Author | Tokens | Token Proportion | Commits | Commit Proportion |
John Crispin | 215 | 93.48% | 1 | 16.67% |
Nishad Kamdar | 11 | 4.78% | 2 | 33.33% |
Christian Lütke-Stetzkamp | 4 | 1.74% | 3 | 50.00% |
Total | 230 | 6 |
/* Copyright Statement: * * This software/firmware and related documentation ("MediaTek Software") are * protected under relevant copyright laws. The information contained herein * is confidential and proprietary to MediaTek Inc. and/or its licensors. * Without the prior written permission of MediaTek inc. and/or its licensors, * any reproduction, modification, use or disclosure of MediaTek Software, * and information contained herein, in whole or in part, shall be strictly * prohibited. * * MediaTek Inc. (C) 2010. All rights reserved. * * BY OPENING THIS FILE, RECEIVER HEREBY UNEQUIVOCALLY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES * THAT THE SOFTWARE/FIRMWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATIONS ("MEDIATEK SOFTWARE") * RECEIVED FROM MEDIATEK AND/OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES ARE PROVIDED TO RECEIVER ON * AN "AS-IS" BASIS ONLY. MEDIATEK EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT. * NEITHER DOES MEDIATEK PROVIDE ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE * SOFTWARE OF ANY THIRD PARTY WHICH MAY BE USED BY, INCORPORATED IN, OR * SUPPLIED WITH THE MEDIATEK SOFTWARE, AND RECEIVER AGREES TO LOOK ONLY TO SUCH * THIRD PARTY FOR ANY WARRANTY CLAIM RELATING THERETO. RECEIVER EXPRESSLY * ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT IS RECEIVER'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN FROM ANY * THIRD PARTY ALL PROPER LICENSES CONTAINED IN MEDIATEK SOFTWARE. MEDIATEK * SHALL ALSO NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MEDIATEK SOFTWARE RELEASES MADE TO * RECEIVER'S SPECIFICATION OR TO CONFORM TO A PARTICULAR STANDARD OR OPEN * FORUM. RECEIVER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND MEDIATEK'S ENTIRE AND * CUMULATIVE LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE MEDIATEK SOFTWARE RELEASED * HEREUNDER WILL BE, AT MEDIATEK'S OPTION, TO REVISE OR REPLACE THE MEDIATEK * SOFTWARE AT ISSUE, OR REFUND ANY SOFTWARE LICENSE FEES OR SERVICE CHARGE * PAID BY RECEIVER TO MEDIATEK FOR SUCH MEDIATEK SOFTWARE AT ISSUE. * * The following software/firmware and/or related documentation * ("MediaTek Software") have been modified by MediaTek Inc. All revisions are * subject to any receiver's applicable license agreements with MediaTek Inc. */ #ifndef __MT_MSDC_DEUBG__ #define __MT_MSDC_DEUBG__ //========================== extern u32 sdio_pro_enable; /* for a type command, e.g. CMD53, 2 blocks */ struct cmd_profile { u32 max_tc; /* Max tick count */ u32 min_tc; u32 tot_tc; /* total tick count */ u32 tot_bytes; u32 count; /* the counts of the command */ }; /* dump when total_tc and total_bytes */ struct sdio_profile { u32 total_tc; /* total tick count of CMD52 and CMD53 */ u32 total_tx_bytes; /* total bytes of CMD53 Tx */ u32 total_rx_bytes; /* total bytes of CMD53 Rx */ /*CMD52*/ struct cmd_profile cmd52_tx; struct cmd_profile cmd52_rx; /*CMD53 in byte unit */ struct cmd_profile cmd53_tx_byte[512]; struct cmd_profile cmd53_rx_byte[512]; /*CMD53 in block unit */ struct cmd_profile cmd53_tx_blk[100]; struct cmd_profile cmd53_rx_blk[100]; }; //========================== enum msdc_dbg { SD_TOOL_ZONE = 0, SD_TOOL_DMA_SIZE = 1, SD_TOOL_PM_ENABLE = 2, SD_TOOL_SDIO_PROFILE = 3, }; /* Debug message event */ #define DBG_EVT_NONE (0) /* No event */ #define DBG_EVT_DMA BIT(0) /* DMA related event */ #define DBG_EVT_CMD BIT(1) /* MSDC CMD related event */ #define DBG_EVT_RSP BIT(2) /* MSDC CMD RSP related event */ #define DBG_EVT_INT BIT(3) /* MSDC INT event */ #define DBG_EVT_CFG BIT(4) /* MSDC CFG event */ #define DBG_EVT_FUC BIT(5) /* Function event */ #define DBG_EVT_OPS BIT(6) /* Read/Write operation event */ #define DBG_EVT_FIO BIT(7) /* FIFO operation event */ #define DBG_EVT_WRN BIT(8) /* Warning event */ #define DBG_EVT_PWR BIT(9) /* Power event */ #define DBG_EVT_ALL (0xffffffff) #define DBG_EVT_MASK (DBG_EVT_ALL) extern unsigned int sd_debug_zone[4]; #define TAG "msdc" void msdc_debug_proc_init(void); u32 msdc_time_calc(u32 old_L32, u32 old_H32, u32 new_L32, u32 new_H32); void msdc_performance(u32 opcode, u32 sizes, u32 bRx, u32 ticks); #endif
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