Release 4.7 include/linux/pxa2xx_ssp.h
* pxa2xx_ssp.h
* Copyright (C) 2003 Russell King, All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This driver supports the following PXA CPU/SSP ports:-
* PXA250 SSP
* PXA27x SSP1, SSP2, SSP3
* PXA3xx SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP4
#ifndef __LINUX_SSP_H
#define __LINUX_SSP_H
#include <linux/list.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/of.h>
* SSP Serial Port Registers
* PXA250, PXA255, PXA26x and PXA27x SSP controllers are all slightly different.
* PXA255, PXA26x and PXA27x have extra ports, registers and bits.
#define SSCR0 (0x00)
/* SSP Control Register 0 */
#define SSCR1 (0x04)
/* SSP Control Register 1 */
#define SSSR (0x08)
/* SSP Status Register */
#define SSITR (0x0C)
/* SSP Interrupt Test Register */
#define SSDR (0x10)
/* SSP Data Write/Data Read Register */
#define SSTO (0x28)
/* SSP Time Out Register */
#define DDS_RATE (0x28)
/* SSP DDS Clock Rate Register (Intel Quark) */
#define SSPSP (0x2C)
/* SSP Programmable Serial Protocol */
#define SSTSA (0x30)
/* SSP Tx Timeslot Active */
#define SSRSA (0x34)
/* SSP Rx Timeslot Active */
#define SSTSS (0x38)
/* SSP Timeslot Status */
#define SSACD (0x3C)
/* SSP Audio Clock Divider */
#define SSACDD (0x40)
/* SSP Audio Clock Dither Divider */
/* Common PXA2xx bits first */
#define SSCR0_DSS (0x0000000f)
/* Data Size Select (mask) */
#define SSCR0_DataSize(x) ((x) - 1)
/* Data Size Select [4..16] */
#define SSCR0_FRF (0x00000030)
/* FRame Format (mask) */
#define SSCR0_Motorola (0x0 << 4)
/* Motorola's Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) */
#define SSCR0_TI (0x1 << 4)
/* Texas Instruments' Synchronous Serial Protocol (SSP) */
#define SSCR0_National (0x2 << 4)
/* National Microwire */
#define SSCR0_ECS (1 << 6)
/* External clock select */
#define SSCR0_SSE (1 << 7)
/* Synchronous Serial Port Enable */
#define SSCR0_SCR(x) ((x) << 8)
/* Serial Clock Rate (mask) */
/* PXA27x, PXA3xx */
#define SSCR0_EDSS (1 << 20)
/* Extended data size select */
#define SSCR0_NCS (1 << 21)
/* Network clock select */
#define SSCR0_RIM (1 << 22)
/* Receive FIFO overrrun interrupt mask */
#define SSCR0_TUM (1 << 23)
/* Transmit FIFO underrun interrupt mask */
#define SSCR0_FRDC (0x07000000)
/* Frame rate divider control (mask) */
#define SSCR0_SlotsPerFrm(x) (((x) - 1) << 24)
/* Time slots per frame [1..8] */
#define SSCR0_FPCKE (1 << 29)
/* FIFO packing enable */
#define SSCR0_ACS (1 << 30)
/* Audio clock select */
#define SSCR0_MOD (1 << 31)
/* Mode (normal or network) */
#define SSCR1_RIE (1 << 0)
/* Receive FIFO Interrupt Enable */
#define SSCR1_TIE (1 << 1)
/* Transmit FIFO Interrupt Enable */
#define SSCR1_LBM (1 << 2)
/* Loop-Back Mode */
#define SSCR1_SPO (1 << 3)
/* Motorola SPI SSPSCLK polarity setting */
#define SSCR1_SPH (1 << 4)
/* Motorola SPI SSPSCLK phase setting */
#define SSCR1_MWDS (1 << 5)
/* Microwire Transmit Data Size */
/* Masks the SFRM signal number */
#define SSSR_TNF (1 << 2)
/* Transmit FIFO Not Full */
#define SSSR_RNE (1 << 3)
/* Receive FIFO Not Empty */
#define SSSR_BSY (1 << 4)
/* SSP Busy */
#define SSSR_TFS (1 << 5)
/* Transmit FIFO Service Request */
#define SSSR_RFS (1 << 6)
/* Receive FIFO Service Request */
#define SSSR_ROR (1 << 7)
/* Receive FIFO Overrun */
#define RX_THRESH_DFLT 8
#define TX_THRESH_DFLT 8
#define SSSR_TFL_MASK (0xf << 8)
/* Transmit FIFO Level mask */
#define SSSR_RFL_MASK (0xf << 12)
/* Receive FIFO Level mask */
#define SSCR1_TFT (0x000003c0)
/* Transmit FIFO Threshold (mask) */
#define SSCR1_TxTresh(x) (((x) - 1) << 6)
/* level [1..16] */
#define SSCR1_RFT (0x00003c00)
/* Receive FIFO Threshold (mask) */
#define SSCR1_RxTresh(x) (((x) - 1) << 10)
/* level [1..16] */
#define RX_THRESH_DFLT 2
#define TX_THRESH_DFLT 2
#define SSSR_TFL_MASK (0x3 << 8)
/* Transmit FIFO Level mask */
#define SSSR_RFL_MASK (0x3 << 12)
/* Receive FIFO Level mask */
#define SSCR1_TFT (0x000000c0)
/* Transmit FIFO Threshold (mask) */
#define SSCR1_TxTresh(x) (((x) - 1) << 6)
/* level [1..4] */
#define SSCR1_RFT (0x00000c00)
/* Receive FIFO Threshold (mask) */
#define SSCR1_RxTresh(x) (((x) - 1) << 10)
/* level [1..4] */
/* QUARK_X1000 SSCR0 bit definition */
#define QUARK_X1000_SSCR0_DSS (0x1F)
/* Data Size Select (mask) */
#define QUARK_X1000_SSCR0_DataSize(x) ((x) - 1)
/* Data Size Select [4..32] */
#define QUARK_X1000_SSCR0_FRF (0x3 << 5)
/* FRame Format (mask) */
#define QUARK_X1000_SSCR0_Motorola (0x0 << 5)
/* Motorola's Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) */
#define RX_THRESH_QUARK_X1000_DFLT 1
#define TX_THRESH_QUARK_X1000_DFLT 16
#define QUARK_X1000_SSSR_TFL_MASK (0x1F << 8)
/* Transmit FIFO Level mask */
#define QUARK_X1000_SSSR_RFL_MASK (0x1F << 13)
/* Receive FIFO Level mask */
#define QUARK_X1000_SSCR1_TFT (0x1F << 6)
/* Transmit FIFO Threshold (mask) */
#define QUARK_X1000_SSCR1_TxTresh(x) (((x) - 1) << 6)
/* level [1..32] */
#define QUARK_X1000_SSCR1_RFT (0x1F << 11)
/* Receive FIFO Threshold (mask) */
#define QUARK_X1000_SSCR1_RxTresh(x) (((x) - 1) << 11)
/* level [1..32] */
#define QUARK_X1000_SSCR1_STRF (1 << 17)
/* Select FIFO or EFWR */
#define QUARK_X1000_SSCR1_EFWR (1 << 16)
/* Enable FIFO Write/Read */
/* extra bits in PXA255, PXA26x and PXA27x SSP ports */
#define SSCR0_TISSP (1 << 4)
/* TI Sync Serial Protocol */
#define SSCR0_PSP (3 << 4)
/* PSP - Programmable Serial Protocol */
#define SSCR1_TTELP (1 << 31)
/* TXD Tristate Enable Last Phase */
#define SSCR1_TTE (1 << 30)
/* TXD Tristate Enable */
#define SSCR1_EBCEI (1 << 29)
/* Enable Bit Count Error interrupt */
#define SSCR1_SCFR (1 << 28)
/* Slave Clock free Running */
#define SSCR1_ECRA (1 << 27)
/* Enable Clock Request A */
#define SSCR1_ECRB (1 << 26)
/* Enable Clock request B */
#define SSCR1_SCLKDIR (1 << 25)
/* Serial Bit Rate Clock Direction */
#define SSCR1_SFRMDIR (1 << 24)
/* Frame Direction */
#define SSCR1_RWOT (1 << 23)
/* Receive Without Transmit */
#define SSCR1_TRAIL (1 << 22)
/* Trailing Byte */
#define SSCR1_TSRE (1 << 21)
/* Transmit Service Request Enable */
#define SSCR1_RSRE (1 << 20)
/* Receive Service Request Enable */
#define SSCR1_TINTE (1 << 19)
/* Receiver Time-out Interrupt enable */
#define SSCR1_PINTE (1 << 18)
/* Peripheral Trailing Byte Interrupt Enable */
#define SSCR1_IFS (1 << 16)
/* Invert Frame Signal */
#define SSCR1_STRF (1 << 15)
/* Select FIFO or EFWR */
#define SSCR1_EFWR (1 << 14)
/* Enable FIFO Write/Read */
#define SSSR_BCE (1 << 23)
/* Bit Count Error */
#define SSSR_CSS (1 << 22)
/* Clock Synchronisation Status */
#define SSSR_TUR (1 << 21)
/* Transmit FIFO Under Run */
#define SSSR_EOC (1 << 20)
/* End Of Chain */
#define SSSR_TINT (1 << 19)
/* Receiver Time-out Interrupt */
#define SSSR_PINT (1 << 18)
/* Peripheral Trailing Byte Interrupt */
#define SSPSP_SCMODE(x) ((x) << 0)
/* Serial Bit Rate Clock Mode */
#define SSPSP_SFRMP (1 << 2)
/* Serial Frame Polarity */
#define SSPSP_ETDS (1 << 3)
/* End of Transfer data State */
#define SSPSP_STRTDLY(x) ((x) << 4)
/* Start Delay */
#define SSPSP_DMYSTRT(x) ((x) << 7)
/* Dummy Start */
#define SSPSP_SFRMDLY(x) ((x) << 9)
/* Serial Frame Delay */
#define SSPSP_SFRMWDTH(x) ((x) << 16)
/* Serial Frame Width */
#define SSPSP_DMYSTOP(x) ((x) << 23)
/* Dummy Stop */
#define SSPSP_FSRT (1 << 25)
/* Frame Sync Relative Timing */
/* PXA3xx */
#define SSPSP_EDMYSTRT(x) ((x) << 26)
/* Extended Dummy Start */
#define SSPSP_EDMYSTOP(x) ((x) << 28)
/* Extended Dummy Stop */
#define SSPSP_TIMING_MASK (0x7f8001f0)
#define SSACD_SCDB (1 << 3)
/* SSPSYSCLK Divider Bypass */
#define SSACD_ACPS(x) ((x) << 4)
/* Audio clock PLL select */
#define SSACD_ACDS(x) ((x) << 0)
/* Audio clock divider select */
#define SSACD_SCDX8 (1 << 7)
/* SYSCLK division ratio select */
/* LPSS SSP */
#define SSITF 0x44
/* TX FIFO trigger level */
#define SSITF_TxLoThresh(x) (((x) - 1) << 8)
#define SSITF_TxHiThresh(x) ((x) - 1)
#define SSIRF 0x48
/* RX FIFO trigger level */
#define SSIRF_RxThresh(x) ((x) - 1)
enum pxa_ssp_type {
PXA25x_SSP, /* pxa 210, 250, 255, 26x */
PXA25x_NSSP, /* pxa 255, 26x (including ASSP) */
LPSS_LPT_SSP, /* Keep LPSS types sorted with lpss_platforms[] */
struct ssp_device {
struct platform_device *pdev;
struct list_head node;
struct clk *clk;
void __iomem *mmio_base;
unsigned long phys_base;
const char *label;
int port_id;
int type;
int use_count;
int irq;
int drcmr_rx;
int drcmr_tx;
struct device_node *of_node;
* pxa_ssp_write_reg - Write to a SSP register
* @dev: SSP device to access
* @reg: Register to write to
* @val: Value to be written.
static inline void pxa_ssp_write_reg(struct ssp_device *dev, u32 reg, u32 val)
__raw_writel(val, dev->mmio_base + reg);
| Person | Tokens | Prop | Commits | CommitProp |
mark brown | mark brown | 28 | 96.55% | 1 | 50.00% |
haojian zhuang | haojian zhuang | 1 | 3.45% | 1 | 50.00% |
| Total | 29 | 100.00% | 2 | 100.00% |
* pxa_ssp_read_reg - Read from a SSP register
* @dev: SSP device to access
* @reg: Register to read from
static inline u32 pxa_ssp_read_reg(struct ssp_device *dev, u32 reg)
return __raw_readl(dev->mmio_base + reg);
| Person | Tokens | Prop | Commits | CommitProp |
mark brown | mark brown | 24 | 96.00% | 1 | 50.00% |
haojian zhuang | haojian zhuang | 1 | 4.00% | 1 | 50.00% |
| Total | 25 | 100.00% | 2 | 100.00% |
struct ssp_device *pxa_ssp_request(int port, const char *label);
void pxa_ssp_free(struct ssp_device *);
struct ssp_device *pxa_ssp_request_of(const struct device_node *of_node,
const char *label);
static inline struct ssp_device *pxa_ssp_request(int port, const char *label)
return NULL;
| Person | Tokens | Prop | Commits | CommitProp |
mika westerberg | mika westerberg | 20 | 100.00% | 1 | 100.00% |
| Total | 20 | 100.00% | 1 | 100.00% |
static inline struct ssp_device *pxa_ssp_request_of(const struct device_node *n,
const char *name)
return NULL;
| Person | Tokens | Prop | Commits | CommitProp |
daniel mack | daniel mack | 23 | 100.00% | 1 | 100.00% |
| Total | 23 | 100.00% | 1 | 100.00% |
static inline void pxa_ssp_free(struct ssp_device *ssp) {}
| Person | Tokens | Prop | Commits | CommitProp |
mika westerberg | mika westerberg | 11 | 100.00% | 1 | 100.00% |
| Total | 11 | 100.00% | 1 | 100.00% |
Overall Contributors
| Person | Tokens | Prop | Commits | CommitProp |
eric miao | eric miao | 511 | 54.19% | 2 | 8.00% |
sebastian andrzej siewior | sebastian andrzej siewior | 97 | 10.29% | 4 | 16.00% |
weike chen | weike chen | 79 | 8.38% | 1 | 4.00% |
mika westerberg | mika westerberg | 70 | 7.42% | 3 | 12.00% |
mark brown | mark brown | 55 | 5.83% | 1 | 4.00% |
haojian zhuang | haojian zhuang | 52 | 5.51% | 3 | 12.00% |
daniel mack | daniel mack | 48 | 5.09% | 1 | 4.00% |
jarkko nikula | jarkko nikula | 14 | 1.48% | 5 | 20.00% |
arnd bergmann | arnd bergmann | 6 | 0.64% | 1 | 4.00% |
liam girdwood | liam girdwood | 6 | 0.64% | 1 | 4.00% |
qiao zhou | qiao zhou | 4 | 0.42% | 2 | 8.00% |
lucas de marchi | lucas de marchi | 1 | 0.11% | 1 | 4.00% |
| Total | 943 | 100.00% | 25 | 100.00% |
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