Author | Tokens | Token Proportion | Commits | Commit Proportion |
John Crispin | 7630 | 82.87% | 1 | 1.75% |
Christian Lütke-Stetzkamp | 1193 | 12.96% | 46 | 80.70% |
Nishad Kamdar | 342 | 3.71% | 3 | 5.26% |
Jona Crasselt | 16 | 0.17% | 3 | 5.26% |
Dafna Hirschfeld | 15 | 0.16% | 2 | 3.51% |
Neil Brown | 11 | 0.12% | 2 | 3.51% |
Total | 9207 | 57 |
/* Copyright Statement: * * This software/firmware and related documentation ("MediaTek Software") are * protected under relevant copyright laws. The information contained herein * is confidential and proprietary to MediaTek Inc. and/or its licensors. * Without the prior written permission of MediaTek inc. and/or its licensors, * any reproduction, modification, use or disclosure of MediaTek Software, * and information contained herein, in whole or in part, shall be strictly prohibited. * * MediaTek Inc. (C) 2010. All rights reserved. * * BY OPENING THIS FILE, RECEIVER HEREBY UNEQUIVOCALLY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES * THAT THE SOFTWARE/FIRMWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATIONS ("MEDIATEK SOFTWARE") * RECEIVED FROM MEDIATEK AND/OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES ARE PROVIDED TO RECEIVER ON * AN "AS-IS" BASIS ONLY. MEDIATEK EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT. * NEITHER DOES MEDIATEK PROVIDE ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE * SOFTWARE OF ANY THIRD PARTY WHICH MAY BE USED BY, INCORPORATED IN, OR * SUPPLIED WITH THE MEDIATEK SOFTWARE, AND RECEIVER AGREES TO LOOK ONLY TO SUCH * THIRD PARTY FOR ANY WARRANTY CLAIM RELATING THERETO. RECEIVER EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES * THAT IT IS RECEIVER'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN FROM ANY THIRD PARTY ALL PROPER LICENSES * CONTAINED IN MEDIATEK SOFTWARE. MEDIATEK SHALL ALSO NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MEDIATEK * SOFTWARE RELEASES MADE TO RECEIVER'S SPECIFICATION OR TO CONFORM TO A PARTICULAR * STANDARD OR OPEN FORUM. RECEIVER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND MEDIATEK'S ENTIRE AND * CUMULATIVE LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE MEDIATEK SOFTWARE RELEASED HEREUNDER WILL BE, * AT MEDIATEK'S OPTION, TO REVISE OR REPLACE THE MEDIATEK SOFTWARE AT ISSUE, * OR REFUND ANY SOFTWARE LICENSE FEES OR SERVICE CHARGE PAID BY RECEIVER TO * MEDIATEK FOR SUCH MEDIATEK SOFTWARE AT ISSUE. * * The following software/firmware and/or related documentation ("MediaTek Software") * have been modified by MediaTek Inc. All revisions are subject to any receiver's * applicable license agreements with MediaTek Inc. */ #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/dma-mapping.h> #include <linux/spinlock.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/mmc/host.h> #include <linux/mmc/mmc.h> #include <linux/mmc/sd.h> #include <linux/mmc/sdio.h> #include <asm/mach-ralink/ralink_regs.h> #include "board.h" #include "dbg.h" #include "mt6575_sd.h" #ifdef CONFIG_SOC_MT7621 #define RALINK_SYSCTL_BASE 0xbe000000 #else #define RALINK_SYSCTL_BASE 0xb0000000 #endif #define DRV_NAME "mtk-sd" #if defined(CONFIG_SOC_MT7620) #define HOST_MAX_MCLK (48000000) /* +/- by chhung */ #elif defined(CONFIG_SOC_MT7621) #define HOST_MAX_MCLK (50000000) /* +/- by chhung */ #endif #define HOST_MIN_MCLK (260000) #define HOST_MAX_BLKSZ (2048) #define MSDC_OCR_AVAIL (MMC_VDD_28_29 | MMC_VDD_29_30 | MMC_VDD_30_31 | MMC_VDD_31_32 | MMC_VDD_32_33) #define GPIO_PULL_DOWN (0) #define GPIO_PULL_UP (1) #define DEFAULT_DEBOUNCE (8) /* 8 cycles */ #define DEFAULT_DTOC (40) /* data timeout counter. 65536x40 sclk. */ #define CMD_TIMEOUT (HZ / 10) /* 100ms */ #define DAT_TIMEOUT (HZ / 2 * 5) /* 500ms x5 */ #define MAX_DMA_CNT (64 * 1024 - 512) /* a single transaction for WIFI may be 50K*/ #define MAX_GPD_NUM (1 + 1) /* one null gpd */ #define MAX_BD_NUM (1024) #define MAX_HW_SGMTS (MAX_BD_NUM) #define MAX_SGMT_SZ (MAX_DMA_CNT) #define MAX_REQ_SZ (MAX_SGMT_SZ * 8) static int cd_active_low = 1; //================================= #define PERI_MSDC0_PDN (15) //#define PERI_MSDC1_PDN (16) //#define PERI_MSDC2_PDN (17) //#define PERI_MSDC3_PDN (18) /* +++ by chhung */ struct msdc_hw msdc0_hw = { .clk_src = 0, .flags = MSDC_CD_PIN_EN | MSDC_REMOVABLE, // .flags = MSDC_WP_PIN_EN | MSDC_CD_PIN_EN | MSDC_REMOVABLE, }; /* end of +++ */ static int msdc_rsp[] = { 0, /* RESP_NONE */ 1, /* RESP_R1 */ 2, /* RESP_R2 */ 3, /* RESP_R3 */ 4, /* RESP_R4 */ 1, /* RESP_R5 */ 1, /* RESP_R6 */ 1, /* RESP_R7 */ 7, /* RESP_R1b */ }; #define msdc_dma_on() sdr_clr_bits(host->base + MSDC_CFG, MSDC_CFG_PIO) static void msdc_reset_hw(struct msdc_host *host) { sdr_set_bits(host->base + MSDC_CFG, MSDC_CFG_RST); while (readl(host->base + MSDC_CFG) & MSDC_CFG_RST) cpu_relax(); } #define msdc_clr_int() \ do { \ volatile u32 val = readl(host->base + MSDC_INT); \ writel(val, host->base + MSDC_INT); \ } while (0) static void msdc_clr_fifo(struct msdc_host *host) { sdr_set_bits(host->base + MSDC_FIFOCS, MSDC_FIFOCS_CLR); while (readl(host->base + MSDC_FIFOCS) & MSDC_FIFOCS_CLR) cpu_relax(); } #define msdc_irq_save(val) \ do { \ val = readl(host->base + MSDC_INTEN); \ sdr_clr_bits(host->base + MSDC_INTEN, val); \ } while (0) /* clock source for host: global */ #if defined(CONFIG_SOC_MT7620) static u32 hclks[] = {48000000}; /* +/- by chhung */ #elif defined(CONFIG_SOC_MT7621) static u32 hclks[] = {50000000}; /* +/- by chhung */ #endif #define sdc_is_busy() (readl(host->base + SDC_STS) & SDC_STS_SDCBUSY) #define sdc_is_cmd_busy() (readl(host->base + SDC_STS) & SDC_STS_CMDBUSY) #define sdc_send_cmd(cmd, arg) \ do { \ writel((arg), host->base + SDC_ARG); \ writel((cmd), host->base + SDC_CMD); \ } while (0) /* +++ by chhung */ #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__ #define PHYSADDR(a) (((unsigned long)(a)) & 0x1fffffff) #else #define PHYSADDR(a) ((a) & 0x1fffffff) #endif /* end of +++ */ static unsigned int msdc_do_command(struct msdc_host *host, struct mmc_command *cmd, int tune, unsigned long timeout); static int msdc_tune_cmdrsp(struct msdc_host *host, struct mmc_command *cmd); static void msdc_set_timeout(struct msdc_host *host, u32 ns, u32 clks) { u32 timeout, clk_ns; host->timeout_ns = ns; host->timeout_clks = clks; clk_ns = 1000000000UL / host->sclk; timeout = ns / clk_ns + clks; timeout = timeout >> 16; /* in 65536 sclk cycle unit */ timeout = timeout > 1 ? timeout - 1 : 0; timeout = timeout > 255 ? 255 : timeout; sdr_set_field(host->base + SDC_CFG, SDC_CFG_DTOC, timeout); } static void msdc_tasklet_card(struct work_struct *work) { struct msdc_host *host = (struct msdc_host *)container_of(work, struct msdc_host,; u32 inserted; u32 status = 0; spin_lock(&host->lock); status = readl(host->base + MSDC_PS); if (cd_active_low) inserted = (status & MSDC_PS_CDSTS) ? 0 : 1; else inserted = (status & MSDC_PS_CDSTS) ? 1 : 0; /* Make sure: handle the last interrupt */ host->card_inserted = inserted; if (!host->suspend) { host->mmc->f_max = HOST_MAX_MCLK; mmc_detect_change(host->mmc, msecs_to_jiffies(20)); } spin_unlock(&host->lock); } static void msdc_set_mclk(struct msdc_host *host, int ddr, unsigned int hz) { //struct msdc_hw *hw = host->hw; u32 mode; u32 flags; u32 div; u32 sclk; u32 hclk = host->hclk; //u8 clksrc = hw->clk_src; if (!hz) { // set mmc system clock to 0 ? msdc_reset_hw(host); return; } msdc_irq_save(flags); if (ddr) { mode = 0x2; /* ddr mode and use divisor */ if (hz >= (hclk >> 2)) { div = 1; /* mean div = 1/4 */ sclk = hclk >> 2; /* sclk = clk / 4 */ } else { div = (hclk + ((hz << 2) - 1)) / (hz << 2); sclk = (hclk >> 2) / div; } } else if (hz >= hclk) { /* bug fix */ mode = 0x1; /* no divisor and divisor is ignored */ div = 0; sclk = hclk; } else { mode = 0x0; /* use divisor */ if (hz >= (hclk >> 1)) { div = 0; /* mean div = 1/2 */ sclk = hclk >> 1; /* sclk = clk / 2 */ } else { div = (hclk + ((hz << 2) - 1)) / (hz << 2); sclk = (hclk >> 2) / div; } } /* set clock mode and divisor */ sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_CFG, MSDC_CFG_CKMOD, mode); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_CFG, MSDC_CFG_CKDIV, div); /* wait clock stable */ while (!(readl(host->base + MSDC_CFG) & MSDC_CFG_CKSTB)) cpu_relax(); host->sclk = sclk; host->mclk = hz; msdc_set_timeout(host, host->timeout_ns, host->timeout_clks); // need? sdr_set_bits(host->base + MSDC_INTEN, flags); } /* Fix me. when need to abort */ static void msdc_abort_data(struct msdc_host *host) { struct mmc_command *stop = host->mrq->stop; dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> Need to Abort.\n", host->id); msdc_reset_hw(host); msdc_clr_fifo(host); msdc_clr_int(); // need to check FIFO count 0 ? if (stop) { /* try to stop, but may not success */ dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> stop when abort CMD<%d>\n", host->id, stop->opcode); (void)msdc_do_command(host, stop, 0, CMD_TIMEOUT); } //if (host->mclk >= 25000000) { // msdc_set_mclk(host, 0, host->mclk >> 1); //} } #ifdef CONFIG_PM /* * register as callback function of WIFI(combo_sdio_register_pm) . * can called by msdc_drv_suspend/resume too. */ static void msdc_pm(pm_message_t state, void *data) { struct msdc_host *host = (struct msdc_host *)data; int evt = state.event; if (evt == PM_EVENT_SUSPEND || evt == PM_EVENT_USER_SUSPEND) { if (host->suspend) /* already suspend */ /* default 0*/ return; /* for memory card. already power off by mmc */ if (evt == PM_EVENT_SUSPEND && host->power_mode == MMC_POWER_OFF) return; host->suspend = 1; host->pm_state = state; /* default PMSG_RESUME */ } else if (evt == PM_EVENT_RESUME || evt == PM_EVENT_USER_RESUME) { if (!host->suspend) return; /* No PM resume when USR suspend */ if (evt == PM_EVENT_RESUME && host->pm_state.event == PM_EVENT_USER_SUSPEND) { dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> PM Resume when in USR Suspend\n", host->id); /* won't happen. */ return; } host->suspend = 0; host->pm_state = state; } } #endif static inline u32 msdc_cmd_find_resp(struct mmc_command *cmd) { u32 opcode = cmd->opcode; u32 resp; if (opcode == MMC_SET_RELATIVE_ADDR) { resp = (mmc_cmd_type(cmd) == MMC_CMD_BCR) ? RESP_R6 : RESP_R1; } else if (opcode == MMC_FAST_IO) { resp = RESP_R4; } else if (opcode == MMC_GO_IRQ_STATE) { resp = RESP_R5; } else if (opcode == MMC_SELECT_CARD) { resp = (cmd->arg != 0) ? RESP_R1B : RESP_NONE; } else if (opcode == SD_IO_RW_DIRECT || opcode == SD_IO_RW_EXTENDED) { resp = RESP_R1; /* SDIO workaround. */ } else if (opcode == SD_SEND_IF_COND && (mmc_cmd_type(cmd) == MMC_CMD_BCR)) { resp = RESP_R1; } else { switch (mmc_resp_type(cmd)) { case MMC_RSP_R1: resp = RESP_R1; break; case MMC_RSP_R1B: resp = RESP_R1B; break; case MMC_RSP_R2: resp = RESP_R2; break; case MMC_RSP_R3: resp = RESP_R3; break; case MMC_RSP_NONE: default: resp = RESP_NONE; break; } } return resp; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* mmc_host_ops members */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static unsigned int msdc_command_start(struct msdc_host *host, struct mmc_command *cmd, unsigned long timeout) { u32 opcode = cmd->opcode; u32 rawcmd; u32 wints = MSDC_INT_CMDRDY | MSDC_INT_RSPCRCERR | MSDC_INT_CMDTMO | MSDC_INT_ACMDRDY | MSDC_INT_ACMDCRCERR | MSDC_INT_ACMDTMO | MSDC_INT_ACMD19_DONE; u32 resp; unsigned long tmo; /* Protocol layer does not provide response type, but our hardware needs * to know exact type, not just size! */ resp = msdc_cmd_find_resp(cmd); cmd->error = 0; /* rawcmd : * vol_swt << 30 | auto_cmd << 28 | blklen << 16 | go_irq << 15 | * stop << 14 | rw << 13 | dtype << 11 | rsptyp << 7 | brk << 6 | opcode */ rawcmd = opcode | msdc_rsp[resp] << 7 | host->blksz << 16; if (opcode == MMC_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK) { rawcmd |= (2 << 11); } else if (opcode == MMC_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK) { rawcmd |= (1 << 11); } else if (opcode == MMC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK) { rawcmd |= ((2 << 11) | (1 << 13)); } else if (opcode == MMC_WRITE_BLOCK) { rawcmd |= ((1 << 11) | (1 << 13)); } else if (opcode == SD_IO_RW_EXTENDED) { if (cmd->data->flags & MMC_DATA_WRITE) rawcmd |= (1 << 13); if (cmd->data->blocks > 1) rawcmd |= (2 << 11); else rawcmd |= (1 << 11); } else if (opcode == SD_IO_RW_DIRECT && cmd->flags == (unsigned int)-1) { rawcmd |= (1 << 14); } else if ((opcode == SD_APP_SEND_SCR) || (opcode == SD_APP_SEND_NUM_WR_BLKS) || (opcode == SD_SWITCH && (mmc_cmd_type(cmd) == MMC_CMD_ADTC)) || (opcode == SD_APP_SD_STATUS && (mmc_cmd_type(cmd) == MMC_CMD_ADTC)) || (opcode == MMC_SEND_EXT_CSD && (mmc_cmd_type(cmd) == MMC_CMD_ADTC))) { rawcmd |= (1 << 11); } else if (opcode == MMC_STOP_TRANSMISSION) { rawcmd |= (1 << 14); rawcmd &= ~(0x0FFF << 16); } tmo = jiffies + timeout; if (opcode == MMC_SEND_STATUS) { for (;;) { if (!sdc_is_cmd_busy()) break; if (time_after(jiffies, tmo)) { dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> XXX cmd_busy timeout: before CMD<%d>\n", host->id, opcode); cmd->error = -ETIMEDOUT; msdc_reset_hw(host); goto end; } } } else { for (;;) { if (!sdc_is_busy()) break; if (time_after(jiffies, tmo)) { dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> XXX sdc_busy timeout: before CMD<%d>\n", host->id, opcode); cmd->error = -ETIMEDOUT; msdc_reset_hw(host); goto end; } } } //BUG_ON(in_interrupt()); host->cmd = cmd; host->cmd_rsp = resp; init_completion(&host->cmd_done); sdr_set_bits(host->base + MSDC_INTEN, wints); sdc_send_cmd(rawcmd, cmd->arg); end: return cmd->error; } static unsigned int msdc_command_resp(struct msdc_host *host, struct mmc_command *cmd, int tune, unsigned long timeout) __must_hold(&host->lock) { u32 opcode = cmd->opcode; //u32 rawcmd; u32 wints = MSDC_INT_CMDRDY | MSDC_INT_RSPCRCERR | MSDC_INT_CMDTMO | MSDC_INT_ACMDRDY | MSDC_INT_ACMDCRCERR | MSDC_INT_ACMDTMO | MSDC_INT_ACMD19_DONE; BUG_ON(in_interrupt()); //init_completion(&host->cmd_done); //sdr_set_bits(host->base + MSDC_INTEN, wints); spin_unlock(&host->lock); if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&host->cmd_done, 10 * timeout)) { dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> XXX CMD<%d> wait_for_completion timeout ARG<0x%.8x>\n", host->id, opcode, cmd->arg); cmd->error = -ETIMEDOUT; msdc_reset_hw(host); } spin_lock(&host->lock); sdr_clr_bits(host->base + MSDC_INTEN, wints); host->cmd = NULL; //end: /* do we need to save card's RCA when SD_SEND_RELATIVE_ADDR */ if (!tune) return cmd->error; /* memory card CRC */ if (host->hw->flags & MSDC_REMOVABLE && cmd->error == -EIO) { /* check if has data phase */ if (readl(host->base + SDC_CMD) & 0x1800) { msdc_abort_data(host); } else { /* do basic: reset*/ msdc_reset_hw(host); msdc_clr_fifo(host); msdc_clr_int(); } cmd->error = msdc_tune_cmdrsp(host, cmd); } // check DAT0 /* if (resp == RESP_R1B) { while ((readl(host->base + MSDC_PS) & 0x10000) != 0x10000); } */ /* CMD12 Error Handle */ return cmd->error; } static unsigned int msdc_do_command(struct msdc_host *host, struct mmc_command *cmd, int tune, unsigned long timeout) { if (msdc_command_start(host, cmd, timeout)) goto end; if (msdc_command_resp(host, cmd, tune, timeout)) goto end; end: return cmd->error; } static void msdc_dma_start(struct msdc_host *host) { u32 wints = MSDC_INTEN_XFER_COMPL | MSDC_INTEN_DATTMO | MSDC_INTEN_DATCRCERR; sdr_set_bits(host->base + MSDC_INTEN, wints); //dsb(); /* --- by chhung */ sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_DMA_CTRL, MSDC_DMA_CTRL_START, 1); } static void msdc_dma_stop(struct msdc_host *host) { //u32 retries=500; u32 wints = MSDC_INTEN_XFER_COMPL | MSDC_INTEN_DATTMO | MSDC_INTEN_DATCRCERR; //while (readl(host->base + MSDC_DMA_CFG) & MSDC_DMA_CFG_STS); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_DMA_CTRL, MSDC_DMA_CTRL_STOP, 1); while (readl(host->base + MSDC_DMA_CFG) & MSDC_DMA_CFG_STS) ; //dsb(); /* --- by chhung */ sdr_clr_bits(host->base + MSDC_INTEN, wints); /* Not just xfer_comp */ } /* calc checksum */ static u8 msdc_dma_calcs(u8 *buf, u32 len) { u32 i, sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) sum += buf[i]; return 0xFF - (u8)sum; } static void msdc_dma_setup(struct msdc_host *host, struct msdc_dma *dma, struct scatterlist *sg_cmd, unsigned int sglen) { struct scatterlist *sg; struct gpd *gpd; struct bd *bd; u32 j; BUG_ON(sglen > MAX_BD_NUM); /* not support currently */ gpd = dma->gpd; bd = dma->bd; /* modify gpd*/ //gpd->intr = 0; gpd->hwo = 1; /* hw will clear it */ gpd->bdp = 1; gpd->chksum = 0; /* need to clear first. */ gpd->chksum = msdc_dma_calcs((u8 *)gpd, 16); /* modify bd*/ for_each_sg(sg_cmd, sg, sglen, j) { bd[j].blkpad = 0; bd[j].dwpad = 0; bd[j].ptr = (void *)sg_dma_address(sg); bd[j].buflen = sg_dma_len(sg); if (j == sglen - 1) bd[j].eol = 1; /* the last bd */ else bd[j].eol = 0; bd[j].chksum = 0; /* checksume need to clear first */ bd[j].chksum = msdc_dma_calcs((u8 *)(&bd[j]), 16); } sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_DMA_CFG, MSDC_DMA_CFG_DECSEN, 1); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_DMA_CTRL, MSDC_DMA_CTRL_BRUSTSZ, MSDC_BRUST_64B); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_DMA_CTRL, MSDC_DMA_CTRL_MODE, 1); writel(PHYSADDR((u32)dma->gpd_addr), host->base + MSDC_DMA_SA); } static int msdc_do_request(struct mmc_host *mmc, struct mmc_request *mrq) __must_hold(&host->lock) { struct msdc_host *host = mmc_priv(mmc); struct mmc_command *cmd; struct mmc_data *data; //u32 intsts = 0; int read = 1, send_type = 0; #define SND_DAT 0 #define SND_CMD 1 BUG_ON(!mmc); BUG_ON(!mrq); host->error = 0; cmd = mrq->cmd; data = mrq->cmd->data; if (!data) { send_type = SND_CMD; if (msdc_do_command(host, cmd, 1, CMD_TIMEOUT) != 0) goto done; } else { BUG_ON(data->blksz > HOST_MAX_BLKSZ); send_type = SND_DAT; data->error = 0; read = data->flags & MMC_DATA_READ ? 1 : 0; host->data = data; host->xfer_size = data->blocks * data->blksz; host->blksz = data->blksz; if (read) { if ((host->timeout_ns != data->timeout_ns) || (host->timeout_clks != data->timeout_clks)) { msdc_set_timeout(host, data->timeout_ns, data->timeout_clks); } } writel(data->blocks, host->base + SDC_BLK_NUM); //msdc_clr_fifo(host); /* no need */ msdc_dma_on(); /* enable DMA mode first!! */ init_completion(&host->xfer_done); /* start the command first*/ if (msdc_command_start(host, cmd, CMD_TIMEOUT) != 0) goto done; data->sg_count = dma_map_sg(mmc_dev(mmc), data->sg, data->sg_len, mmc_get_dma_dir(data)); msdc_dma_setup(host, &host->dma, data->sg, data->sg_count); /* then wait command done */ if (msdc_command_resp(host, cmd, 1, CMD_TIMEOUT) != 0) goto done; /* for read, the data coming too fast, then CRC error * start DMA no business with CRC. */ //init_completion(&host->xfer_done); msdc_dma_start(host); spin_unlock(&host->lock); if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&host->xfer_done, DAT_TIMEOUT)) { dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> XXX CMD<%d> wait xfer_done<%d> timeout!!\n", host->id, cmd->opcode, data->blocks * data->blksz); dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> DMA_SA = 0x%x\n", host->id, readl(host->base + MSDC_DMA_SA)); dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> DMA_CA = 0x%x\n", host->id, readl(host->base + MSDC_DMA_CA)); dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> DMA_CTRL = 0x%x\n", host->id, readl(host->base + MSDC_DMA_CTRL)); dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> DMA_CFG = 0x%x\n", host->id, readl(host->base + MSDC_DMA_CFG)); data->error = -ETIMEDOUT; msdc_reset_hw(host); msdc_clr_fifo(host); msdc_clr_int(); } spin_lock(&host->lock); msdc_dma_stop(host); /* Last: stop transfer */ if (data->stop) { if (msdc_do_command(host, data->stop, 0, CMD_TIMEOUT) != 0) goto done; } } done: if (data) { host->data = NULL; dma_unmap_sg(mmc_dev(mmc), data->sg, data->sg_len, mmc_get_dma_dir(data)); host->blksz = 0; } if (mrq->cmd->error) host->error = 0x001; if (mrq->data && mrq->data->error) host->error |= 0x010; if (mrq->stop && mrq->stop->error) host->error |= 0x100; return host->error; } static int msdc_app_cmd(struct mmc_host *mmc, struct msdc_host *host) { struct mmc_command cmd; struct mmc_request mrq; u32 err; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(struct mmc_command)); cmd.opcode = MMC_APP_CMD; cmd.arg = host->app_cmd_arg; cmd.flags = MMC_RSP_SPI_R1 | MMC_RSP_R1 | MMC_CMD_AC; memset(&mrq, 0, sizeof(struct mmc_request)); mrq.cmd = &cmd; cmd.mrq = &mrq; = NULL; err = msdc_do_command(host, &cmd, 0, CMD_TIMEOUT); return err; } static int msdc_tune_cmdrsp(struct msdc_host *host, struct mmc_command *cmd) { int result = -1; u32 rsmpl, cur_rsmpl, orig_rsmpl; u32 rrdly, cur_rrdly = 0xffffffff, orig_rrdly; u32 skip = 1; /* ==== don't support 3.0 now ==== * 1: R_SMPL[1] * 2: PAD_CMD_RESP_RXDLY[26:22] * ========================== */ // save the previous tune result sdr_get_field(host->base + MSDC_IOCON, MSDC_IOCON_RSPL, &orig_rsmpl); sdr_get_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_TUNE, MSDC_PAD_TUNE_CMDRRDLY, &orig_rrdly); rrdly = 0; do { for (rsmpl = 0; rsmpl < 2; rsmpl++) { /* Lv1: R_SMPL[1] */ cur_rsmpl = (orig_rsmpl + rsmpl) % 2; if (skip == 1) { skip = 0; continue; } sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_IOCON, MSDC_IOCON_RSPL, cur_rsmpl); if (host->app_cmd) { result = msdc_app_cmd(host->mmc, host); if (result) { dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> TUNE_CMD app_cmd<%d> failed: RESP_RXDLY<%d>,R_SMPL<%d>\n", host->id, host->mrq->cmd->opcode, cur_rrdly, cur_rsmpl); continue; } } result = msdc_do_command(host, cmd, 0, CMD_TIMEOUT); // not tune. dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> TUNE_CMD<%d> %s PAD_CMD_RESP_RXDLY[26:22]<%d> R_SMPL[1]<%d>\n", host->id, cmd->opcode, (result == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL", cur_rrdly, cur_rsmpl); if (result == 0) return 0; if (result != -EIO) { dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> TUNE_CMD<%d> Error<%d> not -EIO\n", host->id, cmd->opcode, result); return result; } /* should be EIO */ /* check if has data phase */ if (readl(host->base + SDC_CMD) & 0x1800) msdc_abort_data(host); } /* Lv2: PAD_CMD_RESP_RXDLY[26:22] */ cur_rrdly = (orig_rrdly + rrdly + 1) % 32; sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_TUNE, MSDC_PAD_TUNE_CMDRRDLY, cur_rrdly); } while (++rrdly < 32); return result; } /* Support SD2.0 Only */ static int msdc_tune_bread(struct mmc_host *mmc, struct mmc_request *mrq) { struct msdc_host *host = mmc_priv(mmc); u32 ddr = 0; u32 dcrc = 0; u32 rxdly, cur_rxdly0, cur_rxdly1; u32 dsmpl, cur_dsmpl, orig_dsmpl; u32 cur_dat0, cur_dat1, cur_dat2, cur_dat3; u32 cur_dat4, cur_dat5, cur_dat6, cur_dat7; u32 orig_dat0, orig_dat1, orig_dat2, orig_dat3; u32 orig_dat4, orig_dat5, orig_dat6, orig_dat7; int result = -1; u32 skip = 1; sdr_get_field(host->base + MSDC_IOCON, MSDC_IOCON_DSPL, &orig_dsmpl); /* Tune Method 2. */ sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_IOCON, MSDC_IOCON_DDLSEL, 1); rxdly = 0; do { for (dsmpl = 0; dsmpl < 2; dsmpl++) { cur_dsmpl = (orig_dsmpl + dsmpl) % 2; if (skip == 1) { skip = 0; continue; } sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_IOCON, MSDC_IOCON_DSPL, cur_dsmpl); if (host->app_cmd) { result = msdc_app_cmd(host->mmc, host); if (result) { dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> TUNE_BREAD app_cmd<%d> failed\n", host->id, host->mrq->cmd->opcode); continue; } } result = msdc_do_request(mmc, mrq); sdr_get_field(host->base + SDC_DCRC_STS, SDC_DCRC_STS_POS | SDC_DCRC_STS_NEG, &dcrc); /* RO */ if (!ddr) dcrc &= ~SDC_DCRC_STS_NEG; dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> TUNE_BREAD<%s> dcrc<0x%x> DATRDDLY0/1<0x%x><0x%x> dsmpl<0x%x>\n", host->id, (result == 0 && dcrc == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL", dcrc, readl(host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY0), readl(host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY1), cur_dsmpl); /* Fix me: result is 0, but dcrc is still exist */ if (result == 0 && dcrc == 0) { goto done; } else { /* there is a case: command timeout, and data phase not processed */ if (mrq->data->error != 0 && mrq->data->error != -EIO) { dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> TUNE_READ: result<0x%x> cmd_error<%d> data_error<%d>\n", host->id, result, mrq->cmd->error, mrq->data->error); goto done; } } } cur_rxdly0 = readl(host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY0); cur_rxdly1 = readl(host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY1); /* E1 ECO. YD: Reverse */ if (readl(host->base + MSDC_ECO_VER) >= 4) { orig_dat0 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 24) & 0x1F; orig_dat1 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 16) & 0x1F; orig_dat2 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 8) & 0x1F; orig_dat3 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 0) & 0x1F; orig_dat4 = (cur_rxdly1 >> 24) & 0x1F; orig_dat5 = (cur_rxdly1 >> 16) & 0x1F; orig_dat6 = (cur_rxdly1 >> 8) & 0x1F; orig_dat7 = (cur_rxdly1 >> 0) & 0x1F; } else { orig_dat0 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 0) & 0x1F; orig_dat1 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 8) & 0x1F; orig_dat2 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 16) & 0x1F; orig_dat3 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 24) & 0x1F; orig_dat4 = (cur_rxdly1 >> 0) & 0x1F; orig_dat5 = (cur_rxdly1 >> 8) & 0x1F; orig_dat6 = (cur_rxdly1 >> 16) & 0x1F; orig_dat7 = (cur_rxdly1 >> 24) & 0x1F; } if (ddr) { cur_dat0 = (dcrc & (1 << 0) || dcrc & (1 << 8)) ? ((orig_dat0 + 1) % 32) : orig_dat0; cur_dat1 = (dcrc & (1 << 1) || dcrc & (1 << 9)) ? ((orig_dat1 + 1) % 32) : orig_dat1; cur_dat2 = (dcrc & (1 << 2) || dcrc & (1 << 10)) ? ((orig_dat2 + 1) % 32) : orig_dat2; cur_dat3 = (dcrc & (1 << 3) || dcrc & (1 << 11)) ? ((orig_dat3 + 1) % 32) : orig_dat3; } else { cur_dat0 = (dcrc & (1 << 0)) ? ((orig_dat0 + 1) % 32) : orig_dat0; cur_dat1 = (dcrc & (1 << 1)) ? ((orig_dat1 + 1) % 32) : orig_dat1; cur_dat2 = (dcrc & (1 << 2)) ? ((orig_dat2 + 1) % 32) : orig_dat2; cur_dat3 = (dcrc & (1 << 3)) ? ((orig_dat3 + 1) % 32) : orig_dat3; } cur_dat4 = (dcrc & (1 << 4)) ? ((orig_dat4 + 1) % 32) : orig_dat4; cur_dat5 = (dcrc & (1 << 5)) ? ((orig_dat5 + 1) % 32) : orig_dat5; cur_dat6 = (dcrc & (1 << 6)) ? ((orig_dat6 + 1) % 32) : orig_dat6; cur_dat7 = (dcrc & (1 << 7)) ? ((orig_dat7 + 1) % 32) : orig_dat7; cur_rxdly0 = (cur_dat0 << 24) | (cur_dat1 << 16) | (cur_dat2 << 8) | (cur_dat3 << 0); cur_rxdly1 = (cur_dat4 << 24) | (cur_dat5 << 16) | (cur_dat6 << 8) | (cur_dat7 << 0); writel(cur_rxdly0, host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY0); writel(cur_rxdly1, host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY1); } while (++rxdly < 32); done: return result; } static int msdc_tune_bwrite(struct mmc_host *mmc, struct mmc_request *mrq) { struct msdc_host *host = mmc_priv(mmc); u32 wrrdly, cur_wrrdly = 0xffffffff, orig_wrrdly; u32 dsmpl, cur_dsmpl, orig_dsmpl; u32 rxdly, cur_rxdly0; u32 orig_dat0, orig_dat1, orig_dat2, orig_dat3; u32 cur_dat0, cur_dat1, cur_dat2, cur_dat3; int result = -1; u32 skip = 1; // MSDC_IOCON_DDR50CKD need to check. [Fix me] sdr_get_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_TUNE, MSDC_PAD_TUNE_DATWRDLY, &orig_wrrdly); sdr_get_field(host->base + MSDC_IOCON, MSDC_IOCON_DSPL, &orig_dsmpl); /* Tune Method 2. just DAT0 */ sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_IOCON, MSDC_IOCON_DDLSEL, 1); cur_rxdly0 = readl(host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY0); /* E1 ECO. YD: Reverse */ if (readl(host->base + MSDC_ECO_VER) >= 4) { orig_dat0 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 24) & 0x1F; orig_dat1 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 16) & 0x1F; orig_dat2 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 8) & 0x1F; orig_dat3 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 0) & 0x1F; } else { orig_dat0 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 0) & 0x1F; orig_dat1 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 8) & 0x1F; orig_dat2 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 16) & 0x1F; orig_dat3 = (cur_rxdly0 >> 24) & 0x1F; } rxdly = 0; do { wrrdly = 0; do { for (dsmpl = 0; dsmpl < 2; dsmpl++) { cur_dsmpl = (orig_dsmpl + dsmpl) % 2; if (skip == 1) { skip = 0; continue; } sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_IOCON, MSDC_IOCON_DSPL, cur_dsmpl); if (host->app_cmd) { result = msdc_app_cmd(host->mmc, host); if (result) { dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> TUNE_BWRITE app_cmd<%d> failed\n", host->id, host->mrq->cmd->opcode); continue; } } result = msdc_do_request(mmc, mrq); dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> TUNE_BWRITE<%s> DSPL<%d> DATWRDLY<%d> MSDC_DAT_RDDLY0<0x%x>\n", host->id, result == 0 ? "PASS" : "FAIL", cur_dsmpl, cur_wrrdly, cur_rxdly0); if (result == 0) { goto done; } else { /* there is a case: command timeout, and data phase not processed */ if (mrq->data->error != -EIO) { dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> TUNE_READ: result<0x%x> cmd_error<%d> data_error<%d>\n", host->id, result, mrq->cmd->error, mrq->data->error); goto done; } } } cur_wrrdly = (orig_wrrdly + wrrdly + 1) % 32; sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_TUNE, MSDC_PAD_TUNE_DATWRDLY, cur_wrrdly); } while (++wrrdly < 32); cur_dat0 = (orig_dat0 + rxdly) % 32; /* only adjust bit-1 for crc */ cur_dat1 = orig_dat1; cur_dat2 = orig_dat2; cur_dat3 = orig_dat3; cur_rxdly0 = (cur_dat0 << 24) | (cur_dat1 << 16) | (cur_dat2 << 8) | (cur_dat3 << 0); writel(cur_rxdly0, host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY0); } while (++rxdly < 32); done: return result; } static int msdc_get_card_status(struct mmc_host *mmc, struct msdc_host *host, u32 *status) { struct mmc_command cmd; struct mmc_request mrq; u32 err; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(struct mmc_command)); cmd.opcode = MMC_SEND_STATUS; if (mmc->card) { cmd.arg = mmc->card->rca << 16; } else { dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> cmd13 mmc card is null\n", host->id); cmd.arg = host->app_cmd_arg; } cmd.flags = MMC_RSP_SPI_R2 | MMC_RSP_R1 | MMC_CMD_AC; memset(&mrq, 0, sizeof(struct mmc_request)); mrq.cmd = &cmd; cmd.mrq = &mrq; = NULL; err = msdc_do_command(host, &cmd, 1, CMD_TIMEOUT); if (status) *status = cmd.resp[0]; return err; } static int msdc_check_busy(struct mmc_host *mmc, struct msdc_host *host) { u32 err = 0; u32 status = 0; do { err = msdc_get_card_status(mmc, host, &status); if (err) return err; /* need cmd12? */ dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> cmd<13> resp<0x%x>\n", host->id, status); } while (R1_CURRENT_STATE(status) == 7); return err; } /* failed when msdc_do_request */ static int msdc_tune_request(struct mmc_host *mmc, struct mmc_request *mrq) { struct msdc_host *host = mmc_priv(mmc); struct mmc_data *data; //u32 base = host->base; int ret = 0, read; data = mrq->cmd->data; read = data->flags & MMC_DATA_READ ? 1 : 0; if (read) { if (data->error == -EIO) ret = msdc_tune_bread(mmc, mrq); } else { ret = msdc_check_busy(mmc, host); if (ret) { dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> XXX cmd13 wait program done failed\n", host->id); return ret; } /* CRC and TO */ /* Fix me: don't care card status? */ ret = msdc_tune_bwrite(mmc, mrq); } return ret; } /* ops.request */ static void msdc_ops_request(struct mmc_host *mmc, struct mmc_request *mrq) { struct msdc_host *host = mmc_priv(mmc); WARN_ON(host->mrq); /* start to process */ spin_lock(&host->lock); host->mrq = mrq; if (msdc_do_request(mmc, mrq)) { if (host->hw->flags & MSDC_REMOVABLE && ralink_soc == MT762X_SOC_MT7621AT && mrq->data && mrq->data->error) msdc_tune_request(mmc, mrq); } /* ==== when request done, check if app_cmd ==== */ if (mrq->cmd->opcode == MMC_APP_CMD) { host->app_cmd = 1; host->app_cmd_arg = mrq->cmd->arg; /* save the RCA */ } else { host->app_cmd = 0; //host->app_cmd_arg = 0; } host->mrq = NULL; spin_unlock(&host->lock); mmc_request_done(mmc, mrq); } /* called by ops.set_ios */ static void msdc_set_buswidth(struct msdc_host *host, u32 width) { u32 val = readl(host->base + SDC_CFG); val &= ~SDC_CFG_BUSWIDTH; switch (width) { default: case MMC_BUS_WIDTH_1: width = 1; val |= (MSDC_BUS_1BITS << 16); break; case MMC_BUS_WIDTH_4: val |= (MSDC_BUS_4BITS << 16); break; case MMC_BUS_WIDTH_8: val |= (MSDC_BUS_8BITS << 16); break; } writel(val, host->base + SDC_CFG); } /* ops.set_ios */ static void msdc_ops_set_ios(struct mmc_host *mmc, struct mmc_ios *ios) { struct msdc_host *host = mmc_priv(mmc); u32 ddr = 0; #ifdef MT6575_SD_DEBUG static const char * const vdd[] = { "1.50v", "1.55v", "1.60v", "1.65v", "1.70v", "1.80v", "1.90v", "2.00v", "2.10v", "2.20v", "2.30v", "2.40v", "2.50v", "2.60v", "2.70v", "2.80v", "2.90v", "3.00v", "3.10v", "3.20v", "3.30v", "3.40v", "3.50v", "3.60v" }; static const char * const power_mode[] = { "OFF", "UP", "ON" }; static const char * const bus_mode[] = { "UNKNOWN", "OPENDRAIN", "PUSHPULL" }; static const char * const timing[] = { "LEGACY", "MMC_HS", "SD_HS" }; printk("SET_IOS: CLK(%dkHz), BUS(%s), BW(%u), PWR(%s), VDD(%s), TIMING(%s)", ios->clock / 1000, bus_mode[ios->bus_mode], (ios->bus_width == MMC_BUS_WIDTH_4) ? 4 : 1, power_mode[ios->power_mode], vdd[ios->vdd], timing[ios->timing]); #endif msdc_set_buswidth(host, ios->bus_width); /* Power control ??? */ switch (ios->power_mode) { case MMC_POWER_OFF: case MMC_POWER_UP: break; case MMC_POWER_ON: host->power_mode = MMC_POWER_ON; break; default: break; } /* Clock control */ if (host->mclk != ios->clock) { if (ios->clock > 25000000) { //if (!(host->hw->flags & MSDC_REMOVABLE)) { sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_IOCON, MSDC_IOCON_RSPL, MSDC_SMPL_FALLING); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_IOCON, MSDC_IOCON_DSPL, MSDC_SMPL_FALLING); //} /* for tuning debug */ } else { /* default value */ writel(0x00000000, host->base + MSDC_IOCON); // writel(0x00000000, host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY0); // for MT7620 E2 and afterward writel(0x10101010, host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY0); writel(0x00000000, host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY1); // writel(0x00000000, host->base + MSDC_PAD_TUNE); // for MT7620 E2 and afterward writel(0x84101010, host->base + MSDC_PAD_TUNE); } msdc_set_mclk(host, ddr, ios->clock); } } /* ops.get_ro */ static int msdc_ops_get_ro(struct mmc_host *mmc) { struct msdc_host *host = mmc_priv(mmc); unsigned long flags; int ro = 0; if (host->hw->flags & MSDC_WP_PIN_EN) { /* set for card */ spin_lock_irqsave(&host->lock, flags); ro = (readl(host->base + MSDC_PS) >> 31); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&host->lock, flags); } return ro; } /* ops.get_cd */ static int msdc_ops_get_cd(struct mmc_host *mmc) { struct msdc_host *host = mmc_priv(mmc); unsigned long flags; int present = 1; /* for sdio, MSDC_REMOVABLE not set, always return 1 */ if (!(host->hw->flags & MSDC_REMOVABLE)) { /* For sdio, read H/W always get<1>, but may timeout some times */ #if 1 host->card_inserted = 1; return 1; #else host->card_inserted = (host->pm_state.event == PM_EVENT_USER_RESUME) ? 1 : 0; return host->card_inserted; #endif } /* MSDC_CD_PIN_EN set for card */ if (host->hw->flags & MSDC_CD_PIN_EN) { spin_lock_irqsave(&host->lock, flags); // CD present = readl(host->base + MSDC_PS) & MSDC_PS_CDSTS; if (cd_active_low) present = present ? 0 : 1; else present = present ? 1 : 0; host->card_inserted = present; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&host->lock, flags); } else { present = 0; /* TODO? Check DAT3 pins for card detection */ } return present; } static struct mmc_host_ops mt_msdc_ops = { .request = msdc_ops_request, .set_ios = msdc_ops_set_ios, .get_ro = msdc_ops_get_ro, .get_cd = msdc_ops_get_cd, }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* interrupt handler */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static irqreturn_t msdc_irq(int irq, void *dev_id) { struct msdc_host *host = (struct msdc_host *)dev_id; struct mmc_data *data = host->data; struct mmc_command *cmd = host->cmd; u32 cmdsts = MSDC_INT_RSPCRCERR | MSDC_INT_CMDTMO | MSDC_INT_CMDRDY | MSDC_INT_ACMDCRCERR | MSDC_INT_ACMDTMO | MSDC_INT_ACMDRDY | MSDC_INT_ACMD19_DONE; u32 datsts = MSDC_INT_DATCRCERR | MSDC_INT_DATTMO; u32 intsts = readl(host->base + MSDC_INT); u32 inten = readl(host->base + MSDC_INTEN); inten &= intsts; writel(intsts, host->base + MSDC_INT); /* clear interrupts */ /* MSG will cause fatal error */ /* card change interrupt */ if (intsts & MSDC_INT_CDSC) { if (host->mmc->caps & MMC_CAP_NEEDS_POLL) return IRQ_HANDLED; schedule_delayed_work(&host->card_delaywork, HZ); /* tuning when plug card ? */ } /* transfer complete interrupt */ if (data) { if (inten & MSDC_INT_XFER_COMPL) { data->bytes_xfered = host->xfer_size; complete(&host->xfer_done); } if (intsts & datsts) { /* do basic reset, or stop command will sdc_busy */ msdc_reset_hw(host); msdc_clr_fifo(host); msdc_clr_int(); if (intsts & MSDC_INT_DATTMO) data->error = -ETIMEDOUT; else if (intsts & MSDC_INT_DATCRCERR) data->error = -EIO; //if(readl(MSDC_INTEN) & MSDC_INT_XFER_COMPL) { complete(&host->xfer_done); /* Read CRC come fast, XFER_COMPL not enabled */ } } /* command interrupts */ if (cmd && (intsts & cmdsts)) { if ((intsts & MSDC_INT_CMDRDY) || (intsts & MSDC_INT_ACMDRDY) || (intsts & MSDC_INT_ACMD19_DONE)) { u32 *rsp = &cmd->resp[0]; switch (host->cmd_rsp) { case RESP_NONE: break; case RESP_R2: *rsp++ = readl(host->base + SDC_RESP3); *rsp++ = readl(host->base + SDC_RESP2); *rsp++ = readl(host->base + SDC_RESP1); *rsp++ = readl(host->base + SDC_RESP0); break; default: /* Response types 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7(1b) */ if ((intsts & MSDC_INT_ACMDRDY) || (intsts & MSDC_INT_ACMD19_DONE)) *rsp = readl(host->base + SDC_ACMD_RESP); else *rsp = readl(host->base + SDC_RESP0); break; } } else if ((intsts & MSDC_INT_RSPCRCERR) || (intsts & MSDC_INT_ACMDCRCERR)) { cmd->error = -EIO; } else if ((intsts & MSDC_INT_CMDTMO) || (intsts & MSDC_INT_ACMDTMO)) { cmd->error = -ETIMEDOUT; msdc_reset_hw(host); msdc_clr_fifo(host); msdc_clr_int(); } complete(&host->cmd_done); } /* mmc irq interrupts */ if (intsts & MSDC_INT_MMCIRQ) dev_info(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "msdc[%d] MMCIRQ: SDC_CSTS=0x%.8x\r\n", host->id, readl(host->base + SDC_CSTS)); return IRQ_HANDLED; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* platform_driver members */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* called by msdc_drv_probe/remove */ static void msdc_enable_cd_irq(struct msdc_host *host, int enable) { struct msdc_hw *hw = host->hw; /* for sdio, not set */ if ((hw->flags & MSDC_CD_PIN_EN) == 0) { /* Pull down card detection pin since it is not available */ /* * if (hw->config_gpio_pin) * hw->config_gpio_pin(MSDC_CD_PIN, GPIO_PULL_DOWN); */ sdr_clr_bits(host->base + MSDC_PS, MSDC_PS_CDEN); sdr_clr_bits(host->base + MSDC_INTEN, MSDC_INTEN_CDSC); sdr_clr_bits(host->base + SDC_CFG, SDC_CFG_INSWKUP); return; } if (enable) { /* card detection circuit relies on the core power so that the core power * shouldn't be turned off. Here adds a reference count to keep * the core power alive. */ if (hw->config_gpio_pin) /* NULL */ hw->config_gpio_pin(MSDC_CD_PIN, GPIO_PULL_UP); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PS, MSDC_PS_CDDEBOUNCE, DEFAULT_DEBOUNCE); sdr_set_bits(host->base + MSDC_PS, MSDC_PS_CDEN); sdr_set_bits(host->base + MSDC_INTEN, MSDC_INTEN_CDSC); /* not in document! Fix me */ sdr_set_bits(host->base + SDC_CFG, SDC_CFG_INSWKUP); } else { if (hw->config_gpio_pin) /* NULL */ hw->config_gpio_pin(MSDC_CD_PIN, GPIO_PULL_DOWN); sdr_clr_bits(host->base + SDC_CFG, SDC_CFG_INSWKUP); sdr_clr_bits(host->base + MSDC_PS, MSDC_PS_CDEN); sdr_clr_bits(host->base + MSDC_INTEN, MSDC_INTEN_CDSC); /* Here decreases a reference count to core power since card * detection circuit is shutdown. */ } } /* called by msdc_drv_probe */ static void msdc_init_hw(struct msdc_host *host) { /* Configure to MMC/SD mode */ sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_CFG, MSDC_CFG_MODE, MSDC_SDMMC); /* Reset */ msdc_reset_hw(host); msdc_clr_fifo(host); /* Disable card detection */ sdr_clr_bits(host->base + MSDC_PS, MSDC_PS_CDEN); /* Disable and clear all interrupts */ sdr_clr_bits(host->base + MSDC_INTEN, readl(host->base + MSDC_INTEN)); writel(readl(host->base + MSDC_INT), host->base + MSDC_INT); #if 1 /* reset tuning parameter */ writel(0x00090000, host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL0); writel(0x000A0000, host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL1); writel(0x000A0000, host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL2); // writel( 0x00000000, host->base + MSDC_PAD_TUNE); // for MT7620 E2 and afterward writel(0x84101010, host->base + MSDC_PAD_TUNE); // writel(0x00000000, host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY0); // for MT7620 E2 and afterward writel(0x10101010, host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY0); writel(0x00000000, host->base + MSDC_DAT_RDDLY1); writel(0x00000000, host->base + MSDC_IOCON); if (readl(host->base + MSDC_ECO_VER) >= 4) { if (host->id == 1) { sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PATCH_BIT1, MSDC_PATCH_BIT1_WRDAT_CRCS, 1); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PATCH_BIT1, MSDC_PATCH_BIT1_CMD_RSP, 1); /* internal clock: latch read data */ sdr_set_bits(host->base + MSDC_PATCH_BIT0, MSDC_PATCH_BIT_CKGEN_CK); } } #endif /* for safety, should clear SDC_CFG.SDIO_INT_DET_EN & set SDC_CFG.SDIO in * pre-loader,uboot,kernel drivers. and SDC_CFG.SDIO_INT_DET_EN will be only * set when kernel driver wants to use SDIO bus interrupt */ /* Configure to enable SDIO mode. it's must otherwise sdio cmd5 failed */ sdr_set_bits(host->base + SDC_CFG, SDC_CFG_SDIO); /* disable detect SDIO device interrupt function */ sdr_clr_bits(host->base + SDC_CFG, SDC_CFG_SDIOIDE); /* eneable SMT for glitch filter */ sdr_set_bits(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL0, MSDC_PAD_CTL0_CLKSMT); sdr_set_bits(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL1, MSDC_PAD_CTL1_CMDSMT); sdr_set_bits(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL2, MSDC_PAD_CTL2_DATSMT); #if 1 /* set clk, cmd, dat pad driving */ sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL0, MSDC_PAD_CTL0_CLKDRVN, 4); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL0, MSDC_PAD_CTL0_CLKDRVP, 4); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL1, MSDC_PAD_CTL1_CMDDRVN, 4); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL1, MSDC_PAD_CTL1_CMDDRVP, 4); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL2, MSDC_PAD_CTL2_DATDRVN, 4); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL2, MSDC_PAD_CTL2_DATDRVP, 4); #else sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL0, MSDC_PAD_CTL0_CLKDRVN, 0); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL0, MSDC_PAD_CTL0_CLKDRVP, 0); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL1, MSDC_PAD_CTL1_CMDDRVN, 0); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL1, MSDC_PAD_CTL1_CMDDRVP, 0); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL2, MSDC_PAD_CTL2_DATDRVN, 0); sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PAD_CTL2, MSDC_PAD_CTL2_DATDRVP, 0); #endif /* set sampling edge */ /* write crc timeout detection */ sdr_set_field(host->base + MSDC_PATCH_BIT0, 1 << 30, 1); /* Configure to default data timeout */ sdr_set_field(host->base + SDC_CFG, SDC_CFG_DTOC, DEFAULT_DTOC); msdc_set_buswidth(host, MMC_BUS_WIDTH_1); } /* called by msdc_drv_remove */ static void msdc_deinit_hw(struct msdc_host *host) { /* Disable and clear all interrupts */ sdr_clr_bits(host->base + MSDC_INTEN, readl(host->base + MSDC_INTEN)); writel(readl(host->base + MSDC_INT), host->base + MSDC_INT); /* Disable card detection */ msdc_enable_cd_irq(host, 0); } /* init gpd and bd list in msdc_drv_probe */ static void msdc_init_gpd_bd(struct msdc_host *host, struct msdc_dma *dma) { struct gpd *gpd = dma->gpd; struct bd *bd = dma->bd; int i; /* we just support one gpd, but gpd->next must be set for desc * DMA. That's why we alloc 2 gpd structurs. */ memset(gpd, 0, sizeof(struct gpd) * 2); gpd->bdp = 1; /* hwo, cs, bd pointer */ gpd->ptr = (void *)dma->bd_addr; /* physical address */ gpd->next = (void *)((u32)dma->gpd_addr + sizeof(struct gpd)); memset(bd, 0, sizeof(struct bd) * MAX_BD_NUM); for (i = 0; i < (MAX_BD_NUM - 1); i++) bd[i].next = (void *)(dma->bd_addr + sizeof(*bd) * (i + 1)); } static int msdc_drv_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct resource *res; __iomem void *base; struct mmc_host *mmc; struct msdc_host *host; struct msdc_hw *hw; int ret; hw = &msdc0_hw; if (of_property_read_bool(pdev->dev.of_node, "mtk,wp-en")) msdc0_hw.flags |= MSDC_WP_PIN_EN; /* Allocate MMC host for this device */ mmc = mmc_alloc_host(sizeof(struct msdc_host), &pdev->dev); if (!mmc) return -ENOMEM; res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0); base = devm_ioremap_resource(&pdev->dev, res); if (IS_ERR(base)) { ret = PTR_ERR(base); goto host_free; } /* Set host parameters to mmc */ mmc->ops = &mt_msdc_ops; mmc->f_min = HOST_MIN_MCLK; mmc->f_max = HOST_MAX_MCLK; mmc->ocr_avail = MSDC_OCR_AVAIL; mmc->caps = MMC_CAP_MMC_HIGHSPEED | MMC_CAP_SD_HIGHSPEED; //TODO: read this as bus-width from dt (via mmc_of_parse) mmc->caps |= MMC_CAP_4_BIT_DATA; cd_active_low = !of_property_read_bool(pdev->dev.of_node, "mediatek,cd-high"); if (of_property_read_bool(pdev->dev.of_node, "mediatek,cd-poll")) mmc->caps |= MMC_CAP_NEEDS_POLL; /* MMC core transfer sizes tunable parameters */ mmc->max_segs = MAX_HW_SGMTS; mmc->max_seg_size = MAX_SGMT_SZ; mmc->max_blk_size = HOST_MAX_BLKSZ; mmc->max_req_size = MAX_REQ_SZ; mmc->max_blk_count = mmc->max_req_size; host = mmc_priv(mmc); host->hw = hw; host->mmc = mmc; host->id = pdev->id; if (host->id < 0 || host->id >= 4) host->id = 0; host->error = 0; host->irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0); if (host->irq < 0) { ret = -EINVAL; goto host_free; } host->base = base; host->mclk = 0; /* mclk: the request clock of mmc sub-system */ host->hclk = hclks[hw->clk_src]; /* hclk: clock of clock source to msdc controller */ host->sclk = 0; /* sclk: the really clock after divition */ host->pm_state = PMSG_RESUME; host->suspend = 0; host->core_clkon = 0; host->card_clkon = 0; host->core_power = 0; host->power_mode = MMC_POWER_OFF; // host->card_inserted = hw->flags & MSDC_REMOVABLE ? 0 : 1; host->timeout_ns = 0; host->timeout_clks = DEFAULT_DTOC * 65536; host->mrq = NULL; //init_MUTEX(&host->sem); /* we don't need to support multiple threads access */ dma_coerce_mask_and_coherent(mmc_dev(mmc), DMA_BIT_MASK(32)); /* using dma_alloc_coherent*/ /* todo: using 1, for all 4 slots */ host->dma.gpd = dma_alloc_coherent(&pdev->dev, MAX_GPD_NUM * sizeof(struct gpd), &host->dma.gpd_addr, GFP_KERNEL); host-> = dma_alloc_coherent(&pdev->dev, MAX_BD_NUM * sizeof(struct bd), &host->dma.bd_addr, GFP_KERNEL); if (!host->dma.gpd || !host-> { ret = -ENOMEM; goto release_mem; } msdc_init_gpd_bd(host, &host->dma); INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&host->card_delaywork, msdc_tasklet_card); spin_lock_init(&host->lock); msdc_init_hw(host); /* TODO check weather flags 0 is correct, the mtk-sd driver uses * IRQF_TRIGGER_LOW | IRQF_ONESHOT for flags * * for flags 0 the trigger polarity is determined by the * device tree, but not the oneshot flag, but maybe it is also * not needed because the soc could be oneshot safe. */ ret = devm_request_irq(&pdev->dev, host->irq, msdc_irq, 0, pdev->name, host); if (ret) goto release; platform_set_drvdata(pdev, mmc); ret = mmc_add_host(mmc); if (ret) goto release; /* Config card detection pin and enable interrupts */ if (hw->flags & MSDC_CD_PIN_EN) { /* set for card */ msdc_enable_cd_irq(host, 1); } else { msdc_enable_cd_irq(host, 0); } return 0; release: platform_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); msdc_deinit_hw(host); cancel_delayed_work_sync(&host->card_delaywork); release_mem: if (host->dma.gpd) dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, MAX_GPD_NUM * sizeof(struct gpd), host->dma.gpd, host->dma.gpd_addr); if (host-> dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, MAX_BD_NUM * sizeof(struct bd), host->, host->dma.bd_addr); host_free: mmc_free_host(mmc); return ret; } /* 4 device share one driver, using "drvdata" to show difference */ static int msdc_drv_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct mmc_host *mmc; struct msdc_host *host; mmc = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); BUG_ON(!mmc); host = mmc_priv(mmc); BUG_ON(!host); dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "%d -> removed !!!\n", host->id); platform_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL); mmc_remove_host(host->mmc); msdc_deinit_hw(host); cancel_delayed_work_sync(&host->card_delaywork); dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, MAX_GPD_NUM * sizeof(struct gpd), host->dma.gpd, host->dma.gpd_addr); dma_free_coherent(&pdev->dev, MAX_BD_NUM * sizeof(struct bd), host->, host->dma.bd_addr); mmc_free_host(host->mmc); return 0; } /* Fix me: Power Flow */ #ifdef CONFIG_PM static void msdc_drv_pm(struct platform_device *pdev, pm_message_t state) { struct mmc_host *mmc = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); if (mmc) { struct msdc_host *host = mmc_priv(mmc); msdc_pm(state, (void *)host); } } static int msdc_drv_suspend(struct platform_device *pdev, pm_message_t state) { if (state.event == PM_EVENT_SUSPEND) msdc_drv_pm(pdev, state); return 0; } static int msdc_drv_resume(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct pm_message state; state.event = PM_EVENT_RESUME; msdc_drv_pm(pdev, state); return 0; } #endif static const struct of_device_id mt7620_sdhci_match[] = { { .compatible = "ralink,mt7620-sdhci" }, {}, }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, mt7620_sdhci_match); static struct platform_driver mt_msdc_driver = { .probe = msdc_drv_probe, .remove = msdc_drv_remove, #ifdef CONFIG_PM .suspend = msdc_drv_suspend, .resume = msdc_drv_resume, #endif .driver = { .name = DRV_NAME, .of_match_table = mt7620_sdhci_match, }, }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* module init/exit */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int __init mt_msdc_init(void) { int ret; u32 reg; // Set the pins for sdxc to sdxc mode //FIXME: this should be done by pinctl and not by the sd driver reg = readl((void __iomem *)(RALINK_SYSCTL_BASE + 0x60)) & ~(0x3 << 18); writel(reg, (void __iomem *)(RALINK_SYSCTL_BASE + 0x60)); ret = platform_driver_register(&mt_msdc_driver); if (ret) { pr_err("%s: Can't register driver", DRV_NAME); return ret; } #if defined(MT6575_SD_DEBUG) msdc_debug_proc_init(); #endif return 0; } static void __exit mt_msdc_exit(void) { platform_driver_unregister(&mt_msdc_driver); } module_init(mt_msdc_init); module_exit(mt_msdc_exit); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("MediaTek MT6575 SD/MMC Card Driver"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Infinity Chen <>");
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Version 2.0-RC1