 ^ *src2) & BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits)); else return __bitmap_equal(src1, src2, nbits); }


andrew mortonandrew morton5493.10%133.33%
rusty russellrusty russell35.17%133.33%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes11.72%133.33%

static inline int bitmap_intersects(const unsigned long *src1, const unsigned long *src2, unsigned int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) return ((*src1 & *src2) & BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits)) != 0; else return __bitmap_intersects(src1, src2, nbits); }


andrew mortonandrew morton5593.22%133.33%
rusty russellrusty russell35.08%133.33%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes11.69%133.33%

static inline int bitmap_subset(const unsigned long *src1, const unsigned long *src2, unsigned int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) return ! ((*src1 & ~(*src2)) & BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits)); else return __bitmap_subset(src1, src2, nbits); }


andrew mortonandrew morton5793.44%133.33%
rusty russellrusty russell34.92%133.33%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes11.64%133.33%

static inline int bitmap_empty(const unsigned long *src, unsigned nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) return ! (*src & BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits)); return find_first_bit(src, nbits) == nbits; }


andrew mortonandrew morton3884.44%125.00%
yury norovyury norov36.67%125.00%
rusty russellrusty russell36.67%125.00%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes12.22%125.00%

static inline int bitmap_full(const unsigned long *src, unsigned int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) return ! (~(*src) & BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits)); return find_first_zero_bit(src, nbits) == nbits; }


andrew mortonandrew morton4285.71%125.00%
rusty russellrusty russell36.12%125.00%
yury norovyury norov36.12%125.00%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes12.04%125.00%

static __always_inline int bitmap_weight(const unsigned long *src, unsigned int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) return hweight_long(*src & BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits)); return __bitmap_weight(src, nbits); }


andrew mortonandrew morton2352.27%120.00%
andi kleenandi kleen1636.36%120.00%
rusty russellrusty russell36.82%120.00%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes12.27%120.00%
denys vlasenkodenys vlasenko12.27%120.00%

static inline void bitmap_shift_right(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src, unsigned int shift, int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) *dst = (*src & BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits)) >> shift; else __bitmap_shift_right(dst, src, shift, nbits); }


andrew mortonandrew morton4576.27%125.00%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes1118.64%250.00%
rusty russellrusty russell35.08%125.00%

static inline void bitmap_shift_left(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src, unsigned int shift, unsigned int nbits) { if (small_const_nbits(nbits)) *dst = (*src << shift) & BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits); else __bitmap_shift_left(dst, src, shift, nbits); }


andrew mortonandrew morton5286.67%133.33%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes58.33%133.33%
rusty russellrusty russell35.00%133.33%

static inline int bitmap_parse(const char *buf, unsigned int buflen, unsigned long *maskp, int nmaskbits) { return __bitmap_parse(buf, buflen, 0, maskp, nmaskbits); }


reinette chatrereinette chatre38100.00%1100.00%

#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */ #endif /* __LINUX_BITMAP_H */

Overall Contributors

andrew mortonandrew morton108961.63%510.42%
paul jacksonpaul jackson1196.73%36.25%
rasmus villemoesrasmus villemoes1076.06%2450.00%
reinette chatrereinette chatre643.62%12.08%
rusty russellrusty russell583.28%12.08%
akinobu mitaakinobu mita563.17%12.08%
michal nazarewiczmichal nazarewicz512.89%12.08%
david decotignydavid decotigny492.77%12.08%
james bottomleyjames bottomley462.60%12.08%
mike travismike travis231.30%12.08%
sudeep hollasudeep holla211.19%12.08%
linus torvaldslinus torvalds201.13%12.08%
david vrabeldavid vrabel170.96%12.08%
andi kleenandi kleen160.91%12.08%
michal hockomichal hocko150.85%12.08%
yury norovyury norov60.34%12.08%
huang yinghuang ying60.34%12.08%
jiri slabyjiri slaby30.17%12.08%
denys vlasenkodenys vlasenko10.06%12.08%
Directory: include/linux
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